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Fantasy Isekai Tensei 変更の数日前 ooc

Excited to see the interactions everyone will have.

As for my character Kyle, his inspiration is based of the Midas curse - although he freezes everything he touches as opposed to turning them to gold.
Excited to see the interactions everyone will have.

As for my character Kyle, his inspiration is based of the Midas curse - although he freezes everything he touches as opposed to turning them to gold.

Good luck trying to freeze Hati, lol, his natural opposite
Oh lord 🤣. I think I might have seen that thumbnail on Crunchyroll
It’s a fun anime, the first episodes literally recreate the attack on Pearl Harbor.

And As a military kid I absolutely loved Azur Lane, I’ve got many favorites but my two best girls are Enterprise and New Jersey
Nice, I have some writing to do for another roleplay.

I’m really looking forward to writing for this rp.
I’m not very familiar with Fire Emblem but from what I do know of it that would be a pretty interesting concept. And who doesn’t love a genderbent character? Lol
i used to be obsessed with fire emblem music, but i never played the games
i heard they were strategy tbc and ran the other way
I’m not very familiar with Fire Emblem but from what I do know of it that would be a pretty interesting concept. And who doesn’t love a genderbent character? Lol

Yup, it was because of an rp I did with a friend in the past, a man dies and his soul gets put in the body of the female protagonist

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