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I'm up for a Rp anyone else?


The 'White Bread' of the Rp Game
Hey I'm looking for somebody to rp with. I usually have a lot of time to rp so....

If you want to rp with me just message me below and we will do something then. If I have an idea you like tell me but otherwise I would like some criticism from you so don't be afraid to post.

An idea of mine (Of course i'm still open to suggestions):

  • A boy (My character) meets someone he made a promise with years before and now has found that person but has no realization of that person (Who can be male or female). They have to bond again before he can realize who they are and remember the promise but your character remembers everything and has to convince him of the promise.

Feel free to respond so I can rp with you soon (^.^)
This sounds like a really interesting idea. I would like to give it try if you're still looking for someone to do it with. :)
I am, Thank you for responding in such a short time after postage. I got the idea from an anime. Now then, we can discuss this rp in pm if you'd like or on here. Either way as long as you'd want to do it i'm good with it.

I'm planning on getting more partners to so that I can rp with many people and get as much knowledge on rping as I can.
Well, we can do it over PM, but I'm still about an hour away from being able to do that. If you'd like, you can start a PM. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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