• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Republic:Gloomhold Swamp] The Roots of the Problem

Staying close to the group as they navigated the cavern, Kelec kept an almost paranoid eye on the sacks looming over their heads. Their unsettling numbers ran a shiver down his spine, but it was nothing compared to the unease he felt seeing Deliverance inspecting him closer – assessing his species. “Y'need me t'pose or somethin'?” Kelec bluntly asked, then suddenly appeared taken aback by the elf's parroting. “Y'know, runnin' ya jaw? Talkin'? ...Don't break ya head over it... Anyhow! No story I heard told Goroboch died 'ere. Ol' shroom giant might still be lumberin' round for all we know...

His glassy eyes drifted, following the conversation as Deliverance began comparing theories with Boreas. In response, Kelec cleared his throat with a crude gurgle to gain their attention. “Reckon he's got it, they're eggs an' all... Glintwurms! Little pains infested Gloomhold a while 'go... Seein' this, reckon they all came from 'ere...” Kelec explained before his eyes drifted back onto Deliverance, who had cast his gaze up at the hanging sacks for a reason Kelec could not discern. Unable to see the faint magic of a cotton-like webbing that revealed itself to Deliverance through his Magic Appraisal. It covered the sacks and roof of the cavern in an encompassing veil, pulsing faintly with magical energy that mimicked the rhythm of a heartbeat. “...Y'can't stare 'em down, y'know? 'Least I hope not... Infestin' pains...

They lay them eggs 'bove the water so fish don't eat 'em...” He continued as if prompted by Paru's asking gaze, “reckon them hangin' 'ere is 'cause there's usually more water 'neath 'em.” Kelec reasoned as he directed the tip of his spear toward the cavern entrance, drawing attention toward a trickle of water flowing into the cavern from the tunnel they came from. “Shallows 'bove are still pourin' water in an' all. Might fill up this place with 'nough time--

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgThen, Kelec confusedly lowered his spear and tilted his head as he turned his attention toward Boreas. “Y'alright?” He asked, worried about the string of loose words that had poured out of Boreas' mouth. “Delivery might think ya foreign if y'keep speakin' tongues, am I right??” Kelec revealed a sharp-toothed smile and nudged his elbow into the elf, glancing expectantly. “Y'know, 'cause ya-- oh, never mind...

Sadly, it seemed the words Boreas had spoken at Pebble confused the stone golem as much as it had made Kelec concerned. The only thing Pebble could do was stare while its head twisted from side to side. The dents serving as eyes revealed no change in expression, yet Pebble somehow conveyed confusion by twisting its head upside-down with an unending, blank stare. And Pebble remained like that, unmoving until Darin's direct question centered the headstone with a sharp snap. With its head on straight, Pebble paused and searched. “...Deeper! We are pebbles. We are worried?” It eventually spoke, then questioned with its attention turned toward Paru for an answer.

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario


Elysia Wentworth from Shiei no Sona-Nyl ~What a beautiful memories~
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

He wasn't sure what to say about the egg-sacks. “If you're worried about them and if time is the only issue, I should be able to take care of most of them...” He mumbled. He was a bit sick of just trying to observe them. Perhaps this was a good test for his magic training?

The fish-thing was still confusing him. “No thanks. I merely realised you weren't a frog.” He explained, without further context.

He also nodded at the explanation of the mushroom giant which had seemingly moved on to become a Guardian Spirit in the Kingdom, as it apparently hadn't died here.

“So... they aren't prisons. They're confirmed to be a pest?” His previous idea was growing more appealing. Target practice. “There seems to be magic going through them, like a webbing, pulsing like a heartbeat. It reminds me of the plague-bearing heart I spotted not too long ago in the Lodeli woods. ”

“In other words, they'll become a problem before long?” He asked Kelec, as the latter stated the eggs might start surviving more and more as more water flooded in. Best take care of them before that could happen, right?

He ignored the Delivery part. Instead, he stood back a bit from the water. “I'll bring them all down, but I'll be vulnerable from attacks from whatever is in the water once I do. It'd be appreciated if someone were to prevent whatever is in there from killing me whilst I'm casting.” He casually stated, as he begin his chanting, held his catalyst... and then came the ORBS.

He'd aim the B-grade ones at the eggs above the water, hoping to destroy both the eggs and whatever was in it in one go so that the creatures wouldn't spawn from the water and attack. He'd aim the C and D grade attacks at the ones above the floor/shallows, hoping the fall would finish the creatures off in case his orbs didn't.

Ethereal Blight B – Magic B, Energised B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

Ethereal Blight C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.

Be CD 0/3
Ce CD 0/2
De CD 0/1
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Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

Darin stared at Pebble for a moment, before turning his head back forward. "I'm not sure what I expected..." He mumbled.

Silently listening to the conversations going on, Darin continued slowly walking forward, occasionally chiming in. "How dangerous are these "Glintwurms", Kelec?" Hopefully the things wouldn't be a direct threat to their current mission.

Yet, upon Deliverance's statement, Darin stopped in his tracks. "Wait, what?" He asked, turning around, and seeing the dozens of magical orbs. "It seems I was mistaken, when I said it would take time." With that said, Darin took aim at the water. "Very well, I've got my barrel trained on the pond; I'll shoot any of these glintwurms that exit it." He then quickly glanced to Boreas. "Which are known threats, yes?" He asked rhetorically, in response to the earlier comment of shooting random things.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    After observing Pebble's reaction, he told Kelec.

    "I'm fine. I was just trying to speak Pebble's language--"

    He noticed something, perhaps it was just him. But he wondered if he had figured what 'we are pebbles' meant from before. This is what convinced Boreas that whatever Pebble says he should think about it's context deeper...the golem hardly knew or understood common, so it seemed. But Pebble seemed to have a knack for information in its own way...absorbing it like a sponge.

    "Hey Pebble, are we Pebbles?"

    He asked in attempt to get clarification. Hoping he understood the context correctly. He thought about glintworms...were they involved in this case? He wouldn't believe so, at least. It felt like there was a lack of connection, yet here they were pondering about Glintworm eggs. Yet he stood beside Deliverance instead of telling him not to do it. But he seemingly decided to want to assist in aiding the fae. He unsheathed his sword and prepared to fight.

    "Gotchu Deliverence."

    When Darin spoke he turned his head towards the lizard man.

    "Okay if you want to get technical... No one has stated they are threats anymore, than they are just pests. But it can't hurt to be careful."

    Action 1: talk to the others
    Action 2: prepare for a potential fight

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Paru-Lord Bara 1.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru stood there with an annoyed look on her face as she waited for everyone to finish talking to pebble. "He only knows, like, ten words, tops, why are you all expecting so much from him? If you break my little idiot, I'm gonna be mad." She rubbed his back and chin with her finger. "No, you're not worried. We got this, frog, we'll help the heart."

Paru watched as Deliverence readied his spell. It felt good to believe it was due to her nudging, but she doubted it. At least they wouldn't have to worry about these things coming after them. "Well, I doubt I'll miss them. And judging from the sound of things, no else will either." She lifted her hand to the handle of the sword on her back. "Don't worry, we all got you covered." Paru smiled as the orbs burst forth, watching the water for signs of movement.
Fishfolk.pngKelec & Pebble & Screaming from somewhere
When Deliverance mentioned the magic webbing that encased the hanging sacks, Kelec turned his eyes toward the ceiling. “Oh, they'r pests a'right!” He confirmed with conviction but eased down when his glassy eyes found nothing like it above. And in response, his free hand moved in to scratch the back of his neck. “Hate t'say it and all...” He started, turning his glassy eyes back on Deliverance, “but I've no clue where'ya seein' magic pulses on 'em.” His counterpoint momentarily halted as his eyes shifted toward Darin. Once locked on, he addressed the lizard's question. “Depend on ya def'nition of danger and all... He responded with an awkward smile, “Rather fight one o'these than an actual monster, right?

They'r like leeches,” He stated quickly after, the disgust building in his tone, “Take some time to get 'em off, but nothin' real dangerous.” Giving pause, Kelec held out his spear and pointed it toward one of the large sacks. “It's the big'uns that concern me! Y'reckon they'r the same, just bigger?” He shuddered at the thought before recentering himself, “Might suck ya dry of blood in a second given chance--

Before long?” Kelec quietly scoffed, “More like right now, way I see it only good glint is a dead'one.” The disgust on his face initially lingered, then faded once Deliverance began chanting. And he watched as the elf conjured more orbs into existence.

Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgMeanwhile, Pebble also displayed an interest in Deliverance's chanting. The small golem quietly observed the harnessing of magical energies, then got distracted by another question from Boreas. The request gave Pebble pause, its head twisting in place until it could formulate a reply. “Pebbles are pebbles. We are pebbles.” The small golem explained, then fell silent as it eased into Paru's finger while she rubbed its back and chin. It seemed to enjoy the attention, and its black indents returned to observing Deliverance's magic taking shape.

While Deliverance chanted, numerous orbs rose into the empty cavern like bubbles through a pond. As they rose, they slowly picked up speed, swirling around the cavern in a destructive maelstrom of magic that tore through the hanging sacks. The few not torn to shreds fell and splattered onto the cold stone. And while the small ones coated the cavern floor in a thin, even layer of slimy goo, the large sacks remained somewhat intact. They had burst open, but some semblance of structure remained after the impact. The contents inside were deformed carapaces, broken from landing on the stone, with insect-like appendages that spasmed before curling up tight.

When no more targets remained, the remaining orbs naturally collided with the empty ceiling. The impact dislodged a weak point that fractured before slabs of stone fell into the central pond with a deafening crash. And whatever had been in that pond had more than likely perished alongside the destroyed sacks. And that made it all the more concerning when something cried out immediately after the crash. Echoes from further in had reached the cavern. And while it had an unnatural undertone that crackled and buzzed, the screaming was recognizably human.

No Cooldowns applied this round

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Something odd had happened. He'd been rather casual about asking to have folk guard him, even though he hadn't expected too much of it. Yet when Darin immediately took aim at the water, after confirming the they were pests they were dealing with, being joined by Boreas without the man asking any questions and then Paru calling out they had him covered... it felt... nice? He was trying to make sense of it, but had to focus on his orbs. Would be bad if he had them explode before sending them off and nuke himself and his party out of existence.

It was a tad surprising to see just how much destruction he was causing. Surely this would be enough to pass his practical exam with, right? A slight smile arose, but that was immediately vanishing when he heard the screaming. “That... does not bode well.” He replied, a tad worried. “It must've been from whom or whatever these magic pulses were connect too... or, well, perhaps from whatever was in the water getting... well, squashed.” He stated, sort-off hoping that wasn't just some random aquatic beasts deciding to skinny dip in a leech infest pool or an extraordinarily lost mermaid. Becoming a criminal [murderer] might be a rather hefty hamper in his academic career.

Taking a deep breath, he immediately regretting doing so, as the swampy, slimy goop-monster covered marsh cave wasn't exactly prime air quality. Still, he managed to string a sentence together. “We might wish to go investigate... if one of you would be willing to take the lead, that would be appreciated.” He stated, before recalling something. “As for before, well, ehm... thanks.” He stated. It was polite to thank folk for standing guard for him, right? He was pretty sure that was the normal thing to do, to thank people that did him a favour.

Assuming one of the others would take the lead, he'd follow after them towards where the screaming sound had come from. Even if he did get enough done for a practical magic exam, he was fairly worried about having killed a tad more than he should've and/or leaving the others to deal with whatever mess that action might've caused to arise.
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • Deeper in the swamp we go!

    "In terms of investigating, I'd say only if it's a bothersome nuisance. For all we know, it could be a trap and we have other things we need to focus on like rhe swamps, roots and heart and possible mind control fog, as well as the possibility of people and things getting turned into carnivorous flowers."

    He explained. He at least found it ironic he was the one saying it, considering everything he's done investigation wise this far. He did glimpse at Pebble, he felt like that confirmed. It 'Pebble' equaled ally in the frog's head, though he did tell Paru.

    "From what I see, he's behaving like a very small and young child. And even children are capable of knowing or seeing things just because his vocabulary is limited doesn't mean he's dumb. Pebble just doesn't know how to communicate properly. He knows more than we do, at least."

    That was that. That was all he had to say on the matter of the rock frog. He held his sword prepared.

    "So while we don't instantly start investigating it we do need to to that way....if anything attacks we should be prepared. Deliverance stay near me."

    He then began to move along ahead, there was a mystery there and time was wasting.

    Action 1: talk to the others
    Action 2: prepare for a potential fight
    Action 3: begin walking further



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

Even as the orbs tore through the eggs, Darin kept his musket firmly trained on the pond, ready to respond to anything at a moment's notice. As the last were destroyed, he was about to relax, when the orbs collided with and fractured the ceiling; the ceiling of the cave they were all currently in. "Uh-" Was all that Darin managed to get out before chunks of rock crashed into the pond, his head ducked as he looked upwards.

Darin's concern for the integrity of the cave was overshadowed however, as a scream echoed throughout. His eyes darted to the way forwards, from whence the scream sounded out from, then back upwards, observing the fractured area. "Well then..." He mumbled.

Looking over to the others, Darin glanced towards the path further in. "If no one objects, I'll lead the way in; if anything more is encountered, I'll step aside to leave our melee-inclined to take the frontline." He nodded towards Paru & Boreas as he spoke the last part. When Deliverance thanked them all, Darin nodded towards the man. "We're allies in this endeavor; we'll support you, as long as you support us."

Darin silently listened to the conversation between Paru & Boreas, and though he agreed with the latter's words, he didn't comment, instead opting to focus ahead. So, with bayonet pointed into the darkness, Darin marched forward.
DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.31.16 - anime style girl with a large sword, white hair in a ponytail, ye...png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru huffed as Boreas walked away, muttering to herself. "Well, I think children are dumb. That's why I don't ask them to solve my problems... Not that I fair better on my own, but I never said I was smart, just that pebble was dumb. Which he is." She marched with the others, moving toward the head of the group as they headed into the next tunnel. "Yeah, yeah. Let me know when to take the lead. I prefer it anyway, just don't blast me in the back, magically or otherwise." She smiled her fanged grin at Deliverence. "Scales is right, we're in this together. We cover each other and work as a team and we all make it out of here, hopefully with a reward." She tapped pebble on the head gently as she walked, leaning down to whisper to him, still wearing her grin. "Swear to the gods, rock frog, I find out you're smarter than me, I'm gonna be pissed."
Sameborne Wildflowers B56192
Sameborne Wildflowers.jpgAs if compelled forward by the echoing screams, the group ventured onward into the darkness of the next tunnel. And as they moved, the distorted, human-like cries soon died down. Replaced by the occasional drip of water and the shifting of vines, reminding them the entombing walls were alive. The darkness proved difficult to navigate initially, but as the path sloped downward and curved to the right, faint light produced by scattered glintwurm remains began to illuminate their way forward into another cavern – one that held new life, bipedal, but far from similar to any in their group. Abominations.

The cavern before them lay scattered with glintwurm remains, used as gruesome effigies and primitive light sources alike - both illuminated the cavern walls overrun with thorny vines. The abundance of climbing plant life pulsated more violently than any previously encountered, and with every pulse, their thorns pushed outward like thrusting knives ready to stab whatever came within reach.

Laying at the center of the thorned cavern, halfway buried into the mossy stone that made up the floor, there was a massive stone with jagged outcroppings. On a brief observation, its colors did not match the surrounding rock that held it in place, and a swirling groove marking the surface suggested it could be fossil-like in nature. But, a more in-depth investigation seemed impossible as three creatures tampering with the stone laid down their work to take in the arriving group. They were bipedal, clawed monstrosities covered with hardened greenery and crooked red thorns. And their heads, or rather the rosebuds that had replaced their heads, fanned open in tandem like frilled lizards. Their shared agitation revealed gaping maws with jagged teeth at the center of the fanning petals, which each produced a slime-covered thorn that rapidly shot out toward their nearest target, Paru, in a coordinated attack [1,1,1].

Cooldowns applied this round

Sameborne Wildflower (1, 2, and 3)
Action [1, 1, 1]: Thorn Dart Assault - Natural Weapons [Thorns] E, Range E, Teaming Up 2

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

“Yes?” Deliverance questioningly replied to Boreas. It seemed to him like the yelling they'd heard was connected to all the things that Boreas mentioned, so that investigating one was akin to investigating the whole lot of it. “Alright.” He stated, upon the instruction to stay near Boreas.

Luckily for Deliverance, Darin managed to quickly clarify the nature of their dealings. Mutual support as allies. In other words, this was a transaction. So long as he'd be useful to them, they'd be useful to him. He wasn't sure why he'd been confused before, as it was all rather simple. Perhaps it was his odd adventure with the fairy... He looked at his sleeve for a moment. Weird. He'd not been thinking properly ever since. “Of course.” He eventually replied to Darin, confirming their transaction. Services for services. So long as he'd make sure to be useful, they'd likely help him avoid being murdered.

Upon Paru talking about being blasted in the back, he felt a bit offended. “It is extraordinarily unlikely for me to make a mistake like that.” He stated, as his magic was one of the few things he was somewhat confident about. “A team. I see.” He replied to the other parts. Allies, teams, things had fallen in place again. The only thing he didn't fully understand was the making it all out part. Wasn't it common for teams to leave their weakest links behind in times of need? He decided not to mention it, as he'd rather not give them the idea. After all, other than his magic, he was likely to become the weakest link and couldn't risk it. There was one more thing that piqued his interest. “A reward?” He'd only been here to rake in some bonus points for his practical magic tests, having gotten in far deeper than he wished for. So whom or what would even reward them for all of this? It as unclear.

As luck would have it again, he was soon given a chance to prove his usefulness to the 'team' again, meaning their verbal contract would likely be extended for now. Upon seeing Paru targetted, he would call out. “Hold back!” As he knew he could counter these. Using the [Homing] Affinity on his [Ethereal Blight D] orbs, he'd quickly fire off 10 colourful orbs to fly past Paru and intercept the incoming thorns.

Ethereal Blight D – Magic D, Energised D, Magic Range E, Magic Targets E, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown.
C intelligence (4) + D ability (3) + D catalyst (3) + F Blight (1) + possible combo bonus. = 11+.

With that done, he'd hopefully granted their melee team-members a chance to rush now the enemy. “Now!” He called out, indicating he'd withhold his magic to allow them to close in. He decided to save the rest of his energy for now, as he was a bit weary of whom or what else might be around.

De Grade Cooldown: (0/1)
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • sames and sames are sames.

    As Deliverance sent out more orbs, Boreas took the chance to attempt to rush at it though he didn't know how much time he had. That was something hard to calculate at a moment like this. However, he wasn't the fastest person on the planet. Regardless, he would attempt to run at the Sameborne. It looked different this time. They looked more like roses. Red roses if Same's had resemblances to flowers, then the chances were that the one they had dealt with prior had either the appearance of a Perennial Geranium or a Purple Pansy. Petuna was also an option. However, now wasn't the time to think of that right now. He rushed up to the roses hoping they were busy with the orbs, as Boreas silently hoped he wouldn't be shot with thorns. Boreas held up his sword and would create two intersecting lines, creating an S as he attempted to use [Fighting Style: X slash] on the Sameborn.
    Action 1: attempt to rush at the Sameborne
    Action 2: attempt to attack with [Fighting Style: X slash]
    Skills used:
    Fighting Style -X Slash- Mythril Sword/catalyst-F Grade-Selective-
    Boreas uses his sword and slashes two Intersecting lines in a X shape on one selected target within proximity.



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

As the group entered the next cave, Darin found himself a bit surprised at the bipedal-flower-monsters they encountered. Yet, at this point, he really shouldn't have been surprised by anything this world threw at him...

With the others immediately moving in to fight, Darin quickly did the same. Unfortunately, there wasn't much space to go around, but he also didn't want to risk shooting an ally in the back; it would be risky, but he'd have to move in closer. "I'll stay on the left wall; leave me some room for shots on this flank." Giving a hand gesture in the direction he'd take, Darin ran forward by about 10ft, before using the momentum to slide into a crouch, taking aim at the leftmost creature [1].

Being closer to the thing than he'd like, Darin took the minimum time needed to align a shot, before sending it forward with an explosion of gunpowder [2]. Wasting no time, he took to loading another round, before sending that too forward [3].

Action [1]: Used Skill [Fast F] (Movement; 10ft South)
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Ef.)
Action [3]: Basic Attack [Gun] (Base 5 Ef.)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
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DALL·E 2023-11-08 01.51.08 - anime style woman holding a large sword, with white hair in a pon...png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Damn, these flowers were cool too! Not as cool as the last one, but definitely cooler than any that had grown in her village. Had she been wrong about flowers all this time? Were they actually cool? She didn't have much time to think on this, however, as suddenly a barrage of needles was flying toward her. She was in motion before she heard Deliverence's shout. "Here we go again!" She grinned as she charged forward [1], gripping her blade in a form ready to meet the attack [2], unaware of the orbs already dealing with the problem.

As she arrived in front of her target, her grin widened and her eyes narrowed, flashing her fangs maliciously. "I came up with this after fighting your bigger friend. Hope you appreciate it." She swung her sword forward, loosening her grip to allow the blade to rotate in her grasp as it finished its arc, and immediately raised it after to deliver another slash. [3]

Action 1: Movement
Action 2: Here we go again! - Effectiveness 12
Action 3: Primal Plant Pruning! - Effectiveness 10, Enervation F, Drain [Strength] F

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • Here We Go Again! D
    • Fighting Style [Beast cleaver Sword] D
    • 2 Post Cooldown
    • Paru brings her sword forth to meet an incoming assault.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + Here We Go Again! D (3) = Effectiveness 12

  • Primal Plant Pruning! F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F, Crippling Fang F, Depriving Severs F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Enervation
    • Drain [Strength]
    • Paru delivers several quick strikes to weaken the opponents ability to fight.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + Primal Plant Pruming! F (1) = Effectiveness 10

D = 2/2
F = 0/0
Sameborne Wildflowers B56192
Sameborne Wildflowers.jpgDespite both responding to the incoming threat, at the same time, Paru's blade drew faster than Deliverance could send forth his ethereal magic. Thus, the thorns collided with the Kirin's blade, splitting on impact as her blade's metal chime echoed through the cavern. The splintered pieces of the thorns sent off their course, lodging into the surrounding walls as they made way for Paru to close in on the monsters opposing their group. And as the thorns were no longer considered a target, Deliverance's ethereal orbs sought new targets with their Homing properties. They dispersed through the cavern to assist the group in eliminating the monsters quickly and efficiently.

The first target, focused on Paru as she approached its ally, was caught off-guard by the colliding orb. It took a blow to the petals that forced it to reel back. Clutching at its face, or lack thereof, it never saw the muzzle flash. It only heard the roar of Darin's gunfire the split moment before a lead ball tore through its claws and head alike. And its lifeless body collapsed mere moments after a splatter of greenish-brown 'blood' exploded out the back of its head – along with the lead projectile.

Alerted by the gunfire and sudden collapse of their kin, the other Wildflowers turned their attention toward the source of the noise, Darin, and prepared another volley of thorns to fire. But before they could do so, Deliverance's homing orbs collided with both monsters. And magical burns scorched the hardened greenery covering their bodies. Distracted by its scorched limb, the first never saw Boreas raise his sword before the cross-section tore through its body. The deep gashes split its form apart as it fell back against the massive stone behind it, piercing itself on one of the jagged outcrops.

The last remaining Wildflower managed to sight Paru before the imminent attack. But, it lacked time to do more than throw its arms between its body and the glinting blade that sought retaliation. It proved a fruitless attempt as the sharp edge passed through the limbs like it was cutting grass. And after being severed at the elbow, the clawed limbs fell to the mossy stone below. But before they could reach the ground, Paru's swift follow-up sliced the rose head from its torso. The four parts of its body fell to the floor, and the greenish-brown 'blood' soon pooled around it.

With all targets swiftly eliminated, the remaining orbs floated aimlessly, and it appeared they would eventually collide with a wall, as they had before. But, their trajectory felt intentional as they all collided with the massive stone. The homing properties had marked it as a target...

And something stirred in response...

A faint trembling in the ground below announced the presence of something else in the cavern. And the cavern responded to it. The pulsing in the climbing roots amplified, the thorns jabbing out further – attempting to stab Darin [1] as he stood within their reach. Something was happening, and a magical energy exuding from the massive stone appeared to be the cause. [1] One Paru could recognize as a more potent form of what Pebble was pulsing into her shoulder. And Deliverance could see the webbing encasing the stone's surface – clinging to it as it had with the Glintwurm sacks.

Cooldowns applied this round

Environmental Thorns
Action [1]: Basic Attack [Thorns]

A Rock(?)
Action [1]: ??? - ???, ??? [Limiter Activation I]

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance was glad he learned how to get his orbs to [home] in on stuff, otherwise he'd have ruined their whole team-work already just now. What little verbal agreement they had might not be going well if that'd occurred. From what he'd learned during his time in the West Empire, even the slightest mistake could really ruin any future prospects and lead to some thorough beatings. He wasn't sure if 'teamwork' agreements, especially when merely verbal, were similar, but he'd better not risk it. It's why he was a tad more hesitant going forwards. After all, what worked out once might not work out equally well a second time.

That said, it was a tad worrisome to see his orbs collide with the rock. It didn't help he noticed the same webbing stuff upon it either. Was this... an egg? He shook his head. He's been embarrassingly wrong about the eggs being like prisons before. Surely that'd decreased his value as an ally enough already. He shouldn't guess again. Being wrong a second time would justify his allies to never believe him again, after all, so he shouldn't share anything unless he was absolutely certain. He's just make himself look even more foolish otherwise. Yet he couldn't assume these were nothing either, cause there was something going on with that rock? Or perhaps it was something below it? Probably not though...

He clicked his tongue, wishing he could just be studying the ethereal right now and not be stuck with such an annoying and complex question. He saw some thorns going for Darin, but at least he'd learned from the last time. Trying to be overly defensive of his allies would just risk interrupting, so he'd let Darin handle it. Clearly teamwork wasn't meant to try to defend allies. Wait, that sounded wrong as well? He wanted them to defend him, after all... Oh! Of course. It was just him that needed defending. That would make sense. Yet, then what would he do? Attack. Yet he was pretty sure that would've worked out great without him as well. So he didn't really need to attack either. Besides, what was he even going to attack? The rock? He wasn't sure.

So, then what? He looked around. There was clear magical energy coming from the stone. There was webbing like with the egg sacks... still, he couldn't just shoot at it, right. Yet, unless he was loosing it, it did seem like it might start doing more stuff. So, should he orb it? Yet if he brought down the roof here, it might hurt some allies. So it was best to do nothing? Yet that'd give this rock more time to do stuff. That would be bad, wouldn't it be? Yet he wasn't even sure what it was going to do... Should he just appraise it? Then again, it wasn't like his last attempts to appraise things taught him all that much of use.

In the end, he realised he was staring blankly ahead of him. Paralysed by self-doubt and indecisiveness. He took a deep breath. “I... have no clue what to do.” He concluded. If there was a manual on this type of stuff, he might actually read it. It'd be one of the few ethereal unrelated things he'd ever been interested in during his entire life.

De Grade Cooldown: (1/1)
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • sames and sames are sames.

    Boreas had been able to conclude that these sames were just as easy to kill as the other sames. Apparently , that would be the blue-haired man's best guess, considering they had gone down quicker than their purple flowery counterparts. Ignoring the possibilities that these could be people forcefully transformed into murderous flower monsters, when the rock seemingly appeared he didn't think as he attempted to stick his sword into it-attempting to stab it. It was better than Darin wasting his ammunition when he had those thorny things to worry about. Boreas didn't do a full slashing motion as he considered well...even the flowers had the durability of their regular look alikes so if this was a rock monster of some sort it was probably as durable and sturdy as a rock. His eyes glanced back to pebble...he thought

    'could this be his cousin or something?'

    Regardless, he went through with stabbing it anyway.
    Action 1: attempt to stab rock (?)



Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

As the ground trembled, Darin's eyes darted around the room, before his focus snapped to the roots in the wall as they lashed out. Raising his musket, Darin attempted to parry the stab, deflecting it off to the side [1]. Using the moment, he'd take a step back and readjust his grasp on the gun, raising it to head level; then, he jabbed forward, trying to gut the vine with his bayonet [2]. "The jabber becomes the bayonetted." He muttered through gritted teeth.

Taking the bayonet out of the vine, Darin would cautiously walk backwards, keeping his eyes trained on the wall [3]. Once he was a sufficient distance away, Darin's attention returned to the rock at hand, which he now noticed was behaving strangely. He crouched to the ground, taking preparatory aim at the object. Deliverance's statement was a bit surprising, though truthfully, not unexpected. "All we can do is ready ourselves," Darin began in response, "for whatever this thing-"

Then Boreas stabbed it. "...or we take initiative." Darin finished; the quicker this threat was dealt with the better, so he silently agreed with the action.

Action [1]: Used Ability [Parry F]
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Spear] (Base 5 Ef.)
Action [3]: Movement (5ft Southwest)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.​
  • Parry F - Melee [Spear] F, Deflect F - While engaged in close-quarters combat, Darin attempts to prevent or mitigate an opponent's attack. - 0 Post Cooldown
Last edited:
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3682543080.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Voider Voider Elvario Elvario
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru turned to look around, noticing Darin fend of the plant. He managed to get it on his own well enough, no need for her to intervene. "Everybody stay back from the walls, seems they have a bloodthirst of their own." She looked at the rock in front of them when the ground suddenly begin to tremble. She instinctively looked to Pebble as she noticed the pulse trying to gauge his reaction what was happening. "Yeah, I'm not really sure either. Maybe we could get some of these web things clear from it? Just don't touch them with your skin." She stuck her blade forward, attempting to cut some of the webbing free, when Boreas jabbed the stone with his blade. "Well, that's no worse than my idea.", she said as she gripped her sword and stepped back, ready to respond to any incoming attack.

Action 1: Mess with webbing.
Action 2: Prepare to defend or counter attack

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2

D = 1/2
Sameborne Arthropod.jpgPebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble & Sameborne Arthropod B56192
The vines covering the cavern walls writhed, seemingly aware of the foreign presence among them. As they pulsed with an unknown source of magic, the sharp thorns jabbed out toward the only target within their reach, Darin. However, the lizard marksman parried, deflecting the thorn and creating an opening to counter. Sparing no second, the bayonet of his firearm sank into the vines. And the walls writhed as if collectively hurt. The vines recoiled, slithering away to reveal the stone beneath before slowly creeping back to their original position.

And as Darin overcame his predicament unscathed, Paru drew attention to the situation. Informing the group about the plant life's violent tendencies before the rumbling in the stone drew her attention elsewhere. Glancing toward Pebble on her shoulder, she could see the golem's head turn clockwise in short, sharp increments. It ticked away like a clock as it carefully observed the central stone. Not an interest in the unknown, an acknowledgment of the known. “Worried?” Pebble questioned, applying the recently learned word to the ongoing situation.

The sharp turns of its head halted when the glint of blades drew the attention of its sideways eyes. Paru's blade came out first. And the sharp edge moving through the webbing made Pebble jolt instinctively. But, instead of getting sliced through, the white strings clung to the blade. Thin strands that only snapped once pulled back beyond their resistance. “Touched the heart veins made it same.” Pebble commented unprompted, “Heart made it same.” Then Boreas stabbed the rock directly, and it chipped surprisingly easily for solid rock. And the thin crack that split the surface revealed the reason for it. A glimpse of the stone's hollow interior revealed itself before movement from within covered the crack. Thin vines sprouted, intertwining to close the opening like a scab covering small cuts.

Worried!” Pebble cried moments before the floor around the stone raised and cracked, splitting as carapace-covered legs rose out of the ground [1]. The protective plates that covered the wild limbs grind against one another, popping like sore joints as they twisted down and pierced the surrounding area where Paru and Boreas stood [2]. The ground itself objected to the violence. The sound of cracking rock echoed through the cavern as the central stone rose. Freed from the earthen prison, it revealed itself to be the protective shell of a viscous body emerging. A slimy mass spilled from the bottom of the rock, splitting into sections to form a gaping maw with curved, needle-like teeth. And near colorless fluid bled from its throat, melting indents into the stone floor as it spat a glob of slime toward Darin [3].

Cooldowns applied this round

Sameborne Arthropod
Action [1]: ??? - ???, ??? [Limiter Activation I]
Action [2]: Uproot - Natural Weapons [Segmented Limbs] F, Area F, Blight [Jagged Horror] F (D) [Limiter Equipment II] – Effectiveness 7
Action [3]: Gastric Sludge – Natural Weapons [Gastric Acid] E, Range E, Area F, Continuing [Acid Burns] F – Effectiveness 7

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Elvario Elvario DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
LOCATION: Gloomhold Swamp

  • sames and sames are sames.

    "Suddenly 'Same' sounds more than just things getting turned into plants--wait are the webs the veins?"

    Boreas asked the stone frog before the rock had chipped, though apparently it did more than just chip, it made him wonder what was creating these things. Something had to be! As the vines sprung out of the rock he went wide-eyed. It was almost as if it was trying to bandage itself...then next thing he knew, the rock plate things had them both surrounded,

    'Well, that's not good.'

    He held on to his sword with a firm grip. He neared the surrounding plates when he came to a stop, he said his incantation and used [Cold slash [F] ] making two slashes in the form of an X, putting all his strength behind the blow in an attempt to attack

    Action 1: walk up to the plate things.
    Action 2: attack with [Cold Slash [F] ]

    abilities used:

    Cold Slash- Fighting style [F] [X Slash], Affinity [Ice] [F], magic [F]- he imbues his sword with ice making it ice cold by using 'Cold Slash's incantion before he executes his technique X slash making his blade cold to the touch. -F grade 0 post cool down- incantation involves him spinning the sword briefly in his hand once and saying 'ice cold blade'
    Effectiveness calculator:
    [Cold Slash [F] + 1 effectiveness + Strength C + 4 effectiveness + Intelligence C + 4 effectiveness

    Overall effectiveness: 9


Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Darin Voider Voider | Boreas DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Languages: Common | [Terran] | {Sylvan}

Deliverance nodded at Darin's reply. Prepare himself. Sure. For what? He didn't know. Even so, he'd ready his catalyst. Then again, the stone frog thing having learned the word 'worried' and applying it as it did wasn't exactly comforting.

One thing was comforting, however, as when the snail-like monster thingy revealed itself, it was pretty clear what he should do. Orb the thing. Orbs were always the answer, weren't they? Probably not, cause some things might have magic resistance, but he'd just have to hope this one hadn't.

Summoning about 25 orbs, he'd carefully pick his targets. If anything was suspect of deflecting magic, it'd be the shell. So he'd aim them at the legs. Considering there were 6 legs, he'd aim 3 orbs at each of them. That left 7 orbs to fire directly into its gaping maw. Perhaps he could even counter its gross-goop spitting ability if he managed to hit it in the throat. “I'll aim for the legs and maw!” He called out, hoping to inform his allies well enough to reduce the risk of friendly fire, even though he'd still be able to use the [homing] properties to make orbs change their path away from allies in the worst case.

Ce Grade Cooldown: (0/2)
Ethereal Blight C – Magic C, Energised C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Ethereal [Blight] Affinity F, Homing F, Multidimensional F, Focus F – Character fires colourful orbs of [Ethereal] Blight magic with additional homing/multidimensional firepower. - Grade Ce – 3 Post Cooldown.
De Grade Cooldown: (0/1)


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt , Paru ( StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal ), Boreas ( DarkKitsune DarkKitsune ), Deliverance ( Elvario Elvario )

Darin's form was already crouched in preparation, so as the creature's slime flew towards him, he made a leap to the side as far as he could, raising an arm to shield his face from any splattering [1].

Regaining his bearings, Darin took in the situation; with Boreas attacking the front with sword, and Deliverance firing on the thing's vulnerable features with orbs, Darin picked his own target. So, letting the others distract the beast, Darin took a breath, and readied his musket. Discharging his firearm, he aimed for the projectile to strike right into the arthropod's shell, in the hopes of cracking or shattering the armor-like protection [2].

Taking only a moment to assess the effectiveness of it, Darin would make a dash forward and slightly to the left, making his way towards the creature's right flank [3].

Action [1]: Defense; Dodge [Fast F] (6(?) Effectiveness)
Action [2]: Used Ability [Precise Shot E] (7 Effectiveness)
Action [3]: Movement (5ft Southeast, 10ft South)

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
E Grade Cooldown: 0/1
  • Precision - D
  • Speed - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [Light Armor] Gambeson E - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.
  • Precise Shot E - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - 1 Post Cooldown
white hair ponytail cat ears antlers yellow snake eyes kunoichi forest s-2101023652.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Elvario Elvario Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru listened to her little friend as she examined the webs on the sword, frowning. "The heart veins made the rock the same? How does that wor-?" The sudden shift beneath her feet caused her to stumble momentarily. "<Oh, shit!> What's happening now?!" As the plates burst forth around them, she stepped back, bumping into Boreas. "You got this, Iceman? Cause I'll be honest, surrounded is not my best look. I'll cover us if you can open an exit." She readied her blade, watching and gripping tighter in anticipation of an attack to come. [1,2]

As Boreas swung his blade at the plate, she grinned and narrowed her eyes in excitement. "<Fuck yeah!> That's the way! Let me help!" She released her sword with one hand, swinging it backward to collide with the plate that Bores struck. [3]

Action 1&2: Furious Admonition E - Effectiveness 11, Penetrating E, Deflecting F, Knockback F
Action 3: Hit it, Iceman! F - Team Attack Bonus

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2
  • Furious Admonition E
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] E, Boulder Render E, Denying Strike F
    • 1 Post Cooldown
    • 2 Actions
    • Penetrating
    • Knockback
    • Deflecting
    • Paru stands firm and meets an attack with a crushing response.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + Furious Admonition E (2) = Effectiveness 11

  • Hit it, Iceman! F
    • Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Sword] F
    • 0 Post Cooldown
    • Paru swings her sword wildly to meet an ally's assault and add her strength to theirs.
      • Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) + Hit it, Iceman! F (1) = Effectiveness 10

D = 0/2
E = 1/1
F = 0/0

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