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Interstellar Nation Building Roleplay


The Scholar
Hey all! :)

Was simply wondering if there is anyone out there who would be interested in a roleplay where you create your own race, and possibly (depending in the size you are thinking of) intergalatic empire. Describe and create your race's history, technology (I'll implement Technological tiers (everything from an early space age to the very advanced races) to make comparison easier, should this get some attention ^^), physiology, culture etc.

Wars may be declared (and will be decided between participants with some supervision by the Game Master, alliances can be forged. Time will be moving at a steady pace which will be decided on a later date.

This will take place in the Milky Way, and thus involve humanity in some way. Of course, if no one is playing as them, nor supporting them, some malicious roleplayer could always wipe them out or enslave them...

I'm open to suggestions :)


Story: The year is 2113, and the United Nations of Earth have long since discovered that they are not alone in the Milky Way, confirming what was long suspected. However with the recently developed Hyperspace technology, enabling ships to break the lightspeed barrier, mankind is in the process of developing their own first interstellar spaceships. Many on Earth believes that it would be foolish to venture out. Due to the fact that Humanity is barely out of it's diapers in comparison to many other races out there. And some of the most advanced races have discovered something strange. Their long-range sensors are picking up signals from outside the Milky Way, far out in the void. And they are growing stronger.

History: While Humanity evolved on it's own, many species did not. Many of the existing races today were created as a consequence of a certain Progenitor species' fascination with genetical experiments. Causing dozens of planets to be seeded with life by the Progenitors tens of millions years ago. Other races have tried to replicate this process, without either much results or unwanted ones.


How this will work:

Each player has the ability to create their own race, or possibly borrowing existing ones such as humanity (if they are approved that is), they get to choose the technological tier that their species is on, how great their fleet/army is. In this, try to stay realistic, even if you are a massive Empire.

You can at highest start with four fully colonised planets, keep in mind that planet size affects the gravitation force and thus your race and civilisation. The greatest fleet size you can start with is a few thousand. Building new ones if of course possible, and I will explain how fast in the ruleset. Be sure to describe your ships, even add pictures if you'd like to!


1.) No godmodding.

2.) Do not force other player's actions.

3.) You can not start with more than a few thousand ships.

4.) You can not start with more than four colonized planets.

5.) There are three types of ships. Corvettes, cruisers and battleships. A battleship is worth two cruisers in an outright battle (not counting ambushes) or four corvettes. The same principle works with technological tiers. One battleship from Tier 2 roughly equals two battleships from Tier 3. If engaged in battle, they are likely to take out eachother. If two forces are evenly matched, the side who manages to strike an unexpected blow on the other wins. Such as suddenly emerging out of hyperspace with weapons ready etc. Battles and wars and to be worked out between the participants. So dont expect to win everything (unless your side is absolutely superior), it's more fun for all that way :P

6.) Planetary wars: WIP.


(A part of the credit goes to the Halo Wiki for this)

(If you have any questions regarding anything in here I would be happy to explain. :) )

Technological Tiers:

This is just a means of better measuring the technological achievements of our species. And of course does a species in one tier possess all the technology of the tiers below them.

Tier 0 - Ascendancy

The species in this tier can accelerate the evolution and create life with desired traits, it also has the ability to use teleportation with an accuracy on a molecular level. The species also possess everything required for a Tier 1 species. This is a theoretical ceiling and the Progenitors are the only known species that has achieved this level of technology.

Tier 1 - Intergalactic

The species in this tier possess extremely effective energy production methods, such as extraction of Zero Point Energy and an extremely deep understanding of particles, engineering etc. The species also possess and understand how to fabricate super-dense materials, perform super-accurate Hyperspace navigation, possess the ability to create life, and the ability to terraform and create worlds. Tier 1 species has mastered very accurate teleportation. It is also possessing extremely sophisticated weaponry and shields. The species in this tier is capable of travelling between Galaxies close to them.

Tier 2 - Interstellar

The broadest of the tiers. The species has the ability to perform exceedingly accurate Slipspace navigation, teleportation, near-instantaneous communication, they are required to possess very effective and clean energy production, a very deep understanding of particles, engineering etc. They are capable of fabricating very dense materials, aswell as having very sophisticated weaponry. Having developed energy shield technology is a requirement for this tier, usage is not. The species also possess an extensive knowledge of matter manipulation, such as being able to create regenerating materials. They can create sentinent AIs.

Tier 3 - Space-Faring

The species in this tier have efficient Slipspace navigation, mass drivers, advanced matter accelerator weapons that fires hyper-velocity high-density projectiles, holocrystal storage and are capable of creating semi-sentient AIs. They have had no outside influence.

Humanity reached this tier in 2113 with the creation of the Schwarz Engine, enabling Hyperspace travel.

Tier 4 - Space

Tier 4 is often the final resting place for species intelligent enough to break free from their cradle's surface only to fill the gulf surrounding it with war. Their comfort-focused technology can include medical advances.

Humanity reached this level in 1957, when the first artificial satellite was launched.

Tier 5 - Atomic

Tier 5 species usually begin focusing on clean energy production. The occasional belligerent species will use atomic energy for weapons, often resulting in mass extinctions. In-atmosphere craft are a hallmark, often leading to manned space flight, albeit on a short-scale.

Humanity entered this age in 1945, when the first atomic bombs were deployed, and manned space travel was accomplished for the first time in 1961.

Tier 6 - Industrial

Tier 6 is the outset for massive urbanization. Agrarian societies can remain stable in the pre-industrial stage, but Tier 6 population strain and mechanized food production invariably create political and economic pressures very few can balance. Moving past this usually promises advancement. Some societies improve environmental and medical understanding concurrently with mechanical and transport advancement. Those that do not are frequently doomed. Humanity entered this Tier in 1781 with the advent of steam technology.

Tier 7 - Pre-Industrial

Tier 7 is one of the most common and stable states, with limited weaponry and environmental threats. Societies tend to be small and scattered, driven by subsistence farming, foraging, or hunter-gathering needs. Technology is limited to simple hand made tools, weapons, or agrarian implements and methods, but a very broad understanding of planetary and solar mechanics is not uncommon.
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With all you guys, definitely, will be fleshing this out heavily. Just didnt want to write basically an essay and pretty much having wasted all that time if it didn't catch any interest.
I heavily fleshed it out with WIP technological tiers and story/history.

Planning the mechanics/rules at the moment.

And as I stated earlier, if there is something you do not agree with, something you want me to change or a suggestion. Please tell me :)
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