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Multiple Settings I'll Just Leave This Here....(Looking for Overwatch/RWBY: Updated as of 7/1)

Elekta Kount

Da Warboss

Your WAAAGHing neighborhood ork here! I do enjoy 1x1 and I figured I'd make one of these eventually, and I'm not even necessarily looking for a partner right now(Still, feel free to pm me if your intreasted), I'm just making this thread to put here if I ever want to look for someone.
So, of course, some stuff we oughta go over:
-A little about myself, I have recently turned 19 and am in college, I have been writing roleplays since I was in early middle school, so do the math on how long I've been roleplaying, but short version is I've been roleplaying for a long time.
-My time zone is PST, if it affects anything at all. I might reply a bit later if we are in different time zones.
-I do tend to try to reply everyday, as often as I can. If I don't or you have somthing to say, feel free to pm me either through discord or RpN.
-I actually do prefer playing males, although I am currently giving females a try, though I can't say I am 100% comfortable, nevertheless I strive to try new things. Though there are some instances where I will be less comfortable, but i will let you know if that's the case. This means I do prefer MXF, but...and this is a BIG butt...if the plot sounds good enough...I might consider doing MxM, although it might also exclusively be in a modern setting.

-Writing length, I’m not too picky, I get it if we’re busy in life and sometimes we can only shoot off a few lines, that’s fine. I prefer at least one paragraph, but I’m fine if you wanna keep it that way, I do prefer to go back and forth and keep things to a paragraph or two allows me to respond faster. That said, I don’t mind longer post lengths, I’ll do my best to keep up, but I may take a bit more time to respond, as I prefer sitting in front of a computer and thinking up a good response(though I will at least try to post daily).
-Again, I prefer romance, but, I don't mind rping a platonic or camaraderie rp, I actually have some ideas of plots that are more of this.
-I am more then capable of doubling, even tripling or quad(as some of you know), so let me know if you wanna do multiple characters or even multiple instances rps.
-Also, I don’t mind brain storming so let me know! But I would prefer if you had somthing from me to do! I live ya serve!
-I am very flexible in my rp, granted I will request some things of you, but I will always ask for your consent on any ideas I have.
-I prefer rping either on RpN or on Discord. Discord name: Elekta Kound#3432 (Feel free to add me!)
-Feel free to ask me for any kind of pairing or ideas you want!

-If you’ve become dis intreasted an rp or me, please let me know! Don’t leave me hanging!
Most of these pairings I present ar more often then not guidelines, and thus I’m open to any alterations you got for me.
-I will always be updating this list.
-I'd ask you to pm please! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Now, onto the meat of this!
Quick Note on Layout:
If I have both characters bolded, I'm fine with playing either roles.
If I have a character bolded, then that's the role I want to play
X is for pairings
- Is for adventure together, although if you want we can also makes this a paring
* Is for somthing I'm currently craving for.
** is somthing I really wanna do.

Half of a Team X Half of a Team
Qrow X Summer
Raven X Tai

Blake X Sun
Weiss X Neptune
OC X Anyone
Anyone X Anyone

Ruby - OC (Little Red Riding Hood)

-Anyone from Talon
Pharah X OC*
X Mercy
Bridgett X OC*
D.Va x
Junkrat X Symmetra

FemBritian X France*
FemJapan X America
FemPrussia X Canada
FemRomano X Spain


Warhammer Fantasy:
Empire X Empire

Empire X Bretonnia
High Elf-High Elf

Warhammer 40k:
Imperial Guard X Imperial Guard
Catachan X Cadian
Space Marine
X Imperial Guard
Space Wolves - Dark Angels
Space Marine - Space Marine
Tau X Tau

Tau X Farsight Enclave
X Imperial Guard

Inquisitor-Rogue Trader

Rainbow Six Siege
Doc X Caveira
Kapkan X Frost
Any Operator X Any Operator

Lone Wanderer X Lone Wanderer's Partner**

Valkyrie Chronicles
Marina Wulfstan X OC

Avatar the Last Airbender
Toph X OC

Star Wars
Clone Trooper X Jedi
Smuggler X Rebel Cell
Rebel X Imperial Traitor

Elsa X Guard Captain
X Anna

Team Fortress 2
Soldier - Demonan
Heavy - Medic
Pyro - Engineer
Half of RED team - Half of BLU Team (Mann vs Machine)

Multiverse RP(I’ll list the characters I’m willing to play!)
Rico Rodriguez(Just Cause)
Lo Wang(Shadow Warriors 2)

(Let me know if there’s any character ye wanna play!)​

Gunpowder/Medieval Fantasy
Victorian Era
Anime High School
Modern War
Modern Era

Captain Prince X Warrior Princess
Prince X Princess
Soldier X Warrior
Master X Slave
X Recently Enalaved Warrior
Soldier X Soldier(Fantasy/Modern Day/Sci-fi)
US Paratrooper/British SAS X French Resistance
X Senpai(Normal/Tsundere/Yandere)**
Roommate X Roomate
X Western Character of Your Choosing
Pirate X Pirate

Police X Theif (Victorian)
Mother X Father (A fantasy plot)

Dwarf - Elf
Captive X Guard
Agent X Agent

Women X Single Father(Fantasy/Modern)
Nerd Wingman Bro
- Jock Bro
Escorting Soldier X
X Warrior/Knight*
Master Wizard Mentor
- Wizard Apprentice

Witch Hunter - Demon Child
Greenskin - Injured Elf

Mech Pilot X Mech Navigator/Gunner
Superhero X Superhero(Cloning Superhero)
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Love a few of these!! Along with modern darker stories!
If maybe you’d still wanna write let me know!

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