Other If you had a chance, would you rather...?


Tomato Goddess
1. Go back in time and "re-start" your life with all your current memories intact?


2. Stay in your present time, but have an unlimited supply of money?

For me, I'd definitely go back in time. I'd force myself to pay more attention in school, be kinder to everyone I met, never take a specific job, etc.
I'd choose to stay in this time and have unlimited money. Going back with all my current memories would only allow me to "fix" or avoid some situations. For me personally, there isn't anything so drastic that I feel I need it to change. I like who I've become because of the things in my past, so even the hard parts, I don't want to change. Everyone involved has learned something from those things and were shaped because of them. If only I retained the lessons from those, and then changed them for others, it would be wrong. If I had an unlimited supply of money, I could make a real difference in the current world. I could really make a real change for lots of people, instead of just a select few from my past. Besides, things can be fixed from the past, if only you take the initiative to fix them. No need to restart to make amends, speak what's on your mind, let go and heal, etc.
Personally, I would go with the first option: Going back in time and restarting my life.

While money would be great, a lot of my friends knowing I need it, I feel like with my current memories intact I could expand my mind and get a small job earlier on. Whether programming, drawing, designing... It would be a small income, but that's better than nothing. Along with that, I, myself, have several regrets. Numerous. I've actually caught myself wishing I could do this very thing. I wouldn't mind going through the struggles again. I'd just have liked to be brighter, more straightforward, and kinder.

Instead of having the problems I have now, I would like to start a new and work towards the person I've always wanted to be. In my mind, I would like to be modest. Simply, I'm not. I know I'm not. But also, I would like to be a good leader - kind, protective, cunning, selfless...

I'm not really any of those either, at least not to myself. At times, I'm selfish, cold-hearted. At others, dense. Some say it's only human, but I can't except that answer. There's one thing I know, you can't be a hero from a book, but you can act like one. Changing such small things, like the way you introduce yourself, can make someone think completely different about you. I want people to think differently about me. I'd like to stand out. Maybe even be noticed from the crowd, but not for how I look. Not for what situation I am in. Just because I'm supportive, reassuring, or just fun to be around.
poppet said:
I'd choose to stay in this time and have unlimited money. Going back with all my current memories would only allow me to "fix" or avoid some situations. For me personally, there isn't anything so drastic that I feel I need it to change. I like who I've become because of the things in my past, so even the hard parts, I don't want to change. Everyone involved has learned something from those things and were shaped because of them. If only I retained the lessons from those, and then changed them for others, it would be wrong. If I had an unlimited supply of money, I could make a real difference in the current world. I could really make a real change for lots of people, instead of just a select few from my past. Besides, things can be fixed from the past, if only you take the initiative to fix them. No need to restart to make amends, speak what's on your mind, let go and heal, etc.
Wow. I love your outlook on life! I assumed most people would choose unlimited money for their own selfish desires, but you made an unexpected point of trying to help other people with the money. I like that.

"It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that gives life flavor." -Resetti (AC:WW)
Cur said:
Personally, I would go with the first option: Going back in time and restarting my life.
While money would be great, a lot of my friends knowing I need it, I feel like with my current memories intact I could expand my mind and get a small job earlier on. Whether programming, drawing, designing... It would be a small income, but that's better than nothing. Along with that, I, myself, have several regrets. Numerous. I've actually caught myself wishing I could do this very thing. I wouldn't mind going through the struggles again. I'd just have liked to be brighter, more straightforward, and kinder.

Instead of having the problems I have now, I would like to start a new and work towards the person I've always wanted to be. In my mind, I would like to be modest. Simply, I'm not. I know I'm not. But also, I would like to be a good leader - kind, protective, cunning, selfless...

I'm not really any of those either, at least not to myself. At times, I'm selfish, cold-hearted. At others, dense. Some say it's only human, but I can't except that answer. There's one thing I know, you can't be a hero from a book, but you can act like one. Changing such small things, like the way you introduce yourself, can make someone think completely different about you. I want people to think differently about me. I'd like to stand out. Maybe even be noticed from the crowd, but not for how I look. Not for what situation I am in. Just because I'm supportive, reassuring, or just fun to be around.
You also make good points. Maybe we can't change the past, but we all have the power to shape our futures and the impressions we leave on others. When one-hundred years have gone by and we're all dead and gone, maybe nobody will remember us in the way that we would like, but at least we can die knowing we've done good in life, you know?
^_^ I'd love to have a bigger home, don't get me wrong. Living easy without having to worry about bills would be fantastic. But I'm not materialistic. If I had an unlimited supply of money, I could do soooo much for other people. With that said, I wouldn't want to enable anyone either. Can't build a house for someone who doesn't want to work to pay the bills kind of thing, you know? But imagine all the kids you could feed and teach to live off the land, or a skill to make money. Water systems you could give to 3rd world countries. Animals you could save. Schools you could invest in. Science you could invest in. Parents you could dote on. Y'know? All the things, lol.
If I had to choose, I'd definitely go back in time. Reliving my bad childhood with knowledge of the world and the smarts of an adult as a kid would totally turn the tables on my classmates and my parents. Not that my childhood was the best, but I'd love to go back to a time where I was small and innocent, or at least it looked like it, and to relive the memories that are long forgotten.


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