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One x One In Her Skin

General Info

Full Name: Thomas Quinn Locke

Nickname(s): Tom, Tommy

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: American-Australian

Occupation: Police Officer

Birthday: November 16th


Getting Personal

Background: Having been born in a relatively wealthy family, Thomas was practically born with heavy expectation weighed against his shoulders since the very beginning. The long line of relatives within the field of science, law and business constantly reminded him of his destiny of becoming a "true" Locke, and continuing the family tradition. Though he silently disagreed with his family throughout his life, he humbly has followed along with his family's wishes and traditions despite his own dreams and ambitions that he kept hidden for as long as he can remember. Dancing had always been just that; dancing. Never considered a viable career choice, never considered anything more than a little side hobby. But behind closed doors, dancing meant everything to Thomas. It gave him the chance to show a sliver of himself to the world when no one else was looking, in fear of his parents discovering he viewed it as more than just a tiny and insignificant hobby.

Regardless of his closeted talent, Thomas did well in his academics. It was to be expected of a Locke, but still nonetheless impressive and pleasing to the family as he continued to obtain straight A's and truly remarkable test results from all subjects. Though he was constantly surrounded by snobbish students who claimed to be his friends, Thomas felt alone for most of his time spent at school. That is, until he met
her. She was like none other girl he had ever come into contact, and despite her tendencies to have a snobbish and arrogant attitude towards life, the two clicked. Or so he chose to believe. Over the course of a few months, the two got to know each other through study dates. Thomas was able to, as always, look past her flaws and marvel at the side no one else got to see--at least, the side he wanted to believe she had. The two families met, discussed their possible future, and allowed for the two teenagers to begin courtship, under close watch of course.

Shortly after graduating high school with honors, his days were spent tirelessly wrestling with college schoolwork and keeping
[insert girlfriend's name here] happy. He got a part time job for the side, and studied in hopes of one day becoming a proper police officer to please his parents. And he did just that after finishing college with a criminal justice bachelor degree by the time he was 22. Thomas began training as a police officer immediately after, and used the extra money from his parents to purchase a house of his own for both himself and his girlfriend in [insert country/city here]. Life went on with him practicing dancing behind closed doors, and working at a job he didn't particularly like but coped with for the sake of his parents and the family reputation. Presently, Thomas has lately felt particularly stressed and chooses to dance when he's given the chance.

Digging Deeper

Personality: From a distance, Thomas never seemed to be capable of expressing kindness or affection, given that he's just another Locke. But on the contrary, that is precisely what he does best. Constantly aware of other's delicate emotions and feelings, he always does his best to be mindful of others and considerate for those he loves most. While it does baffle his family members, they have come to accept that their youngest son has a soft heart, and a selfless attitude that most take for granted until it's too late. Of course, given that he is sweet and thoughtful, it has its downfalls. Being the naive person he is, Thomas is easily manipulated into things he would rather not be, making it quite simple to steer him away from activities he enjoys and towards activities that others take liking to. Given this terribly good attribute, he often feels obligated to fulfill other's wishes to prevent him from hurting them, or possibly strain their relationship, which lead to one of many choices he will later regret in life.

At its best, optimism helps Thomas push through the hardships and confusing paths of life. At its worst, he is completely blinded by his belief that everyone has a spark of goodness within them, and is incapable to see people for how they truly are. Of course, it doesn't help that he's constantly in a laid back mindset, but he normally shrugs it off and continues turning the other cheek when people show their true colors. Most of the time, he ends up hurt without realizing it, and then proceeds to explode into a fit of solitude, silence and boiling self-loath. Regardless of his tendencies to occasionally release all the pent up emotions, Thomas is a charming guy who just wants to have a little fun and maybe express himself along the way through dance and slight sarcasm to ease the mood when needed. However, Thomas is tainted with an introverted attitude, and often disappears in social events to recharge.

Extra Info

Medical History: For his entire life, Thomas has been relatively healthy with the few exceptions of common colds or fevers. However, during his senior year, he was rear ended in the school parking lot and has caused unexplained shoulder and neck pain ever since the small accident; his parents insisted it could have been life threatening, and considered pressing charges.


Claustrophobic - Thomas refuses to go in elevators, even if he never has admitted to his fear of small spaces.

Aichmophobia - Simply put, needles scare the hell out of him. He tries to avoid doctor visits when possible.

Fun Facts:

- Currently owns a little male Beagle of the name Sneakers, due to inside jokes and behavior of him.
Click here.

- Thomas is the youngest of five siblings, and one of three boys.

- Has a slightly noticeable Australian accent from his parents.
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Roxanne Nicole Maddox


General Info

Name: Roxanne Nicole Maddox

Nickname: Roxie

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: American

Occupation: Drug Dealer

Birthday: April 2nd

The Past


Roxie was completely abandoned as an infant. Not in the sweet, her parents couldn't care for her so they dropped her off on the front steps of an orphanage abandoned, either. The baby girl was found wrapped in a newspaper inside an abandoned building, discovered when a passerby heard the screams of the frightened newborn. She was thrust into the foster system shortly after, and she remained there for eighteen years. Though quite a few couples tried to adopt Roxie, she was much to problematic, even as an infant, for any of them to put up with. Doctors assumed her biological parents were junkies and the babies constant cries and need to be held was due to withdrawals.

Roxie grew up bitter towards life for not giving her the sort of parents that her peers didn't even have to earn, and rebellious towards authority because growing up without any made her feel entitled to her own freedom and decisions. She never entered a particularly cruel or abusive foster home, but still had the tendency to run away whenever the opportunity arose to simply escape the system. They never failed to retrieve her, of course. By the time she was fourteen, adults had given up on her. They shoved her into a group home full of other troubled girls and had nothing else to do with her. On her eighteenth birthday, she was put out, and her life on the streets officially began.

This isn't a life Roxie would choose to have. No sane girl would choose to crash on friends' couches or squat in abandoned buildings or, if worse came to worse, find a guy to take her home so that she'd have a roof over her head for a night or two. This is the life she was handed, though. It's difficult to land a good job with a history full of juvenile detention, and with a lack of a vehicle, and impossible to find a place to live without a job or transportation, so she does what she has to do to survive: acts as a middle-man to big time drug dealers, selling to their customers so that their names and faces are never discovered. It's risky, but so far, it's kept food in her stomach.

Getting to Know Roxie


+Appreciative +Accepting +Fun +Wise +Strong +Resourceful +Daring

-Blunt -Liar -Closed-off -Thief -Numb -Sarcastic

A spitfire, no-filter attitude and a low tolerance for bullshit to boot, Roxie's nothing to mess with. Growing up without any attachments or a place to call home instills some unique but important values in a girl. She's definitely learned to appreciate any small good fortune that comes her way, damn thankful for anything and everything she's got, even if it's not very much. She appreciates the smaller things in life because small is all she knows. Nature, conversation, animals: the list of the finer things in life that she's come to recognize could go on and on. Although Roxie would like to think she's a good person because she can see past the superficial things in life, she won't let you or anyone else know she's anything but feisty. Any sign of weakness is a death penalty where she's from. She's trained to not even glance at the ground for fear of others taking it as a weakness, let alone show she actually cares about something.

With a tough-as-nails exterior, it's rare that anyone gets too close to Roxie. She's got a couple friends, a particular best friend, but even she doesn't really know her. They're all just acquaintances from the street: reminders of the life she wants so desperately to leave behind. Sarcastic to a fault and reckless beyond belief, she thoroughly believes that if there's no fun to be had, life isn't worth living. She's an experienced liar and an even better thief, both qualities she picked up from friends and hard times, and she's grown too hard and numb to even feel guilty about these occurrences anymore. Most of the time, Roxie just feels like a robot, waking up everyday knowing it could be her last, and doing what needs to be done to get food in her stomach, with a little break here and there for some reckless fun.

In all honesty, Roxie doesn't really even know who she is at this point, let alone how to define herself to you. She doesn't know what she likes or her hobbies or opinions on much because all she's ever had was a will to live. A survival instinct that overshadows all other thoughts. She assumes she sort of likes parks, and swimming, but at the same time she'd probably be happier in a big, comfortable fluffy bed with a bucket of popcorn and some movies, or in a kitchen of her very own mixing a bunch of stuff together and calling it food. She could make some stuff up, tell you she likes those things, but they're really just fantasies of a life she's never had. Things she assumes normal people do in their spare time.

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