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Fandom Ilvermorny: Magic Days


Sage In the Making
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Angie Prose's eyes were wide as she shuffled along behind the other first years to circle the Gordian knot decorating the floor. Many faces peered down at the group from the balcony above. In that moment she felt as prey, the older students glared down at her as a hawk does the rabbit. The four large wooden statues striking imposing figures, looming above. The young girl swallowed nervously and stared at the statue nearest to her. It appeared to be a large cat. Angie remembered her brother talking briefly of house Wampus. Though she didn't remember him saying anything particularly kind.

The cat's confident poise struck a cord with her and she straightened her own spine. Angie glared back at the students above, a smile on her face. Yeah she was new here, but she wasn't afraid. The small girl was determined to prove she belonged in this world of magic. Clenching her fists tightly she pushed all her doubts away. This would be her home now. This was her world now. If she didn't fit in at first she would just have to make room! Angie was startled when a voice boomed out a greeting and explained the choosing ceremony to the fresh faced students awaiting their judgement. Angie took a deep breath and began readying herself for the time her own name would be called.

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