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Fantasy Illuin: Continent of monsters


Noxx Hollow

The flyest nihilist
The sun was bright and beaming down on the ship that had been sailing across the vast ocean for nearly a month and things were starting to feel a little cramped. A few dozen Eruset soldiers along with every volunteer that signed up to come on this otherwise suicide mission, destination Iluin. The continent is known as a monster-infested hell hole that has been mostly banned due to the fact it was exceptionally dangerous, but no one would actually do anything about them. The boat was outfitted with a decent amount of everything they would need, from doctors to weapon makers and enough manpower to bring all of Iluin to its knees. The crew kept themselves busy for the most part with acts of gambling, storytelling of their past glory days or just tests of strength all were acceptable ways to get to know one another, after all, sooner or later they will be cutting their teeth in the trenches with one another. The leader of the exploration force that would do most of the heavy lifting walked out onto the main deck of the ship with her arms folding getting a good look at that near endless horizon. Folding his arms he walked out onto the very tip of the ship taking in a good deep breath of that sea salt air.

“Captain how long till we reach Iluin?” Yusui called out his voice loud and booming

“Ay, can’t be any more than a few more days’ sir!” The first mate called back keeping the ship on course letting it run straight and true, having been taking turns with the captain herself.

Soma walked out onto the deck with Yusui and stood next to him, the sound of the jewels banging together on her flag as it waved in the wind majestically, her long blond hair flowed along with it.

“Won’t be long, will it?” she asks, breathing a little faster her heart already pounding a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time a genuine excitement of getting to go somewhere completely uncharted, unsettled and unknown.

“Calm down little one, we are in fact nearly there, but no need to get into a panic yet; if your stories are true, you’ve gone on many a journey yourself for one so young,” The Eruset said his long tail making a sweep behind him.

It was true Soma was only fifteen, but she had explored all over Traylor and then some, in her quest to claim the flag she held by her side at all times. Even still the wanderlust never left her, only dulled having traveled so far and wide but now Iluin a place she had only heard horror stories about from old sailors was within her grasp.

“Don’t mistake my anxiousness for fear, I am excited to make landfall already; I mean this is Iluin no need for a storybook about this place it’s on the freaking map and still no one has ever come back with anything good about it, no charts made, graphs, nothing but stories” She said with a large smile puffing out her chest making the leader chuckle a little

“I’m also tired of being cooped up here, I understand not needing to bath being where we are but gods, I can’t take the stench anymore” She continued to complain, Soma was used to being on her own for the most part so she wasn’t used to sharing living quarters with people or least of all smelling them.

The water around the boat began to move about, more so than usual, but nothing that was particularly noticeable by the crew; it wasn’t until the boat is self-shook one good time that alerted everyone.

“The hell was that?!” Yusui shouted, looking back at the first mate fighting the waves that hit the side of the ship keeping it steady

“Somethin’ big is under the ship!” He howled turning the wheel trying to passively ride the waves to prevent rocking and possible tipping.

The ship continued to shake more violently, causing the rest of the expeditionary force to run out to the main deck as well to see what was going on. The rocking was getting so intense that it threw people to the other side of the boat, Soma used her flag to keep herself planted to the floorboards of the ship.

“Land ho!” Screamed the crow’s nest as loud as he could, pointing to Iluin in the distance.

“Impossib- “Yusui’s words were cut short when a large tentacle shot out of the ocean, wrapped around the mast of the ship and snapped it off like a twig. With tha, the ship was tipping drastically and there was nothing the captain could do at this point.

“All hands on deck!” Soma shouted, wanting to get everyone to the main deck to shield them. Something was rising from the ocean it looked like a lizard-like creature with tendrils sprouting from its back, a mouth so large it could take the entire vessel in one bite.

“Oh gods,” Yusui said plainly reaching back for his hammer before he was stopped by Soma

“We need to get out of here or the entire voyage was pointless,” the young girl said to him “Everyone get to me!” She screamed as loud as she could.

This monster was a hideous abomination of nature, one could only imagen how this thing could exist in the world. Now wasn’t the time for studying it as it was preparing to crush the ship and kill everyone on it.

A good distance behind the main boat was the secondary ship filled with prisoners and workforce where Croma meditated on the ship’s deck, her tail coiled around her midsection, living on the ship with these humans had been probably the most irritating thing the young woman has had to deal with. She had no idea some people could be this stubborn, arrogant and bullheaded the worst part is that the prisoners weren’t even that bad it was the ship's captain Tulio who really loved stepping on her toes. For an entire month, it’s been nothing but comments about her appearance and loud chest pounding about nobility all things she couldn’t care less about but that really didn’t stop anyone from talking. After the incident where someone who was too drunk too quick tried to test their might against the Eruset that ended with her having to knock the poor man out till he sobered up, she took a vow not to speak to anyone unless with was about the expedition.

Suddenly every hair on her body stood up on ends and her eyes shot open, the sensation when an animal knows the danger and possible death is closing in. Gritting her teeth Croma sprang to her feet as every nerve in her body told her to hunt, thankfully she wasn’t an apex Eruset like their leader and reasoned with herself that it was stupid to fight in the middle of the ocean. It was when the sight of the monster came into sight that the hunter shouted out to the captain in the loudest voice her little body to muster.

“Hard Starboard, go around its back!” she screamed and took off running to the ships steering to scream it in his ear if he was ignoring her again.
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Vikky was below deck helping with the cooking for lunch when the whole ship started to lurch sideways, when she heard the echoing shouts of everyone on deck she rushed upwards only to be met with large tentacles all around the ship. "what th-" her voice stopped when she saw the hideous monster that was attacking the ship she froze for a good second before the captain ordered everyone to get near her.
(didnt know what else to post so...)
Tulio Picael Abroneen.
IAS Ancient Whisper, Uncharted waters near Iluin.
Noxx Hollow Noxx Hollow

"I'm still not sure how she manages to stay afloat." Says a man leaning on the railing of the imperial ship with his gaze fixed upon the ridiculously sized hulk a short ways away from their own vessel. The man's voice is as smooth as silk, a contrast to his rugged looks and burning eyes. His darkened hand rises from his side and points lazily toward the side of the ship. He closes an eye and begins to pace his finger along the side of the ship, comparing it to the size of the people on the upper decks. "The thing must have at least twenty decks."
"Magic most likely. They're scales and other beasts after all." Another tall figure approaches the man, resting a hand on his shoulder and pointing towards the water behind the ship. "Look at the wake of the ship. Fairly sure you can see arcane residue drifting on the waters." Her voice, a grizzled one and her upper lip peels up on the left side connecting with her nose. "You're sure that's not just kelp?"
"I've seen kelp before, Caius. They both might be dark green but kelp doesn't move like that. It's arcane energy or at least the residue of it."

A bright sky, calm waves, and a slow approaching end to their long voyage. Under normal circumstances a crew might feel relieved by the idea. These however were far from normal circumstances. The crew of the Ancient Whisper knew that when they reached the shores of Iluin their work would only be beginning. Many of the crew believed the entire ordeal to be a death sentence. Something that wasn't too far from fact. In truth, their superiors had no faith in the teams ability to colonise the island and return. Many believed the island a myth and nothing more. Some believed the land to exist, though not in the might of its fables. Regardless of the beliefs of the superiors, it was the sailors and their prisoners that would find out for certain. If they returned everything they learned would prove vital and if they didn't the politicians of Athera would have an excuse to persecute the Eruset. In the eyes of the imperial court it was genius. New land to claim for their own or a reason to pursue these magic using subhumans.
The captain of the voyage, Tulio Picael Abroneen, was aware of the risks and the reasons of this mission. He wouldn't fail his superiors. Nor would he fail his crew. For most of the voyage he sat locked away in his quarters sorting letters and whittling. There was nothing to do on the ship and that irked him. The only place that had any work to do was below decks with the subhumans and while he needed to work, he couldn't stand the noises they made. Some wouldn't stop whining and others didn't even speak a tangible language. The others could go down there, he'd be delighted if they did, but sharing a space with them wasn't something he was going to do willingly.

Today was unlike the others for Tulio. He'd put aside his most recent project, a small statue of a deer, in favour of walking the deck and taking in the sun. Stealing his attention were two of his crew members leaning on the railings of the ship talking about the hulk. He'd seen ships its equal once or twice before though none so dedicated to the soul purpose of people transportation. Many of the ships its size were nothing more than transports or the ships of very successful merchants. In his eyes, the best way to move people was via a fleet of many smaller ships with flagships to help coordinate efforts. With the waterborne nature of Athera it was logical to have many ships ranging in size. Especially those that transported valuables like consumables or minerals.
He ascends approaches the two talking crewmen and looks out towards the water. They weren't wrong about seeing something. "Caius. Vitallia."
Captain." They respond in sync with one another. "What do you think that is? My copper lies with kelp. Vit blames magic." Caius asks looking at the water intently. Tulio places his hands on the rails and looks out towards the water with a blank expression. His brows twitch slightly as the shimmers appear both too melodic for magic and too erratic for kelp. He strums his fingers and watches as the shadows grow larger and smaller. "Fish maybe?" He pauses a second to think over his answer. "It's a magic island, right? Makes sense they'd have magic fish." Caius and Vitallia let out small and somewhat nervous laughs at the idea of magic fish but grow quiet as all of their eyes remain fixed on the shapes. "It's getting... bigger." Vitallia takes a step back and keeps her eye fixed on the water. Caius swallows hard as the hulk appears to collide with something from beneath. "Orders captain?"

Silence washes over the crew as enormous tentacles erupt from the waters. Its tendrils wrap around the hulk and snap its main mast in half with little effort. A beast of this size was only suppose to exist in legend and even then those legends stated that all of them were hunted into extinction by the ancient heroes of the old gods. Pharai the Calmer of Seas, was the demigod's name. Hunter of leviathans and eternal warden of the seas. Tulio begins to question the nature of the beast and his nation's history all within a few seconds. If left undisturbed he could remain there for hours. Unfortunately for Tulio he doesn't get that luxury. The small Eruset begins screaming at the navigator about going around the back of the leviathan.
He couldn't trust the Eruset to understand this beast. She might be a native to the island but these seas weren't her own. They were as wild as any other. None could tame the seas and its beasts. Not to mention the beasts own tentacles protruded from its back. Going behind it would put the whole ship in the way of the monster's "Ignore that order, helsman! Hard port, all hands ready! Caius, ready our cannons." He turns around and points to a handful of crewmen who appeared as awe struck as he was only a few seconds ago. "Head down to the cannons and help them load. Don't fire until my order!" He begins a light jog over to were one of the many ropes of the ship were tied and begins to pull on it as to change the direction of the sails so that they might catch more wind. "The rest of you know what to do! Core preserve us."
Fukurou Taka, or simply Taka as he insisted everyone call him in an attempt to mimic their culture, clung to the side of the massive ship wishing for it all to end. The way the ship, massive as it was, rocked with the waves made his stomach do flips. If he had both his wings he'd be able to escape this misery for a short while. But he didn't, thanks to those infernal Drow. If he ever found them again... He brooding was interrupted as he breakfast made a reappearance. He had just started to keep everything down to. Well, guess he was wrong about that.

So deep in his misery was Taka, that he did not notice the growing shadow beneath the ship until it was to late. As a tentacle burst from the water, the Yokai stumbled back in surprise. His sea sickness forgotten, he scrambles back from the railing, awestruck at the creature that had showed itself. "Impossible" he whispered breathlessly as one gargantuan tentacle snapped the main mast like it was a twig. "Gods preserve us." he continued as he heard shouts to gather. Gather? Oh yes, what a great idea, get everyone together so the beast doesn't have to take to many bites. But his legs moved in their own, and he was pressed against others as they all gathered around a girl with a massive flag. 'Oh how I hope you have a plan.' He thought, glad Buras wasn't manifested to give his two cents.
Tordahov couldn't believe it, he was able to secure a ship for his remaining tribe members to a new continent. Granted it was on the ship with all the prisoners and slaves but, beats being captured by the mages. Seeing these poor prisoners and slaves Tordahov couldn't help being reminded of his tribesmen. Looking around further Tordahov couldn't help but also notice the terrible quality of the quarters. The room was dark, smelled, and no matter how hard his tribesman and himself cleaned it would always come back. Now the darkness wasn't much of a deal for kobolds like them but, the smell and lack of sanitation was killer on their senses.

A smaller Kobold hatched from the same clutch as he approached him for conversation in their native tongue. "Tordahov! You said there would be shinies and security that we had longed for these past years. Yet, all I see are us hungry, battered by foul smells, and stuck in wood! These are not what you promised Tordahov...and along with that the only shinies are your orbs." Turning to the Kobold Todahov laid a calming hand on their shoulder before addressing them "I know your worries Bahk, truthfully this is not what I expected as well. However, what it lacks in the promise it makes up for its security. We are now far away from those mages who took our homes. The very same mages who enslaved our tribesmen took our shinies and killed us to what we have here. So I say we stick it out for a little longer then we can set off far away from these humans." An aquamarine scaled Kobold would stand up to question Tordahov "This doesn't seem much better than being captured by the mages. At least then we would be fed and allowed to live in our mountain. Also, the Mages wouldn't have even shown up if you hadn't have left the mountain! This is all your fault Tordahov!” An unusually large kobold with electric blue scales decided this was the perfect time for his two cents “I think we should all calm down and think this through. Either we run and die or we are enslaved and die. I personally do not want to be enslaved and forced to mine in our own home for others. So going to a new continent doesn’t seem all that bad.” After speaking his peace the other Kobolds calmed down. “Your concerns are noted Keeta and thank you Rathsy. Now I have some food I swiped off with my golems. It’s not much but it’ll have to do for now.” Gathering up his fellow Tribesmen he did a headcount before distributing what little food he could acquire for the tribe.

After they finished their inadequate meal, Tordahov would begin to recite the ancestral stories of old to keep morale high among the tribe. While reciting the tale of, Drakmelp the Trap Master, a tremor passed through the boat. This tremor roused all from the Kobolds to the captives from their despairing silence. Everyone looked around and questioned this phenomenon before it would happen again, this time accompanied by the screams of those above deck. Before anyone could question any further the sound of something big breaching the water was heard followed by a loud roar. Panic and fear set into the cell area as everyone braced for whatever may happen next. Tordahov, however, was looking for a way to break the door to escape with his tribe.
Soma kept shouting till her voice went horse, that’s where Yusui took over for her his loud booming voice commanded the entire ship when he said something you were going to listen. The biggest mouth he’d ever seen stretching out wide and bellowed as if to challenge Yusui, the ocean itself seemed to give into it as the waves started to form, crashing into the ship rocking it violently. Vikky the young alchemist turned explorer was the first of the expeditionary force to arrive by Soma and Yusui, but they were far behind a lot of the actual crew and other members. They trickled in quickly like the tides that were crashing into their boat the violent rocking flung others off the boat entirely, Soma made a silent prayer they could survive by just swimming to shore. Tentacles were wrapping around sections of the ship obviously thinking it was a living creature with a platoon of smaller morsels riding it, with it distracted the way it was survival became something more based in reality instead of a concept. However, wood and metal aren't very meaty or tasty, to begin with, so it monster turned its attention to those running around along the ship. Piling in one after another as pieces of the ship was torn asunder wooden planks and glass windows were ripped apart with the force of a thousand armies. Soma looked around making sure people were getting to them fast enough, but in the middle of her headcount Yusui forced her attention up, it was going to drive its mouth right into them.
“How do we fight such a monster?” Yusui questioned readying his hammer looking up at the gaping jaws of death that would soon be running head first into them.

“You don’t fight it!” She screamed clapping her hands together, then spreading them out with her palms open, causing a bubble to form around everyone “You survive it”

Now the monster's mouth was impressive, to say the least, but the bubble was too big for it to swallow whole becoming lodged in its jaw between the sharp teeth. They were trapped between its gaping maw and Soma could feel the force from all angles and tried to hold on, it went into the water and swam down as deep as it could; screaming and panic was all that could be heard as the bubble shield was hit against what felt like the very bottom of the ocean.

“Hang on everyone!” Yusui yelled, trying to get his bearing looking down this beast’s throat that stretched on into oblivion. “Can you do it Soma?!” he turned back, all their lives were in her hands and the strength of this shield.

It continued to bash its head into various rocks causing poor Soma immense pain, she screamed in agony keeping her eyes shut tight to concentrate putting her entire being into keeping the bubble from popping usually she couldn’t feel the pain of the shield unless it was broken, the continent was already doing strange things with her magic. The Leviathan curved itself upward and rushed to the water’s surface, twisted itself around and forcefully dislodged the bubble barrier from its mouth, sending the entire crew flying towards the land. Like a meteorite striking the planet’s surface, they crashed into the beach with a massive thud instantly popping the shield causing Soma to pass out instantly.

Meanwhile back on the surface, the water turned to wild waves that kicked up and smashed against the prison boat causing it violently rock while it sailed away from the impact zone getting pelted by loose debris from the main boat.

“You godforsaken idiot the creature only attacks from the front!” Croma screamed again stabbing a knife into the wooden planks of the boat keep herself rooted.

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