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Realistic or Modern ☂ 」INOGAKU ⦙ characters

Roleplay Availability
inoue academy
Hello and welcome to Inogaku, a detailed high school roleplay with a very casual vibe. It's primarily character-driven rather than plot-driven; OOC conversation is a must, so having a discord is practically a prerequisite on my end. You can navigate to the other sections of the roleplay via the links to the left, including our discord server. Please be advised that an expanded version of the roleplay rules are located there. Do note that we're operating on a roleplayer-cap system, not a character-cap system.
honor and excellence; country and self
Hello and welcome to Inogaku's CS page! This is where completed character sheets will be posted, and where you can find the CS code. Please do not post here unless your application has been approved by me.
cs code
The code is on the sensitive side; please permanently turn off rich-text editor in your settings, or work on this on notepad or something. The moment RTE touches the code, it's going to break apart like nobody's business. So I highly advise turning it off.

There are two versions of the code: one that is normal BBCode, and one that uses BBXML. Both work just fine, the only difference is that BBXML is much cleaner. You can use BBXML by using the BBCoder extension, found here.

The code is slightly personalizable. Feel free to use this tool to find all instances of e93c61 and replace it with your chosen hexcode (sans # character). Remember to check both boxes so that it will replace everything.

BBXML xx cs - bbxml
BBCODE x cs - bbcode
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The dormitories are mirror buildings located on opposite ends of the campus, denoted by the simple labels 'east' and 'west' dormitories. The east building is for females, the west for males. Students of opposite sex may visit each other before 8pm, though meeting outside that time within the vicinity is strictly prohibited. An attendance check is conducted at a random time every night by each section's floor head.

The layout for each room is very similar: one bunk bed, the last sleeping space elevated so that there's space for two desks underneath it. Another desk, three drawers and a shared closet for their blazers are fitted into the rest of the space. Quarters can get tight if residents don't make efficient use of their space. Access to each room is limited by a student's ID keycard.

Each floor has a shared bathroom area comprising of six shower stalls and six toilets. The first floor is a common living space, having a small study/library section, an entertainment area, kitchen and dining space and a laundry room. Students may cook their own food and use the fridge to store their ingredients and food, but they should clearly label their containers to avoid misunderstandings.

Rooms are named by their floor, then room number. So the second room on the third floor would be 302, whereas the 10th room on the third floor would be 310.
dormers: seven (7)
dormers: one (1)
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明智 終夜
akechi shuuya ⦙ 16 ⦙ 2nd
Persuade thyself that imperfection and inconvenience are the natural lot of mortals, and there will be no room for discontent, neither for despair.
sge dept
Akechi Shuuya is the very definition of “wearing an iron mask”. No matter what he says or sees, everything is done with a monotonous deadpan. Most aren’t even sure of the last time they’ve seen anger or happiness touch the boy’s facial features. Though rather than a cold demeanor, he bears something much more akin to a sluggish nature.

Raised by an impulsive pair of parents, Shuuya is extremely straightforward in his pursuits. His version of living “honestly to one’s desires” deviates from that of his mother and father, however. That is, to say, he’s absolutely useless at the things he holds no interest in. The results produced a troublesome child who finds a greater appeal in sleep than play, and even when he’s awake, he seems barely capable of dragging himself from his makeshift beds. While he blames his behavior on low blood pressure, his friends and family know that the reasons lie in a completely different matter altogether: soccer.

As a sports scholarship recipient and the advanced playmaker of the team, Shuuya is naturally the star of Inogaku’s soccer club despite being only a 2nd year. Most, however, don’t expect him of all people to have a single athletic bone in his body. With his behavioral patterns that can only be summed up as no less than sluggish, the bigger question is whether or not he can even sprint 40 meters. Shuuya himself never seems to argue his case either, finding proving the facts to be a tragic waste of energy as per usual.

However, once on the playing field, Shuuya seems to flip on an active switch of sorts. In stark contrast to his general sloth-like behavior, he becomes suddenly capable of moving about at ridiculous speeds to the point where the entirety of his middle school years were spent ducking overly-eager (read: persistent) track team members. As much as he likes running, he’d rather be friends with the ball than spend his time tripping over hurdles. Additionally, his skill in the sport itself makes him an indispensable member of the team, and his friends were quick to remind him of that fact.
The pinnacle of Shuuya’s few talents and passions undoubtedly lie in Soccer. Since his elementary field scrimmage days, he had always had a knack for “becoming friends with the ball”. His technique has improved considerably since those days, but that natural touch has been undoubtedly preserved. The team’s fantasista and number 10, Shuuya is generally regarded as their most versatile member, capable of driving the ball out of a pinch. He’s too irresponsible off-field to even be considered for team captain, but his dedication to his role is generally respected, and many expect him to eventually qualify for Nationals.
Contrary to his borderline spoiled behavior, Shuuya’s parents weren’t around every step of the way if they were even around at all. Though he never resented them for it, their irresponsibility and impulsiveness led them to thrust him in the care of a family friend for months at a time while they were off traveling in pursuit of some grand adventure. Thus, the boy lived and grew up with Toudou Takehiko, the son of his mother’s friend, like a sibling would for a vast majority of his life.

Shuuya’s decision to apply to Inogaku came as a surprise to the Toudous. As someone who neglected anything and everything in favor of soccer (a passion discovered when he had been invited to play at the park when he was six), a school with a challenging curriculum should have been the last high school on his list. This shock, however, was short lived when he quickly revealed that he just wanted to attend the same school as Takehiko. In the end, they supported his decision so long as he put forth the proper effort, even if his reasons for doing so were rather childish.

Naturally, his parents did not have so much of a word of protest, either. They advocated pursuits of any kind and, most importantly, were already busy venturing around in Nauru...wherever that is.
misc information
fc: [x] [x] [x]

height: 5’7” (170cm)

likes: sleeping, hydrangeas

dislikes: troublesome things, Oda Chise

notes: a cat magnet.

His skills include falling asleep anywhere, soccer, running, math, and (surprisingly) cooking. He’s hopelessly useless in just about anything else due to a lack of interest or motivation.

His grades are usually only just above the mark required to remain in Inogaku with the aid of tutoring from Takehiko.

Despite living with a family of the musically gifted, Shuuya never even tried to cultivate his nonexistent musical talent.

To his ire, Shuuya was often automatically placed in the left midfielder position due to being predominantly a lefty. As a result, he has a habit of pretending that he’s a righty.

Though on the shorter side for a soccer player, he doesn't necessarily seem to be particularly bothered by it. "Barcelona's Messi is only 169cm, and Maradona is even smaller."

The only person Shuuya actively avoids like the plague is Oda Chise: he firmly believes that Oda’s persistence is some new form of bullying.
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東堂 竹彦
toudou takehiko ⦙ 17 ⦙ 2nd
And I'm marching on to the beat I drum. I'm not scared to be seen. I make no apologies, this is me.
pfa dept
music (cello + composition)
Toudou Takehiko comes from an old family of musical background. Dance, singing, instruments or (musical) acting. Most of Takehiko’s family had some form of attachment to music whether it was as a successful hobby or a full-fledged career. However, though he was born gifted with musical talent and a well-known family (and a pretty face), his family grilled into him that talent and reputation means nothing without hard work ethic to back up those claims.

Therefore, while Takehiko is someone who gives off the impression that he’s the most polite and collected in the face of even the most aggravating people, he’s quick to verbally beat down anyone who chalks up anyone’s hard work to just talent or family pulling strings. Takehiko is a proud individual with a temper that’s difficult to start but fierce all the same. And as a person of fierce determination and passion for the things he loves, he breaks down the image of a prideful put together peacock very quickly with his intense drive for anything related to music.

Takehiko only seems calm and collected, aka the responsible friend, when he’s not swinging in full gear with his fellow pfa department members. He’s the type to give back the energy and hard work that people give him as a (weird) show of respect. So it’s not uncommon to see him yell words of excitement, encouragement and determination at or with the other pfa department members when they’re on a roll.

Funnily enough, half out of habit and half out of preference, Takehiko is very adamant about keeping up appearances (especially keeping any bags under his eyes hidden away) when out in public. So while the teen is actually a (successful) mess that doesn’t know the words “break time” or “stop”, he tries not to show just how little rest he gets. If music is his soulmate, then combs and makeup (and coffee) are his best friends that are always on his person.

If it was possible, the teen’s blood would probably be made of coffee by now.
Takehiko studies under the pfa department, specializing in music. Specifically, he mostly takes classes on music theory and music composition with one or two classes on music history. Because he’s currently at the level where he doesn’t really need a tutor as much as he needs a second opinion or a coach, he is part of the school orchestra but he doesn’t take a specific classes for the cello. However, he does regularly meet up with his teacher during his assigned lesson hours for advice and second opinions.

He also regularly participates in the drama club as a member of their pit band.
To Takehiko, music has always been a large part of his life that he couldn’t ignore. Even during the off days where, out of frustration, he just wanted to toss out everything related to music, he subconsciously drifted back home. Rather than following the footsteps of his family, music was just always part of the family...part of the home. Like the air they breathe, a necessity, rather than a decorative ribbon or a hobby. Even those that didn’t have a single musical bone in their body had at least a love for music in the Toudou family.

So when one of the Toudou children decided that he was going to go to Inoue Academy, not because of its prestige but because of the mere fact that his favorite composer decided to teach there, none of the adults even batted an eye. If Takehiko wanted to go to a high school because he wanted to study under a composer that he respected, who were they to stop him? He had the drive and the skills to make it to Inoue Academy, so all Takehiko’s parents had to do was respect his decision as a growing person (and sign some paperwork).

The only thing they did stop and stare at in surprise was Shuuya’s decision to follow Takehiko to Inogaku. However, when the shock wore off the Toudou’s were quick to recover only to titter amongst themselves (and with the Akechi’s) in amusement. The childish but cute reasoning of Shuuya’s decision aside, Takehiko’s parents figured that Inogaku might be good for Shuuya’s work ethic at least. Hopefully anyway.

Their actual son, on the other hand, had to spend a good portion of his summer before their third year in middle school working hard to shove as much information as he could into Shuuya’s brain so he could pass the entrance exam with flying colors. Whoever said Toudou Takehiko was a lazy rich boy could go sit on a nice healthy spiky cactus.
misc information
faceclaim: sougo ousaka (idolish7), fanart by beemel/@xia_hml

notes: fine with any genre of music as long as he’s in the mood for it | surprisingly a good tutor with neat notes even though the rest of his life is messy | his clothing preference makes him small from far away but he’s actually 178 cm / 5’ 10” | he has sensitive skin so he can’t clothes with rough inner lining without getting rashes | it’s commonplace for him to lose sleep over, not procrastinating, but sheer drive to finish something before sleeping | he actually has very little self-control when it comes to music (which is the main reason why he knows how to play a few other instruments enough to feel confident composing a song with those instruments in mind) | cello is the only instrument he has full confidence in performing with

extra note: much to his chagrin his own family shows their pride in their children by mobbing them in good humor

extra extra note: he’s obsessed no matter how much he denies it

club: drama club (mainly for pit band)

uniform accessories/alterations: coffee | always has a pen or two clipped on his person

likes: cello | music | coffee | dark chocolate | comfortable but aesthetically pleasing clothes | sleep

dislikes: people who don’t respect hard work | invasion of privacy | losing his temper | losing sleep | leaving something unfinished
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永田 夏美
yueda natsumi ⦙ 16 ⦙ 2nd
The flowers told me that when we discover & understand ourselves, we blossom.
pfa dept
visual arts
Yueda Natsumi is a clear-headed and gentle individual. Although seemingly soft-spoken at first encounter, one would find that once she grows fond of someone, she won’t shy away from public displays of affection. She is the type who will go out of their way to please others. Nevertheless, Natsumi does takes a while to warm up to due to her judgemental and close minded nature, she is easy to disappoint and prefers to choose her friends wisely and based on similar interests.

The fact that the girl is painfully picky and takes forever to make decisions caused the prospect of attending Inogaku to be a stressful one. To her parents dismay their daughter changed her major from 'Biology' to 'Visual Arts' a month before the first school year began.

Natsumi has a tendency to overthink and her memory on subjects like math is practically non-existent. It is simply a cycle of re-learning and forgetting. She gets flustered when faced with simple equations, mainly because she despises restriction and structure. Ashamed of her lack of proficiency with numbers, Natsumi simply skipped those classes altogether. Failure is not a word in her dictionary and she will put up a rebellious front to prove it. The art student does come off as impractical and manipulative when her ideals are challenged.

Luckily, her attention to detail is one that is commonly praised by teachers. She knows how to balance work and play, and because of this always finishes her coursework by the deadline and is perceived to be an organised student. Natsumi is also sensitive to others personalities and emotions. A trait that makes her likeable to her peers in addition to her trustworthiness and self-assured aura. The girl generally assumes a motherly role within her friend group.

As a child, ideas came naturally to her. Natsumi is happiest when she has freedom to create. The teenager is hopeful that studying at Inogaku Academy will bring her one step closer to her dream of becoming a graphic designer.
Conflicted between fulfilling her parent's wishes and pursuing her own passions. In the end, Natsumi followed her heart and decided that Visual Arts would be the most enjoyable and exhilarating path for her. Besides..the prospect of securing a desk job like both of them sounded extremely unappealing.

Having a clever eye for design and exceptional fluency in visual communication. Naturally the teen made herself at home within the pfa department and spends a majority of her free time working on projects in the art room or the multimedia lab (though a recent discovery that sculpting is not up her alley has lessened her visits there).

Her elective courses consist of journalism and photography. Those being her major hobbies since primary school.
“A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams.” Such synthetic phrases were a common sight at the Yueda family’s quaint apartment, crocheted and framed on the wall. To their new neighbours surprise, the seemingly patriarchal family did not meet their expectations one bit.

Natsumi’s mother was very much the head of the household, forcing her daughter into math and calligraphy classes since the girl could remember. An expert in deception, nine year old Natsumi Yueda would compose fairy tales and doodle masterpieces onto the back of her workbook whilst her teachers blabbed on without a clue. Thus, her artistic skills were honed in secret every saturday and sunday until she turned fourteen.

At fourteen, after years of persuasion, tears and begging Natsumi’s mother finally caved. Digital and traditional art classes replaced math tutoring and calligraphy (Unfortunately, flute classes remained).

There was one condition: Natsumi was to be enrolled in the academy her parents had dreamed their daughter would enter - A dream which Natsumi refused to acknowledge, claiming that Inuoe Gakuen was “too prestigious” for their middleclass family and also because she was afraid of disappointing them.

Reluctantly she had no choice but to agree. On the contrary to her parents original (optimistic) belief that Natsumi would be pursuing further studies in Biology, their nagging suspicions were confirmed when the teen abruptly announced that she would be majoring in Visual Arts instead. With plenty of encouragement from teachers, the gal hit the books to prepare for the entrance exam. She insists she passed with ease and very little tears.

In the end things turned out in her favour. Although Natsumi has to work a part-time job to contribute to the tuition fees, she has thoroughly enjoyed her experiences at Inogaku so far and eagerly awaits whatever else her high school life holds in store.
misc information

notes: Stands at 165cm/5’4, dyes hair on a whim (natural hair colour is black), horrible sense of direction, mediocre at flute, good at embarrassing people AKA: showering them with love.
clubs: Yearbook.
uniform accessories/alterations: Small pearl buttons on blouse + pink scarf in winter.

likes: Wearing kitschy earrings, karaoke, sour fruit, warm bear hugs, picnics, sad movies and shopping.
dislikes: People who are always busy, winter nights, watching the news, neat freaks, feeling inefficient and losing things.
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飛ぶ 亮太
tobu ryouta ⦙ 17 ⦙ 2nd
Do you remember the night the moon dropped from the sky? And we ran through the forest to find where it lie.
stem dept
Typically painted as a stoic, masculine guy. Ryouta is the prime example of the phrase "actions speak louder than words." To top that off, the boy is capable of throwing a vicious hook- although it is rare for him to let his temper out on other people.
Previously trained in boxing, the Tobu boy is a tough rival in any fight, be it physical or mental. He’s been through a lot, with a brother he once looked up to on trial for abusing his wife and his mother battling a heart illness.

Albeit rather vain and prone to boasting during a dip in conversation, Ryouta is aware of his vices and attempts to play them down amongst friends and acquaintances. It is undeniable however that the guy downright sucks at group work, he leaves it to the responsible ones to pull his weight and waves off any criticism with nonchalance and a little bullying since he knows some of em' are afraid of him. This makes Ryouta’s classmates weary of being grouped with him whenever the teacher assigns collaborative tasks, knowing that he will put off his work until the last minute or not do it at all. Misplacing his priorities on leisure and sleep.

On the bright side, Ryouta has matured from his tough experiences and he’s a quick learner with strong morals and unwavering judgement. He is friendly enough and has no problem making small talk with classmates. The physics student doesn’t like explaining himself and leaves people to think what they want to think, he isn’t super worried about rumours although some do bother him at times. The teen has bouts of playfulness and gets energetic when talking about subjects that interest him. Predominantly: food, his favourite boxing champs and astronomy.

Unwilling to see his parents struggle any longer into their senior years, the boy quit his sparring training to fully focus on his studies. He knew they didn't like seeing a new cut on his face when he got home. For the remainder of Ryouta’s pre-teen years, applying into a reputable school under a scholarship was everything. He has plans on becoming a physicist and he's halfway there.

After getting accepted into Inogaku, seeing his parents overjoyed was enough for Ryouta. His goal in life is to make them proud and some dreams are worth giving up for them.
If he somehow didn’t make it in the boxing world, Ryouta’s second option to fall back on was definitely going to be Physics. After the boy’s father quit his boxing career from an injury, father and son would spent a lot of time during his recuperation stage, reading sci-fi books about space and all sorts of physics. His favourite activity to do with his pops and brother was when they brought out the big telescope to stargaze.

It was from there, the teen’s interest in science only grew whilst his dreams of becoming a world champ eventually turned into a short-lived memory. His hobbies quickly became passions. If you asked Ryouta Tobu why he chose to major Physics at Inogaku. His father's influence would be his prime reason but secondly, because the subject is one that gives him the same thrill and adrenaline as getting into the ring used to.

Ryouta had difficulty choosing any electives because he doesn’t have much knowledge outside of science. He haphazardly opted for general history and design technology out of mild curiosity.
Once Ryouta’s mother was diagnosed with a heart disease, the boy’s dreams of becoming a prizefighter soon fizzled out. Watching his mother’s condition deteriorate was traumatising to the youth. He witnessed the mistakes his brother had made, he saw the man he admired turn his back on their family and this angered him. It also motivated him to work hard and the only way he knew how was to keep achieving high grades at school and to quit training. He understood that his mother did not wish for her son to follow the same difficult path her husband had.

Ryouta vowed to look after himself and also to protect their family’s name- already tarnished by his older brother. Getting into Inuoe academy was like entering heaven in Tobu Ryouta’s mind, it would bring pride to his family and it would guarantee a brighter future for all of them. This was a chance the boy would grasp at a moment's notice.

Before all these dark events fell upon the Tobu family, their life was relatively fulfilling. The cheerful household could afford to travel abroad during public holidays when their father was at his height of his fame and wealth. Their oldest son’s wedding was a lavish one. However, not many years later, the first disaster struck. The abuse case was all over the news. It tarnished the Tobu’s reputation and the family quickly grew low on funds partially due to their father’s unemployment as well as their mother’s hospital bills. Ryouta hasn’t spoken to his brother since the trial began.

Things have gotten a bit better now that the news has simmered down, the teenager is determined to see his family back to the state they were in when he was a child. Happy once again.
misc information

notes: Whole playlist consists of 70s rock music, attached to his studded leather jacket, notorious for being a bit of a bully, has some ugly scarring on left knuckle from an accident, not bad at singing, damn vain and knows he’s pretty smart as well.
clubs: Chess club.
uniform accessories/alterations: Simple gold pin on lapel.

likes: Being praised, the colour black, singing in the shower, weight lifting, bus rides, reliable + understanding friends and wearing berets.
dislikes: Long distance running, early mornings, uncomfortable physical contact, giving speeches/introducing himself, swearing and being woken up.
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加藤 鳴
katou mei ⦙ 17 ⦙ third
One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothing to do with it:—it was the black kitten’s fault entirely.
pfa dept
costume and set design
Mei's audacious personality is quick to attract both friends and enemies, with people firmly in one of either camp. He's a very polarizing type of person; people find it difficult to not form any sort of opinion on the design major. Fortunately, Mei thrives in these kinds of environments. As long as people talked about him, he'd consider that a win. It's little wonder that he leaves people flabbergasted when he bluntly states his opinion on what others think of him.

Truthfully, the thick skin he dons was probably born more out of necessity rather than an innate part of his persona. If his standards demands perfection of everyone, then it wouldn't be right if he couldn't accept the criticism of his peers, whether as a person or on a work level. It would be a lie to say that it doesn't affect him; it does. However, the way he can simply nonchalantly shrug it off his shoulder and say "so what" is acting deserving of an Oscar.

Some might say that Mei's self-centered. They're not wrong, but calling him selfish wouldn't be right either. He's egoistic, but he's willing to help those who put the effort to improve. When it comes to work, it's 110%; anything less doesn't deserve his time. The moment anyone slacks off, it's basically a guaranteed shitshow behind the scenes with Mei letting the slacker know exactly what he thinks. Mei's a firm believer that work and play are two completely separate things; you can enjoy your work, but you can't bring distractions into it.

All in all, Mei's an individual that makes it difficult to place him in a box. Friends are hard for him, but he's long accepted that the path he walks is a lonely one. He doesn't regret the decision though; he stands out, even in a place where there's as much talent as there are students.
Mei's major is obvious the moment one sees him walk out of his dorm during one of his "work" days. With his penchant for outlandish designs and attention-grabbing details, anything that he's made always has a distinct "Katou Mei" style on it. His proudest moments are when people see a design and associate it with his name; recognition is important to him.

Though most of Mei's work is in costume design due to its individual nature, he does also work with set design in creating environmental props and other miscellaneous items included in the performance. He has very few completed sets due to his difficult nature, so instead he opts to make costumes for the cast members who earn his respect. They're very few and far in between, but he calls most of them his friend.

It often comes as a surprise that Mei wasn't a costume and set design major from the beginning; the decision came after taking a theater elective class during his first semester in Inogaku. He found himself enjoying creating outfits with a distinctive character in mind, and setting up the mood of the actors' environment.
Mei's mother knew he was different when during his first year of junior high, he went to school with her borrowed make-up on. Of course, that involved a lengthy phone call with the principal, terse words defending her son and Mei eventually having to borrow a classmate's makeup remover. Had he been born to a different family, this may have been nipped in the bud. Thankfully for Mei, his mother fully supported him and during their next weekend off, they both went to the mall to buy him his own kit.

Though his interest in makeup didn't last, his general interest in fashion did, specifically in the more avant garde styles of the runway. He was, however, troubled by the practicality of the style and any sort of purpose it held. Typical everyday fashion held little interest in him; he wanted something that would quench his need for attention, and what was mainstream just wouldn't cut it.

Quite frankly, the thought of pursuing costume design didn't occur to him until he had to start looking for high schools to apply to. Mei lived in Kanagawa, so of course he knew of Inogaku. Studying for the tests went fine, and his grades were good enough to get him in; his issue was the portfolio and major he wanted to pursue. He wound up having to spend his first semester in Inogaku as a nonmajor, taking plenty of PFA electives so that he wouldn't fall too far behind once he shifted in. Coincidentally, one of those electives was theater, and that's how he discovered his niche.

Nowadays, Mei's gained a bit of a reputation as being difficult to work with. It's mostly pride that keeps him from apologizing to those he's reamed out, but he's never once regretted voicing his opinion. Most of his current portfolio consists of costumes he's designed for others. The few stage plays he's been involved as a set designer have been small, but successful, productions composed of people he trusted to pull their weight. He acknowledges it's going to be difficult entering a good school with his limited experience, but frankly, Mei would rather bear with it than hold his tongue.
misc information
NOTE01 Mei is sometimes found in really strange outfits. More often than not, they're practice variations of a more difficult costume he has to do for someone in the theater club. He does enjoy wearing them though, and says as much.

NOTE02 He really likes barley tea, as his mother would always have some ready for him whenever he came home from school.

NOTE03 He and his mother are very close; he doesn't know his father and quite frankly, has no interest in meeting the man. Admittedly, his mother doesn't have many good things to say about him, so he is biased.
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織田 千世
oda chise ⦙ 17 ⦙ third
for even when we were with you, we gave you this command: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.
pfa dept
directing and acting
Though his name carries a delicate sound, those of his own person aren’t sung quite so sweetly. Coral pink locks and eyes of deep crimson speak loudly for the boy, and his actions, if anything, shout even louder. Even within the sea of colorful personalities called the performing and fine arts department, Chise presents himself as unique, though many will go as far as to call him “delusional”. Some describe it as “extra”; when bluntly put, he’s a high-tension chuunibyou.

A thorough odacon, Chise’s chuunibyou tendencies lead him to pronounce himself as the current incarnation of Oda Nobunaga, even going as far as to call himself the “Demon King of the Sixth Heaven” and using dated pronouns and phrases. Likewise, it isn’t an uncommon sight for him to challenge or approach others based on even the slightest relation to the warlord with Akechi Shuuya seeming to be his most recent favorite target. His peers speculate if he’s taking his acting off-stage, but considering the reports that he’s been like this since elementary school, it isn’t very likely. Even his exasperated mother only looks to the heavens in silent plea that this phase will soon come to a pass.

Though world conquest isn’t in his agenda, his ambition burns so brightly that his goal might as well be to take the heavens as well. Confidence seems to exist in every fiber of his being, and though genial in nature, he doesn’t hesitate to take on a more aggressive stance when need be. On the plus side, he’s dependable in spite of his childish and erratic behavior; in retrospect, he tends to stubbornly sticks to his own set of ideals without regard for the thoughts of others. Luckily, this competitive streak has managed to allow him to fare well in the performing and fine arts department. However (to his dismay), he’s much more suited to be an actor than a director.

Regardless, his aspirations remain a dogged pursuit. As he likes to say, “if a man will not work, he shall not eat.”
Having been a theater and movie enthusiast since young, it came as no surprise to Oda’s family when he enrolled himself in the performing and fine arts department at Inogaku. What did raise some eyebrows, however, was his decision to focus on directing rather than acting. With a knack for grasping even the subtlest of nuances behind a character, it’s easy to see that he’s someone who’s more suited for the screen rather than being an author behind the scenes.

That isn’t to say that he’s talentless in that department. Though the scriptwriting itself is beyond his capabilities, a good feel for artistry and drama is enough for him to be adept in recognizing flow as well as what staging and lighting should be used and the like. As brash as Oda may make himself out to be, he isn’t so naive as to chase down mere pipe dreams.
Initially, Chise applying to Inogaku was to appease his mother. Though it didn’t come with much pushing and was a decision entirely for his own volition, he actually didn’t go in expecting himself to enjoy it as much as he did...nor did he expect the increase of his mother’s fretting despite entering a top-rated senior high.

For a family that runs a kendo dojo, the domestic life of the Odas was a rather quiet one. The young Chise, was particularly reserved with his tendency to hide behind his mother’s skirts. However, this painfully shy demeanor didn’t last past five years, much to his mother’s chagrin.

It’s no secret that his father was the root cause of Chise’s habit of proclaiming himself as the reincarnation of Oda Nobunaga. Among his many tales of heroism and valor, the older Oda made frequent references to the Warring States period, with the first unifier garnering the majority of the highlights. A regular theater goer on top of an Odaphile, Chise’s father thought little of suggesting for his son to take inspiration from the theatrical acts that he, also, seemed to enjoy so much. As a five-year-old with an over-active imagination, Chise’s interpretation of that “inspiration” was rather dramatic and left his mother furious to the point of ignoring his father for a straight week.

Though the family expected the act to cool in a matter of weeks due to their son’s withdrawn nature, weeks soon became months and months to years. By the time he was way past the age to call it “chuunibyou” in its literal sense, most around him had grown used to this behavior and chalked it up to either him truly believing his words or simply having found the act amusing over the years.
misc information
fc: [x] [x]

height: 5’11” (180cm)

likes: animal hoodies, doing things "oda style"

dislikes: quitters, natto

notes: in the backstory, oda is referred to as “chise” in order to avoid confusion between him and his family

He frequently bothers Akechi Shuuya, exclaiming “prepare yourself, Mitsuhide!” as part of his charade. Though he probably just wants to be friends, he’s managed to traumatize the 2nd year, causing Shuuya to flee on sight. Surprisingly, he seems to get along fairly well with Toudou Takehiko.

Though his ideal pet would be a rabbit due to how small and quiet they are, they give him severe allergic reactions, so he's banned from touching them. Incidentally, a live rabbit being carried into the room will have him scrambling out before anyone can even say "rabbit".

Oda actually hates natto to death as a result of having been force fed it during dinner every time he misbehaved. Simply having it on the table will cause him to lose his appetite.

During the winter months, he’s often seen wearing a sweater underneath the standard uniform blazer.
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小林 旬
kobayashi shun ⦙ 15 ⦙ first
Love, dreams, and a handful of destiny shall not be sullied by anyone. In the steady light of the moon, something, or someone will be saved.
sge dept
Shun is someone who wishes to live his life contently. He has no real desire to rise to the top, finding it too troublesome. He has an aversion to attention, grateful that he's always been the type to blend into the background... most of the time. He's occasionally the target of certain sports teams due to his height coughbasketballcough, but once they see him in action, they realize he has zero aptitude for athletics and give up.

You'll often find Shun glued to some sort of device, whether it's his phone, PS Vita, 3DS or even an old-fashioned PSP. In fact, he's often mistaken as a STEM student due to his attachment to technology. He'll either be reading a book or playing a game, possibly both as his favorite mode of play is Visual Novel.

Frankly, he doesn't have much interest in the world outside his gaming consoles. The fictional characters that live within them hold his attention much more than a breathing person in front of him. It's difficult to deny the male is a giant VN otaku. It's unsurprising that many are reluctant to speak with him, even with the variety of personalities within Inogaku. The gloominess and general awkwardness that surround initial interactions with the male dissuades most to continue any conversation.

Yet he's not as socially inept as he first comes off. Those who bother to wade through the thick atmosphere find a perfectly normal, if a bit shy teenager who just really likes video games and stories.
While it isn't unusual to be a non-major during your first year at Inogaku, what sets Shun apart is that he has no interest in pursuing a particular major or transferring to a different department. He's content just getting his high school diploma in Inogaku, a school which he didn't even want in the first place. He'd have been much happier in the local high school of his hometown. But when your parents literally lock you out of the house with a train ticket and luggage, you're not left with much of a choice.
Unlike many of the students in Inogaku, Shun doesn't come from a family that pursued a particular passion. In fact, that's probably why they sent him to a school with diversified interests; so that he might find something to be passionate about. Unfortunately for them, Shun still has no interest in anything besides video games and books.

Who else to blame but Shun's older brother, Ryuu? While the books are squarely on Shun (Ryuu can barely ready a magazine, much less an actual novel), video games were introduced by his older brother. The two grew close due to their shared interest in video games. Their parents had been initially happy about it, until they realized that Ryuu, was not in fact, as good as an influence as they had hoped. Shun's elder brother dropped out of high school, and lived his life as a NEET for a while.

The two grew distant when Ryuu got kicked out of the house, their parents hoping he'd clean up his act. They'd still text each other from time to time, Ryuu living a basic life as a freeter and giving up video games for his more basic necessities. Thanks to the lack of shared interests, they began talking less and less until the texts became quick "how are you doing" messages every month or so.

It was probably thanks to Ryuu's actions that Shun got pressured to go to Inogaku. Fortunately, after the initial shock of being basically kicked out much like his older brother, he adjusted well enough to the school. He isn't excelling like his parents had hoped, but at least they haven't gotten a notice for probation.
misc information
NOTE01 Shun is very good at fighting games, even if his real interest is in VN's. He practices inputs and combos on a controller when bored, similar to how one might treat a fidgetspinner.

NOTE02 He hates sweets, but most especially marshmallows. He'd rather have yakisoba bread if you want to treat him.
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tokugawa kiyoko ⦙ 16 ⦙ 2nd
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.
stem dept.
Kiyoko is strong, loud and fierce. Beating around the bush isn’t quite her style - she prefers getting straight to the point, no matter what the point is. This quality of hers makes her honest - sometime brutally so. Matched with a quick wit, her sharp tongue knows no limits and although this makes her fun to be around with, those with a sensitive side would not get along with her. But you’d have to be very lucky to have her company, for she rarely socialises due to her goal of excelling at school.

She has an admirable work ethic and is very ambitious, but can blur the line between right and wrong when striving to achieve her goals. Although she would never hurt somebody on purpose, her inability to pick up hidden cues makes her ignorant towards other people’s distresses if they’re not upfront about them. She has very high expectations of herself and this perfectionism makes her bossy and short-tempered when it comes to anything work-related, especially when it involves groups. She can stand a lack of knowledge, but not incompetence, and therefore prefers working alone - she is not a team player.

Kiyoko has a strong character, loud and opinionated as she is, with an even stronger moral compass. If she senses injustice, no matter where she will rise up against it. Due to her past, she is an advocate for fairness and equality.

Although she has most things a person needs to succeed in life, she lacks charisma. Relationships don’t come easily to her, and if they do, she holds onto them tightly. The lack of friends means an unflinching loyalty to those close to her, and she envies the people who can make friends with the bat of an eye.
Kiyoko specialises in physics as it is one of the most demanding subjects in one of the most demanding departments. She does have an interest in the subject, but her primary motivation is knowing that more demanding subjects look better on college applications. Her family’s buisness is also centered around developing machinery for aircrafts and so she decided having some prior knowledge in the field would come handy once she ran the company.
For a majority of Kiyoko’s life, her overbearing parents had made her decisions for her. Everything they’d done, according to them, was for her future, and applying to Inogaku was no exception. But it hadn’t always been her future they had focused on. She was their second born, her brother being the first. The couple had hoped for two sons so that their ancient business could be run by two level-headed men. Instead, they got Kiyoko.

They handled the situation fairly well, keeping Kiyoko outside the business world, submerging her in the fine arts and enrolling her at second-rate schools. The world of powerful men was behind a door shut tight to which she didn’t have the key. She excelled at all her subjects, working harder and harder, trying desperately to prove her competence to her parents but they wouldn’t budge.

Until four years ago, when her brother came to Inogaku and promptly changed his subject choice from physics to studying theater. Her parents were deeply saddened, knowing that Kiyoko was their only hope. At the time she knew something had changed, but she didn’t know what. To her greatest joy, one evening her parents had calmly informed her that she would be attending Inogaku.
misc information
Faceclaim: kurisu mikase from steins;gate (art by Koyorin on DeviantArt)
Clubs: orchestra for drama, debate
Uniform alterations: none

Note 1: She is very close to her brother, and tells him everything. Unlike her parents, she doesn't look down on him but respects him for following his dreams, and is grateful because his decision to follow his dreams allowed her to follow her own.

Note 2: She loves making to-do lists and being organized. She has a to-do list, complete with small steps, for everything, even getting out of bed. Productivity is her drug.

Note 3: Kurisu actually hates studying, but she hates failing more. If she wanted to, she would drop out of school and hitchhike her way around the world.
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Yuzuru Nui ⦙ 17 ⦙ Second Year
I may be an asshole but at least I'm still cuter than you. What did you say? Oh nothing.
stem dept
CIT Science
Self-serving and borderline narcissistic, this charismatic individual was fully aware of the entitlement he received as the eldest son and likely heirs to one of the biggest corporations in Japan.

Maybe it's because of his wealth or the invisible influences he's weaved during his time in school, Yuzuru Nui is a name held with strong emotions varying from high regard to loathsome distaste and every other emotion in-between. His blunt mouth and lack of filter has made him a target of anger by various people and his words never go unaccompanied by his signature, shit-eating grin. One may wonder if he does so intentionally and some have remarked him to have a talent for "pissing people off the moment he opens his mouth". If he does show signs of knowing, he lacks the effort to communicate his feelings properly, thus usually leaving things as they are.

Femininity or the excess of thereof had never been an issue. He embraces his gender and openly indulges in things he adores. His actions and choices revolve around his motto: "If it isn't cute, then I don't need it." What Nui finds cute isn't limited to (but doesn't exclude) all things pink and bunny-shaped, and contrary to what most would think, 'cute' things are not decided by what they look like but rather how they make him feel.
Nui swapped majors, changing from pfa to stem in the course of a year. Due to clashing personalities in pfa, most which the male failed to tolerate, he found a better calling in the systematic laws of mathematics and computer programming.

CIT science, or Computer and Information Technology is what Nui specializes in. It took him a lot of cramming and time to catch up when he transferred to the stem. Now that he's finally caught up, the male is back to his usual mischief.
Money came as easy as a snap of a finger and the fact is not flaunted but rather implied in the list of custom-made, designer items Nui owns. Despite his wealth, little is known about the male's family though Nui has shared with a few of his close knit friends that his parents were divorced long before he could remember. The nonchalance very well hides his feelings towards his dysfunctional family. His mother is a subject he regards coldly.

Because of his family's status in the corporate world, it was natural for his family to enroll Nui into the best of the best: Inogaku. However, Nui's primary education was completed in an ordinary (but still well-known) government school in an attempt to keep him grounded.
misc information
faceclaim: yuu mizuno x x x x

» if it wasn't obvious enough, Nui has an unhealthy obsession with My Melody

» you can probably bribe him with my melody merch (though he probably has it already)

» selfy king; it feeds his inner narcissist

» also very active on social media; has a dangerous amount of followers

» his hair is naturally curly so if it isn't tied or clipped up, it looks very messy

» his current rs with his younger sister can be summed in: "You're going to get hit someday if you don't fix your mouth." "D'awww I didn't know you worry about your big brother, baby sis." "Nvm, I hope you get hit."

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akiyoshi kitae ⦙ 16 ⦙ First Year
If Kitae and her bed were in a relationship, track would be her not-so-secret love affair.
sge dept
Happy-go-lucky and simple-minded to the boot, Kitae lives her ordinary life in a constant rush. Due to her inability to wake up to the sound of her twenty-so alarm clocks, the blonde ends up getting up far later than she would like, but makes up for any lost time with gifted speed. Running is her specialty and Kitae found that she was one of the few who was born with fast legs.

Her motivation to run is usually fueled by her trivial frustrations in life, whether it be getting a low grade in a test or failing to confess to her crush; Kitae lives her life simply. She wears her heart on her sleeves and is expressive of her likes and dislikes almost to the point of comedy. Easily influenced by different energies, Kitae keeps away from toxic people and contains herself in a safe bubble of friends. She keeps a list of "people to watch out for" in her diary and gets easily startled when any one from that list approaches her.

When around people she feels comfortable and safe with, Kitae becomes a catalyst for positivity and enthusiasm. Her bursts of cheery energy usually comes as a comfort to her friends and most find her easy to please nature amusing.
Kitae specializes in track and is on a scholarship because of her fast legs. She's attempted other sports but finds that she is most compatible with sports that require little to no thought in execution. (God forbid she try anything with accuracy or strategy; she'd probably confuse herself.)

The blonde does both short sprints and long marathons, preferring the latter and taking long distance running as a hobby or form of training.
Kitae comes from a middle-class family with two loving parents and a younger brother. She grew up in a rural part of Japan and later moved to the city due to her father's job. Because of her childhood in the countryside, Kitae grew up to be an active person. Upon moving, she picked up track in middle school due to her commendable speed in running.

After winning first place in all her sports events in middle school, under the urging of her coach and parents, she signed up for more track-related competitions and eventually became known enough to gain the nickname "the sprinting hare". Both Kitae and her parents hadn't thought that her growing reputation would eventually have her scouted for Inogaku's track team. With the help of her best friend in studies, Kitae managed to pass Inogaku's entrance exam and join their track team on a scholarship.

Despite living quite far off from the school, Kitae does not dorm due to lack of funds and other personal reasons. She runs to and fro from school and on her lazy days, the blonde opts to bike instead.
misc information
◦ she hates running uphill with a passion
◦ her best friend from middle school is named Sanae
◦ falls in love easily and has never had a boyfriend before
◦ cries just as easily; basically an emotional mess
◦ she can be quite shallow and passes judgment based on what she observes or hears from other ppl
◦ jogs when she's upset bc thats the only excuse for her parents to leave her alone
◦ wants a pet pig in the future

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