In The Shadows....

Name - Drake Sevik

Age - 999 and a half, as he would be happy to tell you. He was born in 3016. Looks about 20.

Gender - Male

Species - Demon (Technically Arch-demon)

Appearance -

Personality - Arrogant, flirty, and a know-it-all. Can be rude, but if you can break through the hard outer shell, he can be a teddy bear.

History - Not much to say. He Came to the human realm from the demonic one out of boredom. That, and he was ostracized by his family for how soft he could be for a demon. They were pretty much royalty there, being arch-demons, which could explain his tendency for arrogance He hopes to find something to be good at here. And can't wait until he turns a thousand.

Special Ability's - Ergokinetic and can fly. Also normal demonic things, like super strength.

Other - none


Name: Akira Ryu

Age: Looks about 18, is really 300. Ages slow. She doesn't know if she will live forever or keep aging.

Gender: Female

Species: Dhampir


Personality: Keeps to herself and doesn't trust easily. She can be mean at times, because of her vampiric side, but she tries to not.

History: Her father was a Vampire, and is probably roaming around somewhere. Her mother died in childbirth. She has just roamed around since then. No real goal in mind.

Special Abilities: Not affected by normal vampire weaknesses as much. Dislikes sun and crosses and such, but doesn't hurt. Has normal vampire abilities, just weakened.

Other: Has a pet black cat, Kiki.

Name - Alexiana Sworde

Age - Unknown but looks 18

Gender - Female

Species - Reaper

Appearance - View attachment 8352

Personality - Alexiana is more lazy than energetic, but if someone manages to annoy her enough, she'll slice their head off

History - Can't remember much due to amnesia. All she can remember is a searing pain and a blinding flash of light

Special Ability's - Fire, Ice, Teleportation, and a couple others you shall find out later

Other - None


Name - Evan Sworde

Age - Unknown, looks 12

Gender - Male

Species - Reaper

Appearance - View attachment 8353

Personality - Silent and deadly, with a touch of insanity

History - Remembers nothing except the same thing his sister does

Special Ability's - Can inflict pain with a simple touch

Other - None

[MENTION=3411]kinadra[/MENTION] That's fine! I will accept you when you make her ;)

[MENTION=3560]Aikino The White Panther[/MENTION] Accepted, just make sure Alexiana isn't too powerful :) Start RPing whenever you like ;)

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