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The Dark Wizard

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Year: 106 A.U. (After Unification [of Earth])

It has been ten years since the mysterious end of the alien invasion that nearly wiped out Earth’s entire population. The vicious creatures that inexplicably began attacking earth fell randomly into a disarray after the 6th year of invasion. Mysteriously the creatures stopped attacking the humans and began attacking one another. Humanity, seeing this as a perfect time to launch a counterstrike, took advantage of the situation and managed to force the remaining Tha’Kar to certain areas of the world and space. While most of the continents of Europe and Northern Asia, were lost, other areas such as North America and South East Asia managed to be spared from any sort of of Remnants of the Alien scourge.

Though that wasn’t the only threat left for humanity, Earth’s factions began to divide themselves for the first time in 96 years. As the remaining officials and forces of the United Earth Federation, or the “Union”, tried to re-establish control over areas that had succumb great losses during the invasions. These areas, feeling that the Union had failed them, created Anti-Union factions that sought to establish their own rule and independence, and to secede from a newly-united earth.

During the time that the earth was under constant civil war, the other human centers of the solar system, Mars and the newly establish Ganymede began to question Earth’s policies and Earth’s central control over their governments. Having to fend for themselves during their own (but not as intense) invasions, the Martian and Ganymedian forces were reluctant to accept any new United Earth charters, claiming themselves to be independent and sovereign planets.

Left to their own devices, the Union forces began military attacks on other Anti-Union locations and following the protocols established during the A.65.3.4 Resolution, Union forces began work on a new orbital platform nearly six years ago. In order to maintain control of the other colonies and form a formidable defense should the aliens ever return in numbers again they worked on constructing a large defensive orbital structure, that would not only exist as a city, but also as a weapon. Work has not yet been completed on making the defense systems for the orbital platform, but the platform now is habitable for life, able to supply most of its basic needs, air, food and water, on its own.

The United Earth Federation had changed its policies on genetic manipulation and human biological research at the beginning of the invasion. Realizing that genetically altered humans would be required to get their orbital platforms up and running faster than a regular human timetable, they enlisted many previously banned practices, such as technoglyphs (humans with an array of mechanical and cybernetic implants) and the psionically inclined humans to speed up the construction process. After a few years, over a quarter of the platform was completed, and would be operational soon.

Select humans have been gathered from Earth to come live on the orbital platform, from soldiers to regular civilians. With only a few years left until completion, the orbital platform has become a unique human society, but progress hasn’t been as entirely predictable. Recently an unusual cases of stolen parts, missing persons, construction delays and, of course, alien attacks have caused some panic inside the platform. Concerned with safety, the Union has implemented a strict monitoring system over much of the populace and has begun working on installing new investigators to seek out sort of traitors, or any anti-Union sympathizers that might be rumored to be sabotaging the project.

  • If you are interested in roleplaying you have the option of being a typical civilian with any profession (like builder or worker for the platform), a soldier, trying to guard the platform and its more specialized workers, or the investigation team that has been recently sent to discover what has been recently occurring on the platform.
  • You must be human to start off with, as the game progresses more races will be discovered and I will start allowing non human players.
  • If you are a psionic then you get one power which will be accepted or rejected when you submit your power and I will help you edit it if I feel it does not work. I won’t set any guidelines so just be creative.
  • If you want cybernetics in your body at the start then you cannot start with psionics and vice versa. As the game progresses I will allow your psionic powers to improve and possibly even get more or alter your body more with cybernetics.
Fractured by The Dark Wizard The Dark Wizard & Captain Hesperus Captain Hesperus
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