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Fandom In a Galaxy Far Far Away [Star Wars/CLOSED]


A Beck in space
Senator Padme Amidala held her hands to chest, grabbing hold of the small trinket she carefully hid behind her white lightweight shirt she was careful to hide from watchful eyes. The Jabor Snippet has been a good luck charm for her ever since a little boy from Tatooine gifted it to her. She could use some good luck right about now, for if her sources were correct, she could be just a lightspeed and a day away from capturing one of the republic's greatest enemies; Count Dooku.

Even though the Jedi Council have been keeping close security on her even before the Clone War began, Padme did not have a Jedi with her now. Anakin would be furious of course, her just up and leaving Coruscant on a dangerous mission with nothing more than a small flight crew from Naboo, but Padme believed the less people who knew the better. Count Dooku has escaped every attempt before now, thanks to his own Jedi abilities. He was always one step ahead somehow, so maybe something as small as one simple cargo ship won't draw enough attention for Dooku to escape. Besides, She'll just send out a distress signal and the republic will come to her aid once she has him. Dooku is Human after all, a simple stun from her blaster should do the trick.

"Coming up to the planet now, Senator," said Naboo Pilot Sion Shule. He was a pilot for Padme's father, and now a loyal friend to her. The Cargo Ship jumped out of lightspeed in front of a small planet; Gandeal, a core planet in Hosnian Prime. Padme had never been to the planet herself, but she knew of it as a big trading planet, especially for export of raw materials. It's especially important for republic trade.

"Are we sure these are the correct coordinates, Sion?" Padme asked. She was expecting somewhere further out in the outer rim with less Republic presence.

Sion shrugged, "'s what it says here. Let me check the mainframe navigations to be sure. Hang tight." He climbed out of his seat and maneuvered his way to the back of the ship. Padme wrapped her white cloak around her shoulders and stared out the windows of the ship. The separatists are getting bold if they are choosing to go after Gandeal. It would also be a great loss to the republic. Padme's hands went to her jabor snippet again, wondering if perhaps she should make the distress call now or go forward with her plan of discretion.

Excusemeprincess Excusemeprincess
The Mandalorian bounty hunter Jax waited on the planet of Gandeal for a certain senator to arrive. His contractor who preferred to be secretive let him know where she would go since apparently they were sleeper agents in the republic. Jax just wanted the credits and he did not care if if Anakin’s Skywalker’s wife, he’ll just have to be careful. This planet was perfect for an ambush and he hoped the senator had no one with her or else he would have to get blood on his hands.

“She should be arriving shortly,” a voice sounding like Dooku said into the headset of Jax leaving out the part about Padme wanting to capture him, “I will pay you after you deliver her to Genosha.” Jax nodded and looked up to see a small cargo ship approaching, “I’ll bring her to you just be sure to pay me those credits.” Dooku chuckled and lied, “I will.” Jax then thought of a way to ambush Padme so he could get in and out easily without too much trouble. The Nabooian felt like a traitor, kidnapping a Naboo senator who would have Nabooians helping her.

The truth was that Jax knew Padme Amidala from being the 14 year old queen that defeated the Trade Federation. She was hero and Jax remembered being at the parade with his brother and he and Padme made eye contact with each other but that was years ago and she forgot about that dumb 14 year old boy who looked at her. Jax felt bad about kidnapping her since she saved Naboo but he had no choice but to do this. He needed credits for his sick mother and he wanted to be a good son for a change.

Jax needed to make sure he disabled a chance for Padme to call Anakin or Obi Wan to pick her up. If they knew he was kidnapping her then he would be swarmed with clone troopers and who knows what Anakin would do to him. He had heard tales about his brutal behavior to his enemies and would hate to be killed by him.

Beckspace Beckspace
"Coordinates are correct, Senator," Shule said, finally coming back to the cockpit.

"Then we'll move forward and enter atmosphere. Do we have the access codes for Gandeal?" Padme asked.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good. But let's stay as anonymous as possible until absolutely necessary. The last thing we need is to start a civil war within the republic on the grounds of harboring a war criminal without catching the criminal. Take us in."

The cargo shipped reached the planet and started to lose altitude. As per republic customs, a guard from the planet asked for the access codes, which were given and received without any issue. For a planet that was immensely important to the republic, it wasn't very habitable. It's terrain consists of a vast sea of ice and fire creating cavernous caves and frightening forests. The only reason anyone would leave the floating cargo bay would be to mine the materials below. If someone were to be trapped on the planet's surface without provisions of food or water they wouldn't last longer than 3 days.

The ship was directed to Cargo Bay 5, separated from most of the other ships which, from what Padme could see, looked as if they getting set for takeoff at any moment. Cargo Bay 5 must be for imports, for there were not many ships there at the moment, save for one on the other side of the room.

A man directed their ship to land. Padme lifted her cloak over her head, covering her nabooian hairstyle, the only trait that may give her away as not just your average every day Cargo Trader. Shule lifted himself from the pilot seat and went to meet the man while Padme waited in the ship. A minute or two passed before Shule came back and said, "He says they'll unload our ship in about 3 hours and we're welcome to the bar by bay 3."

"Then 3 hours is all we have. If we don't find Dooku by then, we'll make ourselves known and call for backup," Padme replied. "Shule, please stay by the ship in case-"

"Oh no, your majesty, I'm not leaving you. 'S dangerous enough there's only the two of us here. I'm coming with you," Shule said, heading back to the door of the ship and opening it up for her. Padme smiled at him, grateful for his company.

"Thank you, Captain. Not many would jump at a moments notice to fly me out here without a crew."

"More than you think, Senator. Now let's get this Dooku fellow and get you back to safety."

Together they stepped out of the Cargo Ship and headed towards the bay doors. Padme was glad for the lack of onlookers, but an empty cargo bay always seemed a bit too eerie to her liking.

"There are not many places he could hide on a planet like this. We should keep our heads down and go where the people are. Perhaps we can pick up some talk of a mysterious stranger."

Excusemeprincess Excusemeprincess

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