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Colosseum Interjection of Fate... (Thepotatogod V. Damacyn)


and it was this big
Roleplay Type(s)
Atop the tower of Fate lies a Darkened Green sky and a bright yellow moon, Pillars are placed on the corners are the winds sing a somber tune. The tower of Fate never crumbles despite it's height, it's luscious green paint stained with blood. . .

A Battle shall commence on it's rooftops. . .
Saint Omnyx stands on THE WORLD's End, staring at the bland green sky and the bright yellow moon. How long has it been since he and his family has been trapped here? How long has it been since the tower had any visitors? At that moment, a man clad in white wearig a yellow scarf came up the stairs that led to him, his massive black scythe hanging from his shoulder.

"Father, The tower had visitors." The man said, as Omnyx turned around.

"How many are there, DEATH, My son?" Omnyx asked, crossig his arms.

"About 14 sir." DEATH replied, "They're climbing the FOOL's block as we speak."

"I see..." Omnyx muttered, as DEATH began to walk away. "Thanatos, wait." Thanatos stopped as he was about to climb down the stairs.

"Yes, Father?" Thanatos turned around, as THE WORLD sat down.

"Come, my child" Omnyx beckoned, "Sit with me, and watch the skies for awhile." The world said, as DEATH obeyed. Little do they know, they'll have visitors soon...
"Team Echo do you copy?" Asked a masculine yet slightly robotic voice over radio.

"Affirmative HQ, we managed to climb up the tower, although we have casualties." Responded a vaguely feminine cyborg covered in futuristic armor, over the radio inside her helmet. They were on some sort of balcony without any railings and It was just her and a robotic swordman that was patiently waiting nearby.

"Very well, continue the mission, scanner's data reveal an huge quantity of energy coming from the top, expect hostiles." Responded unemotionally the voice over the radio. The woman gripped vigorously her hand, it was a clear sign of her frustration.

"With all due respect sir, we prefer to wait for reinforcements and" "Enough Number 15! The orders are clear, insubordination will not be tollerated! Now I want you and Number 12 to carry on and eliminate the hostiles. I'm clear Number 15?" Cutted short the man on the radio, the swordman just shook his head, it was clear that no amount of reason would change their CO's mind.

"... Affirmative HQ... We're moving to the target, over" said bitterly the woman.

"Very well, remember that we are watching you, over" said the the man before cutting the communication. It was now just her and her silent companion against an unknown enemy. She wasn't feeling fear, she stopped feeling that a long time ago, but she felt the ominous feeling of an incoming battle.

And there they were, just two men who apparently had wings attached to their backs. They looked like angels to Number 15, but she rationalized that they might just have been mutants.

"They must be the hostiles HQ talked about, stay allert 15, we don't know what they might be able to do" said 12 while activating his vibro-blade, it was clear that the two were waiting them, and 15 raised her rifle, ready for battle.
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"Father...We have visitors..." DEATH Stood up, picking his scythe as his black wings flapped."However...They're different." DEATH turned around, seeing two strange looking beings. "They didn't climb the tower properly, father. Shall i dispose of them?"

"...No." THE WORLD said, standing up as his wings flapped with a mighty gust. "They're strong. You will need help if you'll defeat them."

"I'll call in JESTER or HUNGER right away." Death held his scythe up

"No...It'll be too long." Saint Omnyx said, as a bright white staff appeared in his hands. He cleared his breath and stood in front of DEATH. "Greetings, travellers. I am Saint Omnyx, guardian of THE WORLD. What is it that you seek?" He asked the two cyborgs, hintig a sense of compassion in his voice.
The two cyborgs just stood there, without responding, with their weapons drawn and aimed at the two men. They seemed uncertain on how to engage the enemy and probably that last question just left them confused.

"What we're gonna do Number 12? They are armed but it seems' like they won't attack unless we do something" Said 15 over the radio to her teammate with a confused tone in her voice.

"Then I'll do the talking, stay allert and prepare to fight" Said over radio the swordman.

He then stepped forward, he seemed fearless, but he actually wasn't feeling any kind of emotion in that moment

"Our commanders gave us order to find and destroy the source of a mysterious form of energy, it seems you are the source. We are here to kill you" The voice of the cyborg boomed in a robotic, monotone and life-less voice. He wasted no time and jumped high in the air with the sword drawn, he was ready to slice in half the "mutant" that called himself Saint Onyx.

At the same time Number 15 pulled the trigger and and shoot a short hail of bullets at Death, in order to support his companion.
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"Then I'm afraid I cannot grant your wish." Omnyx sighed, pointing his palm at the engaging Cyborg and pushed him away with strong green winds. "...Or rather, you have to take it from us." He raised his staff, and began to chant. "The Moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate...Entrusting his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope." A card appeared on top of the staff, descending onto Omnyx's palms. "Yes, It is by which the means all is revealed...'The Fool'." Crushing the card, dozens of small black blob shadows appeared beside him, armed with dozens of blades and a bright blue mask. They were ready to protect their summoner.

"Guardians of the Tower...Protect thee." He pointed at the two Cyborgs, as the creatures charged towards them.

"So tell me this, lass..." Death said, as the Omnyx's winds stopped the bullets in the air. His palm now burning a black flame, as a small ball rests in it. "Did you meet my brothers and sisters? FOOL,MAGICIAN, STRENGTH, THE LOVERS, DEVIL, STAR, Anyone who resides in this very tower?!" DEATH threw his ball of Darkness at the Cyborg with the Gun, splitting into multiple pellets as fast as a blinking eye.
12 landed on his feet several meters away from Onyx, he sustained no damage but it was clear for him that his enemy was far more powerful than he looked like. He was going for another attack just when a troop of little beings armed with swords, they didn't looked too dangerous for him but he had to dispatch them anyway.

He ran straight inside the formation and when the cyborg was surrounded by the little fencers he released a powerful stream of electricity. He shrieked loudly during the ordeal, as if the same thunders he produced were torturing him.

15 managed to avoid most of the bullets and those few that hit her where easily absorbed by her armor. "Probably, a winged mutant attacked my team, me and 12 are the only survivors" Said bitterly the female Cyborg.

"What are you? Experiments? Aliens?... Actually I don't care, you monsters are going to die anyway." She said while activating the second stage of her gun, it hissed loudly as the coils charged and as soon it finished charging the cyborg shooted two piercing rounds propelled at sub-sonic speeds.
Omnyx chuckled by the Cyborg's release of Electricity. It was powerful, yet very painful for the one using it. It must tiring, as FOOL would say.

"The Arcana is by which the means all is revealed...Attaining one's goal requires a stern will and unfailing determination...The will of 'THE MAGICIAN'." He chanted, raising his staff as a mass collection of Light and Dark energy emerged in it's tip, growing ever larger. THE WORLD pointed the staff at the shrieking cyborg, as the orb of light and Dark energy took off from the staff, moving swiftly towards the Cyborg.

"Ah, so you've met AEON? Me, Father, and AEON are the only winged ones here." Thanatos chuckled, ascending as the bullets was fired off. "So that must've mean you've killed him, didn't you? Along with JUDGEMENT?" Thanatos smiled bitterly, raising his scythe as he recalled the moments when they all first awakened at the bottom of the tower, lost and confused. "Tsk...Sinners like you doesn't deserve to reach THE UNIVERSE's Rift!" Thanatos exclaimed, charging towards her as dark matter surfaced around him he slashed his scythe at the cyborg lady with such fury, wishing to avenge the death of his brothers. As the one who called himself DEATH also had a heart and compassion for his brothers.
12 calmed down just in time to dodge the org coming at him, his batteries were still charging up after the discharge but he had to come up with a better plan, and quickly.

"What... what are you protecting? Why do you attack anyone that comes near the tower?" His voice was slightly less monotone, almost tired if one paid more attention.

The cyborg was standing still but with his sword drawn, he wasn't going to attack but he looked like he was waiting for his enemy to do the first move.

15 drawed her knife and tried to dodge the Reaper, but the scythe cutted clear her arm. She didn't screamed, her arm was robotic so it didn't even had pain receptors, all she felt was mild annoyance as the HUD inside her helmed blared in allert, reporting a damage she was very well aware of. She wasn't sure if she managed to land any hit with the knife, but she hoped she hit the chest of the winged man.

"We're just following orders, stop being so moody! All I want to do is to end this damn mission and go home as soon as possible. If you miss so much your brothers you will soon join them, for all I care you filthy mutants must die." She said in a hateful tone, the missing arm made the aiming of her gun more difficult, but she had a plan.

She ran and strafe, spraying the Reaper with bullets, she was running for her severed limb, but who knew what she had in mind.
"We are gifted with the knowledge of the existence of other Universes. This tower leads to the entrance of the 'Creator's Keep', which can be only be accessed by entering THE UNIVERSE's Rift." Omnyx raised his staff, as thousands of Orbs made out of Fire and Ice began to surround the idle Cyborg. "Those who climb the tower lack the skill nor will to enter the rift. Which is why we, The Arcanas of Fate, exist. To test those who climb the Tower, to see if they're worthy of such a gift." Omnyx snapped his fingers, as the the orbs closed in on the idle one. "I usually tend to those who reach me alone, but this is a special case." Another card descended in his Palms, as larger creatures wearing a blue mask appeared in front of him. "Guardians of the Tower, aid thee."

'Stop being so moody!' Those words rang in his minds, making him recall Aeon's words when he first strayed from the group because of his older brother who died when they're climbing the tower. He chuckled...This time, brimming with excitement. THE DEATH usually doesn't fight using his emotions, just the will of someone who wants to kill. Well, that side awakened once again. A Dark, Purple energy radiated from the Scythe, as a dome of energy blocked the shots. Although a few hit him, his expression didn't change. A Wide grin filled his face as he ascended to the sky once more, The bright yellow moon glistening behind him.

"Well then, Lass...L e t' s. H a v e . F u n ." Thanatos smiled, slashing waves of Purple energy out of the Scythe, heading towards the Cyborg lady.
Just in the nick of time before the circle of orbs closed on him, 12 jumped away and succesfully dodged the attack without a scratch and with his batteries finally restored he activated the optic camouflage. He wasn't completelly invisible but only a very well trained eye could see the distortion in the light formed by the camouflage.

"I see... then you are like that woman with the glasses... But what I want is not what you're protecting" Invisible footsteps clanked softly while the cloaked cyborg avoided the guardians. The soft hiss of his vibro-blade was still audible and became louder while he was drawing near.

"It's something nobody but her can give me... And I shall not fail her." Said the swordman while decloaking just near the summoner, his sword was ready to sever the head.

15 managed to avoid the slashes and the psycho reaper, and she even managed to grab her severed arm. The wires connected while she attached the limb, and altrough the HUD reported som errors the arma was still kinda funcional, albeit a bit slower.

"Alright kid, I'm losing my patience!" She flipped a couple of switches on her gun and the noise from the coils became even more louder. "WHY DON'T YOU JUST DIE!?!" She yelled enraged while she fired an hail of supersonic bullets at him.
"The Arcana's by which the means all is revealed." Omnyx chanted, as The Cyborg disappeared from sight. "The Silent voice within one's heart speaks the most profound of wisdom...The Priestess' Guidance." Omnyx heard the hisses which approached him. Soon, he felt the blade somewhere near his throat, ready to sever it. "Clever." Omnyx muttered, as a fierce gust of Green wind pushed him away yet again. THE PRIESTESS used this move to hide from her enemies, and expose the weakness which she would find. But this time, THE PRIESTESS' ability didn't seem to faze him. With a blink of an eye, he seemingly disappeared; His body and head. The guardians seemed to have changed masks, now donning a red masquerade mask, they aimed and fired balls of flame at the blown away cyborg.

"I am DEATH, The Arcana which marks an end!" Thanatos flew, strafing from the bullets and circling around his prey. As he left small balls of darkness each time he stopped to strike a wave of Dark energy. He continued this for a quite a while, and he seemed to enjoy it...
12 landed on his feets unscathed but just a second after touching ground he had to dodge the fire balls, one of them scraped his armor but overall he was fine.

"It's useless to hide, I'll find you anyway. Nobody escape from me" Said the cyborg while jumping in the air and ready to slice the throat of one of the guardians.

15 did her best to avoid the balls and the waves, but she didn't had the same agility of her companion and a ball just hit her on the shoulder, her HUD blared with allerts and damage reports wich just made her even more enraged.

"Oh Yeah?!? Then I'll mark YOUR end!" She was trying to keep her cool but the situation was just too much for her. She ran after the reaper and grabbed him by the arm that hold the scythe and with the free hand she threw a punch that could pulverize the jaw of a common mortal.

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