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Fantasy Inner and Outer Monsters


Doesn’t Play Straight Dudes Romantically
A story with Protocol Protocol !!


Hugo puttered around, drumming his fingers on the countertop as he made his way through the small kitchen. He didn’t have his hearing aids in, but the feeling was comforting. He was hungry... starving perhaps, in the first world society sort of way, as he hadn’t eaten dinner the night before. He was too busy writing, something that happened often since he was rather attached to the blog he authored.

He opened up the fridge and peered inside, letting out a groan when he noticed how empty it was. He had forgotten to go food shopping... good thing he lived alone, his dad would have killed him. Even at 22, Hugo’s father was always worried sick about him. He texted at least once a day to make sure he was alright. It was endearing, but could be a bit annoying.

He shut the door quickly and made his way to his bedroom. There on the bedside table were Hugo’s most important possessions, well besides his first comic book and his mother’s bracelet that he refused to take off. They were his hearing aids, custom baby blue backs with silver sparkle molded ear pieces. He popped them in, turning on the small switches on either piece and taking a moment to adjust himself.

With his aids in he was ready to leave the house. Dressed in light wash skinny jeans and an oversized white sweater, he slipped into his worn Adidas and headed out the door.
Kieran's eyes raised from his phone at the click of a door shutting. He straightened from his spot on the park bench and glanced down the street. His target was leaving the house. Finally. With a relieved sigh, he bookmarked his place on Kindle and slipped into a simple "See me not" glamour. The glamour tingled along his skin as if he walked through a large spider web. The thin strains of magic stuck to his skin and hair uncomfortably. The spell didn’t make him invisible, but it would encourage mortals' gazes to glance over him. Dressed as he was, in a tank top, shorts, and sneakers, he looked like a mundane jogger, boosting the glamour's power.

The young fae followed the human at a discreet distance. He didn't know much about his target. All Fiona gave him was a picture, an address, and a note mentioning that the young man lived alone and was a writer. The brand of magic Kieran inherited from his mother had an added boost on creative types. He hoped his target was having writer’s block or in need of inspiration. It would make his job easier.

Kieran followed until the few people nearby drifted off and they were in a more secluded area. He preferred it when only his target was within the radius of effect. He learned that after the second time he lured more than his intended target into the Otherworld. As if he didn't feel enough guilt about the humans he lured on purpose.

He took a deep breath, letting the glamour fall like a loose garment. Closing his eyes he pulled his consciousness further inside him. At his mind, heart, and core, he felt a thrumming energy that he let himself sink into, like wading into a hot tub. He pushed further into the cores of energy until he was no longer aware of his body.

Anyone watching would have seen him start to glow from the inside. His body faded away like mist leaving behind a blue-purple orb of light. A fairy light just bright enough that he could be mistaken as a trick of light. He bobbed among the branches of some nearby trees within the peripheral vision of his target and began a soft, lilting, siren song. Hopefully the human would hear and become interested enough that Kieran could lead him away from the sidewalk and further into the nearby woods.
Hugo’s phone buzzed against his leg from where it sat in his back pocket. He sighed and fished it out of his pocket, quickly texting his father before depositing his phone away for now.

As he walked he kept a mental note of what he would be buying. Of course this was a less than ideal time to go shopping... he was hungry. He was going to buy everything he saw. He may have quite a few food restrictions, but it didn’t mean he ate well. Cookies were something that he made a batch of once a week and he was always snacking on something dark chocolate.

The walk wasn’t too long, and as it was a good day for his legs he hadn’t brought anything to support himself. When he got to the market he would use one of the ride on carts. It wasn’t something he loved to do, but most of the time he didn’t have to explain himself. Some people stared but most of the time if anyone asked he would simply explain to them and show them the braces on his legs. It usually shut them up.
Kieran fell silent once it became obvious the faerie song was having no effect. If Kieran wasn’t so frustrated he might have taken a moment to consider why his song wasn’t working.

In an attempt to mitigate his sense of grief, Kieran made an effort not to paid too much attention to his victims. Not that it helped. He still remembered each face with perfect clarity. They haunted his dreams and he spent many nights awake worrying about what happened to them. Fiona never said what happened to the humans once he delivered them. He wasn't naive enough to believe they all met happy fates.

The faerie light floated to a spot a few feet in front of the human, impossible to miss. It was unnerving, being out it the open like this. He felt vulnerable in this form. With a burst of energy, the fae shoved a glamour towards the blond. The magic brushed forward over the young man clouding his mind and senses. Notice me. It called. Notice me and follow. Kieran bobbed in front of the human, jittery like an impatient puppy. Come on. Come on. Follow me.
Hugo stopped where he was, his eyes trying to focus on something that was before him. It was almost as though it was foggy out and someone had their brights on... but only in one spot before him. He squinted, trying to make it out better but it was so fuzzy...

There was something making noise. It almost sounded like a whisper, but Hugo was more than certain it was the weather causing static in one (or both) of his ear-pieces. He fiddled with them as he stood there, playing with the switches and trying to jiggle them a bit. Sometimes they just needed to be wiggled, technology wasn't perfect after all. The noise wouldn't cease, it was almost as though there was a voice but Hugo couldn't make out any of the words.

Great. He was stuck where he was and could barely see or hear...

"Hello?" he called quietly, staring straight ahead.
The human fiddle with something by his ears. Maybe he was listening to music? And that was why his siren song hadn’t worked. Kieran bobbed forward, but he couldn’t make out if the human was wearing earbuds. The world was muted and a little distorted, like he was looking at it through a few feet of water. It didn’t matter. That last push of glamour seemed to have some effect. He wasn’t following Keiran, not yet, but at least he stopped.

Keiran observed the young man, his mind turning. What would convince him to follow Keiran into the woods and through the barrier into Faerie? The cliche is to not judge a book by its cover, but there wasn’t much else for Keiran to rely on for information. The human has soft, blond hair, and a young face. Pretty, Keiran noted absently. With a stab of guilt, he realized the other was probably around his age. Maybe under different circumstances, they could’ve been friends. Maybe. Probably not. The young man’s white sweater and casual, but put together outfit made him seem sweet and reliable. Straightlaced. He probably wouldn’t be caught dead with someone like Kieran.

The Will O’ Wisp shifted a little away, towards the forest, but still within eyesight. He used a glamour to mimic the voice of a young child. “Help. Can you help me?”
"Hello...?" Hugo called out again as he heard a voice. He couldn't see anyone, but that definitely wasn't just static anymore. It was clearly a voice and it must have been whatever he was hearing before. He let his hands fall from his hearing aids, figuring they must be well adjusted since he could make out words again. "Hello, I can't seem to see you..!" He added, now turning his body towards where he could hear the voice coming from.

He was facing the forest now. Great. He was going to have to go into the forest, a place with tons of uneven ground and a hill before it's entrance, and he didn't have any sort of walking aid. A great day to go for a walk without his walker or even a cane. He started to shuffle towards the forest, calling out again. He tried to keep his voice soft, but still loud enough, hoping that he wouldn't startle whoever he was trying to call. His legs were wobbly on the hill, but he was able to take it slowly.
The Will O’ the Wisp flared bright blue with relief. He drifted further into the forest away from witnesses and the cold iron of the city. Faint power trickled out of the ground and the trees, most of the plant life was too young to amass great power, but it prickled the fey’s core with a little burst of energy. Kieran let out another surge of enchantment to ensnare the human.

The fey emanated cry like a small sobbing child. “Help, please.” The fey light dimmed with guilt. Kieran hated using humans’ compassion against them, but it was a useful tool. He wanted the abduction over and done with so he wouldn't have to dwell on the fate of handsome young mortal.

Out of sight of the road, further in the forest, Kieran found what he needed. At the base of an old willow tree, wild mushrooms formed a nearly perfect circle in the grass. Hopefully, the human didn’t know better than to step inside a fairy ring. Few people knew the stories anymore and fewer believed them.

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