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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Transfer Student

Cass raised her eyebrows at August's statement, about to ask him about why he seemed a bit bothered- his question hadn't really irritated her at all, as she'd understood where it came from. Professor Lambhorn began speaking before she could ask, and her attention was brought to the front of the room. The students began to get up from their seats after the announcement was finished, Cass turning to Sage and Bella and articulating her excitement aloud.
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The Thunderbird second years, Cass and August included, were lead to their first class of the day, potions. The classroom was separated into tables where two lab partners were meant to sit together with some basic potion tools were laid out. The teacher walked in, neck length black hair and tan skin, clearly First Nations. He wore a light vest and glasses. He held a book in his hand.

"Good morning class and welcome to your first week of potions." He spoke in a smooth and intellectual tone. "For new students, I am Professor Henry Petonowit. You may call me Professor Wit, if that's easier for some of you. For returning students, no you still may not call me Professor Pet."

"But you're so cuddly, Professor." Said a student. He just shook his head and smiled. 
Cass followed everybody to the potions classroom, walking at the back of the group with Bella and Sage. As they all filed in, Sage and Bella partnered up at a table, leaving Cass to find her own partner. Spotting August by himself across the room, she headed over, tapping him gently on the shoulder.

"Mind if I join you?" She murmured, shooting him a small smile as she nodded to the seat beside him. The professor had begun introducing himself, so she had to speak quietly to avoid attention.
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"Not at all, please sit." He offered a hand to the stool beside him. "You'll love Professor Petonowit. He's very casual." He said in a whisper that was nevertheless heard by said teacher.

"Mr. Jacobee. I assume your partner is our transfer?"

"Yes, Professor." August looked to her, allowing her to introduce herself to the teacher.
Cass took a seat, crossing her legs and leading forward to rest her elbows on the table. She sat up straight when the professor approached, smiling.

"Hello, yes Professor, I'm Cassandra," she said. "It's a pleasure." She spoke with incredible respect, surprisingly. One would think with her troublemaking track-record that she'd be a little too relaxed around teachers, but it seemed quite the opposite.
"A pleasure as well Ms. Cassandra, welcome to my class." He pulled out his wand and with a flick, the wall turned into a chalk board with the names of several magical plants written down on it. "In honor of our new student, we will be making a recipe developed by Thomellow Root, one of the most renowned experts of magical herbology and alchemy who ever lived. His meat substitute formula kept several magical species from extinction. If you'll open up your books to page 37 and remove the ingredients from your drawer we shall begin. "
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Cass pulled out her book, plopping it down on the table and flipping to the correct page. 

"So, are you a potions expert?" She asked August, raising her eyebrows at him as they started removing their ingredients from the drawers. She'd always been pretty good at it, surprisingly enough. In fact, she was a pretty smart student all around- she just didn't apply herself, which quite disappointed both her professors and her parents.
"Aaaaaactually this is a subject I'm not as good in." He said.

"What Mr. Jacobee has in enthusiasm and deference, he sorely lacks in natural ability." Professor Wit said without turning from scrawling on the chalkboard. To which August just shrugged.
Cass couldn't help but snort at the Professor's comment, as she covered her mouth a moment later, surprised by the sound that came out of her mouth. She laughed, habitually running a hand back through her hair.

"Aw, well I'm sure you try very hard," Cass said, squeezing August's shoulder gently. "At least I have the upper hand on just this one class," she teased, her tone turning from genuine to joking, a little mischief sparkling in her eyes as she smirked up at him.

From their little talk yesterday and his comment now, she gathered he was a very bright and talented student. It seemed this class might be the one thing she could beat him at. She turned to read from her book, blue eyes scanning the page.

August was actually not that talented a student. He wanted to say she would probably be better in lots of subjects but he had to focus on the lesson. They listened to the teacher and the class went swimmingly. The next class to be had was Transfiguration hosted by an older woman in about her forties named Professor Rosa Fernandez. This classroom was a bit smaller than the last so required the students to sit closer to each other.

"Welcome back mis hijos. I hope you all had a great summer. We have lots to do but don't worry it's going to be fun." She tried to pep them up.
Once again, Cass found herself beside August, their seats cramped up next to each other in the small room.

"Man, we're going to be seeing a lot of each other this year," Cass whispered, referring to how they'd sat beside each other for the past two classes. "Not that I don't want to see you," she added jokingly, giving him a small wink along with a laugh. She opened her mouth to say something else but was cut off by Professor Fernandez.

"Miss Cassandra, is it?" Asked the professor. Cass blinked, looking up at her. 

"Yes, Professor," she answered, preparing herself to be scolded for talking.

"I'll give you a warning because you are new, but be careful, hija- you wouldn't want to cost Thunderbird any points," Professor Fernandez warned. Cass nodded, looking over at August with a sheepish grin as she turned away. She instructed them to work on vanishing one of the mice at the front of the room as a way to ease them back into the class after a summer off. 

"Bet I can vanish mine before yours," Cass challenged, nudging August's leg with her own as she stood up to go get a mouse from the front. "Want me to grab you one?"
"I'll grab mine, myself but thanks." August said has he retrieved one of the mice, gently petting its head as he set it down on the desk. "I'm surprised, she's normally nicer than that." August said as he tried to cast the spell on the tiny rodent.
Cass shrugged when she returned to the table after grabbing one of the nice, setting it down on the table. 

"I tend to bring out the worst in teachers. They either love me or hate me," she said, pulling out her wand. "Your professors all like you though, right?" she asked casually, attempting to vanish the mouse.
"I do tend to get along better with the faculty than my peers most of the time." August said. The next time Cass would try to make the mouse disappear, it would.
"Hmph. Interesting," she said, casting the spell once again and succeeding in vanishing the mouse. A grin lit up her face; she was typically a fast learner, so it didn't surprise her. 

"Are you involved in any sports or clubs or anything? Quidditch, dueling, anything like that?" She was just trying to inspire casual conversation. However, it seemed August wasn't really interested in her attempts due to his rather short, yet polite, answers.
"I am a member of the dueling club, yes. I'm also technically a member of the Quodpot team but they know better than to play me in games. I'm more a helper and mascot than a member. Mostly I'm on the team because we have the most excuses to fly, which I love to do." August said before getting the mouse to vanish for a moment but then popped back into visibility.
"Quodpot? Is that like Quidditch or something?" Cass asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched August attempt to vanish his mouse. "I love flying as well- I was the Seeker on the Slytherin quidditch team back at Hogwarts," she added, seemingly quite proud of her accomplishment there.
"Mis estudiantes!" Professor Fernandez interrupted. "Focus on the lesson or I will subtract points from Thunderbird house." The teacher was quite adamant in this. August focused entirely on his lesson, shame clear across his features. Cass would not get another word out of him 'till the class was over.
Cass chewed her lip as the professor scolded them, sighing once she'd turned away and laughing slightly and ready to continue her conversation with August. But he didn't speak another word to her, irritatingly, and by the time class ended Cass had made friends with the boy sitting on the other side of her, because her extroverted nature wouldn't allow her not to talk to anybody. 

"So, quodpot," Cass mentioned to August, once class had ended, "What is it exactly? I never got to hear you explain."
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August's mannerisms shifted immediately. He brightened up and his eyes twinkled.

"Oh, Quodpot isn't really big in Great Britain but it's bigger than Quiditch here. Although the quod ball started as a quaffle. It's not too complicated, basically each team tries to get the quod into the pot before the ball explodes. Then a new ball is brought in. Whichever team gets the most quods in by the end of the game wins."
"Huh. Sounds interesting," Cass said, smiling a little at how excited August got when she'd mentioned quodpot. "So I take it there's no quidditch teams?" She asked, simply curious. "If not I suppose I'll have to see if I can pick up quodpot," she joked, laughing.
"Oh no there's Quidditch teams. It's just more of a student club thing, not officially school supported. Like no breaks from classes for a quidditch game kind of thing."
"Huh. I'll probably stick to quidditch then," Cass said, shrugging as the two headed out of the classroom. "Unless you'd be willing to help me pick up quodpot," she teased. "I might have to if it means I can miss lessons."
"Well . . ." August rubbed the back of his head. "Again I'm not really that good at it. I can teach you the basics but I have a feeling you'd end up being better than me. Such wouldn't bother you I would imagine though, soooo eh, why not?" He nodded.
"Really?" Cass said, her eyes widening a little bit in excitement. "Oh, thanks a ton, August," she exclaimed, grinning at him.

"So what class do we have next? I thought it was herbology, but I might have read wrong," she said, digging into the pocket of her robes to pull out a schedule.

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