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Fantasy Internet Kingdom

Shade momentarily looked down the tunnel they had come from,, but no one was comming yet. On the other hand he could hear heavy footsteps approaching and knew they were comming. He turned and darted after Al, not wanting to wait any longer. He saw him standing at the end next to the locked bars. Shade didn't slow down on the least and ran into Al before shifting into the smoke and phasing both of them through the bars. He continued for a while and finally dumped shifted back not long before the end of the tunnel. When they did reach the end there was another set of bars and they phased through them as well. Now they were no more than a quarter of a mile out of Octren. "Come on, let's keep moving." He then turned back towards the city, knowing they would need a good source of transportation. He also pulled out his P.I.D. again, informing the other viruses the change in plan.

Taku Wind
You got it babe.I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?
This is gonna be worth my while, right?And if you mean my place in the mountains you might want to look a bit closer to where you are now.
You know me I'm always good for a fair deal, no matter how long it takes. But, seriously where are you? I can't be out for too long they might send a army after me. Octren is not my favorite place.
It's better than Central. Anyway, I'm in the sewer hideout with him and a princess. I'll keep him occupied.
Small change if plans. This person is of more use to me alive than dead, so were gone. Talk to ya' later.
Tamara smiled internally as she held the man hole up. Somehow she felt like this was karmic punishment for Mags ruining the party. Tamara knew that Magnolia hated dirt. Which to her was so odd for someone who could control earth.

Are you serious?

Tamara nodded "dead serious." She knew Mags already knew the answer, it was written on her face. She smiled a little as she childishly pouted. She looked so cute like a doll.

"Tama, you know how I feel about dirt!"

"Yes, but Shade has your servant boy down there and he's willing to give him to you. So hop to it" She lifted the lid up and began to spin it. She was waiting on Magnolia to accept the inevitable when she noticed that their ride was attracting attention. She gave a long sigh and stopped spinning the lid.

As Magnolia grumbled and hopped in . Tamara heard from down below a echoing,

"Are you coming?"

Tamara was about to respond when she heard people shouting about the guards. She looked down at Mags "I can't there are guards coming. Go left and you'll reach it In no time. I'll lead them away and meet you at the hideout. Good luck!" She left the man hole open and hopped onto the carriage. "Hiyah!" The camel ran into action as the guards chased her down on horseback. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be chased by guards.

The chase was on! Tamara in a carriage maneuvered the winding streets of Octren with ease. She was able to loose a few guards before the started shooting at her. The guards managed to hit one of the carriage wheels causing her to slow down. Tamara grabbed the reigns and hopped on to the camel's back. Swiftly she cut off the straps connecting the camel to the carriage. The carriage rolled back toppling over in the road, blocking the rest of the guards. Looking at the wreckage she gave a shout of joy followed by "Suck it! The Popo can't get me!" After reliving a gangster movie chase scene, she felt her P.I.D vibrate. Pulling it out with one hand she read the message. "Oh shit, Mags is not gonna be happy" She began to send him a response when the camel suddenly stopped. Tamara flew off the camel and landed right into a fruit stand. "Ow."

You got it babe.I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?
This is gonna be worth my while, right?And if you mean my place in the mountains you might want to look a bit closer to where you are now.
You know me I'm always good for a fair deal, no matter how long it takes. But, seriously where are you? I can't be out for too long they might send a army after me. Octren is not my favorite place.
It's better than Central. Anyway, I'm in the sewer hideout with him and the princess. I'll keep him occupied.
Small change in plans. This person is worth more alive to me than dead, so were gone. Talk to ya' later.
What? Seriously, we need to talk. Where are gbufsfvvghsrtkt

(don't txt and ride.)
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The earth that encased Kyo started to be pulled off from the outside, small chunk by small chunk. It were like the giant earth mold was crumbling apart. Of course, it all started at Kyo's left hand where she currently had her little gauntlet under her sleeve that possessed the water stone. At first, it was just small bits that looked like it were merely dirt falling off of it from being carried. Then suddenly, the entire rock around Kyo's left hand fell as several tiny chunks at once.

This was the work of an infinite amount of ice crystals that were too small to be seen, getting themselves jammed between several parts of the earth, making the stone around Kyo able to be pulled apart. Because the stone had several holes, the points where the stone held itself together were too small to be strong enough to resist the small shards of ice all trying to move to one location, thus breaking it all around her body to bits until all that remained, was the small portion of stone that was where Kyo was being held at. Kyo's ice had all shifted inside of that stone, having managed to go unseen until now.

All of the stone had been broken in just a few seconds, which left practically no time to reinforce it. Kyo, who was still laying there atop the remaining chunk of rock, didn't show any signs of attempting escape. "If you wanted to carry me, you should've just asked... I don't mind being carried, just the stone... That stone might damage my soft skin..." Kyo, still with her hair "short" and clothing befitting a citizen on, seemed like the most relaxed person ever, especially for there being a major virus right there.

"You know, I just got done walking from this direction all the way over there... You're going to meet with a person named Shade, right...? By the fact you're headed towards them, I'll take that as a yes... He seemed quite busy talking to this one guy, so I decided to leave them be." Kyo didn't even realize until now that the crumbling of the earth around her body actually left her right arm, just below the shoulder, with a scratch that made small amounts of blood trail down her right arm and drip to the floor from her handing hand.

"Oh, it seems I'm bleeding." Kyo's voice completely stayed without worry. It were more or less the same the whole time; not a single care or worry, which left her voice a medium and calm tone, with lacking any emotion while staying somewhat quiet, but loud enough to be heard. Kyo was actually quite ready for anything, but how ready, only she oculd know, as she's the only one that knew how exactly she'd broken that stone. With the surprisingly light and small gauntlet that held the water stone hidden beneath her sleeve, only she knew of her maximum capabilities.
Magnolia's eyes widened when her earth case was destroyed, shattering into pieces before falling to the ground and absorbed back into the dirt. Her smile faltered for only a millisecond, it was so fast that no one could see it, especially since Kyo was being carried over Magnolia's shoulder. The former princess removed Kyo from her shoulder and raised her up like a mother would hold a child up in the air. Squinting her eyes to examine the unusual blue haired girl, Magnolia's expression brightened with realization.

She beamed brightly at Kyo, all notice of danger disappearing from her face. Holding the girl in her hands, Magnolia didn't seem to struggle at all with the extra weight. Even in such a gravity-bearing position, Magnolia held Kyo up as if she weighed absolutely nothing. "Ah, my apologies! I didn't think you would agree to my request." Bringing the blue haired girl closer to her face to inspect Kyo's, Magnolia raised an eyebrow, questioning herself, before relaxing and giving Kyo a carefree grin. "I don't exactly know where the hideout is but thank you for confirming the location!" Beginning to walk through the darkness, Magnolia resumed her humming.

"Oh, it seems that I'm bleeding." Kyo said, her voice free of worry or concern over the flesh wound. Magnolia's reaction, however, was almost the exact opposite of Kyo's exclamation.

"Oh, that's not good!" Magnolia exclaimed when her attention was brought to the blood that dripped down to the filthy sewage floor. Holding the girl up with one hand, Magnolia removed her scarf from around her neck and tied it around the small open wound to keep it from bleeding out. "Wouldn't want it getting infected now, would we?" Smiling radiantly, Magnolia continued to walk towards the hideout but soon picked up her pace into a slow jog. It seemed that Tamara wasn't going to be following her but Magnolia would meet up with the other major virus later.

Suddenly, her pupils dilating like a wild animal. Magnolia's eyes flashed open and narrowed as she took a predatory stance and sprinted off into the darkness. She couldn't see where she was going nor did she slow down to feel her way through the shade. Senses heightening, Magnolia listened to her own footsteps, the rushing sound of the sewage water, and crafted a brief outline of the path in front of her. A noise had caught her attention and Magnolia followed the scent trail left by her prey.

"He's here," The words echoed through Magnolia's mind as she sped through the darkness, heading towards Alarick James. Coming to a slow in front of the hideout, Magnolia's gaze scanned over the hideout before quickly deciding that her target was not there and had escaped from her grasps. "I can smell him." Taking a sniff of the damp sewage air, Magnolia pulled out her P.I.D. as she head down the tunnel in which Alarick's scent was strong.

Tama (•͈⌔•͈⑅)
Alarick escaped =_=
ur friend lied ;u;
theyre heading down the tunnel >_<
cut them off at the end? ill chase em
cant wait to see dat booty ( ´థ౪థ)

@UltraYuseke @Grape @The Suspicious Eye
"Ugh." Tamara held her head in an attempt to stop the spinning. What in the heck? She looked around at the mess around her. Behind her a angry man was shouting at her to...what? Stop ruining the produce? Tamara finally noticed where she was. Great I'm gonna be sticky all day. Sitting in the middle of what was left of a barrel of apples Tamara let it all sink in. The job, Magnolia, that servant, the guards, the sewers, the chase, and the message. Adding up all the things that happened to her Tamara came to one conclusion.

Tamara slowly got up and stood in the fruit. The man continued to yell at Tamara until he saw her glade. The wind whipped up creating a large tornado. The camel moaned in confusion as it stated to fly. The stand was completely destroyed and everyone was pushed away. Tamara's eyes shone with boiling anger. "I HATE THIS CITY!!!!" Her voice reverberated through the whole city even those underground could hear her. She was about to enter into a blinding rage, a rage that would kill millions.

Then her P.I.D, amazingly still in her hand, vibrated. Looking down she growled, here rage subsided back to anger. With a flash she moved like the winds towards the sewer tunnel's exit. With a wave of her hand she sent a strong gust of wind down the exit. Where the wind moved around people, she could find everyone's position in the tunnel. Instead of attacking she waited patiently. She had the whole tunnel system memorized. They weren't going anywhere any time soon. "Good things come to those who wait," she smiled leaning against the wall.
Sade heard Tamara scream and not long after the wind rush over him. 'That's not good at all. She must be at the east sewer entrance. Come on, we're getting out of here." He took Alarick by his wrist and dragged him up the sandy slope the quarter of a mile until they entered the outskirts of town. He saw a cart coming and stepped into the middle of the road forcing the coach driver to stop. Shade pulled out his swords and pointed at the driver with it and then gestured for him to get off. Instead he pulled out his own sword, so Shade prompted him a bit more by radiating his dark smoke. Then he and the people in the carriage got out and ran away. He unhooked the carriage knowing it would only be dead weight and took the reigns. "Ya' commin'?"

Glancing back to check if anyone was there, Al pursed his lips before turning to Shade and nodding. "Ah, yes." Pulling himself up quickly, Al turned his gaze to the exit of the tunnel, waiting for something to emerge from the dark shadows. But, as the horse sped off and Al continued to watch, nothing came from the tunnels. The echo of the Taku Wind's scream sounded off the walls of the tunnel, making it seem endless. However, as Al and Shade got farther away, the sound from the tunnels was muted.

Turning his attention to the road in front of him, Al adjusted himself into a more comfortable and safe position, simply hoping he would not fall off. "Where are we going?" Al questioned, his voice somewhat pulled away by the wind that blew in his face. Al was never one to ask many questions but this one was just to fill in that silence in which the action was beginning to fade but not completely gone yet. He thought it was rather appropriate for the situation.

(@Shog my apologies for the wait and rushed post.)
Frowning at the sight of the cart making its way through the town and out of her sight, Magnolia folded her metal arms over her chest, Kyo still hung over her shoulder. "Well, that's a bummer!" Securing her hold on the girl, the virus pouted and pulled out her P.I.D., auto-mech fingers skimming over the screen with inhumane speed and accuracy. It was a skill Magnolia had developed over time but she wasn't as fast as one of those teenage white American girls. Eyes focused on the glowing screen, Magnolia puckered her lips before hitting "send" and private messaging her partner in crime.

Tama (•͈⌔•͈⑅)
Alarick escaped =_=
ur friend lied ;u;
theyre heading down the tunnel >_<
cut them off at the end? ill chase em
cant wait to see dat booty ( ´థ౪థ)
change of plans! were goin old school
imma pick u up and we go cx

Turning to Kyo, Magnolia flashed her a sweet smile as if she hadn't kidnapped her. "My apologies, m'lady!" Magnolia mock saluted the blue haired girl and flashed her pearly whites. Glancing back over her shoulder at a carriage that was turning the corner, Magnolia pursed her lips. "It seems that our adventure still has one more obstacle to tackle." Humming her cheerful tune, the virus jumped onto the carriage, causing it to rock back and forth and the people inside to scream. With expertise, Magnolia climbed up onto the driver's seat and pushed the middle aged man off and took a hold of the reigns before they slipped away.

"Hyah!" Whipping the reigns, Magnolia urged the horses to go from a calming trot to a full on run, dragging the carriage along with her. She placed Kyo neatly next to her but didn't dare remove her eyes from the road in front of her. Magnolia heard banging from within the carriage but that didn't make her slow down. In fact, she forced the horses to run even faster. The people within the carriage continued to scream and shout but Magnolia tuned them out with the wind that blew in her face.

It wasn't long until Magnolia got to Tamara's location, it was just around the corner after all, she flashed the Taku Wind a cheeky grin, ushering her to hop on. "You ready?" Magnolia asked, tilting her head to the side as her attempt to be cute. To bystanders, the action would be considered adorable but those who frequently interacted with Magnolia knew better. With a harsh chop of her hand, Magnolia unattached the carriage from the horses and hopped onto one of them, making sure to bring Kyo along with her. Quickly untying the reigns that held the two horses side by side, Magnolia beamed at Tamara, gesturing at the two horses whose eyes seemed to be wide with shock.

@UltraYuseke @The Suspicious Eye
"Eventually Central" Shade replied. "First a home away from home. You know, another one." With that he sent the horse into full speed. They took off into the desert towards the rockier section. He would make them invisible at least temporarily, but the dust would be a dead give away. It didn't really matter for that long anyway. Soon they were amid the rocks and nearing the base.

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Tamara she sent a few more pulses of wind down the tunnel and couldnt find anyone down there. I wonder where they went? She was waiting at one of the exits when she felt her P.I.D vibrate. She pulled it out. As she read the messages she frowned she didn't expect for shade to run. As she continued to read the corners of her lips rose and she smiled. A good fashioned chase is what the world make this day better She leaned against the wall as Magnolia rode up. She could hear the high pitched screams out of the carriage, from a mile away.

"You ready?"

Tamara smiled at her her eyes glinting with excitement. "Oh fuck yes!" She was gonna hop on the horse right then, but walked over to the carriage. With a quick spin of glade she cut the top of carriage off, showing the people inside. She put out her hand and growled "cough up your valuables or else." The people in the carriage fearfully did what she said, handing her cash, jewelry and other valuables. As she put it all in her Inventory she smiled. "Thanks" she kicked the side of the carriage letting it roll out of control down the street. "Have a nice trip!" She hopped on the back of her new horse and turned to Magnolia, "let's go catch a shadow." She smiled at the thought of a good old man hunt, It's been so long since the last one. She looked at the girl with Magnolia and pointed, "who's the chick?"
"I'm Kyo... She wanted me to come along, so I decided to join for the ride." Kyo didn't seem to care one bit that she was right there with two major viruses. There wasn't much of a way to tell she was the princess, so she didn't have to worry about being attacked because she's royalty. In fact, she found it quite relaxing to be participating in something like this. Not as royalty being forced into it meant she could just relax and enjoy the ride, maybe find out how major viruses really think, and perhaps make some friends.

Kyo's shoulder was still a little stiff from the stone that Tamara had previously tried putting Kyo inside of, so she stiffly rolled her left shoulder. "My shoulder's still stiff from when you tried to put me inside of stone. Oh well, I'll get over it..." Kyo took it easy, not really bothering much with the whole trying to trap her in stone thing. She clearly didn't care about it given how relaxed her tone was when she brought it up because of her stiff shoulder.

@Darth Pai
Shog said:
"Eventually Central" Shade replied. "First a home away from home. You know, another one." With that he sent the horse into full speed. They took off into the desert towards the rockier section. He would make them invisible at least temporarily, but the dust would be a dead give away. It didn't really matter for that long anyway. Soon they were amid the rocks and nearing the base.
@Grace Pavilion
The dust was a dead give away. Scouts were positioned on the rocky outcroppings, reporting their approach through P.I.D's. Suddenly, several horse riders appeared from behind the dunes ahead of them, turning their horses around, lowering their spears, as some drew back the drawstrings on their bows and arrows. "Halt!" someone called from the group, as one lone rider on a yellow/brown horse galloped towards them, weapons sheathed, but a scimitar was at their side, and several javelins were on their back. A red Sphinx was painted across the breastplate of their leather armor, and their pulled down the rags off their head, revealing the scarred face displayed on wanted posters across Eirth.

Ymira grinned slightly, her face going slightly crooked, as she took them in with her eyes. "Who are you? And what are you doing in Sphinx Territory?"
"Don't waste my time" Shade shouted in an even tone. "I have no use for you rebels." The horse did not slow down and when he felt the archers might fire he let go with one hand and hade sure to grab Al. Then Shade, Al, and the horse turned into a black smoke and phased right passed the line of defense they had set up. He kept this up until they were safely behind another rock outcropping. Normally that wouldn't be possible with all there of them at once, but there was only a sliver of a moon in the sky amplifying his powers. Just to make sure they were not going to be followed he pulled up a supercharged ball of dark energy (like what he hid the door with earlier (looks like the rest of his smoke with a dull red glow in the center) except more powerful) and launched it at the rock they hid behind. The spire crumbled to the ground making sure it would be quite some time before they could be found. Finally he found his little hideout and stopped the horse before demounting.

@Grape @SirDerpingtonIV
Shog said:
"Don't waste my time" Shade shouted in an even tone. "I have no use for you rebels." The horse did not slow down and when he felt the archers might fire he let go with one hand and hade sure to grab Al. Then Shade, Al, and the horse turned into a black smoke and phased right passed the line of defense they had set up. He kept this up until they were safely behind another rock outcropping. Normally that wouldn't be possible with all there of them at once, but there was only a sliver of a moon in the sky amplifying his powers. Just to make sure they were not going to be followed he pulled up a supercharged ball of dark energy (like what he hid the door with earlier (looks like the rest of his smoke with a dull red glow in the center) except more powerful) and launched it at the rock they hid behind. The spire crumbled to the ground making sure it would be quite some time before they could be found. Finally he found his little hideout and stopped the horse before demounting.
@Grape @SirDerpingtonIV
Ymira scowled, and was about to give the order to fire, when suddenly, the horse, and its two riders disappeared into black smoke. She sat there, startled, before howling in anger. "Spread out! We need to find them! One of them has the Dark Sto-" she was interrupted mid sentance when a rocky spire exploded, luckily one without her people positioned on or in it. Those bastards. What are they hear for? Are they here to attack the Sphinx? she thought to herself, before shouting "The spire! Ride the spire!" as she and her horsemen galloped forward, charging through the sands towards the ruins, sure that was where the asshole and his friend were hidden. Once they arrived, Ymira leapt off her horse, scimitar in hand, looking around for tracks. She found them, leading away towards another rock outcropping. She gave a crooked smile, pointing with her blade. "This way!' she shouted, before climbing back on, riding along their tracks.
Shade more or less dragged Al into the base with him. The wooden door was hard to pry open, but when it did pop open he observed the room and noted nothing out of place. The entire place was covered in dust and it would take some digging to find the floor. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a few cans of food thinking they would be good for later. At the far end was a dresser that shade slid to the side revealing another wooden door. Inside was a small weapons storage unit and he put Al in there and gave him instructions. "The people that are coming could very easily hurt us, so listen carefully. Grab a few weapons and be sure to remain armed at all times. Take some spears and keep them aimed at the door. When I leave I will shove the dresser back in place to conceal you. Don't make a noise or they WILL find you." Without waiting for a reply he closed the door and shoved the dresser back in place. He walked back outside and shot a small charge into the hideout. It was a weak one that would only shove the sand around concealing their footsteps and layering everything in dust again. He then smoked up to a small perch on the rock and became completely invisible.

@Grape @SirDerpingtonIV
Shog said:
Shade more or less dragged Al into the base with him. The wooden door was hard to pry open, but when it did pop open he observed the room and noted nothing out of place. The entire place was covered in dust and it would take some digging to find the floor. He opened a cabinet and grabbed a few cans of food thinking they would be good for later. At the far end was a dresser that shade slid to the side revealing another wooden door. Inside was a small weapons storage unit and he put Al in there and gave him instructions. "The people that are coming could very easily hurt us, so listen carefully. Grab a few weapons and be sure to remain armed at all times. Take some spears and keep them aimed at the door. When I leave I will shove the dresser back in place to conceal you. Don't make a noise or they WILL find you." Without waiting for a reply he closed the door and shoved the dresser back in place. He walked back outside and shot a small charge into the hideout. It was a weak one that would only shove the sand around concealing their footsteps and layering everything in dust again. He then smoked up to a small perch on the rock and became completely invisible.
@Grape @SirDerpingtonIV
The horses arrived quickly, as the tracks simply disappeared. She scowled, sitting on horseback, spinning her horse around as she looked for them, the men around her on horseback. She sighed. Shit! she thought to herself, calling out into the dark. "Look! Whoever you are! We have no intentions of hurting you and your friend! But I have to know why you are here! Did you not see the Sphinx signs? Did you not know this was our land?"
"Did you know that I don't care about your silly claims to land!" Shade retorted. "Maybe next time someone rides in this acclaimed land of yours you could try inviting them to tea. I hear that is a much better way to get people to cooperate. Not that I would know from experience or anything. By the way, do you even know who I am? I know who you are." Before his voice could be accurately located he climbed up the side of the rock a bit more to a ledge several feet up and even more to his left before settling down. He appeared calm and relaxed, but he was anything but relaxed. He was most certainly calm knowing they couldn't really do anything before he could react, but his muscles were tense and ready to spring into action at any moment.


(Sorry for dragging you around like that @Grape)
"Oh, don't worry, princess," Magnolia chided, waving her auto-mech hand carelessly as she loosened and tightened her wrist "joints". "A little pain won't kill you." Grinning cheekily at Kyo and Tamara, Magnolia didn't go through the safety precautions before she kicked the sides of the horse and whipped the reins to begin galloping in the direction in which the Shade and Alarick James had escaped. Magnolia knew exactly where they were heading towards; Sphinx Territory. The major virus only pushed the horse to move faster in hopes that she could catch them in time, before they entered the Valley of the Red Sphinx.

Turning her head to look over at Tamara, Magnolia's face was serious in deep thought for a few seconds before she flashed the Taku Wind a cheerful smile. "I seem to have lost his scent." Too impatient to gradually slow down the horse to come to a stop, Magnolia harshly pulled the reins backwards, the sickening snap of the horse's neck signalling that the horse had indeed stopped. "Oh." Moving her feet out of the way of the horse's carcass, Magnolia stared down at the dead animal with mixed emotions. "My bad." Getting off before the horse fell down onto the sandy floors of the desert, Magnolia placed her hands on her hips.

"They're probably already in Sphinx Territory," Tapping a metallic finger to her lips, Magnolia stared up at the sky with wide bronze eyes. "I hope my dear Alarick is alright..." Magnolia trailed off, her voice become softer as she muttered the sentence. Averting her eyes to the rather empty street, Magnolia frowned and rocked back and forth on her heels. "Only I can hurt him." An upset expression covered Magnolia's face, her lips forming a pout similar to that of a spoiled child who didn't get want he wanted for Christmas. This was further exaggerated by the way Magnolia folded her arms over her chest and huffed.

Suddenly an imaginary light bulb appeared above Magnolia's head as she cartoonishly pointed her finger up with astonishment. "Eureka!" The young lady exclaimed as she stumbled upon a great idea. "Why don't we ask around? Y'know, if the locals have seen a masked man and a short blonde boy?" Without waiting for Tamara's, or Kyo's, response, Magnolia spun around and threw her hands up in the air. She sucked in a large breath of air and cupped her mouth to project her voice more. "Has anyone seen Shade and Alarick James?!" Magnolia's voice echoed down the street. She turned around and gave Tamara a big thumbs up, a toothy grin plastered on her face.

@UltraYuseke and @Mushroom Wars (?)

Alarick James couldn't help but feel like a princess in a fairy tale. Escaping into the night with his prince to get away from certain death, riding on a white(?) stallion, getting attacked by bandits, hiding somewhere while his prince went out to defend him, Al wasn't complaining. He wasn't in any certain danger as long as he disregarded the fact that a major virus that worked for G.A.I.A. made it her life mission to kill him. Al wasn't the type of man to put himself in the face of death just because he felt as if he was the one being saved. He didn't allow his pride and ego to get in the way of his own mission. So, Al obediently stood in the base, a blank expression on his face.

"Huh." Shoving his hands in the pockets of his blue coat, Al began to walk around the base and set up the spears exactly as how Shade instructed him to. Pointing them towards the direction of the door, the blonde boy stepped back to inspect his work before nodding silently to himself, deciding that it was decent enough. With that done, Al wandered around the weapons closet, ruby orbs examining each pointy object with amateur expertise. Finally coming to a stop in front of a rather dull looking sword that resembled his taken one in shape, Al stared at the blade with slight curiosity.

Reaching out to touch the broadsword, Al gripped the hilt and unsheathed the saber. That's where he messed up. It seemed that by unsheathing the sword, Al had disturbed the impeccable balance of the weapons and caused many of them to fall off the shelf. Loud clanging sounded from the hidden weapons room, most likely being heard outside. It would be impossible not to hear the falling of metal on the ground and on other weapons. Jumping back just in time to save his skin from being sliced off, Al stared at the destruction he had caused with a deadpan look. "Oh."

(@Shog @SirDerpingtonIV My apologies for my inactivity. It's fine, Shog. Better to move the roleplay along than to wait for another. Don't think I would be offended by you doing that.)
It had been almost a week since Hugh had arrived in Octren. He had received word of a bounty on a group of minor viruses while passing through and decided to take care of it. He went about it in the way he usually would: gathering information and tracking their movements, waiting for them to leave the public's eye before making his move. Luckily the group wasn't to keen on covering their tracks. On his third day of following them around he had confirmed their numbers and made his move, making sure he got them all at once.

Hugh turned the group in bound in chains to the captain of the guard, wearing a large and hooded white cloak in order to cover his face and arms. His appearance must have seemed bizarre to the guard, given the climate and his questioning look. Though the look might have been due to the fact that a rather large man had just brought in about 20 men bound in chains. After receiving his reward, Hugh gave the guard his calling card that read "The Silent Knight". He turned to leave, but before he could exit the captain got ahead of him. He wore a look of adoration, not entirely a surprising occurrence for Hugh.

Hugh attempted to move around him but the guard begged him to help with another problem. A nest of giant sandworms had appeared on the outskirts of Octren and needed to be dealt with. Initially Hugh wasn't for it, but an upfront deposit was enough to get him to comply. The worms make up for the rest of the time he is there. The nest was rather large and the worms were a hassle, what with their infernal burrowing and all. Eventually Hugh had taken care of the problem and was able to collect the rest of his bounty. Of course by this time another problem had come up.

The buzz of Hugh's P.I.D. embedded in his right arm mech alerted him to current events. A message detailing of at least two major viruses within the city and a missing princess. A picture of a blue haired maiden was attached; most likely the princess. Hugh contemplated where he would start looking. Surely if they had kidnapped a princess they'd be long gone by now, and by the time he could pick up the trail they'd be even farther. Just then a woman flies past him into a nearby fruit stand, effectively breaking his concentration. Following her brief outburst, Hugh watched as she sends a gale of wind magic into a nearby manhole before taking off at blinding speed. Without missing a beat Hugh chases after her; he bounds upward onto the roofs of taller buildings. There was a high likely hood that she was involved in what was going on in Octren.

Hugh watched as the woman waited near the exit of the sewer system. With any luck she would be waiting for the other virus with the princess in tow to come out and then he could knock out two birds with one stone. Suddenly a carriage comes careening out of nowhere and stops next to her. He can't be sure of what's happening when the top goes flying off, but then the carriage peels back off down the street with the scream of people coming from within. Hugh watches as the woman and her knew companions go riding of. One of them has body similar to his own, as far as being mechanized goes, and the other has familiar blue hair, though fairly shorter than what he's looking for.

Instead of immediately taking pursuit Hugh turns to save the people within the carriage. He leaps in front of it, grabs hold, and slows it down with his feet; gauging that outright stopping it would cause those within to be flung out. "Oh, thank you!" a women sobs. "Please she took all our valuables! You have to stop her!" Not exactly planning to return later, Hugh simply places a sack of coin in her hands that should more than make up for whatever had been lost then bounds onto a nearby rooftop.

Having lost sight of the trio, the thought occurs to Hugh that he may have lost his lead. While contemplating how possibly failing to save a princess might affect his heroic credibility, or worse the reward he'd be missing out on, a rather obnoxious voice echoes throughout the night. With nothing else to go on Hugh bounds off in source's direction which happens to be close by. From above he can make out the three he's looking for.

Hugh lands in the empty street before the trio. The ground is slightly cratered from the impact. He rises to his feet, allowing the bottom of his cloak to be blown gently by the passing breeze. His face remains hidden in shadow so the only thing that can be made out is the faint yellow glow of his eyes. He points at both the mechanized girl and the girl he was tracking before giving them thumbs down and slowly walking toward them.

(@Darth Pai @UltraYuseke )
(Sorry this won't be much of a reply, just trying to get a foothold in here.)

Unbeknownst to the petty squabblers, a tiny figure slipped through the night and into Shade's desert shack, flanked on either side by two much larger figures. They didn't seem to care if they were seen or not, striding into the shack like they owned it. It was quickly turned upside down in a search for valuables before the smaller figure sat, more like sprawled, across a chair and patiently waited for Shade to come back. As she waited, she read a book, The History of Torture, illuminated by a flashlight held by one of her body guards.
Shog said:
"Did you know that I don't care about your silly claims to land!" Shade retorted. "Maybe next time someone rides in this acclaimed land of yours you could try inviting them to tea. I hear that is a much better way to get people to cooperate. Not that I would know from experience or anything. By the way, do you even know who I am? I know who you are." Before his voice could be accurately located he climbed up the side of the rock a bit more to a ledge several feet up and even more to his left before settling down. He appeared calm and relaxed, but he was anything but relaxed. He was most certainly calm knowing they couldn't really do anything before he could react, but his muscles were tense and ready to spring into action at any moment.

(Sorry for dragging you around like that @Grape)
"Did you know that I don't care about your silly identity?" she growled at him, mocking what he had said earlier. She never had much patience for ignorant, selfish jerk-offs. "And I hear, that internet tough guys ceased to exist when they realized they weren't tough anymore," she muttered, resisting the urge to pull out her scimitar and gut this coward. She heard his feet climbing along the rock, and her eyes were on where she presumed him to be, her eyes tightening as she glared. "All I care about right now, is why you and your friends have entered Sphinx Territory, knowingly, and are SURPRISED, when they are stopped under suspicion in the middle of a conflict!" she added, her voice rising.
"I could consider liking you" Shade said," but you take things too seriously. All we wanted was a short break in this humble little hideout, which just in case you can't hear, is being ransacked. Shall we continue this conversation later? Good." He jumped off of his perch and shifted into smoke right before hitting the ground and entered the small shack that was below his feet just moments before. He ignored the girl reading a book, but quickly took out the two brutes, leaving their unconscious bodies on the floor with almost no indication they were even alive. He was visible again, but he didn't care. "If you're going to ransack a shack in the middle of no where, at least have a reason to believe there is anything valuable in it! The only thing that would be of any use to you is canned food."

@SirDerpingtonIV @Aigou

(Just for the record, the entire place was surrounded by Rebels and Shade would be watching the door. There is no way you could have made it in there without anyone noticing)
Shog said:
"I could consider liking you" Shade said," but you take things too seriously. All we wanted was a short break in this humble little hideout, which just in case you can't hear, is being ransacked. Shall we continue this conversation later? Good." He jumped off of his perch and shifted into smoke right before hitting the ground and entered the small shack that was below his feet just moments before. He ignored the girl reading a book, but quickly took out the two brutes, leaving their unconscious bodies on the floor with almost no indication they were even alive. He was visible again, but he didn't care. "If you're going to ransack a shack in the middle of no where, at least have a reason to believe there is anything valuable in it! The only thing that would be of any use to you is canned food."
@SirDerpingtonIV @Aigou

(Just for the record, the entire place was surrounded by Rebels and Shade would be watching the door. There is no way you could have made it in there without anyone noticing)
Ymira scowled, and placed her hand on the hilt of her scimitar. She slid off the side of her horse, landing on her feet. "Stay here," she ordered, advancing towards the hideout. She kicked open the door, storming inside, her blade held out in front of her. She entered the room where the others sat, and she leaned against the wall, her sword still in hand. "SO," she sighed, "How about you new arrivals? I believe I deserve an explaination for why you are on Sphinx Territory as well, don't I?" she smirked, looking over at the girl, clenching the hilt of her blade.
Max patrolled the streets of Central looking for his target. He was dressed for combat with a cloth pulled over the lower half of his face. He finally found what appeared to be a quiet house where his target was supposed to live. This man was an architect and his partner had been convicted for treason quite some time ago, but the general that hired him was not convinced that Ben Normandy was innocent. His job was to bring him in for questioning by the general.

Max pulled out his weapon and let the cable extend a bit and changed the end to that of a hook. He started spinning it around and flung it at the side of the house. It made contact and dug in, holding tight when he gave a few tugs. After looking around again to make sure on one was looking he climbed the rope and forced the window open and entered the house. He appeared to be in a bedroom of some sort and pulled his weapon into a defensive stance just in case, changing the end to a simple sphere.

Shog said:
Max patrolled the streets of Central looking for his target. He was dressed for combat with a cloth pulled over the lower half of his face. He finally found what appeared to be a quiet house where his target was supposed to live. This man was an architect and his partner had been convicted for treason quite some time ago, but the general that hired him was not convinced that Ben Normandy was innocent. His job was to bring him in for questioning by the general.
Max pulled out his weapon and let the cable extend a bit and changed the end to that of a hook. He started spinning it around and flung it at the side of the house. It made contact and dug in, holding tight when he gave a few tugs. After looking around again to make sure on one was looking he climbed the rope and forced the window open and entered the house. He appeared to be in a bedroom of some sort and pulled his weapon into a defensive stance just in case, changing the end to a simple sphere.

Heard a thud as he worked in his basement, and froze, looking up. He held the hammer in his hands, thinking of what to do. He slowly headed up the stairs, the tool in his hands, ready to fight off whoever this burglar was. "Oi!" he called, "Whoever you are, I am here so you better run before I call the City Gaurd!" He got to the main floor, looking around.

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