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Futuristic ıllıllı PANDOSIA FELL ıllıllı

"Nothing much doctor, just a wee big laceration on the shoulder."

Barry quipped, almost in a whimsical manner, as if the damage he was just dealt with contained little to no severity, but in all seriousness, the cut was rather deep, nothing he hadn't faced before, but the pain was excruciatingly awful. He took hold of the doctor's support, finding no need to refuse a bit of help. He took quick view of what was behind him, only to notice Adrienne, the priestess around these parts. Now, this wouldn't be a real possible situation if he hadn't been that keen on reading extra fillers, he barely knew anyone around these parts. He took note of her bare feet, before turning back to the doctor.

"Doctor, there's the priestess over there, she's gone crazy, runnin' on bare feet, I knew she'd have some run in with the asylum, some day or the other."

He stated, with an obvious fact that he was barely on focus here, being quite distracted by the numerous patients, damn it, he was one fine lucky man to not receive some old school disfiguring from a wacko. Said wacko didn't survive all so well.

Luck was on his side, or so be thought.

The hospital itself was neatly designed, and furnished, yet the atmosphere itself didn't suit properly, to just about everything the hospital possessed. It was, for the current moment being, a valley of dread. And a bit of suffering. The doctors were all understaffed in terms of the number of people that flooded in.

It would be only a matter of time before the entire hospital and infrastructure was broken down by a mob of angry, untreated patients. But it'd be a better death than dying in his sleep, so the first thing he should do, and he's not sure about it yet, is to be grateful that he didn't die in his sleep, not today he didn't. Even if the fact itself is inevitable, since there's always a chance of him dying in his sleep, which was a thought he treated with extreme prejudice and caution.


Ellis takes a moment to gingerly nurse his light wounds, though he stops upon feeling a slight creak in the floorboards. Hands fly to his back, pulling a small metal disk from the hidden pocket. With a flick of his wrist the disc expands, forming into a long metal shiv. His hands grip the cool aluminium handle, a strange contrast from his warm flesh though mentally reassuring. The young man feels his heart rate increase as he rearranges his legs to slowly lift him up, though just enough so that he was still hidden by the shop's low lying shelves. The dust on the floor crinkles against his boots and a wry smile stretches across his face when he sees the edge of a fuzzy shadow round the corner, followed by a seemingly nervous man with half a wrench in hand. The man's lips move, forming words, though Ellis is just out of earshot. He extends one of his legs in one quick motion, sweeping the store owner off of his feet.
The doctor turned back, looking up from the medchart to the officer's shoulder, staring critically. "You'd be a better liar if the truth weren't carved out of your own skin. Come on, let's get you tended to." Alistair was careful to keep a professional but compassionate tone. Law enforcement was a common sight in medical facilities, but not often as patients, and the doctor fully planned on taking advantage of the situation. Anything to get a good word in with the local government.

Alistair filled out the form hurriedly, to his best approximations, asking the officer the required questions: height, weight, previous illnesses, all the while giving him an almost apologetic look. Once the basic questioning was done, he opened the hallway door leading to the operating rooms. "Come on then. You can tell me exactly what happened while we walk." He looked out into the crowd, scanning for a light frame and angelic features, another thing he wouldn't mind
taking advantage of, were he a good seventy years younger. His prosthetics may be good, but they aren't that good. "Priestess! We need your assistance back here, it's quite urgent!"
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With a quiet whirring sound, the machine blinked back into 'life'. In reality, it was a simple switch from sleep mode to active, but it physically just looked as though he awoke from a deep sleep. Abraham stood, running the fingers of his endoskeleton through his beard. Abraham stepped into the hallway, eyes scanning over the masses of people who sat in waiting. There was nothing he could do to help these people as of now. But as he looked through the faces, he couldn't help but feel something for them. It was always the same, no matter the facility. Fear, sorrow, anger. Things he didn't completely understand as a machine.

But the thoughts of emotion were changed as he saw the doctor heading hurriedly down the hall, a wounded man in tow. Abraham had never formally met the good doctor, and he figured now was... not the best time. He would decide to keep introductions for later. His instructions were to only assist if specifically asked or if it was gravely needed when it came to scenarios like this. The man was bleeding, yes, but it wasn't as if he was now missing a limb or going into extreme anaphylactic shock. So the nurse continued down the hallway, leaving the group to their own devices.
"W-Where..." Ilyich awoke to the far off sounds of the industrial complexes and the monotonous clamoring the countless denizens of Central Pandosia whilst his eyes remained fixated on the cobblestone streets littered with trash and spare parts instead of the bright lights as they were just an eye sore for the disgruntled detective.

Upon further examination of his surrounding and current circumstance Ilyich realized three things. First was the fact he could not just abruptly leave his companions without causing a scene as he was being dragged through the streets by two detectives as if he were being hauled off to the Bighouse for drunken misconduct and coupled with his attire he may as well put up a sign on his back with the word criminal all over it. Second was he was rather hungry despite the fact that he was on the verge of vomiting on his companions minutes ago and the fact that they just passed a pleasant looking bakery doesn't help ease his hunger. Lastly he was presumably being taken to a hospital at central rather than the province hospital which made this his circumstance somewhat bearable. Taking these three things into account he resigned himself to the horrid fate of placing his well being on the hands of androids most of which could become aberrant at any point.

"I can walk from here and also next time you drag me around whilst I am unconscious can you please change my clothing so that I will look more so a detective and less so a criminal" Ilyich abruptly released himself from his co-workers hold over him and made minor adjustment to his appearance and made a small effort to cover his bruises as to make himself somewhat presentable then promptly check his pockets for his belongings, which of course was still intact, before he entered the hospital.

Inside the hospital was much like his place of work as it was also rather busy though unlike the offices the smell of the dead wasn't as obvious nor in such poor conditions however this was to be expected. What was not expected was the priestess who looked rather lost, the officer which presumably was presumably wounded as a doctor was heading towards him with a medchart computer in tow, and a humanoid android nurse that seemed to be in a daze whilst its peers continued to work without missing a bit which was rather peculiar. Trusting his instincts he approached the nurse and slight exaggerated his injuries a little bit to make himself more noticeable to the android.

"Hey Nurse, Nurse?" Ilyich called out to Ray as he held his dislocated elbow close to him and carefully gauged the android's response carefully.
Scribbly said:
Lingering at the street corner a moment longer, Jaelyn tried to find a few points of reference in order to be able to find the alley, the gate and her way back into the Palace again when she'd return. Little did she know that - with her lack of experience outdoors - soon every street, house and corner would be looking quite the same to her. After all, it had taken her weeks to locate the hidden doorway again and that was inside the Palace where she'd grown up at. Promising herself she would just walk in one direction down the street only, then just turn around to walk back, Jaelyn checked the time on the pocket watch she was carrying once more before tucking it into one of her coat's pockets.
Looking around her rather than in front of her, the Heiress glanced around in wonder. She passed a few shops, stopping to check out the merchandise here and there. So caught up in the buildings that surrounded her, she didn't notice the man walking up towards her and jumped when he spoke up. Was it that apparent that she didn't belong? Her pale cheeks flushed under the hood as she looked up at the brown haired stranger and almost let out a giggle at the sight. It
was a man, or was it? The way he had his hair done - pulled back in a ponytail - was unfamiliar to her, as all her Servants and Guards would have the same, short haircut. Ponytails were reserved for women, and even then the younger ones. Female Servants at the Palace wore their hair in a bun. He seemed well-dressed though and Jaelyn made a courteous bow as she'd been taught. "Good day, Sir." she greeted the other, though uncertain of how she should behave, "That would be very kind."

A nervous energy ran through her as she looked over her shoulder down to where she'd come from - thinking she recognized the dark outlines of the alley. Thinking quickly, she knew she shouldn't tell him where exactly she was from. Maybe she could, however, tell him she was the niece of a shop owner of the clothing shop she just passed, out in the Upper District by herself for the very first time.

location: Upper District - tagged:

@Shadow Dancer

Marcus heard the woman's giggle and replied with a grin, "I see you noticed the ponytail, I say it goes great with my outfit better then messy hair ever would in fact, and maybe one day it will be mainstream fashion with me at the helm. Men with long hair and ponytails walking the streets and you can say that you met the man that started it all." Marcus dramatically proclaimed all the while keeping a grin.

"In all seriousness it is nice to meet you as well ma'am." Marcus tipped his head. "Name's Marcus, any idea of where you want to go?"
The surgery is relatively quick. The cut was deep, but spared nerves and bone, and an augment wasn't needed. After putting the officer under, Alistair reattached muscle and closed the wound.

Within an hour, Alistair discharged the officer back into the lobby with stitches and a wrapped shoulder. He gave a final look at the officer, then at his papers, before looking up to the officer. "Alright. I'm charging this straight to your department, so you'd better have a good word in for me when you go back." He laughs, then turns, searching for the nearest nurse. "Who do I have to cut up next?"
His explanation didn't wash away the amused expression and sparkle in Jaelyn's eyes. It was doubtful for the man to ever found a fashion trend, unlike the young woman he was standing with. If Jaelyn would do her hair differently, women of the Palace Staff would notice and set their daughters up with the same hairdo. "Of course." she smiled at the man, his grin rather contagious.

Marcus. Jaelyn nodded as she registered the fact, his next question catching her off guard. She really had no idea, no idea at all. "Take me to your most favored place in the city." she boldly requested, "Please."

location: Upper District - tagged:

@Shadow Dancer

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Scribbly said:
His explanation didn't wash away the amused expression and sparkle in Jaelyn's eyes. It was doubtful for the man to ever found a fashion trend, unlike the young woman he was standing with. If Jaelyn would do her hair differently, women of the Palace Staff would notice and set their daughters up with the same hairdo. "Of course." she smiled at the man, his grin rather contagious.
Marcus. Jaelyn nodded as she registered the fact, his next question catching her off guard. She really had no idea, no idea at all. "Take me to your most favored place in the city." she boldly requested, "Please."
Marcus thought for a bit remembering the many places he had been in the upper district when a place came to mind "Yes I think I have an idea of where to go." Marcus gestured for Jaelyn to follow him and he led Jaelyn down several streets to a courtyard. The courtyard was framed by several hedges and flowers arranged in a square with an opening on each side giving a direct view of a large fountain several feet in diameter carved from white stone decorated with several animals and at the top stood a miniature crystal sculpture of the city. The area was quiet absent from civilians going about their daily business instead only a few groups stood nearby talking. "Well here we are one of my favorite places in the upper district. I believe it is called Pandosia square for the obvious reason of the fountain's crystal replica of the city of Pandosia itself."
Tightening her coat around her and pushing its hood up slightly to be able to look around a little better, Jaelyn waited for the stranger -Marcus- to make up his mind. When he'd figured where to go, the young woman beamed and walked with him. Her sense for danger limited by the way she was raised - always surrounded by her Guards - the thought never even crossed her mind that Marcus in fact could have bad intentions, or at least not always be the helpful man he seemed to be.

Even the streets they passed on their way to the square were something Jaelyn had never seen, and she kept glancing around in wonder - albeit she tried to hide her amazement from her company. The sight of the plaza, however, brought her to an abrupt halt and she stared at the fountain up ahead, taking in all its features and details. It looked beautiful. Of course she'd seen statues and sculptures before, the Pandosian Palace counted many of those. But the way the water made the fountain sparkle and bring to life, it was unlike anything Jaelyn had ever seen.
"Who's the artist?" she inquired her newfound friend, hoping he would know. With cautious steps, she started walking around the fountain, following the hedges lined up around, to look at the stone decoration at all sides. But with her current behavior, she was drawing the attention of the people around. Attention her companion might not be too keen on.

"This is such a nice place." Jaelyn spoke, whirling around to look at Marcus with a wide smile. "Can we take a seat for a moment?" She gestured at one of the benches close to the hedge. "And then you'll have to tell me more about yourself and the first time you saw this fountain. It is beautiful, isn't it?"

location: Pandosia Square - tagged:

@Shadow Dancer

"Sure." Marcus sat on the bench gesturing for Jaelyn to sit next to him, seeing little harm in staying for awhile he made sure to keep his suitcase close. "I honestly do not know the artist but as for the first time I saw this place it was night and I was walking around like I tend to do. I live in the Middle district but it is not a far walk from here. Now what about me do you want to know?"

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