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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Transfer Student

"Actually it's magical history with Professor Beckendorf." August explained. "He's a nice guy. Hopefully you won't bring the demon out in him as well." August giving this whole "verbal jab" thing a try.
"Oh- yep, you're right," Cass said, glancing at the paper she'd taken out before sticking back in the pocket of her robes. An eyebrow raised at August's teasing and she laughed, quite surprised.

"I hope not, but it's hard not to seem mischievous when I'm sitting next to the teachers' favorite," Cass said, nudging August's arm gently with her elbow, grinning a little at him.
August rolled his eyes but smiled.

"I like my teachers. Sue me." He shrugged and the two of them walked off.

The classroom had a number of magical paintings with historical wizards, strangely no First Nation ones despite their clear representation everywhere else in the school. Dominating the back wall was a map of the Wizarding world, outlining the wizard nations. Every now and then there would be a symbol that bloomed into existence somewhere on the map, followed by a date and a short description of what happened. The map of the U.K. was almost a fireworks display, rattling off events and battles in short succession. The teacher had not arrived yet.

"He's not big on assigned seating so we can sit where you want."
Cass gave a little snort of laughter and followed August to class, a little less than excited for their history class but still in high spirits for her first day.

She was quite interested in all of the paintings around the room, attention captured by the enchanted map. August's voice took her out of her thoughts, and she looked over at him, nodding.

"Alright, hope you don't mind if I'm sitting beside you again," she commented, her friends not having arrived at the room yet.
"Of course not. This will surely be an interesting class for you though. Were you big on magical history at Hogwarts? I mean you personally, not whether the school stressed it." August asked.
"Er- well history of magic was never my favorite class," Cass started, laughing a bit. "It might have just been the fact that our teacher was the dullest ghost you could imagine."
"That is kind of a big problem, when you don't like your teacher, you're less open to what they have to say on the subject they're instructing you on." August said.

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