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Is it possible to add a table of contents?

The Narrator

New Member

I apologize if this has been asked before, but I have searched the forums and could not find an answer. I have also attempted to create a table of contents, but with no success.

I want to create a table of contents to jump down a thread.

So, is this possible on this website? If so, how might I go about accomplishing the task?

Thanks in advance and God bless.
Yes, it is possible. Each post has a link. On the bottom right, you will see that your post has #1, and my post has #2. You can copy the link and use the url to 'jump' to a certain post.

Here is an example: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/tightly-wound.61023/

Note: It will only jump to the top of the post. There is no way that I know of that can cause the link to jump to the middle of a post.
Check out our BBC codes to find nice ways to edit your table of contents!

Then click on the page number of each post and rearrange it how you would like!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1ac8e036_Pagenumberofpost..png.0ce2fb5ffaa9f8d75d47f3fd515e0448.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43770" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1ac8e036_Pagenumberofpost..png.0ce2fb5ffaa9f8d75d47f3fd515e0448.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Edit: Ninja'd..... Dangit Muse (:<)



  • Page number of post..png
    Page number of post..png
    72.9 KB · Views: 59
Muse and Ricia,

Thank you very much for your prompt replies and help. It's comforting to know that this website has good people to count on. However, I failed to make myself clear and for that I apologize. I was referring to a table of contents for a single and specific post. I see now, thanks to your help, that it isn't possible to do so, but that is quite all right.

Thanks again and have a great night.

P.S. Ricia, I took a look at that the site's BBC codes earlier and it's a wonderful page. Very well done and helpful.
I do apologize... but there is no way to make a Table for a single post. Only multiple ones. I am glad we could help you though. :) I hope you have a wonderful time on our site. The staff and fellows are both extremely active. :)
As they said, you can't do it via bbcode.


If you were to label each part wIth a sPecific tag like [4.21] and put that number before the parts name in the contents people could be directed to that into the ctrl+f search function and it would drop them right to it.


Use CTRL+F to navigate via the Contents.


[1.00] Stuff

[1.00] Stuff
One other thought for you. You can collapse sections of a post using the spoiler tag or use tabs to organize large sections of text into manageable chunks in a smaller vertical space. You can even have tabs with spoilers; spoilers within tabs; or tabs within tabs. You just can't have spoilers within spoilers.

This can effectively make the post act like a collapsed table of contents they can expand.

Example- Using Spoilers

Topic 1

Topic 1 summary and vital stuff (if desired)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet nisi dolor. Vivamus hendrerit ut risus semper maximus. Pellentesque lobortis consectetur velit, in pretium arcu hendrerit in. Ut rhoncus ipsum metus, auctor pulvinar erat hendrerit ut. Aliquam vulputate, orci in blandit euismod, ex mi scelerisque ligula, nec mollis ligula enim vel quam. Quisque mollis est ac nibh consectetur, sit amet hendrerit purus porttitor. Vestibulum bibendum libero at est ullamcorper cursus. Praesent maximus, magna et tincidunt mollis, sem arcu fermentum nulla, sit amet ultrices massa libero et mauris. Fusce porttitor fermentum lectus, et dapibus est aliquet at. Duis nec molestie ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Topic 2

Topic 2 summary and vital stuff (if desired)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet nisi dolor. Vivamus hendrerit ut risus semper maximus. Pellentesque lobortis consectetur velit, in pretium arcu hendrerit in. Ut rhoncus ipsum metus, auctor pulvinar erat hendrerit ut. Aliquam vulputate, orci in blandit euismod, ex mi scelerisque ligula, nec mollis ligula enim vel quam. Quisque mollis est ac nibh consectetur, sit amet hendrerit purus porttitor. Vestibulum bibendum libero at est ullamcorper cursus. Praesent maximus, magna et tincidunt mollis, sem arcu fermentum nulla, sit amet ultrices massa libero et mauris. Fusce porttitor fermentum lectus, et dapibus est aliquet at. Duis nec molestie ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

  • Content, including headings can go here.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet nisi dolor. Vivamus hendrerit ut risus semper maximus. Pellentesque lobortis consectetur velit, in pretium arcu hendrerit in. Ut rhoncus ipsum metus, auctor pulvinar erat hendrerit ut. Aliquam vulputate, orci in blandit euismod, ex mi scelerisque ligula, nec mollis ligula enim vel quam. Quisque mollis est ac nibh consectetur, sit amet hendrerit purus porttitor. Vestibulum bibendum libero at est ullamcorper cursus. Praesent maximus, magna et tincidunt mollis, sem arcu fermentum nulla, sit amet ultrices massa libero et mauris. Fusce porttitor fermentum lectus, et dapibus est aliquet at. Duis nec molestie ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Donec ac pellentesque felis, in aliquam felis. Aenean dapibus ullamcorper nisi et aliquam. Suspendisse non quam lacinia, vehicula tortor non, tristique sapien. Sed et ex pellentesque, interdum magna sit amet, sodales enim. Mauris ultrices mauris tempus risus blandit, vel bibendum urna consectetur. Nulla facilisi. Donec bibendum augue ac massa gravida, in dapibus dui venenatis. Mauris elementum vehicula felis non sodales.

Topic 3

Topic 3 summary and vital stuff (if desired)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel augue ornare, posuere ante id, iaculis nibh. Praesent rutrum porta ipsum, a egestas ante accumsan vitae. Curabitur ornare eget ante eget dignissim. Praesent a pellentesque mauris. In aliquet, justo quis faucibus varius, lectus elit commodo ex, ac vehicula sem nisi id erat. Duis pellentesque aliquam felis, eget rutrum magna elementum sit amet. Donec sed ipsum quis sem faucibus pulvinar. Donec est nisl, rutrum id suscipit eget, volutpat in turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam quis hendrerit turpis, ut pellentesque tortor. Sed vestibulum suscipit urna, sit amet facilisis sem tempor nec.

Donec ac pellentesque felis, in aliquam felis. Aenean dapibus ullamcorper nisi et aliquam. Suspendisse non quam lacinia, vehicula tortor non, tristique sapien. Sed et ex pellentesque, interdum magna sit amet, sodales enim. Mauris ultrices mauris tempus risus blandit, vel bibendum urna consectetur. Nulla facilisi. Donec bibendum augue ac massa gravida, in dapibus dui venenatis. Mauris elementum vehicula felis non sodales.

Example - Using Tabs

Summary information can go here, as much or as little as you like.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc sit amet nisi dolor. Vivamus hendrerit ut risus semper maximus. Pellentesque lobortis consectetur velit, in pretium arcu hendrerit in. Ut rhoncus ipsum metus, auctor pulvinar erat hendrerit ut. Aliquam vulputate, orci in blandit euismod, ex mi scelerisque ligula, nec mollis ligula enim vel quam. Quisque mollis est ac nibh consectetur, sit amet hendrerit purus porttitor. Vestibulum bibendum libero at est ullamcorper cursus. Praesent maximus, magna et tincidunt mollis, sem arcu fermentum nulla, sit amet ultrices massa libero et mauris. Fusce porttitor fermentum lectus, et dapibus est aliquet at. Duis nec molestie ex. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Atom and Erica,

You've some wonderful ideas. I hadn't thought about utilizing those functions in that way, and I might just see how it turns out.

Thank you both for your help, I'm very grateful. And have a wonderful day.

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