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Fantasy In the forest outside of town (always open)

Grov walks over. "Archy can you carry him I can fix him up in my garden."
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he picks up the smaller man as a result he  presses the man up against his man tits "alright lead the way" he says turning around suddenly slapping the man lightly with with his man tittys
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Grov leads them to the garden just inside the forest the says. "Okay put him down there." He goes over to a gold leaved bush and grabs six. He hurrys back. "They tast nasty but these halo herbs should fix you up but it will give you a hang over." he hands him the finger sized leaves.
(I wish he could say he had dealt with worse as an Army Ranger...)

Logan let himself be carried and subsequently dropped. "I'm suprised... Kat hit anything useful..." he muttered, taking the leaves. He downed all six in a fast manner, trying to get it over with.
October laughed "I'm careful you don't have to worry" she shook her head. She then looked at the needle again. "let's go to the kitchen I have suppiles there."

Dirk nodded slightly, then he took her hand and practically dragged her towards the kitchen. He was usually a calm person, but this was something that Ate at his curiosity. "And how exactly are we going to figure out what's inside?" he questioned, swinging the door open "It's not like we have any microscopes around here.."

(I wish he could say he had dealt with worse as an Army Ranger...)

Logan let himself be carried and subsequently dropped. "I'm suprised... Kat hit anything useful..." he muttered, taking the leaves. He downed all six in a fast manner, trying to get it over with.

Dirk followed them, then he moved towards Logan "You gonna be okay?" he questioned quickly.
October smiled "well actually" she set the needle on the counter and went to a cupboard pulling out a microscope setting it on the counter "I do have one" she smiled and took out a slide, she took the last little bit of what was in the syringe and put it on the slide and under the microscope. She then took the bottle syringe and put it in a cup. "if science can't solve this than magic will"
October smiled "well actually" she set the needle on the counter and went to a cupboard pulling out a microscope setting it on the counter "I do have one" she smiled and took out a slide, she took the last little bit of what was in the syringe and put it on the slide and under the microscope. She then took the bottle syringe and put it in a cup. "if science can't solve this than magic will"

"That has yet to be seen, right?" Dirk folded, placing his hands inside the pockets of his white lab coat "I would suppose that they were just drugging me, perhaps chloraform?" He leaned against the doorway. What he didn't know, of course, what that the syringe had actually contained Stem Cells.
Grov nodded as the holes healed up and logan felt it all. "Sorry, should of warned you about the pain." They healed up leaving only faint scars. "You can only take these every few days because your human so try not to get shot okay."
October looked through the microscope "this isn't chloroform" she analyzed it more and looked up at Dirk "that doesn't make any sense" she examined the syringe "it's stem cells, they injected you with stem cells."
October looked through the microscope "this isn't chloroform" she analyzed it more and looked up at Dirk "that doesn't make any sense" she examined the syringe "it's stem cells, they injected you with stem cells."

Dirk narrowed his eyes "Why would they be injecting me with That?" he looked at his palm "I mean, sure, my scar is gone, if that's what they were doing. I'm starting to get the feeling that I was their genuie pig, I just don't know What they wanted. Perhaps I woke up too early..."
"I think you did" she grabbed his hand looking at it "you healed yourself?" she grabbed a knife "do you think you'd heal again?" she handed him the knife 
Grov looked at her. "The herb made his body absorb them so they are gone."

Amber looked at them questionably, "eh, shouldn't you have removed the bullets? Just sayin'..."

(Now this is going to get interesting, because only White jacket Dirk knows Amber, Trench coat Dirk doesn't)

Dirk smiled "Grov, you think of everything" he looked up at his big buddy, then glanced over at Amber "Aren't you a bit young to be hanging out around here? You look like you're supposed to be in Middle school, kid"

"I think you did" she grabbed his hand looking at it "you healed yourself?" she grabbed a knife "do you think you'd heal again?" she handed him the knife 

Dirk took the knife and paused "If I'm not mistaken, Stem cells are used to help regrow flesh, perhaps even heal. If they had this thing hooked up to me in an IV, they must've been pumping a lot of it into me, which would be more More then what would be needed to heal a simple wound" he cut it along his other hand, then watched the blood slowly seep out of his skin
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October watched the blood appear on his hand. "what doesn't add up is why would they do this. What do they have to gain by it?"
October watched the blood appear on his hand. "what doesn't add up is why would they do this. What do they have to gain by it?"

"With that many stem cells, I'm surprised I don't have an extra limb, or something like that" Dirk stated, he clenched his hand, then opened it back up, but it was still bleeding. "Whatever they were doing, they were not finished, I must've woken up before the process was completely done" He gave a dark smile "Lets just hope I don't have some strange disease now"
"an extra limb." October thought about it, if every syringe at the warehouse had stem cells in them, there was enough to... "Dirk was if there was an extra limb? or more a clone of you would be a better term." October looked down at his bleeding hand "every since you got back something was different about you." he blood smelled real enough.
Grov looks at dirk. "You've meet her before."

Dirk grit the cigar harder between his teeth, obviously growing more frustrated "Grov, you're a good fellow, but now you're wearing my patience thin. You keep talking all this strange rubbish and I don't know what to make of it. I can't be more then one place at once! Listen, Imma go in the castle and catch a nap, maybe it'll clear my head" he gave a sigh and turned towards the front doors

"an extra limb." October thought about it, if every syringe at the warehouse had stem cells in them, there was enough to... "Dirk was if there was an extra limb? or more a clone of you would be a better term." October looked down at his bleeding hand "every since you got back something was different about you." he blood smelled real enough.

Dirk smiled, but it melted away as soon as she mentioned clones "Impossible!" he growled, but then began to think "You're serious, arent you?!" his mind began to reel as the possibilities began to grow. "Maybe,," he leaned against the wall as he was feeling light headed "Maybe they amputated a limb, like an arm or a leg! Then they injected Me with stem cells to regrow that limb! In which case, they used the arm to regrow Another me?"
October nodded "it's very possible yeah." she tilted her head walking around him in a circle. "if that is the case why would they want to make a clone of you?"
Grov shrugged. "Do what you have to do. Hey before you nap could you go ask october for some herbs for a head ach, I dont have any in the garden."
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