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Trust me, I have been working on it. I don't like ignoring characters, but I wont make mine do something they clearly won't just to help them. You will be out of the closet soon enough, I swear.
I will acknowledge her block because I only gave it enough power to knock the wind out of her and because i also overlooked the fact that her strength comes and goes, so i hadn't exactly counted on her blocking as an option. Otherwise I would have had him do an avoidable follow up strike given the stance. I'll be more specific from now on ( ;) ) I'll make my next move depending on if Tamara ever makes hers. It's 2 v 1 after all.

with that said I'd avoid staying in close combat range if you can help it
UltraYuseke said:
"Now then... Before you go doing anything else like that... I'll give you the chance to back down... I order you to back down this instant, and let my friend back up... If you don't..." Kyo stood there, pissed as hell about her friend being treated with such horrid feelings of hatred that the man clearly harbored just because the shitty government deemed the two next to her major viruses. Kyo held her knife in a defensive position, ready to block if the need came up, which it probably would with this guy being so aimed at taking them down.
This is the second paragraph, so I'm just going to assume I went blind. Anyway, @Mushroom Wars has more or less solved this so I'm cutting it off here. Seriously, don't reply.
Well, don't worry. Kyo'll hold 'em off until you finish; that is, if her body doesn't give out on her. Maybe her personal guard'll come and protect if things get bad.
So serious...

--Kyo: "Akari, execute order L-n-u-u-h."

--Akari: "Understood, miss Kyo."

(L-n-u-u-h, flip it upsidedown and get something similar in design to funny xD )
[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]I know I'm slow... but....but I gotta lot to doooooooo(:'()(>:<)
I'm so sorry guys, I'll get it done I swear!(:'()(' :| )

Take your time, it gives me longer to plot lol
@Shog Take your time, I realize how impatient I sounded when repeatedly mentioning Al's refusal to come out of the closet. Don't rush Aigou.
I'd say this part's going extremely well. Love it when everything flows so well like the events involving Kyo, Hugh, Tamara, and Magnolia are. Random fact; my character's the only one with a name out of the four that gets underlined in red for not being an actual word or name recognized by google in the English language.
Yay! I was hoping to wrap things up and push the plot up a notch. The problem is I write everything on my iPhone in notes and I have a 3g piece of crap. It keeps dying all the time. I do apologize for the wait.
Ah... I sort of fell behind when I was waiting to see if Lucem wanted the Light Stone, and don't think I'll be able to catch up adequately enough to join in at this point. (Plus, you guys are like, super active. Not sure if I could keep up)
@The One Eyed Bandit I hadn't realized while making my character how well he could fit together with yours. A fellow brawler on the side of justice and a chip on his shoulder combined with a mech-crazy twin sister. I could only imagine the shenanigans the trio could get into!!! If I ever swing by central city I'll hit you up ( ;) )
You can post it with whatever completion level any time, I just won't accept it until it is done. The exception to this is the backstory. As long as all crucial information is posted but you still want to work on it more then be my guest as long as you make a note.

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