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Fantasy Into a New World


Six Thousand Club
Your on your way to school in a bus, when it stops at a bus stop. Someone climbs on board. It was female obviously, but something about her didn't seem right. She was too old to be going to school, she dressed in clothes that a villain would wear in the movies. She walks slowly though the bus, taking a peer at all the students faces. When she reaches yours, she smiles a white teethed grin. She turns, and says "This shall do it..."

The bus driver got up, about to escort her off the bus, but she froze when she raised her blue glowing hand. He froze and crumbled to ice. She smiled at the shocked children. "Let's play a game shall we?" She asks. She raises her hands, which turns a bright green. Thorns grow from the inside of the bus, pricking and cutting students. Many scream in fear. The thorns where so thick, no one could see out the window. They felt the bus move, like it was being thrown off a cliff. Then everything went black... When you open your eyes, the thorns are still there but a path was made through to lead to the door. You follow the tail and find yourself in another world... A world just like in fairy tales.

(UPDATE: My sister, LoAlyssa will be playing the only student. Everyone else died. :( )
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(I'd like to mention, me and my sister renamed the world to Wonderland. There are a few creatures from the movie/book that are in here, and some roles have been swapped.)

Malevolence stood in the halls of her home, looking out the window to the dark misty scenery. She lived in an old castle, that was crumbling apart. Abandoned from an older kingdom that stood there many years ago, used by the great kings and queens of old. She heard a rumble behind her, and as she turned to see what it was, the wall broke and her pet came blasting through.

"Wocky." She said sternly and walking over, with a gait that was swift, yet elegant. "This castle is already falling apart without you breaking down walls.

"Sorry master..." The jabberwocky hissed, as it's tongue flickered as it spoke. "I was just in a hurry to tell you the news."

"What news?" She said placing her hands on her hips.

"The bus has finally landed in our world." It hissed again.

Malevolence smiled and chuckled. Take me there immediately." She says climbing onto the jabberwocky's back. It plunged into the air, breaking the roof top.

"Watch the roof!" She shouted.

"Sorry master."
Roth had been stalking one of his fellow minions for the humor of it as he overheard them talking about some random bus making it into this world, instantly it caught his attention, it was like the prophecy from a few hundreds of years ago. He darted out from the trees and bushes and grabbed his minions head and pressed the blade against his neck "Where is this, bus, you speak of." His voice was like ice, cold and firm and had the potential to send chills down some of the most veteran of soldiers. The minion quickly spoke "It just entered wonderland, sir." Roth pulled his sword away and smashed his head into the ground "Next time inform me of stuff like that GOT IT!!" all the other little minions around him said 'yes sir' all at the same time. Roth lifted up the little minion in his hand and threw him into the wall and took off as fast as he came.

Running through the forest he was in he looked up just in time to see Malevolence come into the air on the jabberwocky, he kicked off tree to tree until he made his way to the tree tops and yelled over at her "What kind of joke is this, this wasn't projected to happen for another hundred years or so." Roth drew his sword and quickly attached a little rope to the handle in the loop where the pummel was supposed to be and planted the tip into a branch and let it hang foreward before he kicked of the tree top and started gliding through the air on the back of his sword like it was a wakeboard. He finally got next to Malevolence and the jabberwocky "If this is some kind of joke I don't approve of it, at all."

@queen of fantsy
Helga's eyes flickered as she woke up from what felt like a long nap. She was disoriented, unsure as to where she was, and could not recall as to when she fell asleep. Last thing she remembered, she was on her way to school.

She slowly sat up and looked at her surroundings. It was dark, and she was having a hard time concentrating, but after rubbing her eyes a bit, she realized she was in the school bus she was riding in before.

"But how?" She muttered under her breath. It was obvious that the bus had stopped, and they were definitely not at school. Helga tried to stand up, but felt a pang of numbness and cold shivers run from her head throughout her body, and she fell right back down. She put her hand to her head which seemed to be throbbing, but when she looked at her hand again, there was blood on her fingertips. She gasped, and touched her head again to find there was a nasty gash on the corner of her brow. Panic began to arise in her as she started to remember all the details of what transpired before. The woman, the green light, the thorns, and then-- darkness.

Helga quickly grabbed her bag and iPod (which she had been listening to before they were attacked), and crawled on the dirty floor of the bus, hoping to find her friends. Since she had been sitting in the back, it took her awhile, and by halfway she finally felt something cold and wet underneath the palm of her hand. She looked down to see the broken ice which used to be the bus driver. She couldn't help but let out a scream after seeing what had happened to him.

"This is just a dream." She whimpered, "This isn't real." A salty tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek, but then she rubbed it away. "No, no, no." She said with slight determination in her voice, "I have to keep a calm and level-head if I'm going to get out of this."

She slipped by the pile of ice despite the rising nausea in her stomach, and she made her way towards the front seats where her friends had been sitting. She noted that the bus seemed to be tilting downwards as if it were on a steep hill, but as the front window came into clearer view, she noticed that the front of the bus was embedded in the earth below like it had fallen from the sky as a meteor would.

She found herself batting away large thorny branches that blocked her path, getting thicker the farther as she went, and cutting up her hands. Thankfully she was wearing a thick sweater and a jacket on top that protected her arms, but she wasn't sure how much more she could take before her hands looked like they had gone through a cheese shredder.

She finally pushed the largest root out of the way, but wished she hadn't when she saw the scene before her. Bodies were everywhere. Every student that had originally been on the bus with her were piled on top of each other at the bottom of the bus, blood splattered everywhere. Two of her closest friends, Kate and Johnny, were two of the many that composed the pile. Helga wanted to scream, but she found herself unable to breathe not even cry. She felt like she was going to pass out.

Somehow, her adrenaline overcame her disbelief of the sight in front of her, and she managed to push some of the bodies out of the way so she could squeeze out of the doors partially covered in dirt that had been broken from the impact. But the moment she stepped outside and could finally breathe the fresh air instead of the rotten smell of death and decay, she bent over and threw up. After wiping her mouth she stood up to look at the world around her. They were in the middle of a clearing surrounded by high trees. She covered her mouth again. Originally they had been on a road that was in the middle of a quiet town. It was the dead of winter there, and here there was no snow on the ground. She shook her head slowly as she backed up into one of the trees, and there, she collapsed. She buried her head into her knees and sobbed, she had no idea what to do, and calling for help obviously wasn't going to work. She was in the middle of nowhere, and all her friends were dead.
Malevolence chuckled.

"Don't you see my friend? I bought the bus here." She says glancing over to him.

"I figured that, since many were being impatient, I brought them here myself. This is going to be such a delight to witness." She says chuckling.

As the Jabberwocky flew over the trees, they came to a clearing where the bus landed from the other world. She slide off the dragon's back onto the blood stained ground. She walked over to the bus, and crawled inside, keeping her balance on the tilted bus. She looked at the pile of dead bodies and found a child that looked very familiar. She remember a face very similar, from the past. She shut her eyes and put the thought away, continuing on to the back of the bus. She found no one, except dead bodies.

"I don't understand..." She whispered. She made her way back out of the bus, and faced Roth.

"The chosen one should've survived this bus crash... But I only found dead bodies." She said looking back to the child with the face of a memory. She turned back towards Roth and murmured to herself.

@las0r0o7 @Lo Alyssa
"Well don't you think that bringing it hear early will make a fold in the prophecy scroll and could end up having an entirely different outcome than what is actually supposed to happen."

He landed on the ground with her and pulled the rope off his sword and put it over his shoulder an followed her towards the bus but didn't go inside but instead just waited on her to come back out with the results of the crash. "Well what else would you expect other than dead bodies, even though, if the chosen one did survive she couldn't have gotten very far, I'll help you look for her for a while, then if nothing shows up I'm going back to my forest and continuing my man slaughter hunt, it passes the time." Roth started making his way to the forest but stood at the tree line and pressed the tip of his sword against one of the trees and meditated for a moment before he looked over to Malevolence "Your 'chosen one' did survive, she's further in the forest, you can tag along or I can go fetch her, him, whatever, but either way I'm going."

Roth began making his way through the forest swinging from branch to branch with one hand looking for the person, he caught a glimpse of that person and creeped up behind the tree and pressed the sword against it and forcibly ran it through, missing the persons head by only a few inches and then walked around in front of her "So, your the chosen one, your not at all what I expected, your, eh, it doesn't matter."

@Queen of Fantasy @Lo Alyssa
Helga had been wiping her eyes before the sudden intrusion, and was startled when she realized the crack she heard was a sword driving through the tree. When the man appeared in front of her and he spoke of the chosen one, she quickly took evasive action and pushed him back as hard as she could, ignoring his statement. She didn't want to be pinned against a tree with a maniac in front of her and no way out, at least this way she had a fighting chance.

"Who are you?" She asked trying to keep her voice as calm and clear as possible.

@Queen of Fantasy @las0r0o7
Malevolence chuckled. "No way would I be stuck here." She says chasing after him. She makes her way through the trees, finding him with the chosen one. She could tell.

"Hello there, my dear girl." She says walking over smiling. "My name is Malevolence, and you are?" She says smiling.

As she gets closer she starts to observe the girl, studying what she looks like... Just in case she runs away.
"Well, I am Hrothulf Sven Goodmunson, or Roth for short. I can say that you have good reflexes girl." He looked over to Malevolence "You sure she is the right one, I mean, come on just look at her, all small and looks completely useless, is there any way you could've picked the wrong girl, I mean seriously, had I have wanted to I could've killed her already, oh, speaking of girl, you need to be on your guard at all times."

@Queen of Fantasy @Lo Alyssa
Ignoring the conversation going on between them, Helga had her sights on Malevolence. "You!" She screamed, "You're the one that killed my friends, you brought me here!" Tears crept back into her eyes, and anger was simmering in her heart. Never had she despised anyone so much in her entire life, and this woman managed to earn that within a matter of a night.

Helga looked into her eyes with a fury she had never experienced before. Normally she was able to keep a cool head even when people bullied her at school, but what this woman did was unforgivable.

Without realizing, it her eyes began to glow with an angry fire, her clenched fists seemed to be lit as electricity pulsed through her body, the grass around her feet started to simmer as the air grew thick with intense heat. Even the winds began to pick up, spiraling around her, picking up debris. She continued glaring at Malevolence, and with a bellow released all the built up energy in a blast that came from her glowing hands, hitting a tree next to the woman and rupturing it to splinters.

@Queen of Fantasy @las0r0o7
Fai sat on the bed of the small inn room he was staying in at the time. He was tired from all the wandering he did, he didn't have a home anymore and he never felt okay with staying in one place for to long he wanted to put as much distance betwen him and that man as he could. He pulled out his staff the semmed to gleam its gold sparkling in the sunlight the pierced threw the blinds. He mumbled a few words, a spell. The mark on his back glowed and strengthend god it burned but he didn't stop till he was laying on the ground weak and paralyzed. He mumbled a few more words and his staff changed into a small necklace Fai managed to get around his neck someway well still imobalized.

After a few house of laying still Fai got up and walked outside, he enjoyed the smell of flowers and fresh air. He walked into a nearby bakery and ordered a few scones, then he found himself a table and sat down to eat. He ordered more baked goods then he would eat almost as if he was expecting someone mabey it was a sixth sense.

(Anyone wanna talk to Fai)
Malevolence looked at the chosen one, her smile soon turned into a scowl. She flicked her fingers which emerged a red glow. It made helga frozen in time but not dead. In fact she could still hear malevolence.

"My dear, you need to calm yourself. In only did it because of the prophesy." She said lifting her chin. "You Need to understand my dear, for if I could stop the death of your friends, I would have." She says taking her hand away. "But I knew that you'd be the only one to survive, and I could do nothing."
Roth felt the heat coming from her and saw the little sparks coming from her hands and waited until she was about to fire at one of them, in this case it was Malevolence and not him, but the next one may be towards him. Once she fired the bolt of energy Roth did a front flip over it and landed on the edge of his sword and forced his hand through the tree and grabbed the hilt of it and forced it the rest of the way through leaving the tree with a hole and a big slice in it. He had his sword in one hand and quickly pointed the tip of it towards the girls neck "And give me one reason not to kill you right now." His voice changed quite a bit, it was much deeper and had a bunch of wavering in the pitch (think of bleach, someone with a hollow mask on) "You attack someone who you don't even know, how eregant."

@Queen of Fantasy @Lo Alyssa
"You're one to talk!" She snapped, and ice crawled from her fingertips and up her arms making something like a gauntlet, and she quickly smacked the sword away now that her hands were protected, after she took quick steps back the ice on her right hand merged together making a sharp point which she would well use if they came towards her. "Neither of you know me, I don't care if you claim I'm the chosen one, or whatever that is." She said raising her right hand ready to strike, "You've got the wrong person."

@Queen of Fantasy @las0r0o7
Malevolence rose her head and stared down at Helga. "No. You are wrong. You ARE the chosen one, and you may not think you are but you are the one. That's how you survived, that's why you have powers!" She says. "But if you are not willing to cooperate, then go ahead and try to survive in this cruel world." She says walking over to the jabberwocky. She climbs onto him and whispered in his ear. "Go." He spread his wings and bounded into the air.
"I'm not done with you!" She screamed, and tried to run after them. She took four huge leaps, and on the fifth she sprung herself in the air. She reached out to grab the jabberwocky and managed to hold on, but only for a moment. She lost her grip when the dragon did a loop, and she fell down to the ground with a thud. The impact knocked the air out of her, and by the time she stood up, they were too far away for her to pursue them.

@Queen of Fantasy @las0r0o7
Harcrok Thork wondered around while holding his large bag,he didnt know how this land worked and what happened there,he kept wondering and searching for a place to get something like a job to cut some stuff or slash some foes,although he was new to the land,he fought he could get somewhere
Yukine was walking around Wonderland as he came across the huge dragon soaring into the air, Malevolence on back. He giggled as he saw a girl jumping for the tail, he could tell she was human due to his studies. "Oooh! An actual human girl. Does that mean she is the one?" He chuckles to himself as he watches everything unfurl from a distance, using his dand magic to form a wall of sand around him so he can be better camouflaged.
Rorik stood, rubbing his eyes. Sleeping in armor was never fun, but taking it off alone could take hours. With a sigh, he put his helmet back on, blinking a few times to adjust to the limited vision. Brego, his horse, shook his head a few times, his armor shifting slightly. The paladin walked over to him, reaching under his jaw and tightening the straps by a notch. He didn't want a stray arrow or spell killing his steed.

With a grunt, he pulled himself up onto Brego, slipping his feet into the stirrups and lightly kicking the creature. He began walking, picking his way through the forest. Most of Rorik's order had been defeated, leaving him and a few other paladins to wander the land, striking down evil wherever it hid.

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