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Finished [Noghe Village] – LOVE&Happiness ♡ No Trouble with Trolls and Music ✩

Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

“I'm not sure either~” Zahrah cheerfully replied to the changes of plans from holding a concert to starting up a dress-up party. That said, they recalled something. “Oh, right! Stag lessons! I'm sure this'll go a lot smoother if we race by your bike. What did you stay to do again? Just hop on top and then press the thingy right here? Or squeeze the thingy over there...?” He pointed at the bike. “I'm gonna hop on! Can I?” They'd hop onto the bike if Ul would let them (either sitting before or behind them, depending on what'd be allowed).
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

"Eh? Huh? Oh, right, we can do that. Yeah, come here and take a seat. Just get a hold of the handles here and we'll get your footing 'n all in place. Don't squeeze or push anything, you'll probably get yourself hurt fast without any knowing" Ul said as she moved to her bike, putting the stand down with her foot as she patted the bike where Zahrah would need to be sat. Considering it, the bike hadn't been at full speed or capability since it somehow came along with her to the new world, though it seemed like just a strange side effect of an item somehow being transported across different existences and something that'd just have to be fixed and ironed out later. That being said, it still served the purpose of getting her wherever she needed to go fine enough without fuel troubles.

Waiting for if Zahrah would come take a seat, Ul would check if their hands and feet were in the right place.
"Now don't be tempted to immediately do so the second I say it-" Ul began, concerned that their excitement might get the best of them.
"The right handle makes it go forward when you twist it forward. The metal handle thingy above that makes it stop... well it makes the back wheel stop. The left handle is for... helping you hold and turn it, when you move them around the front wheel turns and the bike turns when it's going... " she continued, feeling like she was explaining something obvious from scratch, but then again she didn't have any clue how much Zahrah would even know.

"You got that all so far? And don't touch or do it, I'm not interested in seeing you get a scrape or something for no reason" she asked, although the fact that it was on a stand, in neutral, and not even on, should hopefully keep a potential accident from happening so soon.

1. Her knowledge of Helming [Bikes](F) I suppose.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

Zahrah excitedly hopped atop the bike. They followed the instructions carefully, getting a hold of the handles without squeezing or pushing. They could do that; it was just like being gentle. “Alright, got it!” They stated proudly, upon following those instructions.

“You... twist the handle? Like bend it down?” They were a bit confused by that part. “Oh, oh, the brakes, right? The metal thingy?” They had somehow committed that part to their memory at some point. “Getting a scrape, oh! No worries, I'd be fine in-no time. No worries, no worries~ But I won't do anything! Aren't you going to join me?” They stated, shoving forwards a bit, figuring there was more than enough room for Ul to get onto the bike behind them.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Nodding, Ul spoke again.
"Yeah, you got it. The metal thingy on the right is the brake for the back wheel- I mean the front wheel. Sorry get those mixed up or whatever it's been a while, usually I don't think about it. Yeah, just bend the handle down, like you're holding some bottle or jar sideways because the lid is really tight to get off and you're holding it close to your body, but you know it's not gonna be that tight that's just an example... " she said as she got an eye for how Zahrah was sat to make sure they were sat and holding everything right. Seeing as it was in order, they listened to Zahrah as they had said about joining them on the bike.

"Yeah, I wouldn't let anyone give my bike a try and let them get away with it. Even you, dollface" Ul answered, deciding she might as well get herself situated and sitting behind Zahrah giving them space for the moment. She was likely going to hold onto them just for safety reasons since it wasn't like she brought any safety gear to this world with her, but at least Zahrah wasn't too much taller. Taking her hat off and placing it on Zahrah's head since it'd be much easier for herself to see, she pointed to the left-side.

"Now the metal thingy on your left is for the 'clutch'. Basically you wanna hold that when you're changing gears. The thing that shifts gears should be by your left foot, when you're doing 'the fast' enough, you hold that left metal thingy and use your foot to push the gear shift up or down to shift your gear accordingly. There's another little thingy on your right side by your right foot, which is another brake for the front wheel... I-I mean back wheel" Ul explained, unsure if her explanation had gotten through since it was rather quite a bit to remember all of a sudden.

"Did you get all that? We can go over anything again slower. Honestly, I don't think I mind right now" she asked, she hadn't been intending to use up her time going to a concert or even going on some trip for something else entirety that turned out to be for some costume party, but it had felt like truly a long time since she had been doing something which distracted her into even smiling, of which she was doing right now. Usually she felt impatient or was trying to be serious, but something about today felt a little weirdly different.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

“Does it matter what wheel it breaks with?” They asked out of curiosity. “Can I hold that one down to try it, or not that one either?” They asked, a bit unsure if they could try squeeze the breaks or not after being told not to actually do anything.

They were excited when Ul joined them and even handed over the hat. “Oh, oh~ Does me wearing the hat mean that I'm the stag captain now?” They asked in glee.

“I see... I see... Clutch, gear.” They stated, looking at what Ul was talking about. “Sooo... right hand, turn to speed up. Use the metal thingy to break. Left hand just to steer and do the gear thing, then left foot to switch gears? Do I push that in even if I want to get it lower or just to go up?”

As they were talking, they were pushing themselves into Ul to move a bit backwards in an attempt to better see what their foot were pointing at on the 'stag' and what to press or not press with them.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

"Well... not really, I guess, though you should probably brake with, and only with the back one, since the others are mainly for emergencies and... actually having more than one brake I suppose. You rather want to come to a safe stop slowly than just hitting the brakes though. You emergency hit those front brakes and you're catapulting yourself thirty feet into a wall. And that hurts" Ul said, remembering that likely nothing at all would even happen since it wasn't even on.
"You know what, you can go ahead and touch all the things, it's not gonna go anywhere anytime soon, I gotta start ignition before any of it works. so play around... just don't kick or push the stand" she said. Despite what was going on, Ul hadn't noticed Zahrah moving back into her and didn't end up moving away in general. As long as it didn't get too exaggerated, it was fine if Zahrah found the comfort and space to get used to the bike anyway considering it was best for passengers to hold onto the driver anyway.

"Yeah, yeah. Use both hands on handles to steer not just your left one, you're holding it with both for a reason, it keeps you steady. Left foot, push it up if you wanna switch up a gear, down if you wanna push it back down while holding the metal thingy on the left. Go ahead, touch all you want, it's only the real thing when I start it" she answered on Zahrah's questions, finally registering the one about being captain and sighing softly as she answered with a smile.

"Sure, you're the Stag Captain right now" she added, whatever made Zahrah happier she supposed even if it was literately just giving her a hat temporarily. All this was probably better than sitting through some idol concert anyway, at least for Ul.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

“Catapulting into a wall? Huh...” For a second, it seemed like they debated what it'd be like. “I believe I'd be fine, but don't worry, I won't try it~” They eventually concluded.

“Yes ma'am!” They stated, as they were trying out the handles, bars and thingies. “Is this one supposed to be lighter to turn than this one is to press? Should I tried to hook this foot-one to the left back somehow?” They asked, as they tried to get into it.

“Whooo! I'm the Stag Captain now!” They repeated, upon Ul's confirmation. After confirming all the things once more, they felt like they were ready. “Can we get the stag to move now?”
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Letting Zahrah get the full feel of it, the fact that they believed they would be fine about the idea of being catapulted into a wall was rather concerning but at least if they said so then hopefully any little scrapes shouldn't be too bad. This was the potential safety hazard she had signed herself up for anyway.

"Just- get a feel for it like it's a natural thing for you, and I'm sure it'll work itself out. Just keep in mind what I've told you and things should be good enough... " she said, sticking her hand into her clothes to find something for a moment. Feeling hold of it, she pulled off an ornate key on a tough looped wire. She knew how to start the bike without one anyway, but she still had a key just for simplicity's sake and because it was what the bike came with. Gently holding it up by the wire, she gently held one arm around Zahrah's waist.

"Don't worry, I'm not getting weirdly touchy or anything, this is just a safer way for me. Bikes don't have seatbelts or anything. Now, Stag Captain, you can use this little key to start it. Why don't you go ahead and stick it in that fitting little slot there, push it in and twist it clockwise. It'll be pretty obvious when it's ready to go, just make sure to use your foot to lift the stand bit here, and that you're prepared to push upright to keep yourself from falling over at the beginning. Then, you know, just give it a nice try, I'm sure you'll do great" Ul said with a soft smile and hum, where she would wrap both arms tightly around Zahrah's waist after the key was handed off. Someone's first time driving a dirtbike should have been an unnerving experience to be passenger to, but something about Zahrah made it seem much more like a casual little experience she couldn't be mad or nervous about in any way.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

They nodded, as the felt like they felt it well enough to have a feel for it. “Got it!” They called out. They were a tad confused by Ul apologising. “Don't worry, you can get weirdly touchy if you want~ Ah, but for now, I think it'd be better if you waited, cause I'll need to concentrate on being the Stag Captain!” They exclaimed, taking their new task surprisingly serious.

They'd follow instructions, taking the key, putting it in the slot and twisting it... “Ehmm. Which way was clockwise again?” Eventually twisting it the right way. They managed to get the stag roaring, pushing up the stand and keeping the thing up with their own foot. Although the whole gas thing was... Not easy to get used to. They'd basically move forward a bit, then come to a standstill again.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Ul's smile twitched a little at the questionable meaning of what exactly Zahrah thought she meant, since it seemed rather possibly unclear on who was on what page, but she chose to quickly forget about it since it didn't matter. Zahrah clearly needed the peace of mind to focus on being the 'Stag Captain', wondering exactly where they had considered such a title only to wonder if they assumed that since ships had captains then other vehicles and modes of transportation all followed the same logic. Well, it wasn't entirely false, just a bit odd.

"Right. Turn it right-" she briefly added, though Zahrah figured it and got it fine. Letting them figure it out and try it out for a while, it felt like maybe they were hesitant or something wasn't very clear.
"You need help or something? Something wrong?" she asked, arms wrapped around their waist as she gently leaned to better view past them just to see if she could tell what was maybe holding her up. She'd gotten the first bit correct from the looks of it.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

“Ehm, well, I was wondering. How much can I push the stag before I might risk hurting it?” They asked, which probably explained why they weren't giving enough gas to really get moving with it. “I mean, I know I'd be alright whatever happens, but I'd hate for you or the stag to get hurt... so I'm a little hesitant to be its Captain. It's a greater responsibility than I imagined it'd be.” They admitted, sounding genuinely concerned about the stag's well-being.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Listening to Zahrah's concern, it was honestly not at all what they would have had expected the real reason to be. Since Zahrah knew what a bike was, she thought that they would have probably also understood it wasn't a living thing, though maybe that had been Ul's own thought for never clarifying or clearing up the reason she called it a stag in the first place. Smiling and stifling a laugh at finding it quite amusing, she released her hold with her arms gently and gently patted their shoulder.

"It's okay, it was made for this, but it's an understandable thing to be concerned about. You know, maybe another better time and place, I'll find a way to give you the best ride I can. At least you've got an idea on how it works, you're pretty much the first person I've given a lesson to about this, so I guess you're also the first one to... pass Ul's Riding School... " the elf continued, trying to reassure the cheerful doll as she briefly waited before lifting her hat back off Zahrah's head and returning it to her own.

"But for now, maybe we can call it a job well done on that, and this stag can return back to the original captain, huh?" she asked, moving the kickstand down herself since they didn't have to go any further than Zahrah was confidently feeling. Moving so both her legs sat on the same side on the ground as if half-way to getting off, she looked to Zahrah and proposed she might as well offer something else to not make them feel bad in any way that they didn't fully get to driving it.

"Do you have anything you wanna ask me, or show me about? While we got the chance, surely you've got some special or secret talents of your own" Ul asked in curiosity, waiting where they would turn off the dirtbike's ignition if Zahrah didn't end up doing so.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

After being relieved of their duties to be the stag captain, they were a tad disappointed, but it was what it was. “Oh, I'm glad I passed your riding school!” They replied, surprised they'd still passed. They'd pet the stag a bit. “Well done stag~ Good bike.”

As for the turn-around question, they tiled their head a bit. They'd already asked about mommy's and daddy's in the non-common meaning. “What do you want to be asked about? Or what do you want to show?” They'd ask in turn, unsure where that was going.

However, at the question about talents of their own, they nodded. “Of course! I can do this!” They stated, using Omni-swivel and Elasticity E to stretch and bend their arms around. “I can also fluently speak Analog, Common, Terran, Beastial, Sylvan and Abyssal.” What else was there? “I'm pretty sturdy and can repair myself!” Hmmm... more. “I can seam a little, though not well.” They should learn more of that. “I know some basic emotional pattern analysis, like empathy and insight, and I can act, sing, dance, tell stories and play tin whistle!” Those were a few things. “I can also Fall to pieces and re-assemble, but I'm still training that!”

What else? “I also contributed to Redcliff once, joined the Mile High Club of Happiness, converted some convicts, sought solutions, became hero of Ravenswood Village, Savoir of Shiku No Mura, birds like to sit on me, I'm loved by Outcasts, and I've got Happiness Stuffing!”

They nodded contently to themselves. That should about cover it all.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Ul held herself from chuckling a little at Zahrah petting and praising the bike. In her mind, she had gone quite back and forth wondering if Zahrah understood whether it was a transportation vehicle or a living animal yet at this point Ul was truly beginning to believe that the innocent-minded doll truly saw it as both. Keeping herself distracted enough to not laugh at their antics, she just quietly added on.
"Yes, what a good stag... " she mumbled, before moving on.

"You can talk about anything, any interesting little talents you have or such... " she responded in being asked what to talk about, letting Zahrah talk on about all that they were able to do. While she had been expecting some things, it was likely a lot more than she had been expecting to hear about. The point about the different languages Zahrah stated was a good thought, if Ul wanted to raise her position in the world then being able to speak all kinds of different languages of the world in order to truly bridge that gap of equal communication was a necessity. That, and figuring out what boundaries were in place between the regions and settlements of this world. Considering all she's known about a certain compass-direction empire, there's a significantly human-supremacist place out there which would probably be her least favourite worldly location of all. Though, she had to keep all her options available. The See was quite nice, and she had many a good time there.

"The... Mile High Club, of Happiness?... S-should I be wanting to ask what that is?" Ul questioned, only feeling like the titles and accomplishments slowly became more bizarre with each one.
"Birds like... to sit on you... " Ul mumbled in confusion, lightly scratching their cheek with their finger as she tried to think about what exactly Zahrah could have gone through in order to have all these things tied to their name.
"How... long, have you been roaming around exactly? You wouldn't happen to be in good books with nobles or higher-ranking parties or anything, would you?" Ul asked, wondering if Zahrah could end up being some sort of secret shortcut to royal success as she crossed her fingers behind her back.​
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

After their long explanation, they only had a few questions to answer. “It's when you reach happiness when being up high! In particular on an airship!” They replied cheerfully. “Yep, for some reason I'm their favourite post. I'm not sure why, but I don't mind, so long as they're nice birds.” That left only the last question, which had them think for a fair bit. “I've been wandering around for a while now... Nobles or high-ranking parties? Let me think...”

“There's my mom, Sophia Smith, who's a really great artisan. There's count Light, his barons and his staff, but I'm not sure if they're still around. Of course there is my bestie! Tiefy is totally awesome and I'd love to introduce her to more people! There's this laywer dude and his assistant and child-worker. Mister Kellum and Chistao and the unnamed kid. I met a Baron Honda in an airship, but I'm not sure if he survived the attack by pirates. I met a nice cat lady who I think wants to become a baroness in Kuridan. Oh, I guess I'm friends with the leader person in the village where we had to take down the sad snake, although me and Ophenia didn't want to do so. I also met this important looking roman general person when we were dealing with a flesh-goop. Oh, and of course, mister Zeke, but you know him already~ I think those are some notable people by using common noteworthy algorithms to filter them!”

As they finished, however, they looked around. “Wait! Where did Ophenia go? Did she get caught in a breeze and fly off?!?” They asked, but alas, there was no Ophenia in sight. “Wait, wait, wait, is it also getting darker already? We'll be late for the concert! We'll have to go back without the trolls or glow-sticks, otherwise we won't be able to have a concert at all!”

As they said it, they turned around and started to hurry back... in another direction than the one the concert was meant to be at. Hopefully Ul would remember more and be able to point them back in the right direction.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

"Yeah that's... pretty much what I thought it was... " Ul mumbled about said Mile High title, knowing that what she just said could literally also describe the other meaning yet it was probably just best to leave out such details for the moment. At least they had knowledge on nobility they had met before which may provide perhaps useful later, although about Zeke she had been rather sure there was a significant gap between nobles and pirates.

"Huh?" Ul came to also realise that Ophenia had disappeared, maybe they had been too distracted in bike lessons to notice. Wondering if said idol would really have disappeared on a whim on her own decision, getting a small theory but no clue on it.
"Maybe she just went ahead while we weren't looking, would seem a bit weird to not say anything though... " Ul considered as she noticed the sky had gotten darker around the time Zahrah did. It would probably be too late to start looking around for Ophenia now, hopefully they'd just have to encounter her sooner or later before the concert.

"Maybe she's already there or went back and forgot to say, but we best get back in time before you're called missing" Ul agreed, watching Zahrah's abrupt panic and rather poor navigation skills. Lurching forward and grabbing them by the back of the collar, Ul tried to stop them running off in the wrong direction.
"Other way Zahrah. Plus, I have another idea than tiring yourself out" the elf mentioned, not even sure if Zahrah could be tired out as they had pulled the doll over to the bike and took front seating as she patted the back inviting them to come along.
"It'll at least get us there faster, and wouldn't you want one ride today?" she asked with a smile, readying to set off when Zahrah was to try and make it back in time.

1. Use Ul's Dirtbike (F-Grade): Fast (F), Jumping (F), Intimidation (F), Regeneration (F), Feature: Offroading Tires to get back faster with Helming [Bikes] (F)
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

Zahrah shrugged at Ul's remark regarding Ophenia's vanishing. “Perhaps she just got blown away by the wind. I mean it, I think that's a thing Sylphs do!” They'd repeat that bit, just to be sure that it came across. They'd also nod at Ul's next suggestion. “I'm sure Ophenia will be able to fly, flutter, run or find her way back in time to save the day! We'll just have to warm up the crowd for her return!” They stated in full optimism.

“Oh! I get to ride the stag with the actual stag captain taking the wheel! Whoo!” They'd call out in glee, when Ul made the them offer. They'd hop onto it and get a firm grip on Ul, both because they were told that was safer and because it was nicer that way. “Let's go! Let's go!” They stated, excited for their mode of transport to be set upon.


Upon their return to the village, they'd notice that the stage was already set and that some fans had even gathered there already. “Oh my! It seems I might be up sooner than I thought. Do you happen to know any lyrics I could sing? Ophenia never really did manage to share them with me~” They'd stated, surprisingly cheerful for someone so truly unprepared for giving a solo concert without even knowing the lyrics to a single song.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Ul smiled at the Stag Captain comment, wondering if she should keep the Stag Captain title in mind for if such a comedic ranking would be of funny use some day. Perhaps if she actually had the followers to give rankings to. Maybe if she ever got there, someday she could royally bestow Zahrah the prestigious title of Stag Captain of Nyrael or such. Nevertheless, she waited for Zahrah to join her before starting their trip back to the concert in hopes of making it back in time.

Finally arriving, Ul softly sighed thinking that the difficulty was over. Though the upset that Zahrah may have had to complete the performance on their own, the elf only hoped that they would be able to hold down the position themselves. Becoming rather confused and suddenly looking to Zahrah though as they asked for assistance over something that she wasn't expecting to have to help for, Ul wordlessly stumbled looking for something to say before giving a blatant answer.

"Wh- T- I- Cou- Wh- What, how am I supposed to know, haven't you both at least gone over it once yet? Who waits until this far to end up telling someone the lyrics, shouldn't you have gone over them before planning to even have the concert??" Ul asked, feeling like the entire thing seemed so unprepared if there was no managers or assistance on hand to deal with such a problem. Trying to think of an answer, she mumbled to herself.

"I don't know lyrics for pop songs or whatever it is you do, most of my knowledge is classical stuff or, metal or techno or something or other and you ain't doing that in the slightest. Do you really not know any other songs?? How can you get offered to do a performance like this if you don't know one song's lyrics?" Ul asked as she fumbled around trying to think of an answer. Simply changing up a song from another lifetime could work but would any of those really match a beat, plus it didn't seem like she was the only person from a different reality. It could be really bad if someone caught on that the lyrics weren't original. Hesitating, she got an idea.

"Does Ophenia have any managers or assistants or anything? Surely one of them know a single song from her- maybe her fan or something is still around! Surely if we find one hyperfixated fangirl they'll just HAVE to know a song. It's an entire concert, there's gotta be lyrics to a song you can sing around here- " Ul quickly pieced together, getting an idea and looking for a nearby bench or box or something to stand on for elevation for her short self. Pulling Zahrah closer, she raised her voice.


1. Ask Nicely - Ul uses the power of social convincing, compliments and being nice to persuade someone - Persuasion(F), Seduction(F), Leadership(F) - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Time: 18:30
Weather: Breezy, The sky's darkening, The air is fragrant with the smell of flowers.
Location: North-Eastern Ryke, Noghe Village,

  • Universal Goals:
    • Have fun!
    • Invite the Trolls to watch the Concert
    • Obtain Glowstones to act as Glowsticks!
    • Spread love & happiness!
    • Don't die!
    Young Bariton Bard ( GodlyDnD GodlyDnD )
    • Find a okace to rest and better focus.
    • Find a companion to further his goals.
    Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

village of Noghe.jpg
Wander The Stars
One of the core tenets of the OFANDOM was to always be kind and help others, never to think the worst of anyone and to believe in and love all things. Such naive tenets made for especially naive fans, who so willingly decided to believe things that sound somewhat true. Like the story of the Foolish Adventurer who always helped and found herself swindled till she was nothing but a head; crying with tears of joy as the first gift she was given when her eyes were stolen, was a piece of paper with the words "IDIOT" written on them.

Some of the people in the crowd pointed and some of the crowd were rushing over; excitement and glee showed in their sparkling and honestly ravenous eyes—a chance to hear a song of YOUR choice, sung by both the new face and their beloved idol? That was indeed a once in a lifetime offer. The elder people, looked at eachother in confusion, the words "What is a pop-idol?" could be heard somewhat through the cacophony and cheers and raising hands, some fans were scribbling down lyrics on strange slates and some even procured a surface of writing via magic and some beastfolk grabbed nearby, flat stones, and scratched on words in their native language with their claws.

Children were running near the crowd, simply because it seemed so fun. Ul, however, would be displeased to feel an icy cold sting, frigidly in her palms and to the tips of her fingers, suddenly invading her sense of touch. She'd briefly swear she could maybe have heard a subtle hiss and the rustling of linen, clinking of coins; but that could simply be the crowd. What was concrete, however, was the strong scent of iron and the piece of parchment in her hands with many badly written words, and where the dots of uncapitalised i's were meant to be, were instead hearts or stars. The corner of the page had someone's signature on it.

Before Ul and Zahrah could perchance have the chance to decipher the strange parchment, through the crowd of various faces crowding 'round the group, they would suddenly feel a tug, followed by a strong pull as they were haphazardly pulled through the crowd and into a nearby home, before then being blinded by a kaleidoscope of awful colours, sparkling around them to reveal... A very prettily and magically appliquéd room.


~ Angelique Suite ~
Glittering jewels, glinting gilden plates twinkled and created illusions of sparking stars in one's eyes, everything was brightly lit to the point were shadows barely even created shade beneath surfaces. Everything was in vibrant pastels of yellow, pink and blue; like a little girl's plastic dollhouse. Pillows in the shapes of roses and hearts, messily covered the iridescent floor.

The person, who stood centre of all this pretty decor was none other than...

Good friends make all your worries float away.
  • Groovy! (Instrumental)
    As she let go of Ul and Zahrah, she lightly dusted off her clothing... before she began unbuttoning her corset; fiddling with each of the tiny buttons for a moment before actually getting them through the eye as though if in a bit of a rush. "My, you two truly did excite the crowd! I felt like I was gonna puff into nothing trying to squeeze through all that..." She'd whine a bit, with a smile as her corset fell unto the carpet.

    She was untying, and pulling off her ballet flat now, "When I came back to where... I think we were, you pair were no where! It was so late, so I assumed you went back and I am glad I was right—" Despite the rush, she'd gently place the shoes under the vanity, "Come on, get ready! We were supposed to start right before the evening!" She'd hurry the two whilst pulling off her socks.

    "I will check the armoire for anything that we can wear together~ If you want to change your outfit that is..." She looked up to Ul, "Oh and you can join too Ul! Would it not be fun for a surprise Trio~♫" With that suggestion, Ophenia floated off the pouf as she unbuttoned her blouse and slid open the armoire's doors with her foot.

    The cream blouse fell to the floor and Ophenia pulled out a few promising items from the armoire. They swayed on their golden hangers like curtains. Despite Ophenia's seemingly pink signature, her closet donned various pastel colours and sparkling diamante pieces all with the same fluttery fabric. Puffy ruffled skirts, cocktail dresses, bombastically patterned tuxedos... If it sparkled or if it was saccharine, pastel and made of silk chiffon; then it probably hung in Ophenia's clothing collection.

    Her shoes all looked like they needed a degree in walking in heels, some may even ask how she dances in some of those shoes if not for the fact that she could fly. Ophenia held up two options, and then hung them on a latch which suddenly appeared on the wall as she took out another pair of coords; "Frills and ribbons are a must, yes? What kind of lace is most jubilant... Should we all wear pink or should I try yellow... white... or green... No, green contrasts pink too much..." She said, hanging up a green bomber tux, "What do you two think? Should we incorporate hats and boots for you Ul? Oh, and are stripes too much or should we try a jester's checker instead? Ah, and it has to sparkle if I am to match my complexion..."

    Ophenia's thoughts were trailing off to something about her hair being too long to style in time and her words were beginning to become a jarbled mess of fashion slang that only designer's understood, but the gist of it was that they were in a rush. They had to get ready. Now.
Zahrah Fiore


AI created thing loosely based on:
Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy | Faynorae Faynorae
Languages: Common | <Beastial> | {Sylvan} | [Terran] | %Analog% | #Monster#

“Nope, we were going to go over it on our trip, but then Ophenia got lost and things happened as they did and well...” They mumbled. “Now we're here.” They admitted.

“I don't think I can sing techno, but maybe metal works. I think I recall some of the lyrics from Through the Fire and Flames or Master of Puppets or something?”

They shook their head. “I think Ophenia has a manger, but they're not allowed to exist in the same RP as me, but I've never met or heard of them.”

However, when Ul started shouting, they were a bit confused. Until they understood the plan. “Oh me, oh my, that's brilliant!” They declared, happily so, upon hearing this master-plan.

Zahrah watched in glee as they saw all the lyrics being written. “This is amazing, thank you all so much!” They'd wave happily at the fans, giving them their best [Performance B] post and most charming [Seduction/Persuasion B] tone to emphasize how grateful they were!

Upon being yoinked into Ophenia's room, they were confused for a second. “Who's they what and where's the why?” They asked, looking around.

“Ophenia, you came back to us!” They called out, running in to hug Ophenia. “Please don't fly off again! It'd not be the same to give this concert without you!” They told her.

“Oh, we're changing outfits, that's so cool!” This AI generated imagine no longer feels fitting anyhow. “I'll try this! With some slight modifications” (seamstress F) “it'll be absolutely perfect!” They stated, as they'd promptly take off their clothing, take the new outfit and start sewing it correctly to put on.

Zahrah Fiore

“See! How do you two like it! It's great, right?” They twirled around to show things off. “It goes great with the pink, but it's not so pink that it contests the pink that's already pink, you know?” They explained their choice.
Ul Dyril

Elvario Elvario Faynorae Faynorae
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

Ul smirked a devious grin, her plan had went as successful as she hoped it would be. It was truly like dangling a pair of plastic keys in front of a baby, probably something of which she wondered if it would amuse Zahrah for a few minutes at least just to do so to them. Though as she was about to whisper to Zahrah about the convenience of how much choice they'd have to go along with it there was a sudden unappealing feel that hit her hand. Twitching and trying to seek what weirdo must've been touching at or forcefully sticking things in her hand to try and get their lyrics handed in to her first, she would soon feel herself tugged away elsewhere.

Having reluctantly tugged away not having the desire to be dragged off by some insane fan or angered organiser, she was about to speak back before suddenly finding herself flashbanged by the bright colourations of the room she had been pulled into.
"Oh my- does anyone not just do the simple classics? What happened to dark interiors and wooden flooring, this looks like the literal taste of a sugar overdose- I mean, come on!" Ul suddenly spoke as they were greeted with yet more overly cheerful colours. Weren't the amount of people she had seen with pink hair been enough? It was truly feeling like the grace of the classics were lost to time wherever she looked, that or she was starting to have some sort of mental reaction from being out of high class for so long. Nevertheless, there was a more important thing in the room. No, it's not an elephant. Gosh, imagine how cool it'd be if it was an elephant, but no.

"Well, at least that'll help make this easier though it's a bit odd you so suddenly took off.
"Well, I guess I should- probably let you two get on with that aaand... " the elf began quietly mumbling since it appeared as if their performance was to go anytime soon, before Ophenia had so nonchalantly offered a performance trio. Awkwardly stuttering having been caught off-guard by such an offer, she had only came here to merely visit in the first place. While she could, her own singing talent very likely couldn't even come close to the other two that it would probably prove terrible if she did join. Then again, they did both seemingly have big names and importance, trying to cooperate with them further would probably be beneficial. Though, singing and performing was not something she imagined she would be considering anytime soon. Plus there was one other likely problem.

"I also, well to begin with I'm probably not as good as either of you, but I can't... dance, really, that doesn't come natural to me... " she answered softly, she had danced before in previous lives but it was more of the kind where others took the lead and initiative and it took no effort on her part. Like ballroom and noble party dances. Sighing, Ul didn't imagine this was what she would be agreeing to today. Yet it wasn't an opportunity that came often and one she probably shouldn't miss.

"Okay, I'll agree to join, but it's not my fault if I mess up terribly... " she answered as Ophenia had offered such suggestions and ideas as the girl had went on about outfits.
"I... think I'll find my own way, I don't need someone to dress me" she responded, not really wanting to end up decked in bright pinks and pastel colours at least for now. If all went well, maybe she'd entertain the idea of dropping the green just to match but for now it simply was just not her colour.

Having noticed Zahrah's changed outfit, their explanation was rather... odd, but did make sense.
"I mean, your hair is already pink. I think you have enough pink, it looks good" Ul added, it hadn't been the kind of thing she was expecting Zahrah to don but it was fitting enough for a performer that wasn't trying to blend in with the other pastel colours of the concert. Though, falling rather awkward when it meant that she'd have to find something to wear she would rather stick close to home for something to wear at least for the moment. Once more, it'd be a thing she'd have to consider about wearing such dainty and girlish outfits with such bright colours but there had to be at least something present that could be put together.

With enough effort and changing into something else, she reluctantly traded out her hat for a different one. The bigger hat would give her a better place to hide her face if she made a fool of herself on stage, though it along with everything else was a lot more bright and sparkly than the dark and simple outfit she usually wore. She wasn't an entirely western person, it was just the mood she was feeling with at the current time.

"T-there, I don't know anything about dressing for performances like this, this'll do fine right?" Ul asked, looking for validation on the matter. At least she was wearing bright colours and sparkly attire. Hopefully she didn't too 'horribly bad clash with the pink that was present'.​
Time: 18:45
Weather: Breezy, The sky's darkening, The air is fragrant with the smell of flowers.
Location: North-Eastern Ryke, Noghe Village,

  • Universal Goals:
    • Have fun!
    • Invite the Trolls to watch the Concert
    • Obtain Glowstones to act as Glowsticks!
    • Spread love & happiness!
    • Don't die!
    Young Bariton Bard ( GodlyDnD GodlyDnD )
    • Find a okace to rest and better focus.
    • Find a companion to further his goals.
    Language Keys:
    Please remember to use the following when your character is speaking a language. For your characters to understand what other characters are saying they must possess the [Language] skill according to the following language.
    • "Common"
    • {"Sylvan"}
    • <"Beastial">

MakeUp Montage
  • Groovy! (Instrumental)
    Ophenia smiled as Zahrah pulled her into a hug, reciprocating gently. "Oh, I must express my apologies; please do forgive me I did not expect it either..." Ophenia pulled away once Zahrah let go, quickly untying her hair and removing her earrings, placing them down on the nearby counter. "I was especially enjoying you two getting along and I did not feel it needed to interrupt, so I must have aired out... Then, a gust may have picked me up and stroll me away to..." Ophenia suddenly beamed, eyes sparkling; "Quite conveniently I found myself in the trolls' settlement! They are sure to attend and bring the crystals that glow~♪" The sylph smiled cheek to cheek.

    "Nonsense!" Ophenia chided Ul, although with a smile and a more than pleasant tone; "There is no such thing as good or bad in the world of art! All that matters is that you are conveying your heart~ Just have fun and be you; the most splendid thing in this realm is that despite our similarities, each and everything is unique!" Said the sylph.

    Seeing both Ul and Zahrah's outfit changes, Ophenia clapped; "How delightfully dazzling! The blacks contrasting with the sudden splash of colour, the glitzing glamour—" She squealed, like an unreasonably high-note on a whistle; "It is but all too lovely! Ah, I think I may just stick with go-to to match..." With that, Ophenia pulled out a two piece which was familiar to Zahrah and one that would make Ul's eyes want to file a restraining order.

    It was sparkly; it was pink and it would like be like staring at a cluster of twinkling stars when under stagelights; Ophenia would quickly slip into it, fastening a large ribbon into a bow—with a sylvan brooch—which draped down the skirt alongst other adornments and more ribbons. Ophenia flew to her pouf by the vanity, parting the back of her hair in two and tying them into twin tails; one with bun which pressed in the middle to look like a heart and the other was tied with a large ribbon.

    Ophenia then spent a few too many minutes puffing her already pallid as death face with a subtly less pale powder, then she spread a pink rouge on her lips, beneath her eyes and on her translucent brows and lashes; which made it clear that she did indeed have both. Then, with a deeper shade, she pressed her cheek with her thumb twice to create a heart.

    Then, she pulled up a mismatched pair of stockings and slipped her feet into two heeled boots. Clipping on her earrings, tying a... belt? around her shoulders and then pinning on a rosette with a pink stone engraved with a dragon on it. Ophenia twirled, her heels clicking as they tapped the floor as Ophenia outstretched her arms to present herself; "Tadah~♫ Now that we are ready; I will quickly go over the song plan—" From the table, flew near and hovered 'round Ophenia was her [Resonator], glittering with an almost white shade of yellow and glowing orange.

    "We will open with this in trio, I have yet named it but... The lyrics will be easy to follow; I wrote them down... somewhere..." The instrumental played on, "Well, I can telepathically relay them to the both of you during the performance~♪ Then, we will transition to three solos," Ophenia gestured to herself then Zahrah, "Me, then you—" then to Ul, "and finally Miss Ul~♡ It should give you a respite to prepare; then we will have a short itermission and end off with a trio of 'Fantasy' and maybe an encore~♫ We can add more in between..." She clapped, tilting her head with a smile "And do not worry about the dance, just follow after my steps and it will be like the day's eye!" The resonator seemed to shine brightly.
Zahrah Fiore

Mentions: Ul Femboy Femboy | Faynorae Faynorae

“Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine~” They stated when Ul ended up joining. “In the worst case we can still do a thing, so don't worry!” What thing that was, what a worst case was, or how that would work, went totally unmentioned.

“Yep! My hair is a lot of pink! My mom made it that way~” They explained. “Oh me, oh my, that looks lovely on you! The scarf goes really well with the hat and your ears look adorable like this and the green really goes well with the pink tones of ours and those boots are really adorable, but it's those frills that really finishing it up! You're like a totally amazing stag captain idol right now! You could like, totally be on stage and just look fashionable and it'd already be great!” Zahrah explained cheerfully upon seeing Ul all decked out and dressed.

“WHOOOO!” They exclaimed in pleasant surprise. “You got the trolls and glow crystals? That's so super-duper amazing, I'd already given up on those, but now that they will be here it will be ever the more totally cool and epic and awesome and perfect!” They physically bounced in excitement at that sudden announcement.

“Song plan? Oh, I love it when a plan comes together!” They stated, glad they'd have an actual plan. “Oh, oh! I want to sing one of the few ones I remember from back in the day; it goes like;”
“Wouldn't that be a fun one to get everyone hyped up? No? Yes? Right?”

“Oh, oh, oh! I think one of the audiences wrote down lyrics for this one, which I think is also like, totally going to be really cool!” They stated, as the showed some lyrics handed to them and Ul by the eager fans.
Kalafina - Magia
“I think it might be a popular one in the See, some any Fae visiting might surely appreciate it!”

On the topic of fans, they realised something. “Oh, oh, we should totally do this one!”
“I bet the girl from the East Empire that we encountered will like a song like this!”

They were slowly getting more heated as they were recalling songs from their databased and looking at some of the lyrics they'd been given. Now that Ophenia could magically music just about anything for them, they had no reason holding back on coming up with just about anything they could come up with.

“Oh, oh, oh! What about this one!” “Oh, oh, we should totally do this one!”
【花冷え。】 - お先に失礼します。 (Pardon Me, I Have To Go Now) HANABIE.
“The more feral noises in it should really hit the right note with any [Beast] members in the audience, right? Oh, oh! I could even do those parts in beastial! Then it'd be really authentic, right?”

They looked through more lyrics handed to them by fans.
YUI - Again
“This one seems to have been submitted multiple times, can one of you sing it? I bet everyone would love it!”

“Oh! Oh! What about this one?”
BAND-MAID / Choose me
“It has a lot of fun energy to it, doesn't it? We could totally have everyone dancing and jumping and swaying the crystal rocks around for this, no?”

As they were about to stop, they'd notice one more song.
和楽器バンド / 千本桜 (Wagakki Band)
“Someone from the See seems to have written down this one, because it's in Sylvan. I think they might like the instruments in it! Perhaps we can do this one as well?”

Having listed a pretty broad variety of songs, they'd finally slow down a little. “I think I recall a lot more, but I'm not sure if I'd know all the lyrics or music to it, so we'd have to do it another time! This should be totally enough though, right? Right? Could one of those be this encore thing? Or did you already have one in mind?”
Bariton would hear a loud thwack beside him, seeing an old man tapping his crooked cane on a rock. "Oi, lad!" Said the man, looking forward despite, probably, talking to Bariton, "Go and make yerself used an' help'em set the performin' form." He meant to say 'performance platform.' The old man was blind, and couldn't see that Bariton was not a villager of Noghe. You could tell the man was blind because where his eyes should have been, there was just skin. As though he had never had eyes in the first place. "What're waitin' fer? Get'cha work in!" He'd chide.
Bariton seeing this said, "Excuse me! I am off!" He hurried off going on forward, figuring out that at best he would be explaining himself to that man who couldn't see for a long while before it would be understood, without any certainty that it would come to that. But now he was suddenly aware that there was a stage prepared far ahead, and he was drawing closer to it. That wasn't what he intended. He stopped a moment, and looked around. The man who wasn't seeing was left far back, of the people now in view all around none were yet near him. What he should do, he realized, would be to look for what might be a quiet residence open to guests where he might retire for this evening, while many of these people might not be ready to do so. There did seem to be excitement among them. But with looking further, he spotted what surely was a guesthouse, and he could just hope a quiet place there would be something provided for. He went that way, feeling he must take care of this, before going on with remembering to focus and not lose his vision, that had not remained as strong for him.

He came to it, and found the door opened to him with a touch. His eyes adjusted and he went to the counter where he saw someone waiting. "Hello, I wondered if you yet had a room available, for staying for this night, and how much it would be, that I might take it."
Ul Dyril
Elvario Elvario Faynorae Faynorae
Character Sheet
Titles: Fae, Elf, Otherworlder, Too Many Lifetimes, Intermediate Isekai

"Riight... " Ul mumbled over Zahrah and Ophenia mentioning that it should be fine, hoping that they'd be right considering they were the one with the performance experience and all. Although this still wasn't something she had entirely done before. Looking over Ophenia's outfit as she had finished changing, it was honestly really pretty and graceful and very suiting although there was one thing that still never got off of the elf's mind.
"Gee, she looks like she couldn't escape her Gender Reveal Party years later... " Ul muttered quietly to herself about how pink it was, did she not decide to wear something duller for the sake of peace and quiet? While it didn't start wars or make noise, it felt like Ul's eyes were getting their peace and quiet interrupted no matter where she looked in the room. Listening in to what the plan was about who would be singing and when, realising that doing a solo would mean that she'd have to have a song in mind that she knew and could perform. It seemed rather late to suddenly learn an entire song on a whim, most likely she'd have to just think of something she already knew.

But what? The kinda songs she imagined would be good for this concert weren't the kind of things she knew, she was more into different genres. Gently tapping her chin in impatient thought as she tried to think of a good song that she knew the words to and could manage to sing. From the seems of it, it felt like Ophenia and Zahrah's songs were looking to be 'classical-JPOP' mix or something. Yes, it was a completely weird way of saying it, but Ul wasn't in the music business so she didn't know any kind of real terminology for what that'd be. Though, how was she supposed to come up with something that'd work? After a moment, she finally came up with it.

"YES!" Ul announced abruptly, before realising how sudden and loud they were and toning it down with awkward hesitation for a moment.
"I-I mean, I think I figured out something I'd be able to sing, it's something I remember from somewhere else that I've sung before. I'm sure it shouldn't be too bad, if it even fits... " Ul spoke, wondering if she should write it down or something.
"Do you need to see it or?... ".​

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