In Character RP

Snow: "I am not built for romance Lyla. I will not allow myself to love... you heard part of my tale when I thought I was alone... you know that I cannot just...just let myself grow attached to anyone. He is not jealous either. From your stories he is just a sensual being that does not mind if you are not interested or not." She huffed, rolling her eyes and a small smirk touched the corner of her lips. "And if he is upset over something as wrong as the perception that I like anyone more than anyone in a romantic way then good. I have been meaning to find someway to punish him for his lack of gentleness in when he first met me. Kept me on his lap without so much as asking for my input if I desired to be touched by a stranger." 

"Ya say that like its a bad thing" Lyla said, about the last part of what Snow said. "See, woulda been able to do that but I had to shove my shotgun in his face" She added. She still regretted throwing everything off like that, being a curious person she if his actions were as big as his words. Not that she found any real attraction to him, a one night stand would have been fine with her. But oh well, she would just have to deal. "And I dont think he thinks ya like the croc in a romantic way, its probably because ya gave the croc more attention then ya gave him. Guys hate that"
"Ya say that like its a bad thing" Lyla said, about the last part of what Snow said. "See, woulda been able to do that but I had to shove my shotgun in his face" She added. She still regretted throwing everything off like that, being a curious person she if his actions were as big as his words. Not that she found any real attraction to him, a one night stand would have been fine with her. But oh well, she would just have to deal. "And I dont think he thinks ya like the croc in a romantic way, its probably because ya gave the croc more attention then ya gave him. Guys hate that"

Snow: "I wouldn't know... I have only ever been in a romantic situation with one man. And... um... well of course I decided to wait till the wedding night. After the nuptials." She swallowed hard, tears springing to her eyes as they rolled down her cheeks but her eyes remained hard and her voice did not waiver again. "He did not live long enough for me to love him with my body as I had loved him with my mind and soul. If you will pardon me, I seem to be in the need of a moment of solidarity." She nodded and raced off, wiping the tears from her cheeks as she opened a random door and shut it closed quickly, sinking to the floor as her small frame was wracked with tears. She shook and gasped, her mind racing with the events of late. So new was all of this for Snow. How alone in her wallowing and sorrows she had been. She wept and her blood raged, calling out loudly in a melody of pure unadulterated grief for all those of power to hear. For all those of power and god blood to hear how easy a heart breaks time and time again.

(( @Delacare idk if you are okay with her running into a random room... or if you wanna do something with that since it is Tallah's place and whatnot haha))
"This is Szaktal. None of us are sure what he is exactly, but we know that he is most definitely not a statue. In truth, he is a construct of some kind with a conscience and, questionable, morals. I doubt that he meant to harm you; he most likely was curious about something you did, and your jerking reaction caused you to cut yourself. The creature is notoriously docile, unless you were openly antagonizing him, that is." Tallah's honey golden eyes locked Joey in a look as the Szaktal illusion faded away.


((Actually I think I'll just milk this moment.))

If Snow took a moment to look around, she would notice that the room she was in undoubtedly belonged to Tallah; it was covered with various magical instruments floating around and charting out spell circles, sigils, and runes on scrolls, in books, and even the walls, floor, and ceiling. Since her attention was focused solely on her sorrow, she did not notice the sudden addition of a portal-wreathed Garren looking on her crying form with soft lilac eyes. He hadn't planned to come back for a while, but he had somehow felt Snow calling and the Way opened up on its own. As soon as his eyes landed on Snow, he was cradling her weeping form close to his chest. Sitting in a chair with Snow in his arms, Garren said nothing as he just held her and waited.

"This is Szaktal. None of us are sure what he is exactly, but we know that he is most definitely not a statue. In truth, he is a construct of some kind with a conscience and, questionable, morals. I doubt that he meant to harm you; he most likely was curious about something you did, and your jerking reaction caused you to cut yourself. The creature is notoriously docile, unless you were openly antagonizing him, that is." Tallah's honey golden eyes locked Joey in a look as the Szaktal illusion faded away.


((Actually I think I'll just milk this moment.))

If Snow took a moment to look around, she would notice that the room she was in undoubtedly belonged to Tallah; it was covered with various magical instruments floating around and charting out spell circles, sigils, and runes on scrolls, in books, and even the walls, floor, and ceiling. Since her attention was focused solely on her sorrow, she did not notice the sudden addition of a portal-wreathed Garren looking on her crying form with soft lilac eyes. He hadn't planned to come back for a while, but he had somehow felt Snow calling and the Way opened up on its own. As soon as his eyes landed on Snow, he was cradling her weeping form close to his chest. Sitting in a chair with Snow in his arms, Garren said nothing as he just held her and waited.


Snow: She clutched Garren close to her, knowing the feel of him and his scent. She cried, her tears soaking his shoft as I let herself find comfort and solace in his embrace. She did not know how he had known she was in sorrow... Or why he was caring for her, but she did not care. Her words were half choked and almost incoherent but she just repeated the phrase. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" She gasped, not knowing what she was apologozing for. It could be how dostant and cold she had been to him. Or an apology to her lost love from a years past. It also could be an apology to her own blood and heart which she had numbed nearly to the point of death. Whatever it was... She could not stop. Soon her frail body stoped shaking and she sniffled, her small hands in a deaths grip with Garren's shirt, as if she were keeping him from slipping away. "I... I didn't mean to make you comfort me. I would have been fine on my own. I've handled my moments of lost control before perfectly on my own." Her face turned up to look at Garren, her pale skin a ghost color from the sobbing and her eyes blood red. She knew she looked awful and averted her gaze. She hated how she had lost to her emotions.
Initially, Garren just stared at now silently, his eyes shifting between various shades of purple. After a while, he reached out and lifted her chin, for their eyes to meet.

"I think I am the one who owes you an apology." He finally said. "I've been treating you like you belonged to me. I didn't mean to but whenever I think about you, I get extremely possessive. It's not like me. I believe in letting things go their own way, because it's the best way to facilitate change and growth, but I can't do that when it comes to you." As his eyes bore in Snow's they deepened into a royal blue. "Something about you just calls to me Snowflake. I apologize if I've been smothering you, but I don't think I can stop myself. I don't think you're getting rid of me anytime soon, sorry." He wiped away her tears and offered a small smile.

Finally taking stock of where the two were without breaking eye contact, Garren quirked his eyebrow at Snow. "I'm surprised that you even got in here. Usually Tallah keeps his room sealed both ways, so nothing gets in and nothing can get out. ((Explaining away why no one but Garren heard her blood's call.))

Initially, Garren just stared at now silently, his eyes shifting between various shades of purple. After a while, he reached out and lifted her chin, for their eyes to meet.

"I think I am the one who owes you an apology." He finally said. "I've been treating you like you belonged to me. I didn't mean to but whenever I think about you, I get extremely possessive. It's not like me. I believe in letting things go their own way, because it's the best way to facilitate change and growth, but I can't do that when it comes to you." As his eyes bore in Snow's they deepened into a royal blue. "Something about you just calls to me Snowflake. I apologize if I've been smothering you, but I don't think I can stop myself. I don't think you're getting rid of me anytime soon, sorry." He wiped away her tears and offered a small smile.

Finally taking stock of where the two were without breaking eye contact, Garren quirked his eyebrow at Snow. "I'm surprised that you even got in here. Usually Tallah keeps his room sealed both ways, so nothing gets in and nothing can get out. ((Explaining away why no one but Garren heard her blood's call.))


Snow: A small whimper sounded in her throat as he said those words to her. She had known possessivness... But only when those beings had tasted her blood. She sniffed, a tear running down her face as she looked at him in wonder. He was a strange man. He befudled her... made her angry and confused and infused with emotion. And now she finally realized that he made her feel. He had made her change her way of thought and being by simply infuriating her every moment he had been in her life. "You do change me Garren... I have never been more different. I am not a thing to be possesed... But I find I do not mind as much your need to keep me in your arms... I do believe missed the feeling when I was scared of a stranger earlier." Her voice allowed a shaky laugh and her eyes looked pleadingly into his. "I'm not a snowflake Garren. Everyone who I have cared for has died. I am a curse. I am a broken shard of glass that will cut you into ribbions if you hold me close to you at all. I... I don't want to hurt you. You travel, you laugh, love, live and breathe happiness. You seem like life itself to me Garren. I can't be the one who ends life itself." She closed her eyes, breathing in heavily through a flare of her nostrils and a exhale of her lips. When her eyes opened, they were pink rose again and she was calmer. "I just ran in here... I didn't know I wasn't supposed too..." She was pulling her sheild back on, her voice gaining strength and distance. "I do not want to intrude..." She began trying to stand from where Garren had seated them both.
Garren listened to Snow trying to make him understand that he should avoid her. No matter what she said, the very idea of actually leaving her sounded completely ludicrous to Garren. Every word she uttered trying to run him off only made him more upset. He couldn't understand what Snow thought was so bad about herself that she had to cut herself off from life altogether and never take a moment to just rest. It became too much when she tried to put up her walls again and leave.

"Stop it, Snow." Garren's eyes were a bright crimson but there was a fierce anger in their color. "Enough of your excuses. I don't know what you truly are, but a curse is not it. I'm tired of you trying to pull away from me just because I make you feel happy, even if only for a short time. It's ok you know. It's ok to be happy. It's ok to care. It's ok to lose. That's how you know that you're alive, and living a life worth living. You're not doing anybody any good by trying to alienate yourself from the world." Garren tightened his grip on Snow slightly to let her know that she wasn't going anywhere until she listened to what he had to say. "You know, it's real selfish of you to try and cut us off anyway. People can't help who they care for, and I care for you. You're afraid of getting me hurt, but did you ever stop to think about how much pain you're causing me, and anyone else who cares about you, by pulling away? Do you know how to stop my heart from hurting? I don't."

((BOOM! Hit, head on, by the feels train.))

"This is Szaktal. None of us are sure what he is exactly, but we know that he is most definitely not a statue. In truth, he is a construct of some kind with a conscience and, questionable, morals. I doubt that he meant to harm you; he most likely was curious about something you did, and your jerking reaction caused you to cut yourself. The creature is notoriously docile, unless you were openly antagonizing him, that is." Tallah's honey golden eyes locked Joey in a look as the Szaktal illusion faded away.


(All this was something to wake up to, wake up and get hit with feels)

Joey was in awe, so he knew this thing? Was it his construct? He was sure glad to hear this Szaktal thing was docile, and he sure as hell wouldnt antagonize it. He put his hands up in defense as he was given the look. "No, nonononono I didnt antagonize it" He said quickly. Wait, its a he? Speak of the devil, the tall creature ducked under the doorframe when he opened the door to enter. He looked at Tallah once he was inside and the door was shut behind him, then he looked at Joey. "You are very.... Fast" He commented. Joey's eyes stayed wide, for this was the first time he heard it speak. He didnt even know it could speak! He felt kinda afraid of it, stepping back a step. "Uh... Yea" Joey nodded to Szaktal, who then turned his attention to Tallah. "I am sorry.... For accidentally hurting.... Him.... He pulled on my.... Attachment on my.... Head and it was..... Reflex" He said to the elf. 

Meanwhile, Lyla watched Snow run off. Did she say something? She debated on following her, but maybe it would be best to leave her alone? She wasnt too sure on what she should do. Perhaps the portal dude found her about now. So she stayed where she was.
Tallah gave Szaktal a small smile by way of greeting and nodded in understanding as the creature explained the situation.

"As I said, twas a simple misunderstanding. Szaktal dislikes the spilling of blood for nearly any reason, so I was sure that there must have been a reason. You have nothing to fear from Szaktal, Joey. Unless you are secretly evil that is." That last statement should have been a joke accompanied by a smile and a laugh, but Tallah was perfectly serious. His previous conversation with Szaktal coming to mind. "I do believe, however, that you and Szaktal should be apologizing to each other. Joey for unintentionally causing Szaktal distress, and Szaktal for doing the same to Joey. Simply learn from the situation and move on." Now Tallah had a small smile for the both of them.

Tallah gave Szaktal a small smile by way of greeting and nodded in understanding as the creature explained the situation.

"As I said, twas a simple misunderstanding. Szaktal dislikes the spilling of blood for nearly any reason, so I was sure that there must have been a reason. You have nothing to fear from Szaktal, Joey. Unless you are secretly evil that is." That last statement should have been a joke accompanied by a smile and a laugh, but Tallah was perfectly serious. His previous conversation with Szaktal coming to mind. "I do believe, however, that you and Szaktal should be apologizing to each other. Joey for unintentionally causing Szaktal distress, and Szaktal for doing the same to Joey. Simply learn from the situation and move on." Now Tallah had a small smile for the both of them.


"Heh, heh heh, good joke" He laughed uneasily at Tallah's seriousness when he mentioned evil. When Tallah said they should apologize to each other, Szaktal did so rather eagerly. "I am sorry for... Scaring and hurting... You" He said to Joey in his monotone voice. Joey nodded, "Its cool, sorry for pulling on your head thingy" He said. Suddenly, his stomach rumbled and it actually scared him because he didnt feel hungry. But when he thought about it.... He smiled with embarrassment, "Uh, hey if its not too much trouble... Think I could grab something to eat?" Joey asked Tallah.
Tallah nodded satisfied as both parties made up amicably. Stepping off to the side and waving at the fully stocked table behind him covered in fresh fruits, breads, and cheeses, he looked at Joey.

"Partake of whatever you please. More than enough food has been prepared." Tallah then turned to Szaktal.

"Szaktal, have you seen Miley or Bailey around? I am looking for them."

Garren listened to Snow trying to make him understand that he should avoid her. No matter what she said, the very idea of actually leaving her sounded completely ludicrous to Garren. Every word she uttered trying to run him off only made him more upset. He couldn't understand what Snow thought was so bad about herself that she had to cut herself off from life altogether and never take a moment to just rest. It became too much when she tried to put up her walls again and leave.

"Stop it, Snow." Garren's eyes were a bright crimson but there was a fierce anger in their color. "Enough of your excuses. I don't know what you truly are, but a curse is not it. I'm tired of you trying to pull away from me just because I make you feel happy, even if only for a short time. It's ok you know. It's ok to be happy. It's ok to care. It's ok to lose. That's how you know that you're alive, and living a life worth living. You're not doing anybody any good by trying to alienate yourself from the world." Garren tightened his grip on Snow slightly to let her know that she wasn't going anywhere until she listened to what he had to say. "You know, it's real selfish of you to try and cut us off anyway. People can't help who they care for, and I care for you. You're afraid of getting me hurt, but did you ever stop to think about how much pain you're causing me, and anyone else who cares about you, by pulling away? Do you know how to stop my heart from hurting? I don't."

((BOOM! Hit, head on, by the feels train.))


((Aghhhhh the feels))

Snow: "It's not okay to care! It's not okay because it breaks you Garren! I cared it only led to me watching my husband die on our wedding night!" She pulled away harder, crying as he said the words her ears did not want to listen too. She gasped as he kept talking and began trying to beat at his chest, shrieking in hysteria. "I can only help by being alone! It's not selfish! You can't care about me, you don't even know me! You don't care! You can't! You can't care or I'll care!" Her blood sung out and her eyes flashed red while her hair turned white. Her blood was racing and her power was surging and it depleted her energy so quickly that she could not find within her to yell any more. She gasped as a sob ripped through her. Hugging him tightly, her skin easily bruised where he gripped her tighter, her body shook as she held onto him and cried. The tears salty on her nose and lip. "I don't know how to help your heart Garren. I don't know how to do anything... I can't even make my own heart stop hurting... I don't know how I can help yours."
Tallah nodded satisfied as both parties made up amicably. Stepping off to the side and waving at the fully stocked table behind him covered in fresh fruits, breads, and cheeses, he looked at Joey.

"Partake of whatever you please. More than enough food has been prepared." Tallah then turned to Szaktal.

"Szaktal, have you seen Miley or Bailey around? I am looking for them."


Joey's mouth watered at the sight, "Thanks!" He said happily to Tallah and dashed over, making a blur as he moved and a second later he was at the table with some food. Szaktal shook his head at Tallah, "I am unsure... Of where they are" He said.
"I think it's a little late to deny the fact that you care about me, Snow." Garren closed his eyes ad buried his face in her hair, sighing heavily.

"You know. I understand how you feel. With the way I live my life, I cannot allow anyone to grow too closely attached. I never stay in one place long enough for anything more than a flirt and a fling. No matter who I'm with, I always feel the need to be elsewhere, doing something else. The only people able to understand that from the start were my parents. I used to take them with me on my travels until they got sick and died. Now, it's just Tallah, but he's enough. Just one person that I can turn to when I feel like I'm somewhere that I've never been before and can't find my way home; everybody needs somebody like that, even you. So, why not let me be that person for you? Nothing short of a god, like Mac, or and army of mages, like Tallah alone, is going to cut my lifespan short. Plenty of people have tried, and many more have failed." Garren was practically purring as he began to stroke her hair.


"I see," Tallah said to Szaktal. "I wonder where they have wandered off to. I wanted to get the information that they had for us and start making preparations for our journey." He muttered half to himself.


((I think it's time to say "Goodnight, Moon." Peace.))
"I think it's a little late to deny the fact that you care about me, Snow." Garren closed his eyes ad buried his face in her hair, sighing heavily.

"You know. I understand how you feel. With the way I live my life, I cannot allow anyone to grow too closely attached. I never stay in one place long enough for anything more than a flirt and a fling. No matter who I'm with, I always feel the need to be elsewhere, doing something else. The only people able to understand that from the start were my parents. I used to take them with me on my travels until they got sick and died. Now, it's just Tallah, but he's enough. Just one person that I can turn to when I feel like I'm somewhere that I've never been before and can't find my way home; everybody needs somebody like that, even you. So, why not let me be that person for you? Nothing short of a god, like Mac, or and army of mages, like Tallah alone, is going to cut my lifespan short. Plenty of people have tried, and many more have failed." Garren was practically purring as he began to stroke her hair.


"I see," Tallah said to Szaktal. "I wonder where they have wandered off to. I wanted to get the information that they had for us and start making preparations for our journey." He muttered half to himself.


((I think it's time to say "Goodnight, Moon." Peace.))

Snow: "You want to be my person to turn to?" She whispered, her eyes closed as she breathed in, her face nuzzled into his shirt. "Even though I always ruin your clothes with dirt, and blood and now tears." She let out one breathless laugh, breathing in heavily, her body exhausted from the crying. "You are a confusing soul Garren. First you tell me you are growing possessive and now you tell me you cannot grow attached. At least we both have that trait in alliance my dear wanderer." She let him cuddle and purr into her hair for she was enjoying this warm hug she had found herself in.
"Yeah well, you're like me ((in more ways then he realizes)). Except I don't allow myself to cute my way into people's hearts before I bail, and everyone knows that I'll be leaving just as suddenly as I arrived.  Besides I like the way you always leave me a mess to clean up; shows how much you care." The chuckled rumbled deeply in his chest before he got serious again. "You don't have to tell me anything, Snow, because I don't care. You're safety and happiness are all that matters in this equation, so just try to enjoy not being alone for bit. Ok? Being alone can be, well lonely. Let's just be together no matter how much or how little time that actually means, though something tells me we'll be together for many years to come."

"Yeah well, you're like me ((in more ways then he realizes)). Except I don't allow myself to cute my way into people's hearts before I bail, and everyone knows that I'll be leaving just as suddenly as I arrived.  Besides I like the way you always leave me a mess to clean up; shows how much you care." The chuckled rumbled deeply in his chest before he got serious again. "You don't have to tell me anything, Snow, because I don't care. You're safety and happiness are all that matters in this equation, so just try to enjoy not being alone for bit. Ok? Being alone can be, well lonely. Let's just be together no matter how much or how little time that actually means, though something tells me we'll be together for many years to come."


((I want to super like this!!))

Snow: "Cute your way in? I do not cute myself into anyone's hearts." She frowned, her bottom lip turning into a pout as she pulled back and crossed her arms. A blush stained her cheeks though as she huffed in response to his comment on the mess. "Well perhaps it is time I remove myself from your lap so you can take care of the mess I so lovingly created for you." A slight smile grew upon her face. Her demeanor was softer towards Garren now. Perhaps one of her many walls had finally let it's guards go and crumbled for him to be allowed closer to her. "I suppose this agreement of forming fond companionship between us is not that horrible. I have grown quite attached to your wellbeing as well my dear friend Garren. But how the loneliness will hurt more for both of us when we have had tastes of company. You believe in years but my eyes cannot see past tomorrow. I am hunted my dear Garren, I am a being made into a perfect tool that escaped before it was properly branded by its owner." 
"You say you don't, but that cute wittle pout says otherwise." Now that Garren had finally gotten Snow into a better mood, he relaxed his hold on her slightly. "You know I'm prepared to accept the pain of loneliness. I've been ready for it ever since I realized that I loved Tallah. He's my older little brother, and I don't want to ever lose him, but I am prepared for the possibility, and now you too. I will fight to keep you two forever, but I know that there's only so much one man can do." He brushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes and tucked behind her ear. "You do realize that I am the most hunted man in the world, even if they do not all know what I look like, and many of my enemies wouldn't hesitate to use the people I care about to get to me. Right? If anything, you are in more danger from my hunters than I could ever be from your's. Not that that deters me from living my life though." He gave her a wink and leaned forward to place a kiss on Snow's forehead. "You don't have to worry about those bad men anymore, Snow. You aren't property, and even if you were, you're mine now."

"Oh my gosh you rock!" He said, sounding relieved as he walked inside. He took a second to realize the cup floating from... Wherever it came from toward him. "Holy crap, so you use magic? Or do you control things that has to do with water?" Joey asked, plucking the cup from the air. He looked in the water, just out of curiosity, then drank it down quickly. "Oh yea! I'm Joey! And I was just running around when this... Thing caught my attention. It was so weird! So I stop and go up to right? And it just stands there, so I think its a statue. I decided to just kind of tug on it to see if it moves, and these sharp things closed around my arm!" He showed Tallah the cuts, two on the outside of his arm and two on the inside. They werent that deep, but blood was threatening to drip. "Luckily it didnt get a good hold on me, so I get away from it and it turned toward me and started chasing me! I knew I could outrun it but man was it freak looking!" His entire explanation was really fast spoken.

"Err, what bounty again?" Lyla looked over at Mac, "Sorry, I forgot" She does that quite often.

"The god killer, you dingus."
"The god killer, you dingus."

"Oh yea!" Lyla grinned, ready to shove her boot up this guys ass. Joey looked up from his empty plate, his eyes wide. "God killer?! There's a thing out there that kills gods?!" He asked, now in front of Mac in a matter of half a second. "Can I go? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!!!!"
"Oh yea!" Lyla grinned, ready to shove her boot up this guys ass. Joey looked up from his empty plate, his eyes wide. "God killer?! There's a thing out there that kills gods?!" He asked, now in front of Mac in a matter of half a second. "Can I go? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!!!!"

(Joey? Can you fill me in?)
"You say you don't, but that cute wittle pout says otherwise." Now that Garren had finally gotten Snow into a better mood, he relaxed his hold on her slightly. "You know I'm prepared to accept the pain of loneliness. I've been ready for it ever since I realized that I loved Tallah. He's my older little brother, and I don't want to ever lose him, but I am prepared for the possibility, and now you too. I will fight to keep you two forever, but I know that there's only so much one man can do." He brushed a strand of her hair out of her eyes and tucked behind her ear. "You do realize that I am the most hunted man in the world, even if they do not all know what I look like, and many of my enemies wouldn't hesitate to use the people I care about to get to me. Right? If anything, you are in more danger from my hunters than I could ever be from your's. Not that that deters me from living my life though." He gave her a wink and leaned forward to place a kiss on Snow's forehead. "You don't have to worry about those bad men anymore, Snow. You aren't property, and even if you were, you're mine now."


Snow: She frowned as he commented on her pout and raised an eyebrow, but that eyebrow slowly lowered as she listened to the tales of his hunters. The thought of Garren being hunted made her panic... she had not known he was the most hunted man in the world. She raised her hand as he brushed hair out of her eyes and took his, giving it a squeeze. Her rose blood eyes closed as he kissed her forehead and a blush stained her cheeks further. She liked the though of having an older brother to care for her. It made her numb heart warm. "So am I like your little sister now Garren? The same as Tallah? Except... I travel as well, trying to never let those who wish to use me know of my whereabouts. Tallah has a home here... a solid place for you to come and see him." 
"Yep, my little sister. Not just like Tallah though. You two are very different people, which is a good thing, considering one of you never really runs from danger because of his virtually insurmountable array of spells while the other can barely walk under her own power right now, let alone fight." Garren said easily. "Besides, I come to Tallah, not the cottage, for a sense of home and rest, and I can find him anywhere. Just like I can find you anywhere. Plus, as soon as he can pass on his responsibilities to the forests, he probably going to be traveling the world with Mac."


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