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Futuristic is anyone out t h e r e ? Character Sheets


River Rose

RIP Avicii 1989-2018
Which Ship You’re A Part Of
Special Abilities (NOT SUPER POWERS!!!)
Crush (Optional)
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9 (in halclandran years), 27 (in earth years)

Currently resides on The Lor StarCutter

Special Abilities:
Genius mechanic/engineer, extreme heat resistance (thanks to being halclandran), and can jump very high
- Doesn't do great in temps below 65F degrees

Crush *cough* lor *cough*

Energetic, hyper, (once he found the amazing human wonder of coffee), doesn't really care for anything that's not ether A: a fellow engineer or B: is a machine.
His favorite food is (other than coffee) a halclandran delicately, Gem Apples.


"visiting magolor's home planet...is like visting hell." - quote from meta knight

On Halclandra there are volcanos everywhere, that constantly spew magma. And in the places where there isn't molten lava there are towns, carved into cooled magma. However if you read the ancient texts they tell the compete opposite of the planet, green grass blue sky, clear beautiful oceans.

What happened? Well the ancients happened. Some haywire destruction technology caused it, earthquakes, tsunamis, and eruptions in places there wasn't even volcanos, ravaging the planet, turning the sky a dingy ashy gray and what water didn't evaporate the same.

There are few Halclandrans who excape by excavating the advanced space ships, repair the technology and leave the hellhole. Magolor is one of these few but before that he was one of his towns messengers that runs messages back and forth between towns. So he became an expert at traversing the barren land that stretches between the settlements. On one of his journeys he tripped and fell into a cave that had the Lor StarCutter nestled inside, abandoning his messenger duties he devoted all of his time to working on and repairing her. After a full halclandran year he finally got her fully operational and found out that she was sentient AI. After politely asking that he wished to leave the planet she brought him out into space and the two of them have been dimension/plant hopping ever since

This is the Lor
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Bruh, there are only two ships, The Oracle and the other passenger ship. And judging from your CS, it doesn’t seem like you get the tone for this rp

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