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Fantasy Imperial Night Army

Luke: "I said often, there is your fair share of enigmatic bad people"

Alex: opens eyes again, " nothing good"
Carcuso: liiiike Anders.... why does everything go back to him somehow?

W-what is it? I-Is it Rax?!
Luke: "I'm not quite sure why it goes back to him, but it does often seem that the most enigmatic people are at the centre of events"

Alex: "that wasn't Rax, trust me, you'd know if it was Rax"
Alex: "it's returning"

Luke: "well I've seen few things in my time, so I'd drink to it too"
Alex: "my power. I thought if gotten rid of it, but it's coming back stronger than ever"

Luke: "probably have something tucked away in one of my cupboards or underfloor compartments"
Alex: "it's way worse than you can imagine. It's the reason I am the way I am today, because of what I did to destroy it...."

Luke: "yup, you'd be surprised what you'd find in here."
Alex: "yes" realisation hits and his eye widen

Luke: "id put my money on Rax's room for that" laughs too
Luke: "sounds like Teo's room" laughs

Alex: "this is bad, this is really bad"
Alex, calm down....

Carcuso: what’d you expect? If soulless and Evie weren’t in this situation it’d be them too
Alex: "she's gonna die"

Luke: "well it'd be a lot worse if I didn't have a four bedroomed place"
Luke: laughs too

Alex: to self "Alex you idiot, what have you done? What have you done?"
Alex, deep breaths..... losing it will make your powers fluctuate more

Jay: -stumbles down the hall with his shirt back on, a very tired and blushing Erebus following behind him-

Carcuso: speak of the two lovebirds.....
Alex: "it's slightly more complicated than that I'm afraid. I'm not the focus of the powers"

Luke: "kids" rolls eyes
Luke: "hey"

Alex: "its a mess, and the consequences are on me."
laughs darkly
"well, at least now she has another resaon to hate me"

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