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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Graded [Isekai Hell]-Fairweather Alchemists (PT1)


RWBY Tuesdays
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

(Marian Village | Day | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Marian Village was very small and quiet for a border town, and Winrey noticed that right away as there was barely anyone around. He looked down at the note he had found a few days prior that had seemingly appeared out of thin air, no mail courier had given it to him. After studying it that morning, he was able to surmise that a potion of some kind had been used to send this letter to him, which intrigued him even more. But what really sealed the deal for him was the sender of the letter, Perenelle Flamel. She was the author of many Alchemical books, including "The Novices Guide to Alchemy" that he had been using to learn the basics. He read the note over, not minding the mysterious red and gold lettering on the front of the calling card.

Hello! If I've done everything right, this letter should reach you! I'm in dire need of assistance, and this letter assures that whoever receives it is the perfect fit for the job. I'll cut to the chase: I need to retrieve 4 diaries that belonged to 4 very important Alchemists. And I need to get my hands on them before They do. The Scarlet Coven. They've been a thorn in my side for the LONGEST time, and I've finally managed to track where the diaries are located! If the Coven gets to them first, it's pretty much wraps for me recovering my old friends manuscripts. Those diaries hold valuable information that could really shake up the Alchemists community, and The Coven would love nothing more than to do just that. The diaries are hidden inside of an old lab that was used by their writers, it shouldn't be too hard to navigate. If this doesn't seem like a tall order, come and find me in the border town, Marian. We'll take a short ride to the See, and I'll lead you straight to the abandoned lab!
-Perenelle Flamel

And so, Winrey had packed up a few things and decided to head to Marian Village just so he could have a chance at meeting one of his favorite authors. He was certain that this adventure wouldn't end up like the last one he had joined with the Rats, and he was determined to not blindly follow what the other party members orders. I'll make my own decisions on my own time. He surveyed the area he had arrived in on carriage, there were a few shoddily built wooden shacks here and there that Winrey guessed were the villagers houses. The See was a flourishing wall of green just a few miles into the distance, unlike the drab brown and grey of Marian Village. A wooden fence and a gate were set up on the far side of the village, and there waiting for him was a woman who was waving her arm at him to come closer. A carriage of her own was parked close by with a horse that was patiently waiting. Winrey walked up to her, and she gave him a wide smile.

"I'm glad you could make it, Winrey! I was worried you would just ignore my letter entirely." She said. Winrey looked at her in confusion.

"How...did you know my name?" He hadn't sent a letter in reply, he had just followed the directions she laid out in the letter.

Perenelle chuckled and whipped out a small calling card of her own, but this time instead of a letter, there was a list of names. "Those cards I sent out had been doused with a very special potion that lets me know the name of anyone who touched it. I thought it would save me time on introductions if I already knew your names." She explained with a clever smile. "Potions are hard to do two at a time since they can over ride one another if you use too many. That's why only the back of the card had been doused in that specific potion. I call it 'Double dousing'! I wrote all about it in my book-"

"The Novices Guide to Alchemy. Yes, I've read your book. I have it here actually. So you're Perenelle Flamel?" He honestly wasn't sure what he was expecting, since Perenelle Flamel looked more like a performer than a renowned Alchemist. She had on a very fluffy looking dress with a checkered pattern that covered it all over, and the largest amount of frills he'd ever seen on a single hat.


But he couldn't deny what the card she showed him said, as it did have his name on it. And the names of a few others he had yet to meet. "Let's wait for the rest of the party to join and we'll head out! On the way, I'll explain some things if any of you have questions." She said, and that sounded quaint to Winrey.

coded by: @s e v e n

Marian Village was very small and quiet for a border town, and Winrey noticed that right away as there was barely anyone around. He looked down at the note he had found a few days prior that had seemingly appeared out of thin air, no mail courier had given it to him. After studying it that morning, he was able to surmise that a potion of some kind had been used to send this letter to him, which intrigued him even more. But what really sealed the deal for him was the sender of the letter, Perenelle Flamel. She was the author of many Alchemical books, including "The Novices Guide to Alchemy" that he had been using to learn the basics. He read the note over, not minding the mysterious red and gold lettering on the front of the calling card.

Hello! If I've done everything right, this letter should reach you! I'm in dire need of assistance, and this letter assures that whoever receives it is the perfect fit for the job. I'll cut to the chase: I need to retrieve 4 diaries that belonged to 4 very important Alchemists. And I need to get my hands on them before They do. The Scarlet Coven. They've been a thorn in my side for the LONGEST time, and I've finally managed to track where the diaries are located! If the Coven gets to them first, it's pretty much wraps for me recovering my old friends manuscripts. Those diaries hold valuable information that could really shake up the Alchemists community, and The Coven would love nothing more than to do just that. The diaries are hidden inside of an old lab that was used by their writers, it shouldn't be too hard to navigate. If this doesn't seem like a tall order, come and find me in the border town, Marian. We'll take a short ride to the See, and I'll lead you straight to the abandoned lab!
-Perenelle Flamel

And so, Winrey had packed up a few things and decided to head to Marian Village just so he could have a chance at meeting one of his favorite authors. He was certain that this adventure wouldn't end up like the last one he had joined with the Rats, and he was determined to not blindly follow what the other party members orders. I'll make my own decisions on my own time. He surveyed the area he had arrived in on carriage, there were a few shoddily built wooden shacks here and there that Winrey guessed were the villagers houses. The See was a flourishing wall of green just a few miles into the distance, unlike the drab brown and grey of Marian Village. A wooden fence and a gate were set up on the far side of the village, and there waiting for him was a woman who was waving her arm at him to come closer. A carriage of her own was parked close by with a horse that was patiently waiting. Winrey walked up to her, and she gave him a wide smile.
"I'm glad you could make it, Winrey! I was worried you would just ignore my letter entirely." She said. Winrey looked at her in confusion.

"How...did you know my name?" He hadn't sent a letter in reply, he had just followed the directions she laid out in the letter.

Perenelle chuckled and whipped out a small calling card of her own, but this time instead of a letter, there was a list of names. "Those cards I sent out had been doused with a very special potion that lets me know the name of anyone who touched it. I thought it would save me time on introductions if I already knew your names." She explained with a clever smile. "Potions are hard to do two at a time since they can over ride one another if you use too many. That's why only the back of the card had been doused in that specific potion. I call it 'Double dousing'! I wrote all about it in my book-"

"The Novices Guide to Alchemy. Yes, I've read your book. I have it here actually. So you're Perenelle Flamel?" He honestly wasn't sure what he was expecting, since Perenelle Flamel looked more like a performer than a renowned Alchemist. She had on a very fluffy looking dress with a checkered pattern that covered it all over, and the largest amount of frills he'd ever seen on a single hat.

But he couldn't deny what the card she showed him said, as it did have his name on it. And the names of a few others he had yet to meet. "Let's wait for the rest of the party to join and we'll head out! On the way, I'll explain some things if any of you have questions." She said, and that sounded quaint to Winrey.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Lolory Lolory | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Truth be told, Saoirse's interest in alchemy was nearly non-existence. It always felt like relying on such things wasn't a 'cheat' towards making someone flourish. Most of it just gave people an excuse to avoid training their own potential. Use potions instead of one's own powers. Then again, what if their power was in alchemy? Could an alchemist come to flourish? She wasn't sure. What she was sure about, however, was that she needed money. A fair bit of it.

It's why the letter they'd received actually got her to act. After having had Ryuuji open and read it for her, like the good slave he was, she figured there might be an opportunity there. It's why she'd started on their long journey from the West Empire into Ryke and then to this border town.

“Ryke respects ownership, but doesn't actively allow enslaving. The See could be troublesome, especially as they don't respect Human life at all and don't respect Beasts as much as they should. For now, try to not bring too much attention to the fact you're slaves, when we're in there, we'll have to hope we don't encounter many Fae in a bad mood.” She'd instruct Ryuuji and Melia after she'd decided where she wanted to go. She didn't want the hassle, but this seemed potentially profitable. “Oh, right, if we do get a chance, we should try to contact this Coven and see how much they offer.” She added, figuring this seemed like a great opportunity to try sell to the highest bidder if they found one or more of those dairy things.

As she arrived, she was a little taken aback by the sight. “<Huh, I didn't expect I wouldn't be the only Leporidea here.>” She stated, upon spotting Winrey, as she tried to figure out if he was more Haregon or more Rabbitfolk. In either case, he was a lot more Human-ish. “<Although a half-blood, perhaps?>” She'd mumble afterwards. She wasn't sure whether or not to introduce herself as of yet. She did want to be polite to her fellow beast, but she also had an inkling something might be a tad off with how human he looked. For now, she'd keep it at that, figuring she could always apologise later, if needed.

She then look at the highly overdressed woman. “Assuming you're not an art-piece, might you be the one who requested us to come?” It was a 50/50 split between her and the other rabbit, but she'd had a bit of a feeling the other one was a tad more new here.

Melia Hayward

Accompanying her was Melia. Having left one of her other slaves, Jastira, back in the West Empire, she'd only brought her two Humans, Ryuuji and Melia. After all, it'd be a very bad idea to bring an enslaved Fae into the See. Melia was silently standing near Saoirse, occasionally looking at those present with mild suspicion to ensure they wouldn't try anything.

Saoirse looked at the overly-dressed woman again. “We came a long way and I can't say I'm overly fond of this nation we might set foot in soon, so I'd like to get this straight first. You've got the resources and willingness to pay well for our aid, right? Otherwise we'll be gone as quickly as we arrived.” She stated, silently observing the woman and trying to figure out just how many things one could fit on top of a single hat. She was pretty sure there was even another hat on top of the hat, along with some butterfly? Weird. That said, she figured she'd skip out on introductions, for now, until she had her answers.
『 TAGGED 』 Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario

As the group began to assemble near the villages fence the soft click-clacks of wooden shoes gradually approached, with amethyst colored eyes and tentacles curling and flowing from her head like hair. A golden hair clip was secured into her hair by a pin that pierced through one of her tentacles coming from her head, alongside golden earrings and traditional clothes that was out of place - especially in a place that was as run down or impoverished as the village the alchemist decided for them to meet at. As Katie got close enough to the group to be able to shake hands if needed, she was more than prepared to make introductions to the rest of the group.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Katie Eldoris," She greeted everyone with a brief pause as she glanced at Perenelle before resuming, "And I assume that you were the alchemist that requested our aid?"

On the day she had received the letter, Katie was initially a little hesitant to read its contents. A part of it was due to the harassment she had faced during her travels, though the other part of it was due to not knowing who the sender was. Regardless of her feelings however, curiosity had gotten the better of her. While she was initially relieved that it wasn't sent to harass her, she grew suspicious of the writer at the mentions of a cult and an abandoned lab. It seemed especially concerning as they seemed to know a fair bit about her. Between that and the fact that it had practically appeared out of thin air, simply ignoring it could have had disastrous consequences later on. And so she had begun traveling to the location provided after a few hours of careful consideration.

And now here she was, ready to find out the alchemists intentions first hand. Her eyes looked to both Winrey and Saoirse, finding both of them to be a little perplexing. Seeing a guy like Winrey dressed in feminine looking clothes was unusual enough, though she could recall competing against others in her original world who had the same taste in clothes. But the bunny ears on top of that seemed... Odd, to say the least. And then there was Saoirse, who seemed to confuse her the most. Part of it was due to the ears being similar to Winrey's - though with rabbits being extinct in her previous world and having never encountered one in this world either, she was visibly perplexed upon seeing her face. The two slaves that was accompanying Saoirse barely caught her attention, instead parting her lips to ask a question to her and Winrey.
"Quick question for both of you..." Katie stated as she directed her next words to the two of them, "Would you two happen to be siblings? Your ears seem similar, so..."
code by @Nano

(Mood: Wary and Cautious)

Quick Conversation

What strange traveling companions...let's hope they don't cause trouble.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Elvario Elvario

Winrey was incredibly wary of the company he was going to keep now during this trip, especially when he saw one of his party members roll in with what were obviously not mere "guards" or hired grunts. The defeated look in their eyes and the way they carried themselves in total submission to this Rabbitkin pointed to a far crueler relationship than just that of an employee. "I guess we don't run in the same circles." Winrey explained to Saoirse with a neutral expression.

As they waited soon another figure approached, though this person seemed a bit more genial than the first. Winrey shook his head, "I've never seen her before or her...guards." He said. "I'm Winrey, I'm a Deacon for a small church. I practice Alchemy in my spare time. So, I'm guessing you two also signed onto this adventure for the potential reward?" He didn't really care about the monetary gain from this adventure, it was really about getting a chance to speak with a famous Alchemist. Someone who could potentially tell him more about the darker parts of Alchemy too, like creating a Homonculus. And there was always the allure of getting materials from places like this. He still had a few bones from the Rat Adventure, and they had served useful in some personal experiments.

coded by: @s e v e n


Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
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{ A }
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{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

It has been said that alchemy is one of the most sought after profession in all of the world. Alchemy had given birth to many-a-products, not just potions but also the more mundane, from food seasoning to weapons. Almost a quarter of the products that circle around the market have been touched by Alchemy, and that is no small number. Thus, with the heart of a merchant, Cleo followed the scent of potential profit. Just as the allure of magic stirred his interest, alchemy was also in his list. The letter mentioned the location as something of an old lab, so he might find something worthwhile while trying to accomplish the main task. Some of its contents were also a bit concerning, but no profit would come to him if he didn't take some risk.

Cleo rode a carriage into the border of Marian Village, noting the details of his travel. It was a relatively peaceful one, one that he feels sorry for the other passengers for because they were intimidated by his guards. Although he could've bought a carriage for himself, he held off from buying one for now. He had some plans, and taking commute wouldn't hinder it anyways. The carriage stopped just shy from the gates of the village, allowing Cleo and his escorts to drop off before continuing inside the village and unto the next stop. Cleo gave the village a cursory glance. Although he pitied the state of the village, they were in a completely different territory, so he couldn't even begin to help. It wasn't hard for him to spot the group staying by the fence, which was composed of quite the interesting fellows.

"Greetings, everyone." Cleo approached the group, with five guards proudly escorting him. They were clad in steel, shields and swords hanging from their backs and hips, as well as armor that covered their face and bodies. Their armor was covered by the colors of Blue Quill, and their appearance looked clean and polished as if freshly forged. One would think that they are some sort of elite soldiers from a powerful noble, but the way they idly talked to one another and the lack of heavy atmosphere around them pointed otherwise. As for the man himself, he wore quite the stylish blue outfit, with leather paddings on key areas on his body. On his left chest sat a pin, an emblem of a quill leaving a trail of blue inside a circle. Simple spectacles sat on his face, and his hair was neatly swept back. He had a clean and fancy atmosphere around him.

"My name is Cleo, and I have been called by a certain letter here for an interesting request." His eyes scanned around, but he couldn't make out who Perenelle was among them. There was a woman with... tentacles as hair. Though odd, Cleo knew the world had strange things living in it. In that essence, the woman was still normal to him compared to many other things. Then there there's an almost fully beast rabbit person, seemingly the master of the two beside them. He could tell there was something going on with them, but he didn't want to pry on them for now. As for the person with rabbit ears, he presumed they were some sort of clerical figure judging from their attire. Crossdressing was hardly a point of oddity for him. Though it is a bit hard for him to discern whether they are an actual boy or a girl. Finally, there was a woman with bright colors, suited for a performer's attire. So far she was the most normal looking in the group, and so he had no particular thoughts about her.

His mind was hidden behind the small friendly smile on his face as he continued to speak. "Is it perhaps fine in assuming this is the entourage of the one named Perenelle? If so, I would like to express my gratitude for the invitation." He smiled cordially, a hand on his chest. "I am a merchant looking for profits to be had, so I may not be of much help when it comes to labor. However, my escorts will be more than helpful for such things." He waved his hand at the guards. They promptly saluted and bumped their chests, before immediately descending into idle chatter with each other again. "I am looking forward to our cooperation." He declared with a bright smile.


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Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"
Interactions: Elvario Elvario Lolory Lolory II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Shatter Shard Shatter Shard

Ryuuji diligently listened to Saoirse's words which were well taken. He didn't really want to be on the receiving end of some Fae deciding to kill him because they woke up on the wrong side of the bed. While there were profits to be made possibly, it was true the area they were going into was dangerous. The letter was most curious too, something magical involved no doubt. He was obedient too of course in the interaction before they arrived. He most definitely agreed with her thought to keep it that they were slaves on the down low, as well as her thought to try to contact the coven if they found one of the books to see if they'd offer more than who had asked for their initial help. After all it really wasn't their business who got the texts in the end as much as the profit there was to be had.

Upon arrival he stayed near Saoirse and stayed relatively quiet for the time being just listening for what he could learn of the situation. What was immediately on Ryuuji's radar upon seeing who Saoirse referred to as a possible art piece, was that this person must have been better off financially than many if they had nice intricate clothing like that. If this was in fact who sent for them, that wouldn't be bad news as far as he was concerned if this observation was accurate. Ryuuji looked at each person and newcomer leveraging his [Opportunist] title no doubt.

He took note of Katie to whom he gave a bow of acknowledgement too. She looked rather distinguished in her own right, if he felt more confident of being able to pull it off he might have tried to appraise her out of curiosity but that would probably definitely get her attention, particularly with his lack of stealth skills to try to use in tandem. Nevertheless

"It's nice to meet you." he stated plainly, still trying his best to keep up his NPC persona of sorts for the time being.

"Nice to meet you as well Winrey." Some religious person if they were the righteous sort probably wasn't going to be the most useful in this scenario as far scheming with went, but there might be other ways to build advantage with such a person around, much like they had with those monks. However Ryuuji couldn't help but feel a bit more wary with how plainly Winrey seemed to respond almost like he was using a strategy from Ryuuji's own playbook. Truthfully Ryuuji wasn't bothered by the

Ryuuji's interest was a bit more piqued when the carriage arrived and a business sort of guy appeared. This one brought some more firepower with them from the looks of things. Thankfully they were on their side from what he could gather and Ryuuji hoped things would stay that way.

So he was a merchant type, someone also out for profits..someone who could be worked with to make more profit potentially , but not someone who was probably going to be easily manipulated if they were the better sort of merchant which was the impression Ryuuji was getting just from how he carried himself and how official everything looked, of course looks could be deceiving, and worst case scenario someone like this could act as competition, but for now there was no reason to believe that..indeed they were better off playing things friendly and safe for now. Ultimately it was up to Saoirse anyway which Ryuuji was fine with.

"Pleased to have you with us Cleo. " He said with a bit of a bow.

"I too look forward to our cooperation as well." If the goal wasn't to be so obviously a slave, he might as well act more like someone who wasn't in his position was like.

Presuming that it was confirmed that they would be rewarded appropriately and that Ryuuji would introduce himself to the group as Ryuuji Kamimura. Despite what one might assume all things considered Ryuuji did his utmost to look calm and collected as he usually did.

[Opportunist] – Character is watchful for and more easily picks up on 'opportunities'. Generally the opportunities help the character achieve a desired outcome. Opportunities typically come with some risk but if they work out, they can avoid some hassle or other major setback.
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Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Winrey Lolory Lolory | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Katie II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II | Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard |
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Well, they were off to a great start for sure, weren't they? The first introduction of the Continental Lake looking girl (Katie) declaring her siblings with some sort of half-beast was enough to instantly annoy her. When Winrey replied they'd never seen one another before, she figured she'd add to it. “Your ears are similar to those of the average Elf. Your hair is similar to that of the average octopus-like continental lake beastfolk. Going by your logic, you'd be a halfbreed between those two species.”

She then turned to Winrey. “What's that supposed to mean?” His statement of not running in the same circles was annoying. “If you're pointing to the fact that you're of lower caste, then you shouldn't have, I figured out that much already. Don't worry though, I'll respect the law of these lands and pretend it doesn't exist for the time being.” She honestly was annoyed these lands didn't tend to adhere to the caste system. As much as she respected the law, she definitely knew which country's law had her preference. West Empire all the way. There was one thing she was curious about. “A Deacon doing Alchemy? Aren't most religions suspicious of that stuff?” That felt like an odd mismatch of interests.

She finally managed to form a bit of a smile when Cleo arrived. A merchant looking for profits. Someone that finally spoke her language. Considering his guards, she realised he might actually amount to something. In other words, she'd finally found someone whom might be worth the effort of introducing herself, even though he was a mere Human. Then again, he only gave them a first name, so perhaps she'd want to wait it out for a bit. Unless... she could get some initial advantage, she realised. “It's a pleasure to meet you. You can call me miss Desrosiers.” She politely introduced herself to Cleo, figuring she might as well act as the more professional party by only introducing herself with a surname rather than merely a first name. That might get the right power balance going from the start. “I'm a businesswoman from the West Empire.” She looked him up and down. She sort-off wanted to ask him what he traded in, but realised she'd get the return question and wouldn't have a good reply at the ready. It's why she abstained from doing so.
Indicus finally found himself approaching the town of Marain named in the letter that suddenly appeared in front of him a some time back during his wandering. From the air he easily spotted the group gathered around a very fancily dressed human woman and a wagon. Assuming this was the group he was to meet, Indicus landed near the town entrance and with wings folded behind him he walked up to the group as they seemed to be talking, feeling a bit under dressed seeing most of the group was wearing either formal clothing, armor or well made casual clothes.

Quickly inspecting himself he judged he looked decent enough, with only some road dust covering him from the few times he switched from flying to running and vice versa on the way to Marain.

Shaking the sudden thought from his head once he was near the group he looked over the people he would be working with on this adventure. Two beast-kin one male the other female from a rabbit lineage, The female rabbit beast-kin stood out with two humans around her one armored woman and another was a young man that he noticed (Perception F) seemed to coldly analyze everyone. There was a woman with squid or octopus like tentacles instead of hair dressed like a Republic Priestess. Finally there was a human man flaned by several armored knights

"Hello everyone, I assume someone here is the reason I got this little surprise?" Indicus said holding up the letter sporting holes from his claws when he dived down to catch it as he was flying.

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(Mood: Wary and Cautious)

Quick Conversation

Lower caste...? What century is she from?

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Elvario Elvario

"The Church of Meldaron doesn't shy away from more occult practices." Winrey explained. "Alchemy and funerary rites go hand in hand sometimes, at least when I'm the one doing the burial." There had been times where he'd used his own knowledge in potion making to help speed up the rather lengthy embalming process that normally took ages, and it had worked out splendidly. "Who knows? In the future, when you're about to be buried, your Deacon may also be an Alchemist just like me." It could be a possibility one day, but not all churches were quite as welcoming to magic and alchemy as the church of Meldaron was.

coded by: @s e v e n

(Mood: Wary and Cautious)

Quick Conversation

Lower caste...? What century is she from?

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Elvario Elvario

"The Church of Meldaron doesn't shy away from more occult practices." Winrey explained. "Alchemy and funerary rites go hand in hand sometimes, at least when I'm the one doing the burial." There had been times where he'd used his own knowledge in potion making to help speed up the rather lengthy embalming process that normally took ages, and it had worked out splendidly. "Who knows? In the future, when you're about to be buried, your Deacon may also be an Alchemist just like me." It could be a possibility one day, but not all churches were quite as welcoming to magic and alchemy as the church of Meldaron was.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Winrey Lolory Lolory | Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Saoirse looked at the new arrival (Indicus), raising an eyebrow. Meeting a fellow beast was nice enough, especially a full-blooded one and not some weird halfblood, yet he did see ma bit.. feral? The fact he wasn't even wearing proper claw guards suggested he was more of a peasant than gentry in caste, that much was sure. She was already missing the West Empire, where simple peasants like him would show a bit more respect to her. That said, she decided not to immediately pick a fight. “That seems to be the case. You may call me miss Desrosiers. Whom might you be?” She tried to get some formal, polite, introductions going again.

She then turned to Winrey. “The Church of who now?” She wasn't common with the Ryke pantheon. “Actually, it doesn't matter. I'm not expecting to need burial anytime soon and if such an unfortunate thing does happen, I'd rather be burned than buried.” She stated, although she did glare at him a bit, as his words were taken as a hidden threat and/or insult. “So... alchemy. Do you trade in it?” She asked, wondering if there was at least a potential for profit there. She had a lot more slaves to buy and a lot more land and buildings to buy to house them all, so she'd rather not miss opportunities.

Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
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{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

He nodded at Ryuuji, not bothering to ask him about his name if he didn't disclose it himself. "Pleasure to meet you as well." His gaze turned to Saoirse who initiated a conversation with him. His smile deepened as he listened to her. "Ah, Ms. Desrosiers, a pleasure to meet you as well." He put a hand on his chest then slightly bowed. "A businesswoman from the West Empire, I see?" He held his chin as he looked at her. "It's quite an interesting situation, meeting a fellow coin handler out here. Much so someone from another nation." He laughed warmly. "Then it is only right to introduce myself properly between fellow businesspeople." He nodded at himself. "Blue Quill Merchant, Cleo Rom, at your service." Cleo bowed formally this time, before straightening his back. "I am not a popular merchant, truthfully. My wares are simply general goods." He looked at the others. "That is why I am currently here to find things that I can use to capitalize on." Cleo looked at Saoirse with a smile. His admittance showed his willingness for cooperation, laying bare his goal to gain trust. After all, one of the best practices in business is sincerity.

Cleo's gaze shifted over to the newcomer and smiled at him with a nod. "Indeed, sir. We're now just waiting for the rest to come." He shifted his position, and stood formally with his hands behind his back. "Come join us for a bit of chat." A dragonkin, or whatever Indicus was, was a bit unusual sight for Cleo. However, he thought nothing of it once again. The only thing that bothered him for a bit was his lack of presentability. Then again, everyone had different cultures. He thought maybe Indicus preferred to look... shabby.

His gaze then landed on Katie, curious. "Ah, miss." He called out to her as he approached. "Quite the peculiar attire. Western design, perhaps?" He pondered, his eyes visibly calculating something, before nodding to himself. "Hm. Pleasing to the eyes. A venue for apparel of such design would be perhaps demanded, if not popular." He smirked, merely commenting about his observation. His eyes then moved over to Winrey and sized him up, and looked especially at his legs. "Hmm..." His eyes went back to Katie's attire again. "Yes, specially made clothes would be popular." He remarked with a smile, clearly enjoying calculating investments.



(Mood: Smug)

Quick Conversation

Oh death save me, she hasn't even heard of the church...heathens...

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Elvario Elvario
"Nothing I could trade would be of any interest to you. Materials are important in Alchemy and so are potions...but they're only useful if you know how to use them to the best of your knowledge." He explained, quite smugly at that. "You're obviously not that knowledgeable about Alchemy it would seem. Though I am just a Novice, if I have knowledge to trade and you don't, I suppose that means I'm actually in the higher 'caste' around here." Winrey shrugged, "Perhaps this adventure could be an opportunity to learn. That's what I'm treating it as, anyways."

coded by: @s e v e n

(Mood: Smug)

Quick Conversation

Oh death save me, she hasn't even heard of the church...heathens...

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Elvario Elvario
"Nothing I could trade would be of any interest to you. Materials are important in Alchemy and so are potions...but they're only useful if you know how to use them to the best of your knowledge." He explained, quite smugly at that. "You're obviously not that knowledgeable about Alchemy it would seem. Though I am just a Novice, if I have knowledge to trade and you don't, I suppose that means I'm actually in the higher 'caste' around here." Winrey shrugged, "Perhaps this adventure could be an opportunity to learn. That's what I'm treating it as, anyways."

Indicus quickly realized his glaring if minor social blunder in not giving his name. "Sorry I never introduced myself. My name's Indicus adventurer and sell sword, It is nice to meet you Miss Desrosiers, Mr Rom." Indicus gave each a polite nod as he said their name. That said Indicus did not miss the two merchants taking his measure knowing and how merchants or others of some influence could be he figured they found him odd at best or uncultured swine at worst. Well he couldn't blame them not many people walked around wearing only some pants and a waist pack in society, even most peasants tended to wear shirts and shoes or at least a shirt in the case of beast-men with oddly shaped feet.

Early in his new life, Indicus found shirts got destroyed easily in combat and he never could find or afford a cobbler that could make shoes that his clawed feet would not rend soon after he put them on. As for armor his scales were more then sufficient. Indicus shook himself out of his thoughts before he missed everything that was going on. He really had to work on not spacing out

Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"
Mentions: Lolory Lolory Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Elvario Elvario

Ryuuji listened for the time being not the most thrilled with the way that Winrey was interacting with Saoirse. He gave a bow toward Indicus who arrived on the scene. It was pretty obvious that this religiously motivated individual probably wasn't going to mesh the best with the sorts of goals that Saoirse and her party had. Ryuuji listened to Cleo and it was pretty apparent this was the kind of guy he would have liked having on the team back in Japan in the office. He was obviously bright with business which is exactly the sorts which Ryuuji would prefer to have under him in the corporate ladder or work with as a business partner.

Not only that from the sounds of things he was looking for opportunities to profit as Ryuuji did quite frequently, that was how he got ahead after all in his own profits in his past life. Acquiring wealth effectively was simply a way to a much better life, one which Ryuuji fully intended on achieving by helping Saoirse get wealthier.

"It's nice to have your acquaintance Indicus I look forward to working with you, for reference, to everyone, I go by Ryuuji Kamimura. I work along side Miss Desrosiers as a strategic partner of sorts." This wasn't really a lie in his mind , it certainly had felt like he was working with her a strategic partner on how to profit, slave or not, plus saying that sort of thing didn't sound like something a slave would say, so he figured he was following what she said to do reasonably well with that.

Ryuuji then looked to Winrey, as less than ideal as this one had been for apparently finding it entertaining to instigate a reaction he continued to put on his cool and collected look.

He might have tried to follow up to fish for information on the subject but decided it wasn't worth it on the basis that Winrey self proclaimed being a Novice at the craft.

Under normal circumstances he might have said something in defense of Saoirse but for now he was playing things cool, there was no reason for him to add to the back and forth when it sounded like they were expected to work together.

"I see, then I sincerely hope we all can learn something useful." He replied in the most pleasant voice he could muster.

"I have a good feeling from the impression you've given me that you'll be able to move onto selling greater goods moving forward." He also added looking to Cleo with a bit of a smile.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Winrey Lolory Lolory | Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

So far, Cleo was easily the one who'd made the best impression on her. When he gave her his company name and trade preferences, however, she realised she had to come up with an appropriate reply. The truth might not be ideal, yet a lie would be too unbelievable. She wasn't know for her deception, after all. “Ah, do not worry about popularity. I'm afraid my trade isn't exactly easy to carry over to different nations altogether, so just like you, I'm mostly hoping to make a profit and find things to capitalise on.” That's when she recalled a few things she could actually mention. “Although I did start managing a songstress and I am planning to see about starting a construct-building workshop. Let's just say I'd like to try to diversify my interests” Between Jastira and boy she'd debated buying, she had some options that she'd still want to expand upon. However, there was one thing she was even more curious about. “Considering you're operating closer to it... would you say the war between the See and East Empire has brought any... interesting opportunities?”

She was rather blatant about wanting to profit off of a war, of all things, but it wasn't exactly illegal to do so, so she was more than willing to scout out some chances. Perhaps she could even buy some prisoners of war at a reduced price, if she was lucky enough to run into the right people. Those might be fun to develop, especially if she could teach Ryuuji how to cure mental trauma or fix up damaged ones. Truthfully, that would be ideal. So much so she'd gesture over Ryuuji and whisper to him. “Once you got more of your powers back, there should be good opportunities in buying prisoners of war at a discount and having you fix them. Depending on how much their families offer, we can sell them back at a huge profit or use them as slaves instead. Although it would depend on whether you think you could learn how to cure some of the metal trouble they might've incurred. I guess all of that is for a later date to explore, but we might as well keep our eyes and ears open for the moment.”

As happy and interested as Cleo made her, the fellow rabbit in the group was just pissing her off.

Melia Hayward

Even Melia, whom had been standing by 'on call' was clearly not the happiest with what the rabbit was spouting. Between his 'when you're about to be buried' statement and now his claim to be of higher caste, the guard's eyes were upon him more so than upon any others. Even so, considering Saoirse hadn't given any commands regarding him, she stayed silent and her blade stayed sheeted.

Saoirse herself, for that matter, did feel a desire to order giving him a beating, but she had to remember they weren't in the West Empire. She wished to respect the laws of these lands, senseless as they were. “Those are some big words. You'd best have the ability to back them up.” She decided it might be best to turn his words against him. If he dared claim he was of higher caste, she'd be down to have him do all the heavy lifting whilst she got to look for ways to profit. After all, the laws here didn't even respect castes to begin with. On that topic, she might as well try to de-escalate a little. “Opportunities to learn are always a good thing.” After all, learning led to flourishing, so she could at least grand him that much.

On the topic of granting others stuff, the lizard didn't seem to have much going for him. Just some random adventurer that seemed too poor to even afford the slightest show of noble beast blood. Then again, he did look 'sturdy' in a sense, so perhaps making nice with him to later rely on any fighting powers he might possess wasn't the worst idea. “No worries, nice to meet you as well.” She ended up replying.

Ryuuji, meanwhile, was playing the part well. All in al, it was clear he might be her most promising slave thus far when it came to tactics.
- Niall Riordan -
Demon's Souls - The Penetrator Cropped.png

Demon's Souls - The Penetrator Screenshot.jpg
Mentions: Perenelle/Winrey Lolory Lolory | The overall group.
Languages: Common
Active Titles: Defender of Sootspire

Ever seeking whatever method or edge he could acquire to increase his power and standing, Niall had a passing interest in Alchemy purely for what it might offer him in that field. Having received the oddly fragrant letter not long ago, he took a carriage to Marian Village; a small, quaint little place dotted with several wooden shacks and little else, save for the gathering of colourful characters assembled nearby, likely a party of adventurers undertaking the selfsame job as himself, but it wouldn't hurt to ask. Cracking his neck and adjusting his left shoulder pad, Niall Riordan approached the group with a distinctive clank marking his every heavy step, likely looming over a few people present as he got closer, letting out a tinny sigh behind his helmet before speaking.

"I assume we're all here for the same job?" His hollow, deep voice emitted in the closest to a friendly tone as he could emulate, which still ended up being icy. Producing the letter he was sent and holding it between his fingers, he passed a gaze across all of his peers present. Another bunch of ragtags, it would seem, but it's never failed thus far, so he would not judge. A few more rabbitfolk than he's seen before, a well-dressed man surrounded by guards and a long, raven-haired youth who honestly didn't look like he wanted to be here, but these were mere first impressions.

(Marian Village| Day | Spring)

Stranger, yet stranger…I’m reminded of a book I read once.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Shatter Shard Shatter Shard II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

As conversation died amongst the party members, Perenelle clapped her hands once to catch their attention. With a wide smile, she greeted them. "Hello! I'm so glad I could get this many people to help with my expedition into The See's forest. Seriously, I was super worried that some how, I'd end up with just about nobody, ha!" She laughed with a snort. "But looks like we have just enough to get this whole thing started! First, introductions: I am Perenelle Flamel, extraordinary explorer, and author of multiple Alchemical books used by novices and experts alike! If you've ever attended an academy for Magic or Alchemy of any kind, odds are you used my books to study. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Perenelle spoke proudly of her accomplishments and didn't wait for applause or congratulations as she continued on.

"The 'dungeon' that I need you all to explore to get those four diaries is not actually a dungeon in the way that you're thinking. It used to be a 'Traveling Laboratory' that was in use for about a century before the ones who created it sadly passed away. Many Alchemists have never even heard of them before, as they liked to live in secrecy, but I'm sure you've heard of their accomplishment before..." She said. "The four Alchemists who owned that lab are also the four who created the very first Philosophers Stone! The key to creating life and transmutation in Alchemy was born in that lab! And I need to get my hands on their personal journals that lay within."

Winrey's ears twitched at the mention of a Philosopher's Stone. In his old world, they were precious gems that were made from less than conventional methods. But this world was far less cruel than the one he originated from, so the idea of being able to create one in a way that took less effort appealed greatly to him. He didn't even care about the gold in front of him, if what Perenelle claimed was true and they were really headed into an ancient lab, this would be the perfect opportunity to learn as much as he could about Alchemy.

Perenelle sighed and had a worried look on her face, "However...the only real issue standing before us besides that innumerable puzzles in the lab itself...is an outside force known as the Scarlet Coven. I didn't have enough time to explain in my letter, but they're bad news and they've been hunting down those diaries just as I have. The lab 'travels', meaning it's never in the same place and will appear at random spots all over the world. I've managed to finally track it down, and keep it in one place for awhile. The Coven is an extremely discreet group of Alchemists who get together to share the discoveries they've made, and for years they've been trying to learn the origin of the Philosopher's Stone. It's origin has remained a mystery, simply because they don't have those diaries. The four Alchemists expressely forbid the Coven from ever getting access to that information, and as their friend I've decided to see to it that their wishes are fulfilled."

"What do these Scarlet Coven alchemists look like?" Winrey asked. He'd never heard of such a thing before, but if they were truly as secretive as Perenelle said, that would explain it. Perenelle smirked and reached into her skirt pocket before pulling out a singular potion bottle. She dashed it on the ground and in a whiff of purple smoke, an image appeared before them in the whispy cloud. A tall person in strange white garb that was trimmed in gold lace with an ornate mask stood before them.

Winrey tentavily reached a hand out, and watched wordlessly as it passed through the persons midsection. They were a mirage simply created by a potion.
"I'm familiar with this potion, you mentioned it in your book." He said as he stood back again.


"Sharp eyes, kid." Perenelle winked at him. "This mirage is recreated from memory. This is exactly how they look and dress. They may use swords to fight, but they're also known to throw a mean potion or two if you're not careful, so be on the look out." She said. "I feel I've covered basically everything you need to be able to face this adventure head on! So let's get going, everyone." She helped each adventurer into the large carriage, and they set off from Marian Village into the forest of The See.

coded by: @s e v e n

As conversation died amongst the party members, Perenelle clapped her hands once to catch their attention. With a wide smile, she greeted them. "Hello! I'm so glad I could get this many people to help with my expedition into The See's forest. Seriously, I was super worried that some how, I'd end up with just about nobody, ha!" She laughed with a snort. "But looks like we have just enough to get this whole thing started! First, introductions: I am Perenelle Flamel, extraordinary explorer, and author of multiple Alchemical books used by novices and experts alike! If you've ever attended an academy for Magic or Alchemy of any kind, odds are you used my books to study. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Perenelle spoke proudly of her accomplishments and didn't wait for applause or congratulations as she continued on.

"The 'dungeon' that I need you all to explore to get those four diaries is not actually a dungeon in the way that you're thinking. It used to be a 'Traveling Laboratory' that was in use for about a century before the ones who created it sadly passed away. Many Alchemists have never even heard of them before, as they liked to live in secrecy, but I'm sure you've heard of their accomplishment before..." She said. "The four Alchemists who owned that lab are also the four who created the very first Philosophers Stone! The key to creating life and transmutation in Alchemy was born in that lab! And I need to get my hands on their personal journals that lay within."

Winrey's ears twitched at the mention of a Philosopher's Stone. In his old world, they were precious gems that were made from less than conventional methods. But this world was far less cruel than the one he originated from, so the idea of being able to create one in a way that took less effort appealed greatly to him. He didn't even care about the gold in front of him, if what Perenelle claimed was true and they were really headed into an ancient lab, this would be the perfect opportunity to learn as much as he could about Alchemy.

Perenelle sighed and had a worried look on her face, "However...the only real issue standing before us besides that innumerable puzzles in the lab itself...is an outside force known as the Scarlet Coven. I didn't have enough time to explain in my letter, but they're bad news and they've been hunting down those diaries just as I have. The lab 'travels', meaning it's never in the same place and will appear at random spots all over the world. I've managed to finally track it down, and keep it in one place for awhile. The Coven is an extremely discreet group of Alchemists who get together to share the discoveries they've made, and for years they've been trying to learn the origin of the Philosopher's Stone. It's origin has remained a mystery, simply because they don't have those diaries. The four Alchemists expressely forbid the Coven from ever getting access to that information, and as their friend I've decided to see to it that their wishes are fulfilled."

"What do these Scarlet Coven alchemists look like?" Winrey asked. He'd never heard of such a thing before, but if they were truly as secretive as Perenelle said, that would explain it. Perenelle smirked and reached into her skirt pocket before pulling out a singular potion bottle. She dashed it on the ground and in a whiff of purple smoke, an image appeared before them in the whispy cloud. A tall person in strange white garb that was trimmed in gold lace with an ornate mask stood before them.

Winrey tentavily reached a hand out, and watched wordlessly as it passed through the persons midsection. They were a mirage simply created by a potion.
"I'm familiar with this potion, you mentioned it in your book." He said as he stood back again.


"Sharp eyes, kid." Perenelle winked at him. "This mirage is recreated from memory. This is exactly how they look and dress. They may use swords to fight, but they're also known to throw a mean potion or two if you're not careful, so be on the look out." She said. "I feel I've covered basically everything you need to be able to face this adventure head on! So let's get going, everyone." She helped each adventurer into the large carriage, and they set off from Marian Village into the forest of The See.
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Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Winrey Lolory Lolory | Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer | Niall Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

The latest arrival didn't really sit well with her. Some person in full armour, not even introducing himself. Other than Cleo, anyone here had pretty much annoyed her. They were off to a great start.

That's when their 'gracious host' finally properly introduced things. She raised an eyebrow. “You're not exactly inspiring confidence by admitting you we worried that nobody would show up.” She noted, insinuating she wanted to know the reason. After all, if this woman was a known scammer, incompetent fool or someone who'd given them a near-impossible mission, she'd rather turn back whilst they could.

She perked up at the mention of Philosopher's Stone. That sounded like the immortal magic stuff that Dranth had been into as well. She wondered if she could sell such a thing to him for the remaining of his slaves. Perhaps they should try get these journals and keep them for themselves? That might be useful. They hadn't exactly signed any contract with this woman, nor made any formal deals, so they wouldn't be breaking any laws.

Her interest in dealing with the Coven was also renewed. Having good contacts with some secretive alchemist that seemed as powerful as this woman suggested would be great for future dealings. She hoped they'd be reasonable enough to strike a deal with. One better than Perenelle offered, at least, although if they didn't, perhaps Perenelle herself would be worthwhile having as a contact? She did seem relatively famous, assuming she was embellishing her own story all that much. She'd yet to figure out which option would be more profitable and/or beneficial.

Another surprise. Saoirse sort-off liked their style. It was odd though. For a secretive group, those outfits stood out a lot. “What kind of potions?” She asked, not eager to get acid all over her precious fur.

Melia Hayward

Her question seemed to put Melia on the same track, as the woman would further question Perenelle. “How many of them do you expect to show up? Also, do you know if they possess any magic or other ranged abilities, other than throwing potions?” Stuff like that would be crucial information in keeping Saoirse (and where possible Ryuuji) safe in what was to come.

Indicus heard the clanking of armor behind him and glanced back to see a very tall man walk up to them before asking about the gathering and showing the letter identical with the one he received. Before he could speak to the new arrival, the human lady dressed in fancy clothing spoke up. First she introduced herself as Perenelle Flamel before recapping and clarifying what was said in the letter and even using some potion to show an image of this Scarlet Coven.

Indicus got the jest of it, they were going to go into a research base of a group of dead alchemists that Perenelle knew or was friends with. In this base they would have to participate in the groups favorite pass time of puzzle solving to get anywhere all the while some other secret group of alchemists tried to get the journals for themselves which the late group of alchemists did not want to happen lest this group get the recipe to making a powerful artifact that can preform miracles.

Then that was when the questions began. Desrosiers commented on the employers expectations before asking about the potions while her knight asked about other tricks this Scarlet Society had. Indicus couldn't help but comment on the implied question. "Miss Desrosiers frankly we all got a letter that suddenly appeared in front of us requesting we meet at a town bordering the home of the Faries from someone I'm sure most of us have never heard of before. Despite the rather likely case of a trap of some sort, we accepted this letter at face value and came anyway. There are very few sane people that would do that. That we are here means we are bored, fools or very confident." Indicus shrugged, "Maybe some combination of the three."
Ryuuji Kamimura

Languages: "Common", "[Terran]"
Interactions: Lolory Lolory Elvario Elvario Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Nero Kunivas Nero Kunivas

Ryuuji thought Saoirse was doing a pretty good job at not being too obvious about her trade, since she wasn't lying, she really was doing all of those things, even if slavery was in the equation, why did anyone who wasn't interested or might find the topic problematic, why did they need to be privy to the operations? Ryuuji knew well enough they were just there to seize the opportunity for profit, make any beneficial connections and then roll out when they had done that to a satisfactory degree in Saoirse's opinion.

When he heard her whisper to him he gave her a nod. He responded softly, "Understood, Miss Desrosiers, to my understanding of how my abilities can be used, what you describe sounds plausible if I were to invest my time in the right places."

By the time Niall rolled up he gave a respectful bow their way. "I'd say so. I look forward to us working together." Ryuuji replied plainly but with a polite intonation.\

Then it was time to listen to Perenelle. After all was said and done it sounded like some effort was going to be required of them, and not just a bit, but he figured as much, otherwise she wouldn't have asked so many for help in retrieving those books. Ryuuji was of a similar mind that since the books didn't really belong to anyone left and that she was just trying to obtain the material and keeping those who were long gone's wishes in order, then there were opportunities from profit than to just get them to Perenelle.

'Your accomplishments are certainly impressive, however I too am curious about what my allies are interested in, the better a threat assessment we have from the start, the better off we'll be."

Saoirse also raised a good point, why wasn't she sure if anyone would show up? Their possible enemies sounded problematic but at the same time why didn't they want the Scarlet covern to get them? He supposed they just needed to take her words at face value as they had coming there...

Even Indicus raised a pretty good point, but Ryuuji felt inclined to speak there. "Sometimes calculated risks are necessary to benefit. Many are in fields which assume risk, the description of this sounds very much like the quests adventurers take on daily, so I would ascertain that those of us who came here are not much different then they are in this case."

Nevertheless should the group move on Ryuuji would stay close to Saoirse and Melia, wherever they'd go.
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Ryuuji TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

If the lizard was out to make enemies, he was surely doing well. She barely managed to suppress a sigh at Indicus' words. “Either that, or we knew about the risks, but realised we'd meet first on common grounds and figured we'd have another opportunity to find out what we were getting into. It'd still be a waste of time and money on the trip, but a lot less so than being skinned and sold as an East Empire accessory. Just the fact that we arrived here doesn't mean we have to get into the next stages of our little adventure blindly and without any scepticism.” She replied to him.

Thankfully, Ryuuji was being a good boy and backed her up, at least in part. He also seemed more willing to try butter-up to Perenelle, which was great, as she wasn't exactly in the greatest mood to play nice with her, even though the connection could be valuable.

Mood: Quaint
Quick Conversation

The money is one thing...the knowledge is another.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

"I am not interested in any monetary gain from this venture, even if Mrs. Flamel has a lot of money to give. This is the perfect opportunity to learn from old masters of Alchemy who are no longer here." Winrey said to Indicus. "The potential to learn outweighs any real danger in my eyes. And besides, the Church teaches us that we should not covet money so eagerly. The experiences you get in your lifetime are all the riches you need." Winrey didn't believe that totally but it was something his father used to say to him all of the time when he was studying back at home.

coded by: @s e v e n

Mood: Quaint
Quick Conversation

The money is one thing...the knowledge is another.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚
Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer

"I am not interested in any monetary gain from this venture, even if Mrs. Flamel has a lot of money to give. This is the perfect opportunity to learn old masters of Alchemy who are no longer here." Winrey said to Indicus. "The potential to learn outweighs any real danger in my eyes. And besides, the Church teaches us that we should not covet money so eagerly. The experiences you get in your lifetime are all the riches you need." Winrey didn't believe that totally but it was something his father used to say to him all of the time when he was studying back at home.
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Cleo Rom
"Blue Quill Merchant"


{ F }
{ D }
{ A }
{ E }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Trader | Merchant | Stouthearted | Closer

-The See-
Marian Village

Code by: Shatter Shard

Cleo sensed some hostilities brewing between the two rabbit folks, but he opted for a neutral approach instead; staying quiet. Although he wanted to mediate, their disagreements were currently nothing but sheathed daggers, and it seems the two wouldn't escalated it further. Instead, Cleo replied to Saoirse amicably, though there was a hint of sharpness in his glare. "There are opportunities, yes, but I've steered clear of some things." He chuckled. "Instead I opted for harboring goodwill. I aim for longer partnerships, and in turn, longer flow of gains." He hummed and looked at Saoirse, almost as if trying to gauge something. "But if you look hard enough, some partnerships does not require goodwill."

Niall's arrival earned Cleo's attention as he nodded at him. "Welcome, er..." He paused, looking at the well armored man as his deep, hollow voice resounded. Cleo blinked, slightly intimidated from Niall's appearance. "Erm, yes. We're all the same group." He replied with a smile. If Niall had good awareness, he would be able to tell that the guards around Cleo was looking at him guardedly. Niall not even introducing himself was a bit of an iffy matter to Cleo, but showing no hostility meant he was willing to let it go.

Finally, the leader of the group spoke up. Perenelle briefed them of the current situation, and Cleo finally figure out who she was. The information divulged was digestible, and Cleo found himself listening to Perenelle's every word. After all, information was one of the greatest weapons one could have. He pondered as the mirage of a member of the Coven appeared from beyond the potion. "Fascinating..." He murmured, but he still wasn't sure if the Coven are truly villainous. Aside from being a gathering of alchemists, he didn't glean any information that might incriminate the group. At least, if he decided to be skeptical of Perenelle and her association with the four alchemists. However as it stands out, he was currently employed under Perenelle. For this moment, he was on her side.

Cleo waited until the others have boarded before boarding in himself. The guards, noting the limited space inside the carriage, decided to hang on the sides and the steps at the back. Cleo, in silence, tapped his chin as he pondered for a good while. His eyes shifted to the people inside the carriage, noting the tension increasing as words were thrown one after another. "As I've said before, I'm here for profits." He declared. "Foolhardy or not, I can't deny such a golden opportunity. However, Ms. Flamel's money isn't my goal either. Our current destination is a lab of some sorts, meaning it may contain remnants of great alchemy. As Mr. Winrey dictated, the opportunity of knowledge from masters is invaluable in itself." I swept my gaze on the others. "The danger is, frankly, a risky variable that I wouldn't have taken the moment I heard of it." He sighed. "But the gains by simply participating is not that easy to come by. If I get my hands on at least some of those alchemical knowledge, I would gain a lot, especially with the Alchemist's Guild." He smiled at the others, specifically at Winrey. "But of course, knowledge regarding the Philosopher's Stone is not something I'd want to get my hands on. It brings more trouble than it's worth." He laughed as if the thought was ridiculous. "I know that there are people that would be willing to kill you just for suggesting the creation of life. Currently, I want no such animosities."

Cleo took a deep breath. "Regardless, the danger in the lab is at most those from the Crimson Coven. Either that, or the 'puzzles' the lab allegedly is made of." He leaned back on his seat with a look of contemplation. "Both of which are unknown to us currently. I am unsure which parts I am more confident in facing. I don't exactly like being mind controlled if they happen to have some sort of charm potion." He lamented, remembering a certain terrible memory. "I am with Ms. Desrosiers and the rest. We lack some crucial information about the coven, at least. Can you at least tell us of their modus operandi, Ms. Flamel?"


Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Cleo Shatter Shard Shatter Shard
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Of all the people here, she'd designated Cleo as the more interesting one. Other than perhaps the one who summoned them herself. His answers were peculiar, but in an interesting manner. “I'd have to agree with the importance of long-term planning, yet being so close to a war, are you truly not attracted to some short-term gains that it might offer?” She wanted to test him out a bit more. “After all, short-term gains might give you the resources needed for such long term goals.” She wasn't entire sure what his last comment meant, so she tactically decided to ignore it.

Cleo's words within the carriage, however, made her chuckle. “Those are some brave words.” She looked him directly in the eyes. “From the letter we've been given, wasn't it this Scarlet Coven's goal to share the information to shake up the Alchemists community? Would it then not be miss Perenelle's goal to keep all of it as secret as possible?” She was having some fun with this on.. “To so blatantly state the desire to gain the knowledge that of the enemy, even with the exclusion of the philosopher's stone... Information that our current employer wishes to stop from getting out, you truly are a brave one.”

Katie Eldoris
'Songstress of the Tides'

Katie had found herself in a rather... awkward situation to say the least. Not only did she have no clue what difference there was between elves and beastfolk, but she seemed to have ticked off Saoirse - who seemed to grow more irked as new arrivals made themselves known. As such, she calmly gave the slave owner some distance and give her an apology when a better opportunity arose, opting to stand on the other side of Winrey and try to gain some insight from them.
"Do you have any clue what the difference between an 'elf' and a 'beastfolk' is? Because I have absolutely no clue." Katie quietly whispered her question into Winrey's ear. Having once lived in a world where humans had gone extinct and where sea life had gained sentience, she was accustomed to the minute differences between what differentiated Octolings like herself from the many Inklings, Salmonids, Jellyfish, and various other species that had filled the numerous cities of her previous world. She never really questioned what was different between herself and the other races of this world. Why would she when racism in her world had died with the humans? Despite her confusion for the differences between races in this world however, the response she received from both Winrey and Saoirse at least answered her question - however stupid and ridiculous it was.

As other new faces gradually arrived and introduced themselves, she gave a simple wave and smile to each new person that joined their growing group. Aside from Ryuuji who had introduced himself a little earlier, the three whom were invited to participate in the upcoming mission each caught a brief moment of interest. Perhaps she could better get to know them once their trip to the target started.

And then there was Perenelle, whom seemed to have all of the answers and was the one who recruited everyone. In conversing with the others she was quick to answer some of the questions that were on Katie's mind, though it didn't clear up the suspicion she had for the renown alchemist. And her suspicions only grew upon learning more about the cult. Perhaps it was not knowing the alchemists motivations for obtaining the research within the journals, though she had her doubts about the contents of the journals being beneficial or moral if a cult was after them as well. And it begged to question whether she was telling the truth or not. And so, she decided to keep a cautious eye on the Alchemist, to avoid being blindsided by their potential betrayal later down the line.
LOCATION: Marian Village

Coded by AnemoVictorious

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