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Fandom I’m Back for You (A Pokémon Roleplay)


Keyblade Master
Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight whoops, sorry it took so long I was busy today OTL)

It was the start of a new year at Lusamine’s Aether Academy; a beautiful academy dedicated to the studies of Pokémon, trainers, and new technology that allowed trainers to fuse with their Pokémon, enhancing their capabilities. So far the technology was only limited to certain enhancements, such as basic senses enhancements and move set abilities, but Lusamine hoped to push this further. Despite her outward angelic appearance and reputation, deep down she had a cold heart. A mother of two, she was very obsessive and abusive towards her children, especially her first born son. She controlled how they eat, how they dressed, even what they were to do doing their days and what they could be exposed to in life. It often got physical too- at least for the son who was the most rebelious. FInally one day he got sick of it and left. Time went by quickly while he was training and growing stronger, which led up to that single first day of school in Aether Academy.

Gladion slowly approached the school, hood over his head and a pokeball clutched tightly in his fist. He had been waiting and preparing for this day ever since he had left. Somehow he managed to enroll into the school without his mother realizing it was him; he knew how to forge documents and he had connections. It didn’t matter today however; he didn’t care about keeping his identity any longer, at least until he sat down in that classroom. He had been keeping track of his sister’s whereabouts for a while, and luckily he was able to make it into he exact same class as her. There was a purpose for all of this; he came to take Lillie back and knock their Mother off of her throne. Gladion would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous; he hadn’t seen Lillie since he left, and he didn’t know how badly Lusamine abused her, if she did at all.
Gladion huffed slightly, hands in his pockets as he entered the school to go to class. He didn’t even stop to look; he went straight to the classroom.

(Sorry I typed so much, I was in the zone I guess. You definitely don’t have to type as much as this though. XD I normally write a single paragraph or two.
Sitting at her desk, Lillie's hands shook slightly as she cupped the poke ball holding her Vulpix in her joined palms, trying to calm her nerves. Lillie had been minding her own business, getting ready for the day after she had put on white dress her mother so loved, humming a tune under her breath as she brushed her long blonde hair in the precise number of strokes (100 of them) as Lusamine had engraved into her mind. She needed to look beautiful, Lusamine had said. She needed to be the absolute epitome of perfection, her mother had said, so that she wouldn't embarrass the both of them. Not wanting to disappoint Lusamine or be punished again, Lillie was doing just that.

A small yip from the doorway made her turn slightly and she put her hands on her hips. "Vulpix." She admonished, slightly exasperated. "How many times do I have to tell you not go into my and Mother's garden? Look at you! You've a mess!" And it was true, the ice fox was covered in mud and grime from head to toe, having no doubt been chasing a bug and rolling in the dirt. Unlike most Vulpix, who groomed themselves constantly to look their best and weren't usually trouble causers, Lillie's Vulpix was the opposite--a little mischievous but nonetheless lovable creature of habit.

A creature, that, right at the moment, she wanted to scream at with all her might. She didn't have time for this; she was going to be late for her first day at the Academy! Maybe if she was quick, she could give Vulpix a quick bath...Approaching the pokemon, Liilie said, "Come on, girl. Let's get you to a bath and fast." When the pokemon turned its head away, she sighed. "I know you don't like baths but Mother will get upset if you're not clean." The young teen rubbed her face on reflex, remembering clearly a hand having hit her there just a few days prior. "...Remember what happened last time you did this and Mother was home?" When the pokemon looked at her with a guilty and torn expression, Lillie nodded. "That's right. So come on. We're lucky she's already at the academy." Ushering the pokemon to the bathroom, she gave the Vulpix the quickest scubdown possible, doing her best not to miss any spots on the pokemon's fur. When she was done, she quickly started drying the creature with a towel...only for the pokemon to shake its fur out in response before she could finish, splashing her. "Vulpix!"

The pokemon only yipped in response, making Lillie sigh.. "You're lucky that was just water. And clean water at that." Her dress would be fine, it would dry. She'd be okay.

Returning the pokemon to its poke ball, Lillie then rushed outside of the mansion, making her way to the right classroom. Partly through the doorway though, she stopped. Her green eyes grew as wide as saucers upon noticing a face she thought she might never see again. "G-Gladion?"

(I'm sorry. This is is a bad post, but its the best I could do. My muse wasn't cooperating like it should.)
(It’s okay! I certainly understand that feeling Aura Of Twilight Aura Of Twilight . I think you did well! I love Lillie so far <3)

Shit. Gladion should’ve prepared for this. He always knew seeing Lillie again would be hard, but he didn’t see her coming. It caught him off guard, suddenly seeing her show up. He was sitting at his desk, clenched hands over his jaw in thought. When Lillie appeared, Gladion tried to keep his cool.
Lillie was just as she was before Gladion left; still cute, still pure. Even so, Lillie looked much more grown than the last time Gladion saw her. He could tell the time with their mother had been tough, it put a pang of guilt in Gladion’s heart. He wouldn’t blame Lille if she hated him.
“Lillie...” Gladion uttered, not knowing much of what else to say to her. He didn’t leave his chair, only sitting in silence as he watched her movements. “So... we’re in the same class.”

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