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Fantasy ~Ill Advised Thoughts~ CS


Senior Member
This is where we shall put our characters, all powers have to have an aspect of paranormal to it. Nothing to strong like world breaking or reality controlling. I will tell you if you need to tame your characters at all.
Afflicted CS
Power: can only have this if your character has been infected by a Hollow, also have to be paranormal and a bit creepy)
watchmen level: ranges from 1-5, only two spots for 5. anything level 5 is apocalyptic. and will be overseen by me. if you want a rank 5 spot,pm me!!)
Flaws: (at least three)
Strengths: (at least three)

Watchmen CS
WETool: (pick a weapon of your choice, this weapon will be enhanced to be able to cut through and damage hollow's easier. as well as Afflicted. pm me about this as well.)
Flaws: (at least three)
Strengths: (at least three)


Name: Nyx Valuir
Age: 18
nyx is a quiet boy, who tends to leave a lonely life. Trying his best to stay out of people's way and out of their hair. Although, something inside of him always pushes him to act whenever he hears someone cry or sees someone in trouble or need. He is a listener, tending to wait until the conversation dies down to speak up or give his piece of the conversation. The subjects he usually chooses to talk about or ones he feels strongly about, and his opinion is usually or never moved by another. He truly yearns to have friends and have someone to love, but his past has taught him to be wary and afraid of such emotions. Emotions that can be broken so easily.
Dark Stellar Manipulation
User can create, shape and manipulate the stellar energy/matter of a darker, detrimental nature; that which damages, destroys, and consumes anything/everything they come across, representing the hazardous destructive side of stars, which in turn ignores most of the limitations and weaknesses of the stellar energy/matter. In essence, this is about solely controlling the negative powers of stars.
This power slowly kills Nyx as he uses it, as he has yet to learn how to control it

watchmen level:5


Bio: Nyx's memory all begin during the first day of the outbreak, With a women in black standing over him and smiling gently, before whispering his name to him, leaning down and kissing him on the cheek. a burst of energy from the lady entered nyx's body, causing him to pass out. when he awoke she was gone. Although nyx is 18, due to his amnesia he acts a bit younger then he is. this caused him to roam around the empty city's with fruitless abandon and child like curiosity. He traveled alone and encountered nothing but empty houses and dead body's. this lasted for about four months, his scavenging and traveling finally led him to a settlement of people outside of the city mcminnville, in oregon. The settlement was made up of people who were either infected and hadn't changed yet, or were immune. people kept to themselves in this settlement, and rarely talked to each other, although an old man of the name "Jeremiah" took Nyx under his wing. The two rarely talked, but the old man would some times travel to the city, and always warned Nyx never to do so.
Flaws: (at least three)
~weak willed
Strengths: (at least three)
~Open minded
~good at scavenging
~loud people
~people who get angry quickly
~feeling alone

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