Internet Kingdom

[QUOTE="Darth Pai]@UltraYuseke For your information, Magnolia had indeed figured out that Kyo's a princess. Cutting one's hair and changing clothes doesn't alter one's facial features and being ex-royalty herself, Magnolia is rather familiar with the royal family. Of course, she won't reveal Kyo considering it would be OOC for her to do so without ulterior motives.

Actually, given that Kyo wasn't even known until a few years prior, which by then I believe Magnolia was no longer a princess and was a major virus, there'd be no way to know Kyo's royalty, because Kyo's not even actually part of the royal family, just made princess to take Magnolia's place after she left since she had nowhere else to go and looked beautiful enough to fit the spot, along with a lacking of memory making her seem like she would be a good doll for the role of princess.
UltraYuseke said:
Actually, given that Kyo wasn't even known until a few years prior, which by then I believe Magnolia was no longer a princess and was a major virus, there'd be no way to know Kyo's royalty, because Kyo's not even actually part of the royal family, just made princess to take Magnolia's place after she left since she had nowhere else to go and looked beautiful enough to fit the spot, along with a lacking of memory making her seem like she would be a good doll for the role of princess.
Magnolia only became a major virus this (roleplay) year. She has only been in Erith for two years, first year and much of the second year was spent as a princess (who got into multiple accidents) and Kyo was very much known by that time. In addition, if Kyo was used to replaced Magnolia, Magnolia would obviously know about that. :)
Can't people just play along with somthin' for once...? Dammit, the purpose behind the shortening hair and all that was so nobody would know who she is... Dammit, I just freakin' give up on trying to have anything go my way. From this moment forward, any RP I'm in, exception being my own, I'm just gonna treat my chars like dolls that anybody can do anything to. Either that, or comedy relief of some kind.
UltraYuseke said:
Can't people just play along with somthin' for once...? Dammit, the purpose behind the shortening hair and all that was so nobody would know who she is... Dammit, I just freakin' give up on trying to have anything go my way. From this moment forward, any RP I'm in, exception being my own, I'm just gonna treat my chars like dolls that anybody can do anything to. Either that, or comedy relief of some kind.
Yuseke noooo! D: You could come and join Ymira and her rebels!
UltraYuseke said:
Can't people just play along with somthin' for once...? Dammit, the purpose behind the shortening hair and all that was so nobody would know who she is... Dammit, I just freakin' give up on trying to have anything go my way. From this moment forward, any RP I'm in, exception being my own, I'm just gonna treat my chars like dolls that anybody can do anything to. Either that, or comedy relief of some kind.
Give her glasses. . . works for superman ( ;) )
By the time Kyo was able to destroy the stone case, Magnolia was bound to find out. Please don't get upset about it. :c Magnolia's point is that the disguise is easily seen through (demonstrated further by Mushroom's posts) and it's only one thing a character knows.

To me, Magnolia is a doll anyone can to anything to and I will type up her reaction to those things. It's not encasing Kyo in stone, in fact, it doesn't even affect her unless I choose to have Magnolia blurt it out. As I stated before, it would be OOC for her without an ulterior motive.

But if it upsets you that much to have another character know something, then I will reluctantly slap Magnolia in the face, causing her to trip and fall down a staircase therefore hitting her head and losing her memory. c:
[QUOTE="Mushroom Wars]Give her glasses. . . works for superman ( ;) )

That too! I mean, I know there are some people that look completely different with and/or without glasses but seriously...?


UltraYuseke said:
Well... Do glasses even exist in this freakin' world of the past?
I would think so...? People with bad eyesight must have it horrible if they appear in Erith without their glasses or their prescription changes...
[QUOTE="Darth Pai]By the time Kyo was able to destroy the stone case, Magnolia was bound to find out. Please don't get upset about it. :c Magnolia's point is that the disguise is easily seen through (demonstrated further by Mushroom's posts) and it's only one thing a character knows.
To me, Magnolia is a doll anyone can to anything to and I will type up her reaction to those things. It's not encasing Kyo in stone, in fact, it doesn't even affect her unless I choose to have Magnolia blurt it out. As I stated before, it would be OOC for her without an ulterior motive.

But if it upsets you that much to have another character know something, then I will reluctantly slap Magnolia in the face, causing her to trip and fall down a staircase therefore hitting her head and losing her memory. c:

Well, I see no way Magnolia'd even have knowledge of who Kyo is. Kyo's only appeared in public as princess once which was the day she was named princess (exception being that party we just had get crashed by Shade), and nobody'd seen her at all before that, exception one currently imprisoned maid, two knights, and one maid who's no longer around anywhere in the kingdom. That, and her 'parents' but rarely. Not many people actually knows what she looks like in person, and of those, it's quite barely at that.
Also, one thing I've been wondering... Where the hell'd everybody get the idea Kyo has blue hair!? Clearly, if you look at the sheet, she's got white hair xD
Eh? Really? Looking at the picture right now, it looks more like a super light blue to me... I should probably get my eyes checked then.
Well, the second picture (her princess appearance) has a bit of dark blue halfway down some of the parts of her hair. Also, it's not just you, so I think it's more of an issue with the way the image appears on the site or something. Probably just a difference of computer screen resolution if not the site, since on another computer, I once saw a picture that had a bunch of medium red, but it looked more like blackish-red.
So, I guess Al will just wait in the weapons closet since no one heard the loud noise caused by falling weapons...
100 people isn't a lot actually. My impression of Shade's men is that they're all very highly trained, seeing as how they're able to pull off so many crimes with very little people. Each man kills/disarms 10 people, 1ox10=100 and so on. Just my two cents seeing as how I'm stuck in a weapons closet.
*Shrug's because Ymira has several hundred men and women. 600 would be a reasonable estimate. I mean, she is the leader of a fucking rebellion for crying out loud. The two of you are just criminals*
And Aigou is one of the first major viruses, been around since nearly the beginning, and has murdered probably tens of thousands of people.

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