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Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Transfer Student

"Welcome to my show dear. Now seems good a time as any to give you this." She pulled out a charm like the one August had used before. "Keep it on you at all times and don't let other house members touch it, especially if you want to stay friends with them." The older woman smirked.
Cass took the charm from her, turning it over in her hands before looking up at the Professor, eyebrows raised.

"Why? What does it do, I mean?" The girl asked, quite interested to find out what would happen if someone outside of Thunderbird touched it.
"Let's call it 'security' for now." August said. "What it does for you is just as I showed you before." He took his own charm and put it against the stone grain, and they parted like actual grain.
"I know that it opens this up, I was just wondering what kind of... 'security' you meant," Cass clarified, heading into the common room after August as he opened it up. 
Her question would go unanswered for now as Professor Else followed up and called everyone around the fire pit. She pulled out her wand and dimmed the flames so she could speak to everyone present.

"All right Thunderbirds. Some of you know the drill but for those who don't, or choose to ignore, here's the skinny. Do your homework, show up to class, be here by curfew. We got school rules but those are the only ones I care about. And because I don't ask for much, I expect that little to be followed, we clear?" There was a resigned but still intimidated response. Her tone could smoothly transition from "fun and warm" to "you're crossing the line of no return" very fast. "For those of you trying out for Quodpot, tryouts are next week. Besides that? Head up to bed, class schedules will be posted tomorrow. Gooood night all." August got up and lingered for just a bit longer with a shrug.

"See you tomorrow?"
Cass thought she might be able to follow most of the rules that Professor Else laid out, just as long as there wasn't something she'd rather be doing while classes were going on. She was a pretty good student in general- she had good grades, anyway- but she just really disliked following rules. Her eyebrows furrowed a little bit as the Professor mentioned Quodpot, which she'd never heard of before, but the announcements had ended before she could ask anyone what it was. She turned to August when he spoke, looking up at him.

"Oh- yeah, see ya. Thanks for showing me around earlier. Glad we're off to a better start than we were earlier," she said with a smile, nudging his arm slightly as she stood beside him.
August laughed despite himself. He was a bit more on Cassandra's groove now so he knew the gesture was affectionate.

"Your stuff should be in the girls room by now. You have a good night, Ms. Cassandra." He bowed a little at the waist and headed into the boy's dorm. He lay in bed with a smile on his face, like everyone who wasn't Peter Pendleton sleeping across from him, August wasn't exactly thrilled about school starting again but he was happy to have made a new friend and one he can personally show a good time with.
Cass smiled a little and waved at him. "Night," she said before she walked off and followed the rest of the girls into the girls' dorm. She found that a few of the girls who had been at the fire earlier were in her year, and therefore in her room. The girls talked for a little while, getting to know each other as they organized their belongings.

Cass found she got along best with two girls in particular- Sage Jones, a blonde from Long Island, and Bella Reyes, a Mexican girl from California. The three of them sat up talking for a while, all sitting on Bella's bed, before a girl trying to go to sleep complained about their whispering and giggling.

Finally, Cass made it into her own bed, smiling a little bit as she settled down to sleep- she hadn't quite expected to feel so at home so quickly, but here she was. She was glad to be off to such a great start with her house-mates; not just the girls, but August, too. It wasn't long before she'd fallen asleep, looking forward to what her first day of classes might have to offer.
"Despiarta, mi amiga. First day and you don't want to miss breakfast." Bella said as she gently shook Cassandra.

Meanwhile in the boys dorm, August was awoken by a prank, not on him but on Gerald, one of the others. His prankster friends, Ted and Willis, hovered over his bed and one pulled out his wand with a shhhh to his friend before whispereing incendio. A plume of flame arose over Gerald's sleeping head, causing him to roll out of bed with a yell and a curse.

"You think that's funny huh?" He said to his friend before giving them both quick punches. That didn't stop them from laughing.

"Well there goes my awesome dream." August deadpaned.

"Oh yeah, we all know what you were dreaming of Jacobee." Will said with a thrusting of his hips.

"Shut up." August said as he threw a pillow at him.
Cass rolled over, groaning slightly and slowly opening her eyes, squinting in the light of the window that her roommate had opened. Bella had already moved across the room to get her robes out of her trunk, and she smiled at Cass' reluctance to get out of bed.

"Come on, Cass, we wanna get down to breakfast to get our schedules," Sage insisted, crossing the room and throwing herself onto the end of Cass' bed. She was the energetic one, while Bella was much more soft and quiet. Cass sat up, poking Sage in the side with her toe through the comforter. "I'm up, I'm up," she insisted, laughing a little bit as Sage grabbed her leg. 

Soon enough all three girls were ready to go, dressed in their robes. They headed out of the dorm and down to breakfast, taking a seat with a group of Thunderbirds that was already there. They were some of the first to breakfast, but the tables were filling up quickly.
August sat across from Cass in the dining hall rather than next to her. He didn't want to impose.

"Nice to see you in the school colors at last." He said, lightly tugging on his own robe.
Cass looked over at August as he approached, flashing him a smile. "Hey! Yeah, it's a little different than I'm used to, I feel like I should be wearing my Slytherin garb, but this is just as good," she said, shrugging.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, just wanting to be polite. "I don't think I slept at all, I was so excited for today."
"I slept like the dead, and was awoken by attempted murder." He looked over at Ted and Willis, laughing, but they didn't notice him when he looked back at her. "Is it just the colors or does the material feel different?" He asked, referring to her robes.
Cass raised her eyebrows at his reference to whatever had happened that morning in his room, glancing over at the guys he looked at with a small laugh. She shrugged at his question, resting her elbow on the table.

"It's not so much either of those things as much as it is the fact that my Slytherin robes have roomier sleeves. They're a little like wings, honestly, and I like it, but these are a bit more functional," she said, laughing and tugging on the sleeve a bit.

"What did you mean about the attempted murder, by the way? I'm interested to hear what kinds of shenanigans go on in the boys' dorm."
"Oh just that the two Dorcus' over there, Ted and Willis, thought a pyrotechnic spell would be a good wake up alarm for there best friend." August explained with the roll of his eye and a forkful of waffle as a pointer.
"Oh, nice. I'm sure that was a lovely wake up call," Cass said, laughing a little bit. "I'm guessing they're sort of the troublemakers then?" she asked, her voice a little lower.

"So when do we get our schedules?" she asked after he'd answered, looking around to see if any of the other heads of houses were starting to pass out their students' timetables. 
"Eh, maybe a little bit," Cass answered, taking a sip of her orange juice. "But it's more anxious than nervous- I'm looking forward to getting the year started." 
"I'm sure you're right," Cass said, laughing a little bit. She reached across the table for a muffin, peeling the paper off of it. "I've never quite been all into the academic side of schooling. I think I'm more interested in causing trouble and being with my friends."
"Well you have to take it seriously sometime. What about your future?" August asked as he cut some more off his waffles.
"I think I'll be fine- my mum runs an apothecary shop in Diagon Alley in London- if worst comes to worst I'll take over the family business. Or maybe I'll play quidditch," she said, laughing a little bit at that notion. The idea that she could actually be that good at quidditch to do it as a career was funny- there were so many other students who wanted the same thing.
"Wait I'm confused . . . then why participate in a foreign exchange program if you . . . basically don't care about your education?" August wasn't what one would call a bookworm but to hear Cass just flaunt her education with seemingly no regard to how it might impact her future seemed troubling to him.
Cass raised her eyebrows at him, leaning forward on her elbows. "It's not that I don't care about my education. It's that I know it's not the most important thing in the world. And the foreign exchange thing... well, it was mostly my parents' idea. I didn't really want to come at first, but I was a little excited to meet some new friends in a completely different country," she said. 
"I see. I misunderstood . . . . again." August said with a sigh about his flaw. Professor Lambhorn brought everyone's attention to him. He welcomed everyone back to first day of classes and said the older brothers or sisters of each house would escort the students from the lunch room to their classes.

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