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Fantasy Internet Kingdom

Tamara was pissed. As the sword let up she slowly stood up. The armor was so badly cracked that the second she moved the armor split into pieces. Tamara groaned in frustration muttering that it was a rental. Starting from the chandelier she glared with immeasurable fury at the catastrophe that ensued from here mere presence. One mass murder/arson in a town and everyone's afraid of you. She let out a long sigh and stretched out. She looked down at Magnolia with a glare, this was all her fault. She wanted to shout at her, ask her why the hell she blew her cover to attack a freaking servant. But as Magnolia reached out her hand Tamara's rage subdued just a little. She couldn't be bad at her crazy friend for being crazy, Tamara knew that when she signed up.

She didn't take the hand, but listened to the wind. She could sense many guards coming from the main exit. Tamara closed her eyes and a slight breeze moved around her and spread throughout the room. As the wind moved around the guards Tamara knew where each one was located. There like a row of ducks, are they trying to make it easy for me? Raising her arm she slowly grabbed her Glade. As she opened her eyes she watched as Magnolia created a wall in front of the guards. "I'll do you one better Mags," she said with a smile. Whipping through the air her glade went behind the wall. Loud screams and slashes could be heard behind it as the golden glade knocked the remaining guards out and returned back to her. Catching the glade in one hand she flung it forwards breaking the earth wall. Tamara walked forward catching he returning glade again. "Come on this party blows." She strutted past the ruble and unconscious bodies on the floor. Calculating the cost of that armor Tamara grumbled as she walked.

I am so not paying a grand for that weak armor. Somebody is paying for that and it sure as he'll won't be me. She stopped and looked at a vase in the hallway "why the hell not." She grabbed it and continued to walk along.

(sorry for the wait! The movie was adorable!)
"Aah! So cool as usual, Tama!" Magnolia grinned as she wiped off the beads of sweat on her forehead. Taking a moment for a quick breather, Magnolia leaned back and ran her gloved hand through her now disheveled hair. Her muscles didn't ache at all since it was her auto-mech working to physically move the earth wall with the help of the Earth elemental stone. Using the elemental stone in such a harsh and raw way was sure to tire Magnolia out if she did a big thing such as craft a gigantic wall and push it forward. It wasn't nearly enough to knock her out but it was indeed tiring. The earth was a stubborn element after all and Magnolia was a harsh user.

After having caught her breath, Magnolia fixed her hair and dress as she hurried to Tamara's side. "Hey, Tam," Magnolia mumbled, averting her eyes from the Taku Wind. She couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with the woman. She had almost been the cause of death if the guards had truly gotten them. "I'm not going to apologize because what I did," Or tried to do. "Was necessary." Keeping her voice strong, Magnolia turned to look at Tamara with a bright grin on her face, subtly asking for forgiveness. "But not telling you the reason was my fault." Magnolia knew of Tamara's past but Tamara didn't know of Magnolia's.

"Of course, I'm not going to tell you until you ask but just know that if you want to know why I attacked the piece of shit of a young man," Magnolia shrugged but her voice was serious and intimidating. Her bangs covered her face, revealing nothing about the feelings Magnolia felt at that moment. However, if one was able to see her face, they would be shocked by the extreme calm that her expression held. It wasn't sweetly smiling or narrowed in aggravation, but it was calm. A calm built only after a lifetime of horror. "I'll tell you." And Magnolia was willing to share that past with Tamara if the woman wanted to know about it.

A silence fell over the two as they walked down the halls but as soon as Magnolia noticed the vase Tamara was clutching, she burst out laughing, filling the empty halls with chortles of amusement. "Oh, Tam-Tam! You're hilarious!" Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, Magnolia beamed, having gotten a hold of a new source of motivation. "So where are we heading now?" She had found Alarick James and she was able to kill him. He was in Octren, he was in her land of Erith. He could not hide in her own house.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shade did not reply but simply turned and started walking away. He had studied a map before the attack and after a few turns found an exit. There were two guards stationed there and looking rather uneasy. Shade simply created a ball of smoke that had a faintly glowing red center. Shade lazily tossed it at the door and it exploded on impact. It was a weak explosion that merely gave the guards concussions, but did not bread the door. He stopped in front of the door and turned back to his followers. "Once out there, you will need to keep up. I will lead you to a sewer entrance. Ready?'
Akatharsía was completely lost on what had just happened. Moments ago, she was making her way to an exit to leave this place and keep from getting caught up in the bore of her life. Next thing she knew, somebody was dragging her around, and before she could so much as think on the subject, she was behind them, in what seemed to be a situation of them 'protecting' her. Once she heard the words going back and forth, she was able to take the time to figure out what'd happened. Now she was fully aware of what was going on, and it quite angered her.

"Not even aware of whose hand you took, are you...?" Akatharsía immediately sent her hand flying straight out of the man's grip, her entire body turning and facing the other direction. She didn't have any anger or such emotions behind her voice. Rather, it was just like it was back when Shade confronted her; little emotion, if any at all, without a single hint of an opinion from her. "I have other things to go. You may go on ahead without me... Next time we meet Shade, I will not let you walk away should you attack me again. Otherwise, I'll have no problems with you."

Akatharsía began walking off once more towards the exit of the building. Before she could take more than five steps, her body started giving out on her again. She almost fell flat on her face, but she managed to regain her balance after stumbling forward a few steps. Her false smile that contradicted her near-emotionless words suddenly vanished as it became a look of hatred and disgust, the fact of all her hair in front of her face not making it look any more pleasing of an expression. Luckily for Akatharsía, nobody could see her face at the moment. She just stood there in silence.
Tamara didn't really care about why Magnolia did what she did. She knows everyone has her reasons for stuff and she got that. To her it wasn't he why more the how. Randomly attacking someone in the middle of a party full of people is not the way to go. Tamara knows that one from personal experience. Looking down at the vase she thought to herself is this enough? Maybe I should grab something else... she looked up at a painting for a moment, but then decided better. As she walked she finally paid attention to Magnolia's words.

"Mags If I haven't aske before I won't ask now. You have your reasons and I'm not a prying woman. Just next time warn me so I don't inadvertly save him." Tamara turned to her friend and gave her a wink. Today she'll give Magnolia a pass, she was too worried about cash than morals. Plus she could feel Magnolia's anger and there was no need to stir that up now.

As the sclience returned She thought about going to her masters home, but it probably wouldn't be the best idea. Suddenly she realized that she knew who the guy from earlier was. With a big grin on her face she smiled "Magnolia, get your winter Clothes ready, because we're heading up north." She threw the vase down letting it shatter into pieces. She didn't need it anymore she knew someone who made quite a profit here tonight. Cracking her fingers she balled her hands into fists and smiled. "Hope your not afraid of the dark."
"Leave the princess alone" Shade said. "She is more work than it is worth, trust me. I'm leaving weather you are following me or not." He opened the door and ran into the night. He kept to street level but avoided common roads. He found a manhole and shoved it open before dropping down and jogging for a while. Eventually he found some metal bars on the side of the path that would act as a flood gate should the sewer ever flood. He pulled open the gate and walked hunched over so he wouldn't scrape his back on the roof and came to a wide open room with several other flood gates. Him and a few other viruses built a wooden living space above the ground, should it ever flood. It was the safest place for them right now and he climbed the rope ladder to the top and crashed on a couch. He pulled out his P.I.D. (check the overview if you forgot what that is) and sent a quick message to Tamara. It basically said to tell her friend (Magnolia) that her target was in his possession and they could work something out, should she so desire.
Al stared blankly at the blue haired girl. "No." He wasn't aware of her identity at all. He simply saw a girl and didn't want her heading towards the area in which two major viruses stood. Perhaps he had accidentally grabbed the hand of a duchess or princess? "I'm not." Blinking a few times, Al tried to focus on the girl, trying to remember where he had seen her face. Concentrating very hard, the blonde furrowed his eyebrows in deep thought but nothing seemed to arise from his memories. "I'm sorry but who are you?" Pursing his lips in confusion, Al decided that such a matter was unimportant in a time like this.

"You can't stay here." Al watched the girl fall flat on her face and walked over to her side to offer his hand to help her up. "There are two major viruses in this building and I can't allow myself to let you to stay here by yourself." Glancing over his shoulder to Shade and the pile of unconscious guards that the red smoke left in its wake, Al wondered how he could get the girl to come along. She reminded him too much of his sister and Al couldn't let another one die. Taking her hands in his own once more, Al threw her over his shoulder and carried her towards Shade. "My apologies, girl of some high status."

Seeing as how Shade had already left the building, Al hurried off into the night, using his strength and agility to follow behind the major virus. It was during this moment that Al realized where he recognized the girl. She was a princess. Eyes widening in horror at the idea that he was manhandling a princess, Al almost dropped the girl but quickly regained his hold on her as he jogged a few feet behind Shade. He completely trusted the man, something that he was often told not to do.

Staring at Tamara in confusion for a moment, Magnolia burst into giggles. "What clothes, Tama?" Stripping off the green dress that concealed her unique auto-mech operated body and revealing the shiny metal that glinted in the moonlight.

She threw the dress off to the side, not caring where it went. A rat could have it for all she cared. "You know that I go in the nude." Winking playfully at the Taku Wind, Magnolia chuckled and beamed at the woman.

"I hope you're not afraid of the dark." Tamara said, cracking her fingers that were balled up into a fist.

Magnolia opened her mouth in puzzlement. "What do you mean by that, Tam-Tam?" Raising an eyebrow as she pulled out her navy blue skirt and a red scarf from god knows where, Magnolia tilted her head to the side.

"Are we going to the mountains?" Frowning slightly, Magnolia didn't like how the snow froze her auto-mech. She had to frequently scrape the metal so that it didn't frost over. It's not like she felt cold in any other area except her face anyway.

@The Suspicious Eye
Shade slipped his P.I.D. away as the others entered the chamber. "Welcome to your current sanctuary. So what is your name, huh? And why was she trying to kill you? There is no bounty on your head. Trust me on that, I checked." He finally stopped to thoroughly scan him and try to detect any weapons. 'You don't have a weapon?"

(@UltraYuseke @The Suspicious Eye (for the message Shade sent))
Before Tamara could reply to Magnolia's question she felt her chest vibrate and pulled the P.I.D out of her breastplate. "Speak of the devil" she read the message and smiled. Looking over to Magnolia she smiled "apparently, he has someone you want to. Well that's a easy way to kill two birds with one stone." Tamara eagerly responded back.

You got it babe. I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?

She put the P.I.D Back where she had it and continued on her way. She scared a couple off and hopped into a carriage. "So you want to ride in the front or the back?" She smiled thinking about what she could do to get such a good deal. Well other than the obvious....killing him in cold blood.

(what were you thinking? Lol)
Shade quickly pulled out his P.I.D. and replied before putting it back and waiting for him to reply.

Taku Wind
You got it babe. I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?
This is going to be worth my while, right? And if you mean my place in the mountains you might want to look a bit closer to where you are now.

@UltraYuseke @The Suspicious Eye
Tamara P.I.D vibrated again. She pulled it out leaning back on the carriage. She looked at the message, and frowned. Uggh! How does he always know what I'm thinking? Tamara thought about I for a minute and finally sent a message back.

You got it babe.I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?
This is gonna be worth my while, right?And if you mean my place in the mountains you might want to look a bit closer to where you are now.
You know me I'm always good for a fair deal, no matter how long it takes. But, seriously where are you? I can't be out for too long they might send a army after me. Octren is not my favorite place.

Tamara looked up scouring the empty courtyard for guards. It was actually unusually empty. The quiet bothered her a lot. News of my wherabouts must have reached the others by now. What are they up to? An cold breeze began to spin around Tamara.

(omfg you can scroll down on the txt messages how cool!)
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Without hesitation, Al immediately answered Shade's questions. "Alarick James," That was his name and there was no point in hiding it. Why would Al lie to the man who saved him and the princess? Speaking of the princess, upon entering the shack underground in the sewers, Al gently placed the princess down, prepared to take any damage she inflicted onto him. As long as she was safe and well, Al was somewhat pleased with himself. He thought that the government that ran this land wasn't as corrupt as the one in real life, where a man could get away with murder if he had money, he decided that being thrown in jail for protecting the princess from danger was unlikely. Unless this princess was truly angry with him, angry enough to throw him into prison as a royal decree.

The boy frowned at the thought of why the lady from the party had tried to kill him. Maybe she was truly upset that they had bumped into each other? Eyes narrowing in deep concentration, Al's mind began to work overtime as it sped through memories, files of data, and began to connect the pieces together. "I'm not exactly sure why the woman tried to kill me but I have a theory." Al muttered, his gaze distant as he continued to fit the puzzle pieces together. It wasn't long until Al decided that the hypothesis had a higher percentage of being correct that the other ones he came up with.

"She could work for G.A.I.A., an illegal organization in the real world." Al stated coldly, the name of the association rolling off the tip of his tongue like poison. He never forgot the reason for searching for the Code Book, risking his life over a simple magical artifact that could possibly not even exist. It was his only chance and his only hope to save what remained of his family and expose the secret conglomerate to make sure that they never did something like that ever again. "They assassinated my entire family and are targeting the few who are left." The blonde boy remembered his sister's smiling face and mentally winced upon the possibility of her being dead as well.

Keeping his facial features as calm as possible, this was the topic that enraged Al to the point of no going back until he had gotten control over his emotions once more. "That would explain why she tried to kill me." The only living James boy stared Shade straight in the eyes, his gaze not faltering upon coming into contact with the icy blue orbs of the major virus. Al's lips separated, leaving a small gap in the shape of the letter O. What if the lady didn't work for G.A.I.A.? Why would she try to kill Al? He was a simple servant boy at that time. Perhaps it was something from the past?

Al couldn't recall the girl's face at all during his time in Erith. Holding his chin in his hand, Al paused breathing for a moment before letting out a held in breath of air. "Huh." Muscles relaxed, Al turned his attention back to Shade once more. Raising his hands up to confirm, Al shook his head. "No, it was confiscated by the staff at the party." Furrowing his eyebrows in material-induced upset, Al mentally sighed when he thought about how much money that sword was worth.

It was only a simple sword that a blacksmith had forged for him as a reward for working but Al still treasured it because he was broke and couldn't buy another weapon. He would have to go back to the building later to collect his pay, if he still had any, and retrieve his lost broadsword. Al watched as Shade whipped out his P.I.D. and began to text someone on the other end of the message. The boy's eyes widened in remembrance. He had forgotten he had a Personal Information Device. It was most likely buried beneath the multitudes of items that the young man had collected on his journey to sell. For example, red grass.

Taku Wind
You got it babe.I'm on the way to your place you wanna meet there or somewhere else?
This is gonna be worth my while, right?And if you mean my place in the mountains you might want to look a bit closer to where you are now.
You know me I'm always good for a fair deal, no matter how long it takes. But, seriously where are you? I can't be out for too long they might send a army after me. Octren is not my favorite place.
It's better than Central. Anyway, I'm in the sewer hideout with him and a princess. I'll keep him occupied.

Shade slipped his P.I.D. away and made sure no other person in the room saw the messages. "So people in the real world want you dead too? What did you do to deserve that?" Not that he was really one to talk, but he was stalling for time. He would much rather be heading to his real home, but this could be profitable. "Anyway, It's probably safer for you here then if this is your first time being attacked since your arrival on Erith. At least you can't go back, right? I mean, why would you even want to?"
Upon hearing the major virus' words, Al nodded in gratitude but frowned at the same time.

"Thank you again," Glancing over at the princess, Al paused for a moment to look at the girl before turning back to Shade. She hadn't replied for quite some time and had been silent. Well, it's either she was quiet or Al simply didn't hear her. "We appreciate it." Speaking for both himself and the princess, Al wondered for a moment if the princess was upset but didn't linger upon the thought for too long. Women were complex creatures. Even Al, who could figure complex equations if he really thought about it, didn't want to mess with them voluntarily.

Furrowing his eyebrows at the seemingly carefree words that addressed his mission, Al went silent for a few seconds, a mixture of emotions flowing through his mind, before he spoke up again to answer the question. "Nothing." It was one word that seemed to freeze the room. There was a dangerous aura to the word that made one feel the same thing as walking on thin ice. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, his heart beat speeding up as the memories that were permanently imprinted into his brain emerged.

"We did nothing." Al didn't know whether or not he should explain himself but by the questioning looks he felt from the other people in the room, the boy closed his eyes and silently cleared his mind, becoming void of emotion once more. Feelings often made one opinionated and biased, the story that Al had discovered was of the truth and he didn't want his emotions getting the better of him. "My family was framed, imprisoned, and assassinated." The blonde boy's sharp ruby red eyes contrasted with Shade's blue ones but he didn't seem to care and continued on with his story.

Resisting the temptation to play with the flash drive that hung around his neck by a string, Al licked his lips, still parched from work. "I have evidence in which I can clear my family's name." Clenching his fists before releasing them soon after, Al's eyes shone with pure determination. He wasn't going to allow the assassins of G.A.I.A. get to the remaining family he had and continue to terrorize the world. "Finding the Code Book is of highest priority to me." Al calmed down and went silent. There were no more questions for him to answer so he simply observed Shade, the princess, and the dark underground room.

When given the choice to pick where she would rather sit in a carriage, there was only one obvious choice for Magnolia. "Front, of course." It was was easier to jump off of instead of having to open the carriage and step out. Magnolia had preferred the front over the back, she could see most things without a wall blocking her view. She didn't want a repeat of her dead prince. Reliving those memories was not something Magnolia wanted to go through again. She was almost ashamed she had even gotten involved with the prince in the first place. She had strayed from her mission.

Hopping onto the carriage, Magnolia cheerfully winked at Tamara. "Well? Where are we going?" Even though she sat up front, Magnolia didn't take the reigns and simply scooted over to make space for Tamara. There wasn't much room but it would do if half of both girls' buttcheeks were off of the seat. Although Magnolia was a great tracker, she trusted Tamara enough to take the lead. But the main reason was because Magnolia simply didn't want to drive.

@The Suspicious Eye
"We...?" I don't remember being part of this..." Akatharsía had heard everything up until now, but she was actually too weak to really waste energy on talking before. "Next time... think about your actions before you carry a princess away." Akatharsía tried standing up, only to fall down on her hands and knees, coughing painfully. She covered her mouth as the coughing went on for a little bit. By the time she stopped, her entire face was covered by her now messy hair. "Damn it..." Akatharsía forced herself to stand up, shaking a little bit.

Akatharsía just stood there for a few seconds before moving the hair out of her face. She'd put on an unbelievably realistic smile to cover up the pain she was feeling from such violent coughing. "I'm fine, I'm fine." She put a slight false cheerfulness in her voice to try and lighten the mood she'd just set. "I don't think it's safe for me to be here. We're with a major virus who'd just tried to harm me after an attempt to steal from me. I'd best be getting back to the town before I lose my self-control and try to pay him back."

Akatharsía started walking in the direction she thought to be that of the exit through the weak sight and memory she had through their trip. She really just needed to find a nearby town, anything where she could take out her other clothes and change to her disguise. She really just wanted to go out and enjoy a normal life today, and didn't care about any worry she might leave anyone with. She was actually hoping people would think she was dead when she changed to her disguise so that she could just proceed to forever live a normal life. Sadly, this world and its features said otherwise were to happen in her life.

Her walking was slow whether she liked it or not, which left plenty of time for her to be stopped before she could actually leave. Too many issues in her life that she didn't want, almost all of which came from her status as princess. She hated it; all she wants is to be like everybody else and have a normal life. While facing away from the two, she didn't leave the fake smile up, but she was ready enough that before they could do anything to see her face, she'd have the smile back on there.
Tamara read the message and groaned. Of all places in this horrible city did he have to choose the sewer. It's gross and moist and small. Past experiences did not make her too keen on small dark spaces. Plus she liked being clean, so she wasn't very fond of trekking through sewage. She scratched her head deep in thought, debating if it were even worth it.

Tamara snapped out of her thoughts as magnolia plopped herself next to her. Tamara seniors at the cheerful girl. "Well Mags we are going down. The guy who disappeared earlier has your servant boy ." She motioned for the camel to start running. They soon left the ball and were heading down some alleyways. Tamara turned to Magnolia and explained further. "He's willing to make a trade, but we gotta head down to the" she shudders at the thought of it. "sewers" with that they stopped reaching their destination, a man hole. Kicking up the lid she did a waving motion "after you".

(Having a Steven King marathon. So scared right now!!)
Shade stopped mid-thought and let dozens of others take its place. He had his own clues to where the code book might be, but new ones might point him in the right direction. Once he got the book he had no reason to keep this guy here and he could go do whatever he wanted in the real world. Then Shade would have all the leverage in the world! "How much do you know about the Code Book?" he asked Al and stared with so much intensity that Al might just burst into flames where he stood.

A man hole.

Magnolia stared down at the filthy gates of bacteria hell with a deadpanned look. The soul seemed to have been sucked out of her seeing as how her eyes had a shallow look to them. She slowly turned to look at Tamara, her expression unreadable for a moment. There was silence between the two, Magnolia was still processing the man hole in her mind. "Are you serious?" Magnolia seemed to die on the inside since she already knew Tamara's answer. They had to go down this man hole whether they liked it or not if they wanted to get to the servant boy.

Groaning childishly, Magnolia whined and stamped her foot against the ground, making a small but noticeable indent in the ground. "Tama, you know how I feel about dirt!" Shuddering at the thought of the bacteria-infested sewers and how long it would take to clean her auto-mech body if she got dirty, Magnolia frowned and folded her arms over her chest. Was this really worth it? She could catch the boy easily by herself. But he was practically already in her clutches. Why would she allow such an opportunity to slip through her hands?

The major virus sighed. "I don't even get to have the feeling of accomplishment from capturing him..." With those words, Magnolia jumped into the sewers, the sound of her heavy auto-mech body landing echoed down the dark tunnels. The limited moonlight that shone down into the sewers reflected off Magnolia's auto-mech and highlighted a few parts of the tunnel. However, the darkness engulfed the light, corrupting it and swallowing it whole. "Are you coming?" Magnolia called out from the bottom of the man hole.

@The Suspicious Eye
Hearing the princess' voice from behind him, Al turned his head to glance over at her. He jumped in surprise when she fell down onto her hands and knees. Quickly making his way over to help her up, Al realized she was indeed taller than him when she stood up. He took a moment to take the fact in and then opened his mouth to ask if she was alright. Immediately, as if the princess sensed what he was doing, gave a smile and said that she was fine.

Al believed that smile. He gave her a curt nod and took a step back. As long as she was not going to encounter the two major viruses who obviously were not the types to talk things out, Al's conscious would be at ease. Contradictory to his thoughts, Al remained in the presence of a dangerous virus, Shade. He turned to look at Shade when he heard the major virus ask him a question.

Al stared back at Shade, completely unaware of the intensity of his gaze. Having bypassed the dramatic atmosphere of the situation, Al nonchalantly replied. "It's a book that gives the person in possession unlimited power over the Internet's code." That was what he knew and that was what he said. It wasn't something Al would lie about, he didn't see any harm in telling the virus what he knew about the Code Book. "I was told to head to Central City since there were rumoured reports about people finding clues to the artifact."

The blonde young man knew that those reports could as sure as hell be fake. Information changed as it was spread from one person to another. But a clue was a clue and Al wasn't going to allow anywhere to go unchecked. "The people who took me in when I first appeared in Edith contacted a friend in Central City," Al remarked out loud, remembering the usefulness of the P.I.D. He would have to rummage through his inventory bag to find the device later. "They said that their friend would bring me to the places that the reports had taken place in."

Al didn't bother asking why Shade was asking these questions. He felt that it wasn't his position to pry nor did he really care about the others who searched for the Code Book. The young man knew that there were other people who were also looking for the Code Book but he was going to be the one to find the artifact and save his family. He just needed a little bit more money to travel north again.

Akatharsía watched from a few feet away as Magnolia leaped down in the sewers. She was actually on her way out at the time. Nobody decided to stop her earlier, so she already made it quite far after having regained her physical strength. Having at some point through the sewers changed to her disguise of Kyo, she decided to say hello to them. "Ah... Hello there. I do believe you're a major virus, correct...? Forgive me if I'm wrong on that. I'm Kyo; a pleasure to meet you." Kyo bowed lightly as she said hello, seeming to not be frightened by them in the least. She seemed extremely calm, almost too calm to even be a proper human that worried or cared about anything at all. At the same time, she seemed to care a little highly about manners given by her extremely respectful way of introducing herself.
"This changes things" Shade muttered. "It's your lucky day, Al. Instead of dying, we can work on getting the Code book together. You get out and I enjoy myself. Don't argue with me either, if you enjoy living. The person who tied to kill you earlier is comming here now to kill you. Yah, I lied and was going to get payed for keep you here, but you are now more valuable to me alive than dead." He took the knives from his lower legs out and flipped them so he was holding the blade end. He then presented Al with the hilts. "You will need these. Start down that tunnel. The end is locked so you will need me to get out, but we can escape. Are you with me?"

Magnolia turned to look at the bowing blue haired girl, bronze eyes lighting up with glee. "Oh, hello!" Quickly making her way towards the girl, Kyo as she introduced herself, Magnolia looked her up and down before asking a rather obvious question. "Are you lost?" Tilting her head to the side, her permanent smile growing wider by the second, Magnolia leaned closer to the girl. She was dancing on the line of intruding one's personal space, tempting to fall off but always catching herself.

"The exit is right there," Magnolia pointed at the open man hole, a ladder leading up to the surface. She took a step back and rocked back and forth on her heels. "If you climb up that ladder, it'll lead you up into an alleyway that's connected to the main street." Beaming as bright as the sun, Magnolia mentally pat herself on the back for doing her daily good dead just in the nick of time since the day was coming to an end. She liked people. Just because Magnolia wanted to kill someone didn't mean she hated everyone. Sheeries a natural extrovert and being around people refreshed her.

Her friendly expression never left her face. "But my friend's up there and she'd jump at the chance to harm a pretty girl like you." Pouting at the thought, Magnolia clasped her hands together when she came up with an idea. As if a lightbulb turned on on top of her head, Magnolia walked towards Kyo and stood in front of her. "I have an idea!" Magnolia's voice was excited and cheerful but she kept the volume down to a whisper.

"Why don't you come with me?" Giggling softly, Magnolia took Kyo's hand in her own and intertwined their fingers like she used to when holding her sisters' hands. Magnolia knew that her touch must have been freezing cold. Bare skin coming in contact with weather-exposed metal. "I'll protect you from the big, bad Taku Wind." The major virus gave the blue haired girl another smile as an indestructible case of earth enveloped Kyo, trapping her within.

Earth was the ultimate element of defense. Nothing could break in but then again, nothing could break out. Letting go of the girl's incased hand, Magnolia hummed an eery tune as she picked the girl up with inhuman ease and carried her in the direction of Shade's hideout. She needed someone to trade with. An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg, a life for a life.

((@UltraYuseke Not letting Kyo go that easily!))
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Al stared at the major virus, his expression blank before he nodded in understanding. "That does change things." The blonde young man murmured, stroking his chin with his auto-mech arm. His mind running on high, Al began to put things together to further investigate his situation. Shade had lied, he had been used again, could he trust the virus again? Of course. He was useful to him now. Then something in his mind clicked.

"You brought them here?" Eyes widening for only a second, Al remembered that the princess had left the hideout not too long ago and the two major viruses were also in the sewers. Faced with the decision of running off with Shade or risking his life to save other's, the decision was clear to Al. He didn't even have to hesitate to think about it. Al grabbed the knives by their hilts. He wasn't very experienced with dagger-like weapons but they would have to do.

Preferably, Al wouldn't have to use them during his escape. Without saying any words, Al nodded, agreeing with Shade. They were going to get out of here alive. Clenching the knives in his hands, Al started down a tunnel. That was when a sinister tune echoed through the sewers. Al's eyes widened in horror, picking up his pace as he sped down the tunnel. The farther away he ran from the sound, the louder it seemed to get. Al could feel his heart beat against his ribs. The organ was a bird and the ribs its cage. The boy wondered if the bird would escape.

A layer of sweat arose from his skin as Al ran. The tunnel seemed to get narrower the more he ran. He resisted the temptation to look back, knowing that he would slow down and potentially get caught by her. Al recognized the tune that haunted both the sewers and his dreams. It was the melody from the music that was played in the video footage of the security cameras. It was planted there to cover up the voices and words being exchanged in the video. Al's fears had been confirmed. The lady that was trying to kill him worked for G.A.I.A.

@Darth Pai

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