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Active [Isekai Hell] The Roots of the Problem

DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.31.16 - anime style girl with a large sword, white hair in a ponytail, ye...png
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Paru let out a pained shout as several of the bees managed to sting her. "This is absurd!!! <How am I supposed to fight bees with a sword?!> I mean, I've fought, like, GIANT bees with a sword, but that seems more reasonable some how..." She swung her sword rapidly toward the swarm, using the moment to back away. "I swear, that frog better make me <warden> or something after all this!" She loosed her sword in a heavy swing toward the shell of a man.

Action 1: Absurd!!! F - Effectiveness 10
Action 2: Move
Action 3: Horse Splitter E - Effectiveness 11 Penetrating E

F 0/0
E 1/1

Mentions: Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

"Shoot!" Darin muttered as he winced at the stings, attempting to back away with a leap [1].

Darin looked around, attempting to assess the situation. Noticing the attempt of the primary swarm to dodge, he quickly came to an uneasy conclusion: They would have to attack the heart of the swarm.

Darin really, really, didn't like the idea of approaching the swarm of hundreds of insects; but the cold truth was that the only way forward was through. So, he began a sprint to the main swarm, hoping to skid to a stop just out of it's reach [2]. Then, without a moment to spare for true aim, Darin instead drew upon whatever skill he could recall in the split second moment, firing a shot into the center of the bees [3].

Action [1]: Basic Defense [Dodge]
Action [2]: Movement (Towards main swarm; within 5ft if possible)
Action [3]: Ability Attack [Precise Shot F] (6 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 1/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Precise Shot F - Constant Positioning [Gun] F, Range F, Accurate F, Steady Hands F, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 5ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 1. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


As Boreas repeated the first steps, it would have the same result. His cold slash managed to slice away some bees, although some slipped past him by retaliating and stinging more. Once more, he'd feel a bit more resistance, but whatever it was, it was able to keep moving away from taking the brunt of his sword's hit.

Upon hearing Paru call, out, Deliverance instinctively flinched. The stinging pain from the bees had brought up the pain he'd felt being whipped by the beast masters, combined with the shouting, he wasn't in a good place.

Meanwhile, Paru herself managed to sort-off avoid getting stung too much more as she headed for the remnants of the Rag Man. All she'd find, however, was an empty shell, as it cracked and burst into pieces from her attack. Whatever had been inside of it, it was somewhere else now.

Darin, reaching his conclusion, decided to try to act upon it. However, out of all of them, his weapon was the least suited for this task. Although he was brave enough to get up-close, the bees yet again managed to move out of the way. In turn, some more headed his direction, ready to sting again.

To make matters worse, more and more insects started to gather. They all seemed to be aggravated by what was at the centre of that swarm. It seemed like they were close to a breakthrough in figure out how to deal with this, but they might need to coordinate something.

It didn't look like they were going to have much time either, as they might want to figure out how to act fast. Somehow, whatever it was doing, the buzzing from the swarm was growing louder. More intense. More fierce. More dangerous. It seemed like it might be preparing something.


Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Where... where do I aim at!?!” Deliverance, despite his state of panic, called out. He had to resist the urge to just start shooting orbs in any possible direction, as he felt himself getting stung more and more by them. His mind wasn't in the right place to be thinking right now and he desperately hoped someone would just tell him what to do. Perhaps the far-reaching slave drilling flaring back up, not a desire, but an instinct to act upon being commanded taking over.

Be CD 1/3
De CD 0/1
Ee CD 0/0
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    When that failed he tried his earlier attack again at least that version of it killed a few bees. Maybe he should get more attacks into his artillery later. He was definitely learning to regret somethings now as things were. He held his sword up and proceeded to lash a big fat ‘X’ in the air. Although he doubted it would work.

    “Deliverance send them at the ragged man!”

    He shouted at Deliverence
    Action 1:attempt to defend himself with [Cold Slash [F]]again
    Ability used:
    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch:attempting to be used to freeze default aoe of magic [F]. -F grade 0 post cool down-
    Effectiveness calculations:
    [Cold Slash [F] + 1 effectiveness + Intelligence C + 4 + Mithril sword/catalyst F 1 effectiveness

    Overall effectiveness: 6

Last edited:


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

As the bees approached, Darin retreated from his advanced position with haste, not wanting to be stung any more than necessary [1].

Instead of frantically firing more shots, Darin narrowed his eyes, squinting at the mass of insects. He tried to see through it, hoping to make out anything that could be of use; or a possible target [2]. The bugs were dodging his shots for a reason, but he didn't know what; something at the center? Yet, they were far to maneuverable and numerable for him to hit it himself.

As Boreas slashed his blades and shouted at Deliverance to attack, Darin gave a shout of his own. "I don't know what these bugs are protecting, but there must be something in that swarm! I'll fire once you've all hit them; maybe they'll be too disorientated to dodge again!" With that hope in mind, Darin carefully aligned his musket, waiting for Boreas' and Deliverance's attacks to launch and hit; as soon as they did, Darin would try to aim at anything abnormal he could spot in the swarm, if such a weakness existed at all, and then pull the trigger on his precisely planned shot [3].

Action [1]: Basic Defense [Dodge]
Action [2]: Utility Ability [Watchful Focus F]
Action [3]: Ability Attack [Precise Shot E] (7 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


As Boreas predicted, simply trying to slash in the same manner as before didn't work. It only helped thin out the swarm of bees to avoid being sting more, but it didn't kill whatever was at the source of it.


“Huh... What?” Deliverance was confused upon hearing Boreas' statement, looking at the remnants of the 'shell' that once had been the ragged man. Surely Boreas couldn't mean he'd just fire his orbs at that, could he?

It was Darin's reply that helped him figure it out. If those bugs were protecting something... perhaps that was the Ragged Man that Boreas meant? Was it in the swarm? “Alright!” He'd shout back, upon which he'd add actions to words. Using Flux on his [Ethereal Blight C] again, he'd sent a 10 orbs with some area (F) coverage at the swarm to try reveal what was within it, as Darin had suggested.

As Darin had guessed, upon the orbs crashing into the swarm from all sides, it finally revealed something more solid in the middle of it. The very thing Boreas had been gracing and that'd been dodging Darin. Although it wasn't clear what it was from afar, it was clear enough in sight for Darin to shoot straight through it. A splattering noise was heard, after which all of a sudden, the bees dispersed... and all was silent.

“Did.. did that get it?” Deliverance asked, in disbelieve and in pain from all the stinging. Then again, they all are in pain from being stung left and right, so he tried to toughen it out, the flashbacks fading now that the buzzing stopped. Upon looking around more, still not noticing any new bees, he'd give a big sigh of relief. Then he tried to pull out some of the stingers till stuck in his skin.

“That was horrible...” He'd mutter.

If someone were to go take a closer look; what they'd find was the remnant of a half-rotten heart; likely kept alive through some sort of necromancy.

Ethereal Blight C – Magic D (flux from C), Energised C, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus Fm Area F (from flux) – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

Be CD 2/3
Ce CD 0/2
De CD 0/1
Ee CD 0/0



“Whispers! Whispers of the Same! Whispers stronger! Whispers!” Pebble suddenly called out from atop Paru's shoulder. It seemed whatever they were after... there was still something more to it.

As the group would gather up for the last leg of the long journey, they'd continue forwards (or so I'll assume they would to not delay stuff more than needed) until they found themselves in a big opening in the midst of the marshes. (At that point, cooldowns would've refreshed for everyone.).


In the middle of the room, there seemed to be some giant creature, in what seemed to a dormant state. Yet, now clear enough for all to see them, the 'threads' that had been spanning through this entire area all gathered into it. “Same! Same!” Pebble called out.


“Is.. is this what we've been after?” Deliverance asked, carefully looking around. Oddly enough, they weren't attacked. At least not yet. What was going on here? He tried to look around, see what stuck out... Other than the fact they weren't attacked for some reason.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    after this battle ended Boreas gave Deliverance a pat on the back.

    “Good job.”

    He told him. Them they would look at the giant green thing. That was semi reminiscent humanoid shape wise he supposed. He tilted his head at it in confusion. And he wasn’t keen on looking like a threat. He put his sword back in his sheath. He then used [Icey Gaze [F] ] murmuring.

    “What is this thing?”

    Action 1:Be confused
    Action 2: use[Icey Gaze[F]
    Abilities Used: [B/]



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

After a cautious look at the partially rotten heart, Darin followed the group into the next chamber, ready to end the threat. The bee stings hurt, though given his scales, he'd guess the others were probably in more pain from the ordeal; besides, he was far from any kind of injured.

So, Darin was quite surprised as they encountered the source of the swamp's madness. "I was expecting the "heart" to be far more hideous in appearance." He commented, levelling a stare of narrowed eyes at the creature, watching it intently [1]. "Can you... hear us?" Darin asked directly, though tentatively.

Action [1]: Utility Ability [Watchful Focus F]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Boreas' icey gaze upon the giant mushroom didn't show him anything through it's appraisal, though with his heightened sight, he could see the same thread-type webbing upon the mushroom. More-so, however, he'd notice the glint of what would appear to be magic barriers surrounding the giant.

Darin, calling out for the giant, got no response whatsoever. With the perception in his Watchful Focus, he would notice something else that was disturbing. There were buds growing atop the large creature that looked an awful lot like the type of flower buds they'd encountered near the entrance. Smaller, perhaps, but a lot like the Sameborne Blossom. It also seemed like they might be getting ready to open-up.


“I... thanks.” He'd reply to Boreas telling him he'd done a good job. It was surprisingly nice to hear he hadn't gone entirely useless despite panicking a fair bit.

“As would I. This is nothing like the plague-bearing heart I once encountered.” He replied to Darin. “Still... something feels wrong. Could you cover me for a bit?” He'd ask the others.

Hoping for the answer to be 'Yes' he'd start chanting, but rather than casing offensive magic, he'd have his magic search the area for any possible clue.

Magic Appraisal B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

That said... he found more than her bargained for. “Something's there!” He'd point at 'nothing' from the perspective of the others.


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

As Darin eyed the buds, any slim hope he had for a peaceful confrontation evaporated in his mind. This was, in the most literal sense, the heart of the swamp's troubles; with everything they encountered so far, this was bound to be the worst fight yet.

Darin's thoughts were interrupted by Deliverance's warning, however. Quickly, his mind worked to reach a reaction to the situation; in little time, it produced a simple yet drastic response. "Whatever it is, it can't be good for us if it's hiding from our view! Especially in this cavern, of all places." Without waiting, he lifted up his musket, attempting to judge the location that Deliverance was pointing at. "Let's not allow it the first move, yes?" Darin said, glancing to the others.

Thus, focusing his aim in the general direction given, Darin pulled the trigger [1]. As soon as the smoke plume appeared, he leaned to the side around it, watching with an analyzing eye to evaluate the consequences of his actions [2].

Action [1]: Offensive Ability [Precise Shot E] (7 Base Eff.)
Action [2]: Utility Ability [Watchful Focus F]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown 0/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    Boreas pulled out his sword and prepared for a fight as he heard Deliverance speak about finding something. Boreas would follow up by saying.

    “Becareful. There is a web like substance and…it…whatever it is seems to have a magic barrier…”

    He didn’t say it quickly enough in time before Darin started shooting.

    “Damn it Darin! Did you not learn to not attack same rocks when I attacked a same rock!”

    He became aware he was horrible at lectures. He pulled his sword out and prepared for a fight.

    Action 1: Pull out his sword
    Abilities Used: [B/]

Paru-Lord Bara 2.png
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Paru looked to the others as it became clear they intended to strike this invisible force. She flashed her fangs and tapped her sword against her shoulder. "Attacking first is what I do best, yeah?" With a kick of her feet, she lunged forward, bringing her blade down where Deliverence had pointed out. "<Time to end this you massive pain in my ass!!!> Die already!"

Action 1: Move to spot
Action 2: Aggravated Assault C - Effectiveness 13, Penetrating E, Drain [Strength] F

C - 3/3
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Darin's blind fate in Deliverance had two effects. First, the shot at where Deliverance was pointing (which wasn't even in the direction of the mushroom giant), seemed to vanish in thin air. Even his Watchful Focus could do little more than to confirm the bullet had ended up somewhere, somehow, rather than hitting a wall. [1] Second, the buds immediately all aimed towards Deliverance and fired their thorns at him. The needles about palm-sized, were plenty and went fast.


The mage himself, however, already found himself stuck casting another appraisal ability in order not to loose sight of what he'd found. “It's heading that way!” He's shout, as he kept his finger pointed at the creature, unaware he was about to be totally ripped to shreds by thorns if nobody would intervene.

Magic Appraisal C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

B 1/3
C 0/2

Meanwhile, Paru would spot something through her [Heat Vision], a blurry yet vaguely humanoid shape to strike at. It was unclear how much her blades had done against it, but they had certainly struck something. The fact some 'heat' seemed to dissipate suggested as much. Yet that something wasn't dead, as she saw the heat signature move away and out of sight again. She could only catch a glimpse of it from up close, before it rapidly seemed to decide to rush off.

[2] Finally, as the group was now engagement in combat, they saw a familiar threat return. The walls were moving. Both vines were starting to move around in them, suggesting they'd risk entanglement if they got closes, as well as insects starting to gather from gaps in the walls. It seemed like a prolonged battle would certainly spell their doom.


“Same is Same!” Pebble seemed to try confirm something, whatever it was, as the rock frog was clearly either panicked or excited, possibly both.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Boreas would keep backed away as the vines appeared…more vines? Were they like the same ones that one rock had? If that were the case Boreas would stay as defensive as he could, as the bugs began to crawl out it seemed like another battle was upon them. Boreas stayed in place and if any of those insects were close enough he slashed an ‘X’ shape. [Fighting Style- X Slash [F]

    Action 1: move backwards some spaces
    Action 2: use [X slash [F] at any possible attackers
    skill used:
    Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
    Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.

    Effectiveness calculations:

    Fighting Style -X Slash [F] +1 effectiveness - Strength [C] +4 effectiveness - Mithril sword/catalyst [F] +1 effectiveness.

    Overall effectiveness = 6



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

"Well then..." Darin muttered, witnessing his projectile vanish.

Loading another shot, Darin's eyes followed Deliverance's point as the human continued to track whatever it was. However, just as Darin was about to take another shot, he saw the flowers on the visible creature open up, throwing thorns forward. "Projectiles!" Darin shouted to the others, before realizing their trajectory; with no other options apparent, and not a moment to spare, he sprinted to shove Deliverance out of the way [1].

By that point, if he'd not gotten far enough away himself, Darin doubted he could escape or deflect the now-closer thorns flying through the air. Thus, he did the only thing he could do in such a situation: He locked his sights on the first flower he saw, and fired back [2].

Action [1]: Skill [Fast F] (Push Deliverance away from flying thorns)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown 1/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Watchful Focus F - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Boreas decided to play it defensively, which gave the bugs a bit more time to start gathering. He'd slash some of the few bugs out of the air that'd gotten a head-start, but it seemed like the real wave was still to come/gather. By his estimate, it might take (3 more rounds) before the bugs would have gathered in large enough numbers to fully overwhelm them all at once. That said, ideally, they'd deal with this issue before such a wave would arrive, otherwise they'd likely not make it. Whatever could stop these attacks, or whatever Deliverance might've spotted, something better happen and fast.

As Darin saw the threat, he'd be able to knock over the tall mage. In the heat of the moment, he continued to fire off his second shot. Darin trying to fire back at the flower sadly missed the needle, then with a 'ting' sound seemed to be stopped by a barrier before it could even hit the flowre itself. As the adrenaline withdrew, however, he'd notice his back was scratched by thorns. Not just that, Deliverance had also been hit. Thanks to Darin pushing him over, he'd not been turned into Elf-kebab, but he wasn't in a great state. Deliverance's stomach and Darin's back were both torn open by the thorns.


“Thanks.” He uttered, between heavy breaths. “I'll try to sense it... once more... then we fire at it?” He tried to suggest, or ask, or... do. He wasn't sure. The exhaustion, the many stings from earlier and the thorns having shredded through his clothing and leaving cuts all over made the world around him feel like a fuzzy haze.

He didn't even bother getting up, as he tried to make the gesture and mention the incantations from his position on the ground. Slowly, he'd cast magic Appraisal E in the direction he last saw it... Although it was far less clear than before, he could see a blurry shape. That was enough. He'd cast [Ethereal Blight] D immediately afterwards, in the direction he spotted it. Hopefully, Darin, Paru and Boreas would be able to follow-up, before the creature would be out of sight. Or worse, before he'd loose conscious.

Magic Appraisal E – Magic E, Energised F, Magic Range F Magic Targets F Appraisal E, Academia F, Arcana F, Focus F, Sixth Sense [Spirit] F – Character uses magic to appraise up to 5 targets within 30 ft, with a special focus on arcana and academic elements. - Grade Ee – 0 Post Cooldown.

Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.

B 2/3
C 1/2
D 0/1
E 0/0



“Same! Same hurt! Same hurt!” Pebble seemed to call out, even more urgently, as the creature seemed to follow somewhat in the sight-line of whatever Deliverance had pointed at and what Paru had shortly spotted with her Heat Vision. “Same hurt! Almost not-same-more. Almost same gone!” It seemed to try to encourage them to not give up and keep going after whatever they'd been going after, in its own rock-frog manner.
INTERACTIONS: Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Boreas decided to keep on playing it defensively, there was not much he alone can do and Deliverence was their best bet at stopping whatever it was. Would it be a good idea the others to join in to focus on the bugs while Deliverence deals with the mentioned Same? He couldn’t tell. While using [Fighting Style- X Slash[F] he shouted to Paru and Darin as well as Deliverence

    ”Paru and Deliverence focus on the bugs! Deliverance do you have a powerful spell left still to attack the Same? At least by Pebbles behavior there seems to be one in that direction.”

    Action 1: move backwards some spaces
    Action 2: use [X slash [F] at any possible attackers
    skill used:
    Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
    Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.

    Effectiveness calculations:

    Fighting Style -X Slash [F] +1 effectiveness - Strength [C] +4 effectiveness - Mithril sword/catalyst [F] +1 effectiveness.

    Overall effectiveness = 6



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

Darin grit his teeth as he regained his balance, the thorns shifting painfully through his scales. At Deliverance's words, Darin simply gave a nod and grunt of acknowledgement, tightening the grip on his musket.

As the orbs flew, Darin narrowed his eyes, lifting the gun's sight to his muzzle; he waited until any of the orbs disappeared or gave a sign of hitting the phantom target. Holding in a – slightly pained – breath, Darin steadied his aim, and pulled the trigger, the – by now common – sound of gunpowder going off [1].

Darin noted Boreas' plan, before announcing his own course of action. "You can all deal with the bugs and flowers, but I'm not going to let this thing escape us." Attaching the bayonet to the muzzle of his musket, Darin lowered it and ran towards the invisible foe's general location, forcefully ignoring the jabbing pains in his own back. "Let's see how you take to a bayonet, phantom!" [2]

Action [1]: Offensive Ability [Precise Shot E] (Base 7 Eff.)
Action [2]: Offensive Ability [Bayonet Charge F] (Base 5 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown 0/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus E - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Bayonet Charge F - Fighting Style: Melee [Spear] F, Fast F - With bayonet attached to his musket, Darin runs forward with the purpose to impale his target. A simple yet brutal tactic. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Boreas was capable of defending himself from the stray bugs that attacked before the main wave hit (2 rounds approximately) with ease.


He grimaced. Boreas calling out for him to just attack the same again? As if he had a some giant strong spell left in his back-pocket. He was all out of breath (nearly everything on cooldown) and pretty badly hurt. Focus on the bugs? He would, if he didn't have to focus on the Same. Worse, he couldn't even properly defend himself and would've already been dead without Darin.

That said, something did take a turn for the good. The creature that Deliverance had been pointing at, Pebble had been screaming at and Paru had shortly seen the heat signature off, suddenly started to appear for all to see more clearly. Well 'suddenly' was a bit of a wrong explanation... as where it started to appear was around the bayonet of Darin, who'd managed to blindly run straight at it and stab it, causing it to become too wounded from all their earlier attacks to maintain its invisibility.


It screamed at them in what seemed to be a choir of enraged voices.

“Fools! You know not what you're dealing with!”
“Fools! You know not what you're dealing with!”
“Fools! You know not what you're dealing with!”
“Fools! You know not what you're dealing with!”
“Fools! You know not what you're dealing with!”



“Same! Same! Same! Same! Same!” Pebble shouted, almost vibrating from whatever feelings or emotions or sensations were going through the rock frog upon seeing whatever had started to show itself to them.

With Darin being right in front of it, he seemed to be the creature's target, as some dark energies started to gather around its hand. It looked like it was hoping to blast some sort of magic at Darin from point-blank range. Worse, perhaps, was that when Darin would (likely) attempt to withdraw his weapon, it turned out to be completely stuck within the creature.

Deliverance's CD's
B 3/3
C 2/2
D 1/1
E 0/0


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune )

Darin grit his teeth at the creature's screaming voice, and as he saw the coming attack, he moved to disengage from the melee. At least, that's what he would have done.

He took a sharp inhale and his eyes widened, as Darin realized his one and only weapon was now stuck.

Darin's mind sputtered through his options, knowing there was precious little time to think. Support? Paru, Deliverance, and Boreas were too far away to get to him in the seconds he likely had. Retreat? No, he'd be left with no weapon in hand; he likely wouldn't get far from the incoming attack anyway. Defend? With what? His weapon was unusable for that, and he severely doubted he could stop whatever was coming at point-blank range. Fight? How? The bayonet was lodged, his musket stuck right into the creature; there was no way to aim-

His musket was stuck right into the creature!

Darin felt ashamed for foolishly not registering it sooner, gleeful at the perfect opportunity for a shot, and worried knowing that it would probably be a mutual exchange of point-blank attacks.
Yet, there was no time for anything else.

"If I go down, take this thing down with me!" Darin shouted, sparing a look to the others in the cavern; the creature needed to die, if any of them hoped to make it out of this.

There would be no aiming, no calculating, nor any kind of precision, for the firearm's muzzle was already right at it's target; as a musketeer and marksman, he simply did the one thing he knew best.

Darin pulled the trigger. [1]

Action [1]: Offensive Ability [Point-Blank Shot F] (Base 6 Eff.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown 1/1
  • Strength - E
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • Point-Blank Shot F - Constant Positioning [Gun] F, Range F, Accurate F, Steady Hands F, Focus F - With bayonet lodged into his opponent, and no other course of action available, Darin fires his musket in a final bid to bring the creature down. - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [DAMAGED] [Light Armor] Gambeson F - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
INTERACTIONS: Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • as the Same showed itself Boreas ran as fast as he could to get to Darin. Though he figured he wouldn’t make it in time before Darin started shooting, not that it would matter as long as Darin lived. Boreas ran huffing and puffing and then came to a stop with adrenaline running through his veins he slashed an X.

    Action 1: run towards Same (30ft)
    Action 2:run towards Same (30ft)
    Action 3: attack Same with [fighting Style: X slash[F]
    skill used:
    Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
    Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.

    Effectiveness calculations:

    Fighting Style -X Slash [F] +1 effectiveness - Strength [C] +4 effectiveness - Mithril sword/catalyst [F] +1 effectiveness.

    Overall effectiveness = 6

Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Darin Voider Voider
Deliverance Elvario Elvario


Darin shot his shot, hitting the creature from point-blank. However, as he feared, he too got hit by a magic blast right in the face. It'd knock him away, forcing him to loose the grip on his weapon as he was flung through the cave. As he felt the air being blasted out of his lungs, he couldn't even register what pain he felt, as it felt like everything was hurting all at once. He'd land on the opposite side of the cave, barely conscious, with a few bones broken and bleeding both internally and externally.

Boreas, ran in, following up immediately after Darin managed to get the shot in by slashing at the creature. He could feel his weapons hit something, but it wasn't enough. The voices screamed at him, as he suddenly got pushed back by some unseen force.

“You cannot stop what has been started!”
“You cannot stop what has been started!”
“You cannot stop what has been started!”
“You cannot stop what has been started!”
“You cannot stop what has been started!”

As if none of that was enough, the flowering 'sames' that shot thorns at them from atop the Mushroom Giant were all starting to aim at them. The buzzing from the walls had gotten to an all-time loudest. The vines were crawling...

And then there were orbs.


Thanks to the time Darin and Boreas had bought him, Deliverance had been able to finish his incantation.

“A looming light dazzles beyond the skyline.
I call upon it to make its colours mine.
May it heed my call and form upon my beckoning.
To fly, to rush, to shoot through air in reckoning.
With this I fight, [Ethereal Blight]!”

Action 1
Ethereal Blight B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Action 2
Ethereal Blight C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

Action 3
Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.

The creature got pelted by 50, then 25 and then another 10 orbs. The mage, still struggling after the many bee stings and the earlier thorns, barely kept himself standing. “Is.. is it gone? Did that get it.” He asked, as he looked at the creature. He didn't see it. Did it escape? Did it vanish again? Did he miss? “Darin!?!” He suddenly saw the lizard had gone flying and to his own surprise, it gave him a terrible feeling. “Are you... alive?”

Trying to get his bearings, he looked around. That's when he spotted it. The blooms upon that mushroom. Were they... retracting? Had they... had they done it? “Do you see anything... anything left?” He asked Boreas and Paru. “Did we... do it?” He barely dared ask it.

Deliverance's CD's
B 0/3
C 0/2
D 0/1
E 0/0

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