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Multiple Settings I'm Back, Yo!


Barely holding on.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I left the site about six or so months ago, but clearly I couldn't remain away forever. Here I am seeking RP again.

Firstly, some guidelines:
-I consider myself to be a literate/advanced RPer. I do expect the same from you. That means multi-paragraph replies, character development and growth, etc.
-In accordance with the above I do expect my partners to be 18+. I am most comfortable writing with those around my age, especially since I will often dabble in some deeper and more mature themes in my writing. These can range in everything from abstract concepts like philosophy and faith to violence, death/loss, abuse, and the like. All I ask is that you simply be prepared for these things, especially in cases where it could potentially be triggering. If you're bothered by mature content in any way then I may not be the right partner for you.
-Romance is not a must for me in RP's. I consider it to just be a natural developing side effect of a story where characters happen to have great chemistry together. I do not like to pre-plot it or force it unless absolutely necessary for the plot in question. In other words, if it happens then it happens. That being said, I'm currently only seeking MxF romantic pairings. I have done MxM and FxF in the past, but it will take some convincing.
-While I will RP in select fandom universes I will not play canon characters within them. In fact, I will preferably not have them present at all(mentioned in passing is okay). This is non-negotiable.

Secondly, the RPs:
-Historical: this is by far my favourite. I'm a bit of a history geek so am open to playing in most eras. About the only restrictions I have on this currently are Medieval, anything royalty related, pirates, and Victorian. They are way over-done and honestly I'm growing tired of them for that reason. Two of my absolute favourite dynamics to play out in this genre are military recruits bonding in blood and forbidden friendships or romances between those of differing social classes. However, I am open to most ideas.
-Fantasy: This is another favourite of mine. However, because I'm lazy and worldbuilding takes effort I tend to prefer low/urban fantasy settings. In other words, fantastical elements in our own world. This can be anything from supernatural to superpowers. Any of these can also be combined with a historical setting if desired.
-Sci-fi: This one is hit or miss for me, admittedly. Again, I like to take a more realistic route rather than the space opera route. Think stuff like Interstellar rather than Star Wars. I'm also fond of time travel and dystopian plots, which I guess both fit under sci-fi to some extent.
-Fandom: As stated previously I will play within already established universes, but our characters will strictly be OC's. We may even take a completely AU route to avoid any interactions with canons at all(unless we decide to move our story to the far past or far future). If you want to know which fandom universes I'm willing to play in just ask. There's several so to save effort I'm not going to type them out here.

It is our world but in the far future. Science and technology became very advanced, making things like space travel increasingly common. However, at some point in the timeline war broke out between major world powers. Due to the highly advanced nature of their weaponry and such they ended up destroying the world. The survivors of this apocalypse became shrouded in fear and one group, a cult, took advantage of this fear thus allowing them to rise to power.

Fast forward many generations and society has rebuilt itself somewhat. However, technology remains shunned as the ruling cult has condemned it(based on a whole set of lies I'll get into later if there's interest in this plot). Said cult looks pious on the surface and they're seen as good examples to the rest of society, thus nobody questions their rule. In fact, they fully support them and their teachings so essentially society has become a theocracy of sorts.

Of course, beneath the surface this ruling faction is filled with corruption. The clergy and other leaders are breaking their own rules in secret(most notably the rule against technology), but most of all they're secretly kidnapping civilians in order to create their own army that is obedient only to them. These people are essentially brainwashed and conditioned while also receiving specialized military training. Some are even genetically enhanced. A small group, mostly deserters from this secret military project, of course know everything their society is built upon is a lie so begin mounting an uprising.

This plot is fairly wide-open character-wise, but will likely require we each take on multiple. It would likely work better as a group RP, but I haven't had much luck running it as one so far.
It is the height of the Italian Renaissance and Muse A is a renowned painter. Due to enjoying such a status they are commissioned by Venetian nobility(Muse B) to paint a portrait. Muse A, however, bears a dangerous secret: she is actually a woman painting under a male alias in a society that deems art to be a male trade. Will Muse B's relationship with her prevent them from exposing her or will her entire career be shut down and destroyed?

Obviously with this plot the nobility character will at some point discover the identity of the painter. It can also be romantic or platonic. I'd even be open to FxF romance in this plot if it's decided that she's meeting a noblewoman. Even more scandal there, oooo...
Muse A and Muse B are two lovers in *insert ancient civilization here*. Muse A is in the army and is called to war, but refuses to go due to his love for Muse B. He has cheated death, thus angering the gods. The gods then curse the couple to die, not only in this life but every single future lifetime. Their love for each other kills them, literally. This is a cycle that continues for many lifetimes up until the present day. By then the reincarnated couple catches on to the ancient curse and embark on a journey to undo it before falling in love once more...

This is fairly complex as I'd love to play the couple through several of their lifetimes and see how they develop in each(and of course see what ends up killing them each time, lmao).
-Two lost lovers or friends reunited after forced separation(could be war or anything else really)
-Two people from opposite sides of a conflict befriending each other or falling in love
-Two enemies forced together to survive after an apocalyptic scenario
-Spies from opposite sides competing with each other
-Spies from opposite sides being forced to work together to take down a larger threat
-Two doomed lovers or friends trying to survive together(think similar to the relationship in the movie Titanic, except perhaps both die?)
-Two military recruits working together and bonding in the midst of war

This is by no means a complete list. Feel free to bring your own suggestions!

Thirdly, some additional things to know:
-If you find that you're no longer enjoying the RP then I'm ghost friendly. Boo!
-While some OOC interaction outside of RP discussion can be nice it's not an obligation with me. I'm not particularly talkative myself and am even a bit shy so don't feel pressured to approach me. I would possibly bore or overwhelm you anyway since I'm not one for small talk. I actually despise it.
-I am open to RPing over either PM or forums. Discord is my preferred method for OOC discussion, but again not an obligation. If you're uncomfortable going off-site in any way then I understand completely.
-Have fun or I will hurt you be disappointed.
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Bumping this. I'm still looking for partners and am open to suggestions. I'm even willing to try unusual experimental plots.
Bump! Added some plots and prompts I'm wanting to try out.
I’m just a wee bit curious about your prompt about the opposite side of conflict friendship/love

What kind of conflict did you have in mind? What role(s) did you want to play?
I’m just a wee bit curious about your prompt about the opposite side of conflict friendship/love

What kind of conflict did you have in mind? What role(s) did you want to play?

When I added that prompt I was thinking more along the lines of some sort of revolution or rebellion: one character would be supporting the revolution while the other would be a loyalist.
Hello! I’m new to this site but have roleplayed in the past. I am currently seeking a role playing partner and I see we have some same interests. If you are still looking maybe we can put something together.
Hello! I’m new to this site but have roleplayed in the past. I am currently seeking a role playing partner and I see we have some same interests. If you are still looking maybe we can put something together.

PM me. We may be able to work something out.
i have an old plot that could be in combination with long lost lovers/forced seperation plot that could add to it if your still interested in pursuing this plot.
Interested in a vr hospital plot if you'd like it? Pm me!
I should close this up. I'm getting more interest than I can handle, lmao. It's a bit overwhelming. Thanks for being interested, guys!

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