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Fandom Ilvermorny: Magic Days (Character Sheets)


Sage In the Making
@1nce-ler@TheRealBmike@CrystalYoshi@RoxasTheExalted Post character's here so they are easier to find later on! (Does my character like coffee?) Just be sure to include this basic information:



Appearance: (Picture or good description please)



Family/History: (Pureblood/Halfblood/Mudblood)

Wand: (please keep in mind that wands at Ilvermorny are given after sorting and they contain different things from the Hogwarts typically do. ex: Wampus hair, Snallygaster heartstring and Jackalope antlers)

Sex: (You don't have to play your own gender if you don't want to.)

You know, the good stuff.
Name: Raymond Redeye Jr.

Age: 16



has a tattoo of the Seneca peace band on his right forearm


House: Pukwudgie

Likes: Reading, writing, playing Quodpot

Dislikes: Quidditch, peas, Native American jokes
Family/History: Pureblood. The Redeye family can trace their family line as far back as the the great Seneca chief Cornplantter, and belonged to the Iroquis Confderacy. For as far back as they can trace they have had magic in the family. Then they were called shamans, and now they are one of the oldest familys to attend Ilvermorny. As a right of passage all members of his family with magic ability get there tribes band on there body whereever they wish as they have done for centuries.

Wand: 10 and a half inch Black Birch with a Jackalope antler core

Sex: only on weekends (male)
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Name: Laina Kassing 
Age: 15


House: Horned Serpent
Likes: Candy, Reading, Charms
Dislikes: Fish, Needles, Stinging Insects
Family/History:  As a Half-blood with a witch as a mother and a muggle as a father, Laina's father knew that his wife was a witch but that didn't stop him from trying to raise his daughter as a normal girl until Laina started showing signs of being a witch. Laina was also considered to be a very bad sign for the pureblood side of her mother's family since Laina is a half blood and not a pureblood. 
Wand:  9 3/4 inch Black Walnut wand with a Horned Serpent Horn core and springy flexibility
Sex: Female
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Name: Angie Prose

Age: 11


Angie Prose.png

House: Wampus

Likes: Botany, badminton, cats, Dr. Pepper

Dislikes: Coke, people who talk over people, spiders
Family/History: Mudblood, father is German scientist researching allergens, mother is American microbiologist

Wand: 10 1/8 inch Chesnut with Wampus hair

Sex: Female
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Name: Frank Rae Duckworth.

Age: 14.

Appearance: i_am_you__yukio_okumura_x_reader__by_heartselect-d8rm9q8.jpg

House: Thunderbird.

Likes: He has a liking towards creating music, milk chocolate, loyalty, things that he finds cute and playing Quodpot.

Dislikes: He's got a dislike towards the taste of sour, being called a nerd simply because he wears glasses, people who've no respect towards others and bugs.

Family/History: Born with the blood status of pureblood, Frank comes from the Duckworth family. A very revered family of wizards whom have a history being known as one of the longest and oldest wizarding families to be still attending Ilvermorny until the present day. Nearly every single one of them have been sorted into the house of Thunderbird.

Wand: Frank's wand is one with the properties of Cherry Wood, Snallygaster Heartstring Core, is fifteen inches in length and has a hard flexibility.

Sex: A male.
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Walter Harding





Walter has a somewhat unusual look. His long black hair and glasses hides most of his features. While during school he has his long hair down and glasses on as he thinks it diverts attention to him, but others see him as being distant and a loner. When he's by himself or sleeping Walter usually ties his hair back into a ponytail and takes his glasses off. He's got a pretty handsome face under the glasses and long hair, plus some icy blue eyes.




• Reading

• Watching Quidditch

• Sleeping


• Purebloods (he's intimidated by them)

• His Mudblood origins


Born to two Muggles. One a history teacher and another works at a daycare. They both think that Llvermorny is a private Academy. They have no idea about magic and Walter tries to keep his Mudblood  origins a secret.


11 inch Pine woodSnallygaster heartstring


Name: Anna Jones

Age: 14


House: Pukwudgie

Likes: reading, singing, hanging out with friends

Dislikes: fighting, heights

Family/History: Both Anna's parents are No-maj, her mother being a kindergarten teacher and her father a cop. She has an older brother, Nathan, who is 18. He, too, is a no-maj.

Wand: 11 3/4 inch, pine with snallygaster heartstring

Sex: female
Maria Richmond




Magical Creatures, reading, music, Quodpod, video games.

Loud noises, water, Hunters, Pureblood veiws.

Family/History:Maria is a pureblood hailing from the richmond family on a far away isle long forgotten by many. The family is known for the many explorers that have been from this family and has attended Hogwarts always sorted into Gryffindor for generations until Maria decided to attend Ilvermony as she had seen more opportunities there, for this her family have stopped talking to her sending her to live with her uncle Carter Jordan(A squib) In new York.

Wand: 11 3/4 inch Black Hawthorn, Thunderbird feather

Sex: Goes by both gender pronouns (Female)
Name: Cherri Roberts

Age: 11

Appearance: I don't have a picture, but I can describe her. She has brown hair that shines golden in sunlight and bright turquoise eyes that glow in light. Her skin is normal and she is a very short person who acts and looks very childish and energetic.

House: Pukwidgie

Likes: Drawing, magic, friends, music, colorful art, nature, animals, biological studies, water, blueberries (more than any other food--it's her big weakness), helping people, being nice, writing and creating stories, creative writing and character creation, and walking out in fields and enjoying views.

Dislikes: Mean people, bullies, difficult homework, leaving someone who needs help, "Blocked Days" (days when she gets creative block of some kind--writer or artist), boredom.

Family/History: Pure-Blood but doesn't care

Wand: 9 1/2 inches, flexible, Pear wood, Jackaloupe antler core

Sex: Female

You know, the good stuff.

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