News Introducing Bookmarks!

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I didn't want to go swimming anyway, baka!
Hey All,

We are aware that with the removal of the Resource Manager, that finding stuff might be difficult for a while, so to make it finding your own RP easy, and basically any content on the site, you can now bookmark it and conveniently find all your bookmarks at the top of the site or in your profile.

Now, you're probably asking yourself, Staff, what is this bookmark that you're talking about? Well, we're going to tell you!

The Bookmark system will allow you to bookmark any thread OR post, which is pretty straight forward. But wait, there's more! With the bookmarks, pages you have marked will be displayed on your user profile page (Publicly or just for you!), you can add notes to your bookmarks to help you know what is what. You can even add tags to your bookmarks so you can search up your content faster.

And it doesn't stop there. You can sticky thread your bookmarks so they display at the top, you can organize them as well, as well as edit them. If you'd like to test out what the bookmark system can do, just grab any post you fancy and click the "Bookmark" button on the bottom left of the post!

If you have any questions or concerns simply post below.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]At the bottom of every post, theres a Bookmark button, have fun :) !

Derp, I managed to somehow totally overlook that. >_>; Yay, I can bookmark and unwatch all these threads!
[QUOTE="The Doorman]I noticed the bookmark and then the announcement popped up! *Bows* Thank you, Staff-sama.

Let us know if you enjoy it :) !
Um... I think I'm blind. I understand how to bookmark a posts, but how do I go about bookmarking the Thread?
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You bookmark the first post :3

Gotcha! Thanks :)
YES YES thank you!

I was worried I'd become the annoying roleplayer that can't find the rps she's in and constantly asks for links.

Thank you, guys!

I'm enjoying it already, I'M GOING TO GO ON A BOOKMARKING FRENZY!
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