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Fandom Inmates - An Orange is the New Black OC Roleplay




CS for Inmates:

Name & Nicknames:

Appearance: (Picture & be sure to include tattoos, scars, etc).

Age: (18+)

Gender: Female



Occupation: (Van Driver, Library, Laundry, Electrical, etc).

Reason for Incarceration:

Years in Prison:



Relationships with other inmates & Staff:

CS for Counselors/Correction Officers:

Name & Nicknames:

Appearance: (Picture & be sure to include tattoos, scars, etc).

Age: (18+)




Occupation: (Counselor, Correctional Officer).



Relationships with Inmates & other Staff:











Pansexual (Gender Identity does not matter.)



Reason for Incarceration

Assault and battery 1st degree, cyber terrorism (others would say hacking.) & blackmail, drug distribution (She has not distributed them herself, but has provided the websites for which the dealers sell), drug abuse, Arson 3rd degree

-Tracked down her ex-girlfriend's rapist and beat him, tied him up, beat him some more, and tattooed "I


" on his abdomen.

-Hacked into security systems, bank accounts, etc. and obtained disclosed information in order to blackmail. Has information that is vital and could be crippling to important public figures.

-Has several sites on the Deep Web that is comprised of the various drugs other people sell. Has done: Methamphetamine, Crack Cocaine, Marijuana, Heroin, Morphine, LSD, GHB, PSILOCYBIN (Shrooms).

- Caused an explosion that burned public property - willfully.

Years in Prison



Juno is known as a vivacious and smart-mouthed individual. No filter, no conscience. She does as she pleases and disregards what others think of her. In no way is Juno a gentle person, in fact she lacks the poise that remain a large characteristic. Uncouth and crass, Juno couldn't care less about what others thought of her, what they felt about her, or what they say about her - or so, she'd like to believe that she doesn't. Known as a loose cannon, her actions are unpredictable, no one would know what her next move would be. This loose cannon part of her revolves around her vindictiveness and violent side. Cunning, sarcastic, and talented within the range of smart assery, Juno is the perfect blend that makes the perfect asshole. But, for some reason, it's charming in a way. Yes, she does have her moments where she is a nice person, but it rarely shows.

Loyal to those she is close to and trusts, Juno does not fail to show that she will never leave your side. No matter what, if you're in need, she's your girl. You need someone to kick someone else's ass? She'll be there. No matter the troubles, Juno will not disappoint.

Being a young woman who enjoys a thrill, she does not hold back from anything that seems exciting to her. From elaborate pranks to activity that could put her in danger.


On a cold night unlike any other, a legend was born. Juno was born to a Swedish family, her mother giving birth to her in one of the public vehicles. It wasn't pretty, sweat and blood was everywhere until the woman finally spat Juno out from her... Private area. Conveniently enough, it was already on the way to the hospital anyways. Sure, she was a public transport baby, but that didn't really mean anything. She still grew up in a tight knit family, all of them known to be so close that there were no secrets. Her mother and father, both Swedish, were decent in raising their child. They didn't have much, seeing that their occupations didn't pay up much, but they gave Juno the happiness she needed. Their wealth status? Pretty close to rock bottom, but not quite. As she grew up, Juno never complained. She was, in fact, content with the life she was given despite the fact that it wasn't much. Neither a complaint nor a whine left her mouth unlike the other kids. This led her to become irritated with them. Which led to various pranks and such in the making. Cutting off ponytails, gluing children to their seats, hell she even dumped creepy crawlers in the lunch of some boy who bullied her for being at the bottom of the wealth chain.

Years and years, Juno was an outsider. Not even the kids on her level would hang out with her. But, it never bothered her. She was not one you'd want to be associated with. Juno was a trouble maker and a well-known one at that. At 14 years old, Juno took up vandalism with the other local trash babies as well as anything computer related with the tech nerds. In her high school years, she was a social butterfly; getting along with nearly everyone. She did it all, breaking the law was her thing; drugs, vandalism, break ins into security systems. All she wanted was a rush and she found it. Even though she had her background, Juno still was able to keep up with school. She was, and still is, intelligent as Hell. High school was a breeze, school - in general - was. She took up computer science in college. Becoming some webmaster, and on the side, a drug dealer on the Deep Web. Juno was the baddest bitch around and no one stopped her. She made a statement amongst the more animalistic, rowdy community. But her real domain? The Internet. The cyber platforms, she made a name for herself. An infamous hacker who went by Hornet.

All around the cyber community, her name would pop up. She was both notorious and praised. Yet, no one knew what she looked like. No trace of her face on the web. Forums remained free from her personal life and all people knew was her signature icon, online name, and the things she had done (Hacking and providing websites for drug dealers).

However, all went in flames when she got into trouble with the wrong people. She fought to keep them away. Explosives, hacking, blackmail. Anything she could do.

Relationships with other inmates & Staff



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CS for Counselors/Correction Officers:

Name & Nicknames: Sun "Sunny" Cho


Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Korean

Sexuality: Lesbian

Occupation: Correctional Officer

Personality: She's very serious when on the job though give her a cigarette or a drink and she can be pretty chill. Off the job she is usually very quiet and usua attends get together mainly for the alcohol

Biography: Sun is a Korean immigrant who was one of the top students of her family. She went to private schools and graduated from NYU, and was destined to manage the family insurance business. However as she progressed, she grew stressed about her constant flow of work and her responsibility to her family. In a moment of weakness she had an affair with her brother's fiance, which he discovered. Not accepting her sexual orientation they disowned her. Losing he family's support she had to start from scratch, using martial arts training as a stress reliever, she finally landed a job at Litchfield correction facility.

Relationships with Inmates & other Staff: Not as of now (PM me if interested)

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Hayley Densart


  • Name: Hayley Densart

    Age: 24

    Gender: Female

    Height/Weight: 5'4"/ 8st and 10lbs

    Sexuality: Bisexual

    Race: White British

    Occupation: Laundry

    Appearance: Hayley also has a series of hoops in her cartilage and a tattoo band of flowers and leaves around her upper thigh like a garter.


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