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Futuristic Into the Unknown


Hail Hydrip


In this RP, you will be playing 1 of 5 people selected to create the first permanent settlement on Mars. The Ares mission (your mission) is not the first mission to send people to Mars, but it is the first that hasn't planned any return trip. Your official goal is to set up the colony, perform experimental tasks for the long-term life of humans on Mars, and prepare for another crew of five to arrive in 5 years. You've been in a ship en-route to mars for 6 months now, but the time has come for you to take the small Scorpio capsule down to the surface and set up the HAB that has already been sent down. All of your supplies have been sent before you and lie in wait. The RP picks up on the decent into Tui Valis, your new home.


Tui Valis is in the northern edge of Valles Marineris, a large canyon by the equator. Setting in a crater will guarantee much higher atmospheric pressure and lower levels of radiation reaching the surface. The average atmospheric pressure on Mars is 7.1 mbar, However, at the bottom of some deepest craters it exceed 12-13 mbar, thus allowing liquid form of water to exists under certain conditions (another part of your mission will be to investigate water sources in order to find life or fossilized life). Also, the higher density of air means it has much better protection from harmful radiation.


I'm not going to set a year when this RP takes place, but it takes place a couple years after the last manned mission to Mars. There have been 5 manned missions to mars before this, but the most amount of time they stayed was 8 months, which was about 360 sols. Just imagine that this mission is at the technology level of NASA getting the same amount of budgeting as the Apollo missions.


You may only create one character.

2. Posts must be detailed, grammatically correct, and generally not immature or painful to read. Look, I'm not going to kick you out for misspelling one word but frequent mistakes and general carelessness isn't cool.

3. You do not have to be a rocket scientist or anything, but I would like for players to have an good working knowledge about Mars and space travel and things like that (btw, if I mess something up about space and the sciency stuff, let me know in the ooc and we'll talk about it)

4. You must post frequently. What frequent means will be decided once the pace of the RP is determined. Please let me know if you can't post for a certain amount of time, or if you're gonna stop posting. I do not mind if you lose interest, so don't be afraid to tell me. If you do lose interest or you can't participate anymore, I would like to give your character a logical end (like, their suit leaked while on an EVA).

5. Violence and cussing is allowed, but with a team like this, violence probably won't happen much at all (romance is allowed but will also be rare, this people are professionals)

6. Follow all RPN rules.

7. If you break these rules an unreasonable amount, I will kick you from the RP and kill off your character, but I probably won't do that because I'm kind of a pushover.

8. No Gary/Mary Sues, or an OP character. Also, please don't try to make your character the center of attention (there is no I in Team children).

I might later remember another rule, but I think I got them all. If I do remember, I'll tag everyone In the OOC tab and tag all of you and I'll update my list.
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