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Interested in 1/1 Partners


New Member
Hi all!

I would love to start up some 1x1 RPs with those who are interested. I don’t have a whole lot of RP experience, but I am a creative writing major, I’ve seen how RP is done, and I get the general idea. I also started up a thread a couple of years ago, but life seriously got in the way of any kind of progress. So, I’ll bring back my old plot, as well as a few other ideas I would love to do.

Some rules and things:

Though my actual RP experience is minimal, I do feel as though I write rather well. Because of this, I’ll do my best to write interactive, rather lengthy posts. I’m a bit long-winded anyway, so that’s not too hard for me. If you could at least write a full paragraph, and use a bit more than passable grammar, we should be fine.

Let’s do our best to stay active. Now, this is for me as well. We all have rather busy lives, I’m pretty sure, but I’ll try my best, and you can try yours. I don’t even want to give an expected amount of time because I’m not sure how good my best will be. I’m not sure how long it takes me to post yet, so patience will be super appreciated. Point being, communication is key. I didn’t say that in the beginning, but yeah, that’s what I mean.

I’d rather play female characters, but I really don’t have a problem playing a male. Actually, I need the practice playing male characters for novel writing with male leads, so either is fine. Point being, we’ll iron it out if you’re interested in any of my plots. Back to communication being key again?

I love development: developed plots, developed characters, drama, lots of emotion, humor and whit, all depending on the roleplay, but definitely developed plot and characters.

I don’t mind some cursing, and in romantic scenes, we fade to black when appropriate.

I think that’s all. On to some of my ideas. If you have any ideas of your own that fall in to a category that I might like, given the ideas I’m about to put forth, I’d love to hear them!

Romantic pairings, without actual plots:

Angel/Charge (guardian angel, death angel, healing angel, etc.)

Kidnapper/Kidnapped (this doesn’t have to be too creepy or anything, could be something crazy or humorous.)

Native American/Puritan

I thought I had more of these, but apparently not. I’ll post more as they come.

Actual plots:

1. Blind date

She was tired of waiting, tired of lurking in the shadows, expecting someone to approach her. OK, so it was hard for her to approach someone being totally blind. I mean, how would she even know what he looked like? But, it seemed the waiting wasn’t working. She would take life in to her own hands. With much cajoling by her best friend, she decided to ask the very next guy on a date, the very next one to walk by, no matter who he was. She was about to live a little.

He almost seemed to window-shop for girls, flicking his eyes from one to the next, measuring, comparing, seeming to figure out each one from a single, calculated glance. He knew he could have whichever girl he chose, but he had a scale to weigh each one, until the bet. He was told that he couldn’t last one date with the first girl who walked by. She would be too, something, for him: too fat, too snobby, too poor, too much make-up, too studious-looking. But, for just one date, he would have to leave all prejudices behind and go deeper. The next girl to walk by, she would be his target.

2. The holiday

She was just trying to do the neighborly thing; her mother had dropped off way too many of the vegetables off at her house, and what better way to use them than to share the bounty? August 8th: sneak a zucchini on to your neighbor’s Front Porch Day. Except, her neighbor is…new work boss? Teacher? Childhood archenemy? In the middle of a crime that she gets dragged in to? The possibilities are endless. This could be humorous all the way, or start out humorous and turn really serious.

3. Yonder, I Follow You

Legend has it, that sometimes, a poet turns up at the entrance to a farmhouse, in sight of a beautiful maiden. While fetching water, feeding the chickens, petting the dog, he makes sure she catches sight of him. As one of the Fae, he is able to woo her with words and lure her away, and she is never to be seen again.

This is an Irish legend, and though I can’t seem to find it anywhere, it’s stuck with me. It can stay within a historical time period, or we could put a modern twist on it. This one’s not detailed at all, so we can talk it out.

This is all I have for now. Let me know if you’re interested, and I look forward to RPing with you!

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