IC Thread - Week One


permanent iishanten
Roleplay Type(s)
[SIZE= 14.6667px]W E L C O M E to the school of d r e a m s. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]But it’s f u n n y how many people quit h e r e.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Dreams are hard to achieve, aren’t they?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Will y o u dare to keep g o i n g?[/SIZE]

Beginning Prompt

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]It was a normal day for most of Seoul. However, for these students, it was special. This day would mark their fate. Would they survive through the new year and grow successful? Or would they be so tormented that they had to drop out and abandon their dreams? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]It was awhile until first period began, but a few students wanted to be early. Maybe to finish that summer reading project they procrastinated on or to meet up with the friends they haven’t seen all break. That being said, not too many were there yet, meaning the students who [/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]were[/SIZE][SIZE=18.666666666666664px] there had enough time to hang out and maybe meet new people.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.666666666666664px]First period begins in forty-five minutes. What will you do until then?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Don't post until first post is up.[/SIZE]
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/*Using so the format can be adjusted to tablet and mobile.*/ /*for the big banner*/ #lkbanner{margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width:80%;} /*for the picture and orange bubblse*/ #lksidebar{float:left; z-index:2; } /*for the OOC information over picture*/ #lktexthover {z-index:3; position:absolute; opacity:0;} #lktexthover:hover, #lktexthover:focus {opacity:100} /*for post content*/ .lkcontent{ width:77%; border-left:100px double #000; box-sizing: content-box; position:relative; } /*for orange bubbles*/ .bubble#b1 {float:right;} .bubble#b2 {float:left;} /*For tablet so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 790px){ .lkcontent{ border-left:50px solid #000; } .bubble#b1, .bubble#b2 {float:right;} } /*For mobile so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 400px){ #lkbanner{ text-align:center; margin-top:-50px; z-index:3; width:100%;} #lksidebar{float:none; text-align:center;z-index:1;} .bubble{display:none;} /*Bubbles aren't displayed because they look messy on mobile*/ .lkcontent{ width:100%; border-left:30px solid #000; height:500px; overflow:auto; box-sizing: border-box; } }


English // W206-B2

Interacting With:



Playful // Excited






Joo Hyung ∞

Collaboration with @MaverickPun

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]A certain brown haired boy strolled through the halls of the school, hands in his pocket and a simple gray bag slung over his right shoulder. His face held a blank expression as he passed by the many students—who, as they noticed his approach, made way for him, as if he was an important figure... A king, if you will. It wasn’t anything new. It was something the other students found themselves doing because of their apparent “lower status”. Why, though? Why did they do such a thing? One could only blame the members of F4, probably the four most popular boys in the entire school. They had the qualities of kings, yet they were young like princes. Whenever people saw them, they would think of them as royalty, like kings. They [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]were [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]kings. Kings who were loved by most and despised by few. Those few were either plagued by the sin of Envy itself or filled with silent, or maybe not to silent rage. Why were they so perfect? What makes them so much better than anyone else–What made them seem so confident in themselves, and in a few occasions, beyond cocky to the extent where others would feel completely crushed when around them?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]But looking at JooHyung, arguably the more invisible member of the four, he seemed like he just didn’t care. The boy was and still is seen invading his friends’ personal space like it was no big deal, and it seemed as if he was trying to annoy them, to test their patience–but despite always having a blunt and somewhat callous look on his face, one that seemed as if he was looking down on everyone, JooHyung was actually looking forwards to this thing called school. He was looking forward to the new year, and reuniting with his friends after spending his break in Japan. He was looking to meet more friends. Yes, JooHyung actually [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]liked[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] the idea of being friends with everyone rather than staying with the same popular crew.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Upon reaching the second floor, he immediately spotted his homeroom class, English—his worst subject. Letting an inaudible sigh escape his thin, pink lips, the teenaged boy headed over and quietly slipped inside, refraining from attracting too much attention from the very small number of students in the room. Not too many people arrive as early as he does on a daily basis, so he often took the responsibility of 'claiming' the area of which the F4 would sit, assuming he was the first one there. Their normal seats were located at the very front of the room, right in the middle of the classroom.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]However, he soon noticed that his friend, Lee YunSeong, had gotten there before he did. A small, boxy grin soon found itself on his features and he happily bounced over to the darker haired boy, pushed him out of his seat slightly so that both were only half sitting on the chair, and smothered him in a bone-crushing hug. Their cheeks were squished up against one another as JooHyung tried to get a better look at YunSeong’s phone screen. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“YunSeongie….! ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] He yawned in a childish manner. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“What’re you doing?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]The look on the elder boy’s face formed into mild irritation as he failed to escape the grip he was placed into and was struggling to flail his limbs away. It was pretty evident that Yunseong was not in a good mood due to his dislike of rising early in the day. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]”If I was a girl, I bet you’d bang me at some point, since you are pressing yourself against me ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] His tone was a bit flirty and it was obvious that he was doing it on purpose to get his space back.   [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]JooHyung huffed. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“What? No way! You’re crusty.”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] He said bluntly and repeatedly tapped on his close friend’s phone, rather obnoxiously at that, earning a short grunt from the more serious of the two. JooHyung had ended up accidentally deleting what looked like the almost completed essay for the summer reading project... Just like that, it was gone. What made matters worse was that he also clicked out of the app, ultimately meaning that YunSeong couldn’t press the undo button. [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“Oh… Oopsie. ~”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]Within a matter of seconds, the phone was snatched out of his grip as the other male made a noise of immediate disapproval, [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]“I’ll be sure to sit you through several alien documentaries for that. No breaks!”[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] Yunseong retorted while he was now seemingly lost into his cellular device with the intent in restoring what was lost.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]YunSeong was yet another member of the popular F4. Although he was only a few months older than JooHyung, the younger of the two still viewed the other as an older brother of the sorts–as someone to always mess around with, or tell his problems to. With most of the school not knowing that the two were actually very dorky behind their stuck-up and prideful exterior, they found themselves trapped, not able to reveal their true selves. Their so-called personalities had been set years ago, and it would be too big of a hassle to just [/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px]change[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] how the school saw them as. However, if anyone saw how JooHyung acted towards YunSeong, they would immediately think of a brotherly relationship. Some would even think that they’re related.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]With his cheek still pressed up against YunSeong’s, JooHyung hurriedly snatched his phone back into his own hands and attempted to fix things, but instead, he somehow made things worse by accidentally pressing on one of those shady pop-up ads that opened up a bunch of tabs just to open the app store. Although this time, the app store didn’t open, and it only created more tabs that couldn’t be closed. It was like the phone had contracted some sort of virus, if they could even contract such a thing. JooHyung was no expert in that kind of situation, but whatever was happening on the screen freaked him out, nonetheless. Whining in defeat, he quickly shut down the device and guiltily slid the phone to the edge of the desk, away from him. (this actually happened to me and nothing fixed it so I had to completely wipe my phone… Good luck Yunnie)[/SIZE]


∞ E N D ∞

[SIZE=9.333333333333332px]code by ViAdvena ~ Hover over the gif! if on Mobile, tap on it![/SIZE]
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Collab Post w/ @Reminiscent


"Thanks for noticing me there ~"

 “Are you fucking kidding me?! I just-- you know what, forget about it.” YunSeong grabbed his phone with a little bit of attitude and grunted in annoyance as he observed the screen calmly. JooHyung’s eyes widened at the worsened state of the phone and let out a repeated string of I’m so sorry’s and Oh my god’s. With a vexed sigh, the male next to him had simply held the home and lock screen button to reboot the phone to its factory state. “You are not allowed to touch it. Ever again. Got it?” YunSeong threatened lightly with a small frown on his features. All the hard word to save up all the things he had--gone. “You’re lucky that I’m lazy to get my hands on you right now.” He later added silently. He was going to have a long weekend ahead of him as he had to regain all of the things that JooHyung messed up and man, he was already bummed at the fact.

He was not able to sleep properly the night before and it was all due to his elder sister pestering him about her time in America. Now don’t get him wrong, he absolutely love his sister to death, but he was dead tired from spending late nights on space documentaries. It was something he preferred doing during his vacation and he doesn’t give a rats ass about what she thought about it.  Ji Hyun, YeoSeong’s sister, and JooHyung were the only living souls that knew about his silent obsession with aliens and he was okay with them knowing. In a way, it was own personal haven and it made him feel more connected to the ground.

With a silent exhale escaping his lips, his dark orbs were now focused on the male who was now in front of him as his thoughts were running slower than usual. He blinked once before he simply ignored his presence and opted to doze off on the desk for a bit. Leaning his head against the cool surface, he felt his mind wander off as he allowed his eyes to close. JooHyung only let his box grin take over as he stood up and inched towards his seat directly in front of YunSeong’s. 

He must’ve found himself getting very bored so he ended up waddling back over to YunSeong’s desk and shaking it back and forth. It should be known that when it’s said that he was shaking his friend’s desk, the desk isn’t just rattling around – no, its feet were being lifted off the floor and it seemed as if it was having some major problems. You could say that it was having a seizure, or that it was coming alive and trying to escape from the boy’s grasp. Nevertheless, it didn’t help that this action was making a lot of unwanted noise.

Before anyone managed to react, or understand what was going on, YunSeong had shot off from his seat and wrapped his muscular (LOL wao kinky) arms around JooHyung’s head. He was about done with the disturbances, yet, he found himself not minding at all. It actually brought a teasing smirk onto his face as he messed with the other’s hair. “You seriously can’t keep your hands off of me~” He paused, “Now you’ve got yourself into a tight spot! What are you going to do now? Hmm?~” The mocking was proceeded with a chuckle that only expressed his joy in the current predicament. 
“Are you implying that the desk I was shaking around is apart of you? I don’t remember directly touching you,” JooHyung said in a childish, yet smartass voice. “Maybe you keep saying that ‘cause you want me to touch you! You’re too crusty for me to be touching you like that!” JooHyung then whined, trying to break free of the older boy’s headlock. “And–I’m gonna break free, just you wait!” 

“How about no? My head was connected to the desk, so you were technically in my space!” YunSeong snipped back as he then began to move the younger male around to make it harder for him to escape his hold. “You don’t have a lot of muscle in you! So I don’t think that’s likely, but that’s not stopping you from trying ~” What these two boys weren’t aware of is that they were attracting the attention of many incoming students. It was a daily routine for this boys and at this point, they already knew it was bound to happen at the moment they started messing around with each other. 

OOD- Tired/Playful
BJECTIVE- Mess around with JooHyung
OCATION- English Class W206 - W2
AGS- @Reminiscent
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T H E ~C O L O R F U L ~M U S I C I A N 


Today was not a good day. Dior had been preparing herself all last week; eating healthy things, taking vitamins, going to the doctors, washing her hands, praying to any nonexistent god that for once she'd feel decent enough to not die so much during her first day of school, but she wasn't so lucky. Her body bested her diligent alarm clock in its duty to summon her from her slumber by sending her rushing to the bathroom to vomit. The single perk that came with this was the fact that she woke up an hour early, giving her enough time to find a comfy spot on one of the Jordan Brown outdoor patio chairs and draw the sunrise. 

The chiming of of her alarm clock beckoned her back inside, signaling that it was finally time for her to begin to get ready. Just before she was about to enter the bathroom her violin, sitting as pretty as ever on its stand, caught her eye. It was the Vieuxtemps Guarneri, a 273 piece of history that costed her father, mother, and grandfather around 16 million dollars. It was a congratulations gift on getting into SAPA.  Dior was convinced that her family had killed someone for it but they denied every one of her accusations and found it outrageous that she asked. Their denial furthered her suspicion. 

Becoming the owner of something so historical and sought after made Dior feel anxious. She decided that one day she would give it away to someone who had spent their whole life playing the violin, just as she did, and deserved to experience the soul of the intstrument. Don't get her wrong, Dior loved the violin and would never stop playing it. She hoped to join famous symphonies after graduation, but she also felt very passionately about art. She understood that there were people out there much more deserving of this tremendous creation than she. But for now it was hers, and she vowed that every time the white, rosined hairs of her bow touched the taunt strings, the sound that followed would be an extension of her soul. 

After her steamy shower she dressed, putting on (whatever shirt she was wearing in her picture, I can't describe it without revealing how clueless I am about fashion.)  that ended just above mid thigh, black leggings, and smoky colored black boots with a pink rose floral design. Dior never bothered with make up, not even small amounts despite the plethora of expensive products she had stashed in the cabinets underneath her sink. Her aunt sent them as birthday or Christmas gifts because she wanted Dior to become a "beautiful young lady". Perhaps one day she would have a friend to pass them along to.

"Madame, your escort is here", said Valeria, the family's French maid that had been with them since Dior was adopted. She followed Dior wherever she went, even when she switched houses between parents. The maid had grown an affection for Dior, somewhat seeing her as her own babe. Dior noticed that the woman looked very emotional through the reflection of her bathroom mirror. Dior turned to her, a mildly concerned expression on her face and asked, "Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas? ("What is wrong?"). "Oh madame, I cannot follow you to your new home," cried the maid. Dior sighed, "Valeria, I won't be gone forever. I'll come back to visit for holidays and such, and I'm only a drive away." 

"But what about your health, it has been declin-" 

"My test results should be coming in soon, I'll call the house as soon as I get them. I'm sure I'm fine. Now, I've really got to go, I'll miss you." Dior gave the woman a swift hug. She wasn't well rehearsed in empathy or any emotional responses for that matter, so she hoped her hug would help Valeria see how genuine she was being. 

Dior gathered her giant sketch pad in one arm and her Guccighost canvas techpack in the other, sliding it over her shoulder. She snatched up her violin quickly, carefully, before exiting the house. The soft beep of the house alarm reengaging comforted her, she had always enjoyed the sound of it. Soft, securing, miniscule but protective, an overlooked juxtaposition. Dior looked back at her wealthy, isolated South Korean home before entering the car awaiting her presence. 

Her father had gone to the school the day before to manage her dorm arrangements so Dior would not be late on her first day. As she walked through the school, a paper map with highlighter paving her way clutched in her hands, she noticed how nearly everyone was Asian. It was far from a problem, just an observation and a bit of a surprise as she had expected greater diversity. There would be no language barrier, Dior was raised in a household that exposed her to to English, French and Korean since she was old enough to speak. She could switch accents depending on which language she happened to be speaking at the time. 

Most people would begin feeling a bit self conscious at this point, but such a feeling was foreign to Dior. 

After a few minutes she finally found her home room. She was given a few strange looks as she wandered the school, most likely due to her appearance, but none penetrated her consciousness. She entered the room rather quietly, turning the handle with extreme care and taking an extra second to close it behind her. The first thing Dior saw were two boys wrestling around with one another. This behavior was unknown to Dior, but she supposed that it was normal. Dior had only one year of experience in a school with other people, so she was still learning. Dior knew nothing about any F4, and even if she did she couldn't care less. Everyone was equal in her eyes. Dior settled into a desk neighboring them, sat her extra large sketch pad down, pulled out some of her fancier graphite drawing pencils and began to sketch the two. 

 M O O D :Curious

O B J E C T I V E :  Sketching some random people

L O C A T I O N :English Class W206- W2

I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H : No one 

T A G S :   ~
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 Akiko Kita  [COLOR= rgb(240, 255, 255)]❤[/COLOR]

Today was the perfect day! From there being a forecast of an overcast sky, to the fact that it wasn't supposed to go over 29°(85°F) A rare cool spell after break, Akiko even managed to roll out of bed a few minutes early. This was surprising for her to be honest as she spent many hours a night on her ever so trusty laptop, which held the contents of her very being and possibly the meaning of life; usually lost in the land of Tumblr or YouTube. Last night however she was finishing a last minute paper in which she completed with hands of fire-- Carpal tunnel could now be a possibility in her near future. However after her morning ritual of preparing to face the day, the girl began to feel the drag of the night before-- just in time for her immediate lover to pour out some of its extraordinary love juice. The sent of coffee collecting in the dorm left her sighing in comfort. "Absolute perfection." She commented after a sip of the dark liquid patting the Keurig lovingly before switching it off.

Glancing at her wardrobe she put a finger to her lips before nodding to herself, it was going to be cool today but still warm enough to make things uncomfortable if it warmed up past expectation-- Oh who was she fucking kidding. She was always cold. Finally she ended up with a alternative look that still somehow managed to seem 'cute'. Adorning her slight frame was a thin beige skater dress that ended just above mid thigh-- and by 'just' I mean about three millimeters. The remainder of her legs covered to just below mid-thigh by dark thigh high socks embellished with tiny transparent stars, the best part was at the top just visible under the length of the skirt of her one piece was the figure of an alien head peaking up over the sock. Wrapped loosely around her shoulders was a wine colored button up loose knit way too big sweater, and finally covering her feet were classic black and white high top Converse.

After finishing off her coffee Akiko slipped out of her room fingers tapping a rhythm out on the paper she had studied earlier, skip about five minutes of walking and looking at room numbers the girl slipped into the room humming lightly to herself. Blinking in surprise at the immediate view of two boys 'fighting' she laughed through her nose a breath before closing the door to make her way to her desk-- or what she's hoped would be her desk. "How nice to see such love this early in the morning." She mused setting her bag on the desk just behind the as noted in her head 'Pretty little french girl'. 

mood: Bright

objective: Talk to people..?

location: English Class W206 - W2
interacting with: Those in the room-- The power of body languageeeeeee

(Eh I'll add Devin's tomorrow maybe.)





The first day of school came with a lot of anxiety, that was the case for most students. However, for Junseok, there was another cause for concern. English was his homeroom, and it was set to start in about forty-five minutes, and he had just finished his essay. The catch was, the printer had run out of ink. And so, there he sat, in front of the printer in the computer lab, mulling over what to do. He could go and ask a teacher or staff member for help, but even though it was his third year, he didn't know them quite well, and hated talking to people in general. It was either avoid social interaction or pass English. He groaned, his head resting in his hands as he looked around. The room was empty, except for him. He expected more people to be there, or maybe he was the only one who procrastinated so heavily. After a few minutes of procrastinating even more, he got up and decided to find help.

He ventured out of the room, the hallway was almost barren; he was used to it. The school was very, very small. In a way, it made it feel more intimate, but Junseok wasn't sure he wanted such intimacy. Making sure not to stray too far from the lab, he found a teacher.

"Uh, hello." He waited for the woman to acknowledge him.

"Hello, you're not in my homeroom, are you?" He shook his head and motioned to the lab a few doors down.

"Might you have a computer I could possibly print something from?" The woman looked at him doubtfully, but eventually conceded. 

"Yes, I do." He rejoiced, silently, of course. Once he printed out the physical copy, a big weight was lifted off of his shoulders. He had almost started to sweat because of the stress of it. He thanked the teacher and went on his way. Navigating himself to his homeroom, twirling his phone in his hands, he entered and was immediately affronted by the two boys at the front of the room... wrestling? He then recognized them as half of the F4, and sighed. 

'It's too early for this.' He noted, looking at them, almost disappointed, through his tired eyes. He found a seat somewhere in the middle of the classroom, behind the front but not at the very back. He could only hope that the other half of the F4 weren't also in his homeroom. Junseok gazed around the room, spotting a few people that he recognized, although he wasn't very close to them. He took note of a woman who was obviously the odd one out. 'An american?'  Well, it wasn't that surprising to see a transfer. It was a very prestigious school, and people came from around the globe to attend. He noticed that she periodically looked up at the two F4 boys, and deduced that she was sketching them. He found it humorous. Because it was an arts school, it wasn't uncommon to find the students in the classrooms and hallways sketching or running lines or humming a tune that they may have learned in voice class; it's something that set the school apart, and made it unique. 

His stomach grumbled, and he sighed, realizing that he hadn't eaten anything. Sighing was something that he did a lot, maybe he was just disappointed all the time. Disappointed in himself, mainly. He wasn't sure, but he was almost certain that he was suffering from depression, at least in the slightest. He was losing sleep, especially last night as a result of the dreary essay, his appetite was getting considerably worse, the dark rings under his eyes made him look like a gremlin. On the bright side, he bothered to dress himself moderately well today. He wore a large, cardinal red knitted sweater with white pants and matching red Converse. He went up to the front to staple his essay, avoiding getting caught up in the mess that was going on with the two F4 boys, and returned to his seat, bored, and starting to doodle in his sketchbook.

Mood Tired

Objective Draw flowers to pass time

Location English Class W206 - W2

Interacting With No one

Tags None
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/*Using so the format can be adjusted to tablet and mobile.*/ /*for the big banner*/ #lkbanner{margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width:80%;} /*for the picture and orange bubblse*/ #lksidebar{float:left; z-index:2; } /*for the OOC information over picture*/ #lktexthover {z-index:3; position:absolute; opacity:0;} #lktexthover:hover, #lktexthover:focus {opacity:100} /*for post content*/ .lkcontent{ width:77%; border-left:100px double #000; box-sizing: content-box; position:relative; } /*for orange bubbles*/ .bubble#b1 {float:right;} .bubble#b2 {float:left;} /*For tablet so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 790px){ .lkcontent{ border-left:50px solid #000; } .bubble#b1, .bubble#b2 {float:right;} } /*For mobile so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 400px){ #lkbanner{ text-align:center; margin-top:-50px; z-index:3; width:100%;} #lksidebar{float:none; text-align:center;z-index:1;} .bubble{display:none;} /*Bubbles aren't displayed because they look messy on mobile*/ .lkcontent{ width:100%; border-left:30px solid #000; height:500px; overflow:auto; box-sizing: border-box; } }


English // W206-B2

Interacting With:

No one // Available


Nervous // Bored






Chouko ∞

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Class started in a little under an hour, yet Chouko remained under the vibrant covers of her bed, staring up at the cream-colored ceiling without a care in the world. The girl hadn’t stepped foot outside of her dorm since she got there a week prior, not wanting to attract the attention of her peers. That being said, it was a lonely week of solitude, but today would be the day she would have her first class in a new place. It would also be the last morning she had before two others were assigned to her room. In all fairness, she was worried. What kind of people would she have to deal with?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]After laying there for a good few minutes, she decided it would be a wise idea to get ready for her first day. Swinging her legs off the side of her bed, she yawned and proceeded to go towards the bathroom.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]After taking a shower and washing her face, Chouko stood in front of the closet in her room and searched through the clothes she had. It was the first day; even if she knew she wasn’t going to attract much attention, she had come to the conclusion that it was dress-to-impress, considering the fact that majority of the school’s population was rich. Shrugging to herself, she decided upon wearing a knee-lengthed maroon skirt over a pair of black leggings, and to top it all off, a white long-sleeved shirt with the word “HOPE” in Japanese on the front, and black rings around the top of the sleeves on both sides.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sliding on her shoes and hoisting the backpack she had over her shoulder, she reached towards the door handle and opened it, stepping out into the outside for the first time in days. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I’ll get through today.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Japanese female thought to herself, temporarily getting rid her memories of the events that happened to the new girls in the Kdramas she’s watched over her entire lifetime. This was real life, so things like that couldn’t happen. ...Right?[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The walk to the academics building wasn’t all that long. Before she knew it, she was in the hallways, attempting to keep a low profile as she searched desperately for the room she was supposed to have her first class in. She may or may not have run up and down the stairs multiple times due to passing the room more than once, but once she actually located where it was, she caught her breath and slipped in-between the small crack between the wall and the open door, and into the classroom. A decent number of people were there already, including two handsome looking boys who were playing around with one another, and a really short foreign girl who was seated and seemed to be drawing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There was also a rather peaceful looking boy who was also drawing in his own little area of the classroom, and finally, there was a girl who seemed to either be taking to herself or to the French girl. Chouko couldn't tell which.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Chouko stood in place for a minute or two, observing the classroom, before sliding down against the wall and onto the floor, unable to chose a seat. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I’ll wait and see which seats are available after more people come.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The unnatural blonde thought, pulling out her journal and her pen and writing down a few things in English. It was her way of practicing, you could say.[/SIZE]


∞ E N D ∞


[SIZE=9.333333333333332px]code by ViAdvena ~ Hover over the gif! if on Mobile, tap on it![/SIZE]


the tainted beauty

Waking up is something that everyone really enjoys right? With the sun shining through your windows, warm blankets keeping your body feeling secure and safe. Well honestly mornings aren't Somi's thing. Waking up is something she doesn't really enjoy. She is half asleep, her brown hair messily sticking out of the pigtail braids she put them in the night before, she's got no makeup on, and honestly she looks like a zombie. Trudging to the bathroom, she yawned, slender arms stretched above her head. Somi was pretty content with being in a dorm as she had good luck with it and was usually roomed with people she knew or generally got along with. This year she didn't have any worries about her dorm arrangement either. Take it one step at a time right? 

Her shower proved to be warm and relaxing, the water kneading her sore muscles and helped her relax while also waking up. Despite not being the best in gym, Somi still tends to workout enough to keep herself in shape, even when school isn't going. After her shower, the girl tied her wet hair up in a large cotton shirt, soaking up the water in it without damaging it of course. Then she proceeded to dry off her body and get dressed in her outfit for the day.  Then Somi went to put on her makeup which, like usual, was pretty natural and just gave a soft touch up to her natural beauty. 

"Ah- I'm going to end up late, I just know it" She sent a quick glance as her clock and almost ran outside of her room, but then remembered she still had to do her hair. A noise of annoyance left her lips before she was back in the bathroom, blow drying her hair and brushing it out. The naturally straight hair cascaded down her petite shoulders as she grabbed her bag, phone, and earbuds and managed to grab her wallet right before the door closed behind her. Huffing slightly, Somi headed straight to the place she knew she would be able to get her favorite iced tea and fruit salad. The eating area was a place Somi usually went when she wasn't in the concert hall practicing. Smiling she brought her usual breakfast, a large bottle of omija tea and a fruit salad. Somi put the tea in her backpack before she opened the salad, using the fork that came with it to eat the fresh fruit. 

Humming in content, the 17 year old headed to her homeroom, in a good mood for once. She as she walked down the hallway. she saw a few girls she knew, which meant she obviously had to stop and talk with them. Actually Somi finished her salad while talking with her friends. Throwing away the container, she was prepared for her homeroom. Popping in her earbuds. she made sure to plug them into her phone and began to play her music. There was no way in God's name that she was going to listen to all the drama her class was going to start. She already knew that none of her friends were in the class so she didn't see the need to try and push herself to be social. Plus most kids her age didn't know she existed anyways. 

So, with her tea in hand, Somi walked into the room, spotting a seat towards the front by the windows. Not many of the annoying kids sat there so she went to claim her seat, moving around the chaos that was already starting. People sitting on the floor, wrestling, sketching, yup, it was something Somi preferred to block out with her music. Sitting down in her seat she slipped her backpack off of her shoulders and pulled a notebook plus pen out of it before it found it's way on the back of her chair. Sipping on her tea, the quiet girl began to write in the notebook. This was going to be a long year. 


coded by: syzygy


// l o c a t i o n //

English - W206-B2

// i n t e r a c t i n g //


// t a g s //


// m o o d //


// o u t f i t //

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spread your wings and fly

Rolling over in bed, a mess of brown hair peaked out from underneath the black and white blankets. In the mass of the blankets, finally a body was revealed. Woojin groaned a bit as he struggled to sleep in past the cute little alarm that was going off. Curse his weakness for cute things. When the boy sat up, his eyes were closed, shoulders slumped, a yawn leaving his lips. Opening his eyes took a good three minutes of yawning and stretching his long limbs. Then the cute brown eyes were open, sleepily blinking as he looked around the room. "I should probably shower" He mumbled to the empty room. The boy got out of be, stumbling as he ruffled his bed hair, making little noises of sleep as he walked across the room, black tank top practically falling off his shoulders. 

A shower is something that usually wakes someone up, gives them that kick they need to be a person. However when Woojin is like this, oh so tired, he rarely wakes up from a shower. After the shower, he stumbled his way to his closet and awkwardly got dressed, having fallen over when he was slipping into his skinny jeans. However the guy managed to be fully clothed by the time he slung his backpack over his shoulder, earbuds in, face mask on. His hair had been dried in a half assed way so it was pretty much just fluffy and sticking up in random places. After leaving his room, the tall male made his way to the eating area where he paid for some food and a drink, only to turn around and head straight to his homeroom. 

Usually he was studying, texting someone, or with his friends, however he had woken up late, therefore he was alone. Like most of the F4, people moved out of his way, but not everyone did. Why? Because usually one does not see Woojin so sleepy and vulnerable. Being the leader of the group, he's usually cut and polished like a brand new gem each day. Rarely do they see him falling asleep as he's walking to class. To some it was entertaining, to others it was cute, and to most it was surprising. It sort of was like 'ahh, so even Woojin, the leader of the F4 can be a human being'. 

Treated like a prince honestly, Woojin doesn't have many friends as most people get intimidated by the male's friends and the boy's natural awkwardness. Upon arriving at homeroom, he saw two of his 'friends' which he waved at in a lazy manner. He honestly didn't have the energy to deal with either of them. Despite them being his friends. Woojin knows that he isn't very well liked by them. Obviously he can tell he's sort of an outsider in the group due to the other three treating each other more like family than they treat him. However it doesn't really bother him.

Woojin lifted a hand to mess up his ruffled hair even more, before spying an empty seat. Walking over to the seat, he sat down, rather plopped down, in the chair, letting his bag fall on the floor. He was too lazy to take off his face mask so he only made a noise of discontent as he put his food and drink in his backpack. Sleep was his number one priority for the moment. Honestly speaking the guy had no idea who was even in his homeroom class. He saw two of the F4 boys, but who were they? He didn't know. He was more interested in sleeping than registering who was around him. Which was probably why he didn't realize he sat next to the last person that wanted to be around an F4 member, let alone the leader. 

However the 16 year old golden boy was sleeping with his face buried in his arms, music blocking out all the noise of the classroom. Of course it would be pretty surprising when he woke up to see where he sat exactly. Sure he was popular but the select few that seemed to despise him for no reason seemed to populate the majority of his homeroom. Oh well, he'd deal with that later. 


coded by: syzygy


// l o c a t i o n //

English - W206-B2

// i n t e r a c t i n g //


// m e n t i o n e d //

Yunseong - @MaverickPun

Joohyung - @Reminiscent

Junseok - @PhantomAura

// t a g s //


// m o o d //


// o u t f i t //

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Unlike usual, she woke up at the sound and vibration of her phone. Upon seeing the unflattering motel room interior she sighed in disappointment. "Ah, so it wasn't just a dream. Summer is really over."

This summer had been busy for her and her parents. After a lot of planning and thinking the company had finally decided to debut a new girl group right before her summer started. Since then she had spent countless nights and days helping around. Due to this there was no sight of her from her friends or acquaintances over the summer. It was as if she disappeared. All of it had just been work which had flown by quickly. Right when the filming of the groups music video was complete the company and team thought it would be a great idea to go off for a small vacation.

Five days before her semester started everyone flew to Jeju Island, herself included. What about school? She did not care, she just wanted to have a bit, well more like a lot, of fun. Going to the beach, exploring the island, eating local specialties, you could say she had certainly got a bit darker, and more meaty. If it wasn't for her parents forcefully shipping her to the airport back in Seoul she would've stayed a bit longer. She had returned to Seoul the darkest hours of the day at 2 AM, alone.

What's more she only had her duffel bag which she had also used for school. Though it was spacious and all, the bag had been stuffed with all the things she bought as well as all her crumpled papers which she has yet to throw out. She was too busy to actually clean it out. That and she was too lazy to bring an actual suitcase to the trip, cause it was originally for three days. Originally. Although her time there has ended, the rest were on day five or whatever. And she just had to lose her keys when she went swimming at the beach that one time. *Sometimes, I wish I was at least five...no, ten percent more smarter.* She thought to herself.

However she didn't panic. She just sat there at the airport terminal for a good five minutes, blank. She then glanced at her watch wondering how much time she wasted. Remembering the mint she had saved from the beach side restaurant she went for dinner she rummaged the pockets of her shorts under the long sized tri colored t shirt she was wearing and found crumpled up paper money and coins. *And sometimes, I wonder if I'm some 180 IQ genius, that or a psychic.*

Finding two 20,000 won notes, and a couple of 1,000 and 5,000 won notes she managed to get a taxi and ended up in this motel. Along the way she managed to contact her mom, no sign of dad, not even his spirit, and explained her situation while equally blaming them from making her go back early. She was then given a "Suck it up." before she was left hanging. At first she had cursed at her own mother and began to whine seeking sympathy from the taxi driver. But in the end she sucked it up. She found a cheap motel to stay for a night a close distance from school.

Not trusting the bed or anything, even the bathroom though she gave up on holding it in, she limited her movement to the desk and chair while playing with her phone. Somewhere in the middle of it she fell asleep. Now there's a imprint of the desk on her left cheek. Checking herself out with her phone camera she decided to put on sunglasses and a snap back on the way towards school. She was early, she knew she had to be. The place where she first came to in school right after summer break, the ladies room, or what she'd like to call, thee toilette.

*Thank god the bathrooms at school were clean, if not...* Just the thought of brushing her teeth there had caused her to shudder. Casually taking out her toothbrush she brushed her teeth and washed up a bit. Feeling refreshed she let out a satisfied sigh while looking at herself in the mirror, talking to herself. "As expected, the water sure is fresher here. Mom, Dad, the tuition you're paying for me is so worth it."

After a few moments of inspecting her face she decided to put on some concealer for her dark circles and chap stick. Deciding to spend the rest of the time in class she looked up her schedule and started walking towards the room. Passing by a vending machine she couldn't resist the temptation and brought out all the money she had left for a bag of chips and coke. Viva breakfast.

Entering the room there were already some kids there, which honestly surprised her. Her being here early was one thing she had certain circumstances. She never understood those who were always early to class. *Like, are you that excited for an hour of torture?* She would usually think. But she wasn't all to interested in judging them, her internal system is telling her it needed the goods.

Taking the first seat she saw closest to the door she dropped her duffel bag and laid out her "feast." Popping that coke she did not care about her surroundings and even burped before munching on the bag of chips with her other hand. You can say she's mastered this technique of eating with one hand while the other holds the drink, you know, just in case she chokes from eating too fast.

In a matter of minutes she was done. Nevertheless, she still had space which needed to be filled. As if money would magically appear within her pockets she searched through them again only to find a measly 500 won. She then peeked at her duffel bag on the floor. *...Maybe, just maybe.* Lifting the bag she began a full inspection on it. Poking around her clothes did nothing, and all the souvenirs she bought were cute accessories or weird trinkets she found, either way both weren't edible.

Only when her hand reached in the corner did she find a winner. *As expected, I can totally survive an apocalypse.* Unearthing what she had dug she saw the snickers bar and pat herself in the back proud. Without much thought she ripped one end open and took a bite. Finally, when there was half left did she look at the wrapping. "Hmm, where is the expiration date?" After twisting and turning she shrugged. "Oh well."

She then found the nutrition facts and nodded her head understanding why she felt a bit off. "So that's what was what I was missing. 440 calories. Heh, now I feel good. "

Too good to even share. Turning to someone across from her she pointed at them with her bar. "Hey, you want a bite? Trust me, this shit's good."
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ღ ~ Kyo MinWoo ~ ღ

"Wrestling already?" Minwoo chimed in with from underneath the desk. "Not very fair JooHyung, losing to someone besides me," He added on as he poked his head on up without standing.

"You really need to learn how this whole rival thing works, because it looks bad for me if the person I declared my rival doesn't even know what the word means," Minwoo said with a sort of disappointed tone, yet clearly more than pleased with the situation at hand.

Swinging his head on over to be in front of the person who was sketching silently beside them, not even taking half a second before fully absorbing the sketch. "Ooh, lovely drawing! Captures them perfectly," Minwoo stated in joy. "Anyway, nice meeting you! I'm Minwoo by the way!"

Leaving as fast as he had come, Minwoo jumped over the desks that resided in his way, winding up across from somebody as they turned and begun speaking. Stopping his desk-jumping, he turned his head to look at the person who held a snickers bar in hand. "Ah, no thanks, I have specific times I'm allowed to eat, and I only eat what I make for myself, in order to stay in perfect health. But thank you for the offer!"

Returning to jumping over desks until he was right in front of a girl who was just standing around. Observing her for a moment, hand on chin, Minwoo smiled before he spoke.

"Welcome! You must be from Japan, by the looks of it! Let's see here, from a humble background, worked hard to get to where you are, though uncertain what you want to be given that aimless look toward even where to sit," Minwoo said as he almost analyzed the girl in depth; almost. All of which was a joke, to him, having not actually done any analyzing past her being Japanese as having been looking aimlessly at the desks on where to sit just prior to him approaching. "At least, I'm taking a wild guess. All I can tell is you're Japanese, though either which way on the other details, welcome!"

"I'm Minwoo, by the way. It's nice to meet you!" Minwoo stated as he left right back into his desk jumping to quickly travel the classroom. Minwoo now found his way over to one Woojin whom sat in silence listening to music. A hand quickly tapping down onto Woojin's shoulder, Minwoo smiled as he waited for the prince to wake up, sitting in the seat next to him and deciding it to be his residence for the time being.

In the meanwhile, he lifted his left arm, pulled the sweater sleeve out from the inside of his wrist, and looked at the time. "Guess it's about time, I can eat now," Minwoo said as he returned his sleeve over his wrist. Looking back toward JooHyung, Minwoo called out to him. "Yo JooHyung, can you toss me my bag? It's underneath your desk from when I was sleepin'."

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Location: English - W206-B2

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Mood: Excited, Joyful

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Interactions: JooHyung, YunSeong, Dior, Chouko, WooJin

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Tags: @Reminiscent @MaverickPun @RowdyPotato @SociallyAwkward

(Sorry for somewhat small post, writer's block hit me hard and so I just went with what I could put together.)

Devin   Collins

"F--iretruck." a muffled voice muttered from underneath a thick comforter, an eerie silence seemed to waft through the dorm room before another bark of foul language filled the space this time in disbelief as a watch was pulled beneath the warm barrier, "Shhhhuger cookies." Once more the room was filled with silence as though there was a moment of realization. "Oh son of a bridge worker." The voice gave way to the muffled thumping of feet and clothes as the boy the noise belonged to ran rampant through the room, "Shiitake, sugar foot, Chernobyl.." The voice clear now as the blanket had been tossed in a lumpy mess over the mattress, yet slightly hindered by the shirt that was being crammed over his head. Once his cranium emerged from the depth of thin thermal fabric one could see an adorable face painted with fear, and hair that was swept up in all directions.

Struggling to push one foot through the hole in the denim fabric that was being forced around his lower half the boy-- Devin hopped to the bathroom hurriedly scraping his teeth with his sickeningly minty toothbrush, while his body leaned hazardously to the side. Finally with both legs through the jeans, and his mouth clean he ran his wet hands through his hair, spiking it to the side before dashing for the door sweeping up his black cardigan as he swept out of the room. 

Fifteen minutes later he found himself standing in the doorway of his class W206 - W2 starring into the hardly filled room, then back at his watch in betrayal. "Why do I do this every time that I come back from America." He groaned noticing that rather than being late as his actions had made him seem as, he was rather early. Glancing around he found.. Quite the personality. Each person had their own quirk, one was drawing in a reserved manner, one leaned on the wall next to the door, two fighting in the center, and one leaping over desks before calling for his bag yelling about eating, while a girl was eating what looked like an expired Snickers. 

"So its going to be one of those years.." His voice light as he made his way towards the back left corner-- the classic window seat. Easing himself into the chair he sighed at his bed humor, "Its like an anime." 

mood: Lat- nvm.fml

objective: WTF

location: English Class W206 - W2
interacting with: EHhhhhhhh





[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Waking up on time was a force of habit for EunMin as she had set her alarm to wake up earlier than usual. Having spent her whole entire vacation on perfecting several routines for an upcoming scholarship event, it had left her body clock adjusted for rising at a certain time in order to dedicate more time for it. Sighing at the thought, she silently moved about in her shared dorm so she wouldn’t wake up her roommates and cause some unnecessary noise. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]It didn’t take her long to get ready as she observed her [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]outfit [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] in her mirror with a small grin. She felt like it was appropriate for her first day of class and it didn’t bring attention to her figure. Perfect ~[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Grabbing her phone, she clicked on the home button and realized that she still had about two hours to kill before classes started. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Seriously?...”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] EunMin uttered dryly under her breath as she reached out of her skates and headed out the door. She might as well utilize the time she had left properly.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Landing on the last jump she had almost perfectly, the brunette cheered silently. It had taken her quite a while to even do a highly difficult jump, but, it didn’t stop her from trying anyway. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“EunMin! You’ll be late to school if you don’t get off that ice right now!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Ah. There goes Jaehee. Right on time as always. Jaehee is the owner of the ice skating rink that EunMin decided to claim as her second home. They have grown pretty close to one another after last years incident with her family. It was pretty obvious as she had given the sixteen year old girl spare keys to the rink to come whenever she felt like it, and for that, she was grateful.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Ah! I lost track of time! I’ll be heading out now~”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] EunMin cheerfully replied as she got off the ice and removed her skates in order to put her shoes back on. However, before she was actually able to leave, she felt a sudden weight in her pocket that started to ring alarms in her system-- Her Pill!! Opening her backpack, she quickly scanned for her water bottle and sighed in relief when she spotted it. Unscrewing the lid off, she tossed the pill in her mouth and took a few sips of water to pass it down. It was within a matter of seconds that she began to feel more relaxed as it began to work its magic.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Waving a simple goodbye to Jaehee, EunMin rushed out of the building and straight to the campus that was literally a few blocks away. People brushed past her as she had made it just in time to her English class that was on the second floor. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You can do it EunMin! You are not a popular face anymore…”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She told herself confidently as a smile appeared on her lips. She was normal and damn happy about it. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Sliding the door open, she enthusiastically walked with a bit of a skip in her step towards a random desk that was situated by a window on the far left of the classroom. The ruckus around her was somewhat a blur and she acknowledged all the students that were there so far by the order they came in. However, she opted to lean forward on her desk and send her outside the window as she swung her legs back and forth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Although, somewhere in the darkest part of her mind, she had a feeling that they might’ve known about her previous status when the S4 Group was active and that left her mind reeling. She had to do something about it.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Hey! There’s a seat here in front of me if you want ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] EunMin called out to the blonde girl that was sitting on the floor by the entrance.  A warm smile was displayed on her lips as she waved towards said seat. The girl looked up in silently scurried towards the seat, sitting down and aimlessly flipping through her notebook, not a clear motive in mind. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]What EunMin didn’t like was that YunSeong took note of her existence with an arched eyebrow and simply sent her a flirty wink. This only caused EunMin to frown and roll her eyes at his attempt to gain her attention. She was aware of him being part of the F4 group along with the boy next to im as their appearances practically screamed it. However, his personality was one that was going to take her a long time to get passed by without getting annoyed. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Oh? She’s a feisty one JooHyung ~”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Huh, okay,”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]JooHyung shrugged, leaning against one of the nearby desks.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I haven’t seen you before… What’s your name?”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The girl asked curiously. She took note of YunSeong’s crestfallen face when she didn’t bother to pay attention to him afterwards. Ha! [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Rhee Joo Hyung.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The brunet answered simply, glancing at his friend in slight humour before slowly trying to reach for his phone.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Don’t you eve-”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]YunSeong wasn’t even allowed to finish his sentence before EunMin gasped in shock.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “Rhee!? Please tell me you are related to Glenn and that you survived Negan’s bat! ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Her excited tone matched the light that was beginning to shine in her eyes. She was not expecting someone to have a similar name to her favorite character! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Rhee is a pretty common last name though…[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]” JooHyung grunted in confusion. He wasn’t aware of who this Glenn Rhee person was whatsoever.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“O-Obviously! But you are the person that’s carrying his last name and you also survived Lucille!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] She continued to pester the boy purposely. It was fun to see the confusion splattered across his face and she couldn’t help but walk towards his desk. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“You even have his face ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“That’s racist![/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] JooHyung fake gasped[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Is it because we’re both Korean?!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] EunMin only giggled and grabbed onto his cheeks for an added effect,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] “Of course! It only encourages the idea of you being related to him somehow!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] By then, she had started pinching them as she smiled slightly. So much for keeping her presence unknown for awhile.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Hmm ~ You are pretty cute too!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“But if I look like Glenn then almost every other boy in this class looks like him! In your logic at least…”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]JooHyung sighed, wearily pinching both of EunMin’s wrists and pulling them away from his face.[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] ”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Not really, you stand out more than the others ~[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] she paused,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“In other words, you are your own person!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] Her retort sounded solid and she hoped that her message went across. Before things could get more awkward, she decided to leave him be-- for now of course. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Anyway, I’ll let your cute self alone with that jerk next to you! It was nice meeting you!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] With that, she patted his cheek gently and wandered back to her desk.. The two boys merely exchanged glances before continuing what they were doing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Upon sitting, she took note of the (cute) American boy sitting behind her and simply offered a smile of greeting before she resumed looking out the window. Her thoughts were slowly gathering together as she suddenly remembered her childhood friend Hye-Yeong being in this campus as well. It was startling to say at the least that she had completely forgotten about him being here, but, she was excited to see him after so many years. [/SIZE]


OOD[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]- [/SIZE]Playful

BJECTIVE[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-[/SIZE] Interact with Anyone

OCATION[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]- [/SIZE]English Class W206 - W2

NTERACTING WITH[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-[/SIZE] JooHyung, Chouko, YunSeong, Devin, and Hye-Yeong (Mentioned)

AGS[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] @Reminiscent @Scheani @EccentricArctic[/SIZE]
 □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪ Hye-Yeong ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩


“If you don't want a generation of robots, fund the arts!”

≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿

Some people wake up drowsy. Some people wake up energized. Hye-Yeong wakes up dead. It had been a long night bot fighitng in the underground facility. The battle had extended longer than anticipated and it took its catastrophic toll like it usually does every single scheduled night. However, this time the guy Hye-Yeong was up against wasn’t no rookie. He had created his Artificial Intelligence without following the standard rules that everyone was obligated to oblige. This robot consisted of having instillation's that revolved around illegal machinery weapons shipped from Russia.

Robots get to see the worst of the human condition on a daily basis. Good thing they don’t have feelings. This douchebag decided it was a clever idea to release his invention into the platform without facing the consequences. Beep beep beep. Hye-Yeong was said consequences ready to ignite in order to save his precious 9s robot. The night dragged on with an endless exchange of both parties, sending and receiving harsh blows and hye-yeong made history go down by putting that buttface in his place.

Point being, Hye-Yeong celebrated his victory late into the night with his fellow robotic nerds at a indoor skate park cafe. Thus, having lost track of time, because having a serious discussion about banning guys that use robots with fucking guns and fire was more important than sleep. The alarm loudly blared and startled Hye-Yeong into a frenzy panic, since he realized it was time to attend class on the first day. Talk about having a set routine waiting to get accustomed to on a daily basis before school started. Summer really did a number on Hye-Yeong but on the bright side, he had a load of money in his pocket to spend on more technology equipment.

Hye-Yeong hastily began to shower and take his sweet ass time by thinking about life, he simply stood under the shower head contemplating his decisions that will ultimately be the death of him. But honestly, who gives a rats ass if he suddenly died on the platform one day and smited to death by a robot trying to protect 9s. Oppss, let's not forget about EunMin! She was still his last remaining best friend that gave a shit about him. Which reminded Hye-Yeong to send a text. He reached his hand out of the shower curtain and cautiously grabbed his cellphone and sent a quick text to EunMin.

[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]To Eunny[/SIZE][SIZE=10.666666666666666px]: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.666666666666666px]“Beep beep beep! Guess who is treating you to a new pair of skates??? THAT’S RIGHT! THIS GUY RIGHT HERE! We should go during class break! :D”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]From Eunny: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.666666666666666px]“What!? NO NO! You don’t have to~ Save that money for yourself! Jaehee gave me a new pair anyway ~”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]To Eunny: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.666666666666666px]“PFFFT! I bet you anything that those things were someone else’s owner at some point, lemme just treat you or otherwise i will spend it on technology porn (;”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.666666666666666px]From Eunny: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.666666666666666px]“Don’t you dare! If I find out you are participating in ANY fights, I will personally come and murder you! OH! Sorry! Gotta run! You take care okay? <3”[/SIZE]

Without pausing to think of a response, he quickly realized she could be serious. But knowing EunMin, she would never suspect him of bot fighting because he had promised her to never participate in those shenanigans anymore long ago. Hye-Yeong had gotten badly hurt by interring in 9s battle and that prompt EunMin to make it her mission and end this nonsense. But it wasn’t nonsense, it was a lifestyle. As a bonus, his injured hand that hadn't completely healed made him appear like a rebel without a cause.

Finishing his shower, Hye-Yeong continued to brush his teeth, fix his messy hairdo, and quickly change out of his towel. He still had 10 minutes left-- deducting that from sprint running from the dorms to the performing arts building. It would take about five minutes if he didn’t stop to breath like a normal fucking human and before he knew it, he had made it just in time to his English Class. What he did not expect was to see said female to be sitting at the far end of the classroom. Un-fucking-believable. She didn’t advise him of her decision to change districts and this kinda hurt him. He thought she was the type of friend that could be relied on. Or maybe he was thinking too much into it.

Strolling into the classroom without giving a second thought to the other students because he was kinda pouting in anger, Hye-Yeong immediately claimed the seat next to EunMin and waved to catch her attention, Did i miss the memo? Or was the meeting not worthy of my presence?He set his backpack down, crossed his legs and glared at her with a challenge in his eyes. This only caused the girl to automatically focus her undivided attention towards him with a ‘spooked’ expression.

A-Ah… Bae! I have one solitary explanation for it!” Her voice was not matching her expression, it was clear that she was either messing around with him or intentionally pushing his buttons like she always did. Pouting, Hye-Yeong rolled his eyes at her statement, “This sounds like a load of horseshit on your part and judging by your reaction, i don’t think a surprise was in order eitherHe shook it off and smiled, “Nice to see you again, let’s get along this year Before he could properly react to her next set of actions, she immediately glomped him into a tight hug and ruffled his hair.

She really wasn’t taking him seriously, “Oh come on ~ I wanted to surprise you with my return! Are you not surprised to see that I’m here to protect you from bot fights?” This unintentionally made Hye-Yeong tense and momentarily took an initiative to quickly change the subject, “H-how is your scholarship coming along? I heard you were secretly plotting to eliminate the other candidates under the radar

Huh?! I wouldn’t go that fa-” EunMin paused and suddenly reached out for his left hand to inspect it. Her eyes were now focused on him again with a semi-icy glare. “Hye-Yeong. Care to explain what happened here?” Hye-Yeong’s hand was securely wrapped with bandages as a result of bot fighting but was he going to lie? Heck yeah. “I was helping a teacher carry some boxes during my orientation and man, it got badly injured.. Haha guess i’m kinda clumsy.. OppsHe sheepishly laughed it off in hopes that she would take the bait.

Hmm… I’ll believe you for now ~” A bright smile was now on her lips as she released his hand and returned to her seat with a thoughtful gaze.”You know, I bet you weren’t expecting to see me again after everything...” Her tone was rather low, but before he could pick up on it, she continued to speak. “But I’m glad we get to see each other everyday now~” He nodded in agreement, feeling a mutual understanding of their circumstances.

≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿

    ✏ ɱood- Enthusiastic

    ✏ Όbjective- Interact with Anyone

    ʃocation- English Class W206 - W2

    Ȋnteracting with - EunMin (Mentioned)

    ✏tags- @MaverickPun
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/*Using so the format can be adjusted to tablet and mobile.*/ /*for the big banner*/ #lkbanner{margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width:80%;} /*for the picture and orange bubblse*/ #lksidebar{float:left; z-index:2; } /*for the OOC information over picture*/ #lktexthover {z-index:3; position:absolute; opacity:0;} #lktexthover:hover, #lktexthover:focus {opacity:100} /*for post content*/ .lkcontent{ width:77%; border-left:100px double #000; box-sizing: content-box; position:relative; } /*for orange bubbles*/ .bubble#b1 {float:right;} .bubble#b2 {float:left;} /*For tablet so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 790px){ .lkcontent{ border-left:50px solid #000; } .bubble#b1, .bubble#b2 {float:right;} } /*For mobile so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 400px){ #lkbanner{ text-align:center; margin-top:-50px; z-index:3; width:100%;} #lksidebar{float:none; text-align:center;z-index:1;} .bubble{display:none;} /*Bubbles aren't displayed because they look messy on mobile*/ .lkcontent{ width:100%; border-left:30px solid #000; height:500px; overflow:auto; box-sizing: border-box; } }


English // W206-B2

Interacting With:

Class Introductions!


** // **






Narrator ∞

a character neutral post

[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)]Having forced himself from YunSeong’s grip, JooHyung reached down to grab MinWoo’s bag and hurled it in the energetic male’s direction, a small grunt escaping his lips in the process. The boy then noted the time and plopped down in his seat, content with the amount of playing around he had done with his classmates.[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(72, 149, 81)] “Wow, would you look at that,” [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)]He started to talk, glancing at YunSeong. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(72, 149, 81)]“We have some foreigners, a good number of unique people, all of the F4 and more in the same class! I’m all excited--whee ~!”[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)] The boy cheered happily, bouncing around in his chair. (@Kiyoko Tomoe @MaverickPun)[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)]Meanwhile, Chouko noticed a boy take a seat next to the girl who had called her over to sit down. Judging by the way they were talking to one another, they were really close. The blonde’s attention was then directed to her notebook and she slid it into her bag, exchanging it for her English notebook. She looked up at the clock. Thoughts began to enter her brain. She knew the hyperactive boy who had come up to her near the door wasn't meaning anything when he said that she didn't have any plans for herself, but still. What?[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)]The First class was about to start, and as people began to notice this fact, the room had become a tiny bit more calm. A man who seemed to be in his mid-thirties walked in with a sheepish expression plastered onto his features as he placed a few things down on a desk that was off to the side of the room. He scurried back to the front of the room with a clipboard hugged against his arm and chest. The bell signaling the beginning of class had sounded and the man looked at the rather large number of students in a way that meant he was demanding their attention. [/COLOR]

“So, welcome back to SAPA, everyone! I was informed that there are a few new faces to this school as well and that some of them are in this class. I am hoping for you all to get to know each other, so that being said, each one of you will come up and give a brief introduction.”[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)] The teacher explained enthusiastically.[/COLOR] “My name is Gong Chang Min, your English teacher. This is my second year teaching here, and I hope everything will run smoothly.”[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)] He concluded, not knowing what else to say about himself. [/COLOR]“Hmm. You can go next,”[COLOR= rgb(153, 153, 153)] he stated, pointing at a clump of people who were near the window. It was unclear who he was talking about, but the look on his face said that he didn’t care who went first. A blonde girl shrunk in response. It was obvious that she wasn't going to go first. (I'm going to assume she's near the window.)[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(120, 122, 197)]∞ E N D ∞[/COLOR]

[SIZE=9.333333333333332px][COLOR= rgb(120, 122, 197)]code by ViAdvena ~ Hover over the gif! if on Mobile, tap on it![/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.333333333333332px][COLOR= rgb(120, 122, 197)]yeah this post is short, and I can't remember where everyone was sitting. All I know is that Chouko is now near the window and that EunMin is near her, which means HyeYeong is too. And then I remember that Devin was near the window as well. Don'thatemeplease HOPINGTOGODTHATTHECODEDOESNTFUCKUP[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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D[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]e[/COLOR]vin   C[COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]o[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 255, 255)]l[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)]l[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i[/COLOR]n

Observing the tired expression the man that was to be his and his classmates teacher, Devin raised his eyebrows at his short introduction and immediate choice of the window seats to begin the annual class introductions that so many seemed to be wary of. Speaking of people being wary of the introductions he noticed a girl slumping in her seat as though to avoid being the first to have to rise and spew their personality.

With a short amused sigh the boy rose from his seat to show him as an average American stature (about 6'1" 150lb), his lips drawn into an adorable smirk as he greeted the somewhat small seeming class. "Alright, not that I mind being chosen as tribute." His lips quirked a bit before continuing, "My name if Devin Collin. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach.. And frisky--" He paused cracking a smile, "Felines." Voice smooth as honey he continued on, "I'm from good 'ol 'Murica, but I've been going to this school for two years now, I hope we can.." He paused a smile creeping its way back onto his face, "Get along well." With a wink that sent his long eyelashes to bow to the ceiling he once again settled into his chair. 

This year he had actually calmed his introduction, last year he had said several things that had offended many, and caused him ore trouble than convenience-- And as much as he loved the drama, he hated it. SO with this he reasoned that everything should be-- eh. Whatever. He crossed his legs under the desk slumping down in his seat as he relaxed into his desk, his hips barely hanging onto the edge of the chair a slight yawn making its way up his throat, which he attempted to hold back in respect for the person who would go next.

mood: Lat- nvm.fml

objective: Introduce... Self

location: English Class W206 - W2
interacting with: Le* Class

T H E ~ C O M P O S E D ~ M U S I C I A N

Dior nearly choked when she heard the teacher call for people to introduce themselves, however, she remained composed on the outside. Her pencil halted in its tracks, no longer continuing to detail YunSeong's face in her drawing. 'Oh no,' thought Dior. 'Oh no, oh no, oh no'. What would she say? Her heart began to race a million miles a second. This was the worst possible thing that could have happened to her.  Her fingers flew up to her mouth. With her anxiety came the removal of her nails, and when they were gone, her skin. Dior glanced around at her peers for their reactions. One girl slumped in her seat, obviously not wanting to be picked. Dior could relate. Just then the only other foreign student stood, making his introductions and casting out Dior's hypothesis that she'd just have to say her name. 

From his introduction Dior deduced that this boy, Devin, seemed like trouble, maybe not immediate trouble or trouble that would effect her in anyway, but trouble nonetheless. Dior also noted his extravagant height, but perhaps his height was emphasized by her small figure. 

'If if you go last everyone's going to remember you, its best just to melt in with the crowd,' Dior thought to herself. As the class waited for someone to stand Dior rehearsed to herself what she would say with the intensity that a Drama student would rehearse their lines to a big play. "My name is"  'wait, did I just say that out loud?' Dior, eyes wide, sheepishly glanced to see if her fears were true. She was less than pleased when she noticed the class looking at her expectantly. 'I despise myself with a passion' Dior cursed herself before rising to her feet. 

"My name is Dior Chevalier- or Chevalier Dior." She mentally cringed, how could she forget how people introduce themselves in Korea? "I transferred here from Paris, France". Dior sat abruptly, returning to her drawing. Dior rarely felt embarrassed, but she believed feeling that uncommon churn in her gut was definitely justified. What else was she to say? Hi, I probably have cancer, my family is probably more wealthy than yours, and I own the oldest violin in the world and I'm going to vandalize the school every night? Yeah, sure. 

Luckily, this emotional warfare took place strictly inside of her mind. Physically, Dior looked calm, as if she had meant to do everything she just did. 

                                                                                                M O O D :Embarrassed 

O B J E C T I V E :  Play it cool.

L O C A T I O N :English Class W206- W2

I N T E R A C T I N G W I T H : Class

T A G S :   ~
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Do you ever see things and wonder how they get there? Like a wild animal standing in the middle of a highway, or the leader of the F4 sitting next to Junseok? He looked over at him, asleep, shrouded in the protective veil of his arms, listening to music. It was very out of character for him, the charming 'prince' of the school, especially since he sat away from the other F4 members that were there. They didn't seem to acknowledge him either. He suspected there might have been some discord in the F4, and he wasn't against it at all. He wasn't a sadist, and he hated seeing people at their worst, but maybe it wasn't so bad this time, the F4 being split like this. He expected Woojin to go over and participate in the horseplay between Yunseong and Joohyung, but alas, there he was, sitting next to him.

Interrupting his phone gaming time, the most hyperactive of the F4 blew through the classroom like a hurricane, eventually ending up in a seat next to Woojin. To be honest, Minwoo was the F4 member Junseok disliked the least. He was fun to kind of just watch sometimes. Junseok tried to refrain from looking over at Woojin, although he felt compelled to; he looked very serene, and not leader-of-the-F4-like at the moment, almost cute? He huffed in embarrassment at himself, looking toward the teacher that walked in and stood at the front of the classroom. He knew that once he awoke, he would be back to the same Woojin that there always was.

Apparently, introductions were in order. He always disliked introductions. He knew most of the people in the class, and he didn't feel like divulging anything that they didn't already know, so it was pointless. The first person was an American, a boy by the name Devin Collins. Something seemed off about him, other than his American accent. He seemed whimsical, the part about frisky felines bewildering him. He liked cats too but why the need to describe them as frisky felines? The next person up was the girl who he thought was American but is apparently French. She seemed to be caught off-guard when she started, but she seemed nice enough. He took a deep breath before standing up from his chair, making sure to tuck his phone into his pocket beforehand.

"Hello, hi." The 'hi' was his attempt to make his introduction seem less formal than he meant it to be. "Uh, I'm Kang Junseok. I'm an actor and... I'm a Pisces." He threw the last part in there remembering that the first boy noted he was an Aquarius. He sat back down after that, relieved that it went fairly well. 

 Mood Anxious

 Objective Introduce himself; ignore Woojin

 Location English Class W206-W2

 Interacting With Class



spread your wings and fly

Thank God for music. The guy would've gone crazy from all the noise that filled the classroom. Mostly it was from the boys, and at least one of the girls. However Woojin didn't hear much. He just comfortably slept, not really aware of what was going on. It was comfortable, his desk that is. He didn't want to move or be disturbed. However once his song ended, and was changing to the next, a fire spread throughout the classroom. Yes, the fire that is the fourth member of the F4, Kyo Minwoo. God, if someone needed to get woken up, they'd only have to spend two seconds with the guy before they were as wired as him. The boy seemed to be jumping over desks, at least in Woojin's head that is, going about the classroom like the playful kid he is. 

A hand on his shoulder made the male groan in his sleep, his body moving in annoyance. One thing was for sure, he hated waking up. It left him dazed and vulnerable to teasing. However the simple rock of his shoulders made him awkwardly aware of his surroundings. Somewhat. His eyes fluttered open, delicate brown eyes looking puppy like as he barely lifted his head, blinking a few times in confusion. He looked like he was an idol in public, being the only one wearing a face mask and hoodie. Woojin only laid his down again, half lidded gaze drifting about the classroom. He noticed that various people were standing up and speaking. He was confused at first, and eventually his curiosity got the best of him. 

He pulled an earbud from his ear when the boy to his left stood up. He listened to the boy speak and realized they were introducing themselves. Mentally screaming, Woojin let his head drop to his desk. When the boy next to him sat down, Woojin stood up, fingers running back through his hair, causing his hood to fall back. The popular male removed his face mask before ghosting over the earrings that decorated him. His messy hair, carefree smile, the dancer looked around at the class. "Um, hey. My name is Moon Woojin." Woojin's voice was rough from sleep, causing him to clear his throat, attempting to wake himself up. "I,m in the dance and vocal department, and uhh- Ah, I really enjoy art" A shy smile found it's way onto his face as he sat back down in his seat, looking a bit tired as he turned to see Minwoo next to him. 

"Minwoo-yah. I didn't know you were there" Woojin said with a smile before mouthing an apology to the teacher for speaking when it wasn't his turn. Honestly if Woojin was awake, properly, he would've had a more traditional introduction, probably wouldn't have flashed that shy smile and would've been much more respectful in terms of how he was acting. But the guy was very tired. Honestly his summer had been filled with many various adventures. Those included him going back to Busan and competing in sort of these 'underground' dance competitions he discovered in middle school. He wanted to stay with his family till the last possible day, therefore he was very tired from traveling. Much like a child, the princely student had a hard time catching up on sleep that is often lost during traveling. 

As the male got comfortable again, he glanced at the boy who spoke before him. He looked like such a kid. He reminded Woojin of a baby. Tilting his head at the boy he hummed softly before glancing towards the teacher for a moment. "It was Kang Junseok right?" He asked quietly. Honestly he was a friendly guy, but usually when in a school environment, he's more serious about school. But Hell, the kid next to him was the only one he heard introduce themselves. So obviously he wanted to clarify his name.


coded by: syzygy


// l o c a t i o n //

English - W206-B2

// i n t e r a c t i n g //

Minwoo - Junseok

// m e n t i o n e d //

Junseok  - Minwoo

// t a g s //

@PhantomAura @Kiyoko Tomoe

// m o o d //

Sleepy - Embarrassed - Shy

// o u t f i t //

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Not expecting a rejection after going through the rare, once in a blue moon chance, of offering her food she didn't know how to take it. For a moment or two she stood still raising an eyebrow as her snickers bar was left hanging. *Huh what's wrong with him. He's strange. Who rejects food?*

Seeing him leave before her well constructed reaction of her shrugging and taking her snickers back she only shook her head. *This is why I don't get health nuts. This right here is made with the epitome of human technology, a masterpiece. More than how, what is there to reject? Oh just thinking about it he must lead a sad life.* Ending off with a look of pity she took another bite of her candy, not caring and smacked it. *I am so glad I don't live like that.*

Finishing her bar she took another swig of her coke. "Ah, I feel alive." With nothing to keep her alive she had to have her arm on the desk and her hand to support her head from face planting the desk. At this point practically nothing went towards her as she stared blankly, concentrating on that one spot on the board. *Hmm, that board looks nice. We should get one for the office. After a fridge.*

As the bell rang to signal part of class she made no effort to pay attention towards the teacher who walked in. Though she didn't want to admit, even if she did make a good impression at first time will reveal her true colors. And her true colors might not be what any teacher would dream for. She always seems to space out in the middle of class, sometimes she interrupts class, there is a small chance of she would turn in homework on time, and most of all, her grades reflect all of that. *Why waste the energy, I'm pretty much a lost cause.*

She was more interested in her classmates. It has been awhile since she had contact with anyone in school. Since she was busy the whole break all the connections she had built up last year were crumbling. She learned the importance of connections and she wanted to rebuild and make some new ones. *Let's see, America...I could really go for a burger. Or BBQ, I want something new other than the usual korean bbq places, I've been there too much. Though I won't say no if someone invited me again. Doesn't France have that chocolate thing? Great. I'm getting hungry again.*

Being too preoccupied in naming all the types of food she knows from those two countries or what she thought was from those two countries and missed a couple of introductions. Only with a tap of her shoulder did she snap out of it and realized it was her turn. Not ready she abruptly stood a bit too powerfully and managed to cause her chair to fall backwards. Being the cool kid she was she ignored it and continued with her introduction. Getting ready she flipped her hair back while crossing her arms.

"Well I'm Han, Seri. Since I don't really care about honorifics and all that jazz I don't mind being called Seri or whatever. I'm currently focusing on media and music here. If I named all the things I'd like to be it'd take hours. Oh, and feel free to treat me like a trashcan , I'll gladly take all the leftover food. "

Making a peace sign as to signal the end of her introduction she picked up her chair and sat back down. She then motioned her hands, which already changed to the gun shaped position and "shot" and choose the next person.


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/*Using so the format can be adjusted to tablet and mobile.*/ /*for the big banner*/ #lkbanner{margin:auto; margin-top:70px; width:80%;} /*for the picture and orange bubblse*/ #lksidebar{float:left; z-index:2; } /*for the OOC information over picture*/ #lktexthover {z-index:3; position:absolute; opacity:0;} #lktexthover:hover, #lktexthover:focus {opacity:100} /*for post content*/ .lkcontent{ width:77%; border-left:100px double #000; box-sizing: content-box; position:relative; } /*for orange bubbles*/ .bubble#b1 {float:right;} .bubble#b2 {float:left;} /*For tablet so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 790px){ .lkcontent{ border-left:50px solid #000; } .bubble#b1, .bubble#b2 {float:right;} } /*For mobile so the format won't be too effed up*/ @media (max-width: 400px){ #lkbanner{ text-align:center; margin-top:-50px; z-index:3; width:100%;} #lksidebar{float:none; text-align:center;z-index:1;} .bubble{display:none;} /*Bubbles aren't displayed because they look messy on mobile*/ .lkcontent{ width:100%; border-left:30px solid #000; height:500px; overflow:auto; box-sizing: border-box; } }


English // W206-B2

Interacting With:

Class // @anyone


Preassured // Tired






Chouko ∞

[COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]Chouko didn’t bother to fully pay attention to everyone’s introductions, despite being new to the school and thus, not knowing anyone there. She did catch a few people's' [/COLOR][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]names,[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)] though, but there wasn’t a very good chance of her remembering all of them after that day. Sighing at this fact, the girl wrote on her arm the names of the people who already went, so if she were to come into contact with any of them throughout the rest of the day, she could glance down and hopefully be able to match the name with the face. It wasn't 100% going to work, she knew, but why not give the idea a shot anyways? Chouko was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts when she heard the sound of a chair falling on the ground and nearly fell out of her own, but she stopped herself before she did and decided to start paying attention so she wouldn’t get startled again. [/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]Han, Seri was the name of the girl who had just finished mere seconds ago. Her introduction concluded with a gunshot hand-motion in the J[/COLOR][SIZE=18.666666666666664px]apanese[/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)] girl’s direction, causing said female to tense.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]Chouko allowed[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)] a silent breath escape the confines of her lips as she wearily stood up and let her eyes wander around the classroom. The blonde wasn’t necessarily timid or anything, but the many pairs of eyes that burned into her head filled her with a sense of pressure that didn’t help her situation. Sucking in a gulp of air, she quickly thought out what she was going to say. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(241, 40, 96)]Hey, my name is Kawaguchi, Chouko. I’m here in hopes of becoming an Idol, or just a music artist in general, hence why I’m taking vocal and dance classes. I was born on Halloween, so that makes me a Scorpio! [/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]… Except, that wasn’t quite what she said.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(241, 40, 96)]“So… Yeah. Uh, I’m Chouko–… Uhm, Kawaguchi, Chouko. Oh! And I uh, I’m here because uh. I wanna make music and stuff… Kinda like an Idol, so I can, like… Yeah. Err, you might see me in your music–I mean, vocal and dance classes.”[/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(241, 40, 96)] [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]Chouko mentally groaned at how she introduced herself. The room went dead silent for a few seconds as the others in the class looked at her, expecting her to go on. She blinked. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(241, 40, 96)]“.... Aaaand ~ I was born on Halloween so that makes me a scorpion–… A Scorpio, but I probably don't act like how those horoscope things tell... Er, describe them as." [/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(255, 180, 103)]Various snickers filled the room but Chouko ignored them and sat down in her seat. Not bothering to look up from the desk in front of her, she held up the hand that had her baby pink pen and pointed the writing utensil towards the next victim, before laying her head down against the cool surface and drawing circles on it with the non-pointed end of the pen.[/COLOR]


∞ E N D ∞


[SIZE=9.333333333333332px]code by ViAdvena ~ Hover over the gif! if on Mobile, tap on it![/SIZE]

[SIZE=9.333333333333332px]idk what im doing but thats how i would introduce myself tbh[/SIZE]
■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪ Hye-Yeong ■ □ ▢ ▣ ▤ ▥ ▦ ▧ ▨ ▩ ▪


“If you don't want a generation of robots, fund the arts!”

≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿

For several moments, Hye-Yeong couldn't hear anything over the violent pounding of his pulse. Clearly, he was expected to say something the moment he abruptly stood up in a clumsy manner when Chouko who had finished her introduction pointed at him, but panic at having to speak stole the thoughts from his head. He was slowly becoming self aware of his current surroundings as each student stood up to introduce themselves prior to his actions like it was the easiest thing to do in the entire universe. This wasn't the case for Hye-Yeong, for he was too overwhelmingly flustered and he obviously didn't want that to be showcased. He looked as if he'd spent the last ten years of his life locked up in a science lab doing experiments and he didn't want anyone to look at him like he was the latest new experiment to be discovered but luckily, no one could give a flying fuck. Although he did sometimes venture into society, he was particularly introverted.

"Haha, right. Um, m-my name is..." He momentarily forgot his name and attempted to sheepishly rub his neck in embarrassment, trying to think of ways to avert the attention. Public speaking was his worst trait, "Hye.. H-hye-yeong bae is what I'm called on occasion.. o-or just Hye..haha or whatever you want to call me.. i d-dunno" He took a deep breath and gazed at the ground like it was the most interesting thing at the moment, "I like building stuff a-and that's why I'm here.." He quickly sat down to allow the next person an audience that could possibly be silently judging him or not. He liked to overthink things and let his imagination go haywire. He instantaneously got up again without a second thought, knocking over his backpack and dropping his belongings that resided inside, "I am a-also a Sagittarius! Uhm.. you know, the half man and half horse? T-that's me but i don't know how to use a bow and arrow.. not that it would be required or anyth-... right okay.." He swallowed the lump in his throat and proceed to collect the things on the ground that unceremoniously scattered everywhere. Hye-Yeong is so foolishly shy, that he often seems negligent, when in reality he is only kept back by his natural awkwardness. On the bright side, he maintained a memory that could memorize anything significant and therefore, he had everyone's name at the back of his head for future purposes.

Hye-Yeong hurriedly stuffed his notebook, pens, and random contraptions into his backpack before sinking into his seat in the hopes to disappear from the face of earth. He wanted to make an unforgettable first impression but that idea went down the drain the moment his dumb lips began to move and speak without his consent. He fiddled with his thumbs and glanced at EunMin who in turn was hiding a giggle, and that made him stick out his tongue at her for the lack of confidence. Nonetheless, he was thrilled to await meeting new people and have a change of routine but he wasn't necessarily positive that the other party felt the same way, ESPECIALLY the infamous f4. Not that he liked them or anything but he couldn't judge if he didn't really know them at a personal level. 

≡ ≢ ≣ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≨ ≩ ≪ ≫ ≭ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ≲ ≳ ≴ ≵ ≶ ≷ ≸ ≹ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿

    ✏ ɱood- Embarrassed

    ✏ Όbjective- Self Introduction

    ʃocation- English Class W206 - W2

    Ȋnteracting with - Class

    ✏tags- N/A
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Seeing as everyone on her side of the classroom has introduced themselves, EunMin then sighed as she stood up with a ray of confidence. She wasn’t necessarily concerned since she made sure to carefully plan her new school year as a ‘normal’ student. With the burden of the S4’s recent decline, EunMin was quick to blend in with the normal crowd due to one solid reason-- being popular meant nothing. It only brought fake friends and a huge amount of issues that weren’t required. This is the why she somewhat felt bad for the F4 group, however, EunMin had absolutely nothing to do with them. All she could simply do was watch them from the distance and hope that they somehow manage to stay afloat. Sigh[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Leaning on her right foot, she smiled as she focused her thoughts on the current scenario, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“It’s nice to meet you all! My Name is Jeon EunMin and pretty dedicated to become a professional ice skater like Viktor Nikiforov someday! His dedication motivated me to pursue a scholarship to attend University in Russia or Australia.” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]She briefly paused as she carefully picked her next set of words, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Oh! I’m a Gemini that’s not [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]cocky[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] like some people, I enjoy to play fair and square ~”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] This comment was mostly directed to YunSeong who at the moment appeared to be intensely staring at her with a blank look. Although, it didn’t bother her at all. She wanted to get her point across. She mainly did it for HyeYeong who had a major dislike towards him. EunMin was one to never poke at others, but for his sake, she would do it to protect him. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“I hope we all get along this year!” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]With that being her last set of words, she offered a warm smile to all of her classmates as she took a seat. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Upon sitting down, she once again sent her gaze towards the window. EunMin was relieved that she didn’t have some lame breakdown during her introduction. It would’ve honestly sucked. Good thing she took her pills before coming to the campus-- it was a life saver. Letting out another silent sigh as she then shifted her attention to the next student that was about to present themselves. She was honestly excited hear their story.[/SIZE]

OOD[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]- [/SIZE]Nervous/Excited

BJECTIVE[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-[/SIZE] Not mess up her introduction

OCATION[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]- [/SIZE]English Class W206 - W2


AGS[SIZE=13.333333333333332px]-[/SIZE][SIZE=13.333333333333332px] IDK[/SIZE]

❤ Akiko Kita  ❤

Introductions had begun-- and with the introductions came the nerves and jitters of presenting ones self. Gone is the previous confidence. *CRI*  Well they had been going on for quite awhile and the longer they stretched on the more Akiko sunk into the realization that she was soon, that aside Akiko began studying those that had previously gone. From the Egocentric seeming American who seemed to take pride in quoting a 'Supernatural' heartthrob, to several shaky "Hur' Ther'" intros. Watching a girl smoothly complete her introduction reminded her of someone who was comfortable with themselves-- She must have been used to the attention of many. As the other girl sat Akiko rose slowly from her seat somewhat nervous to say anything off topic, or irrelevant-- or well just saying anything that she hadn't planned out.. Which she hadn't. 

Her mind seemed to have turned to a massive pile of chaos that had no actual coherent ideas. Great. "Uh.." She began, her ears hidden behind her thick hair growing a lovely shade of cherry. "Oh- Sorry." She stuttered a moment before clearing her throat to begin again, "Hi there- My name is Akiko Kita." She paused a moment before attempting a smile, "I'm hoping to be an important someone someday," The shade of red began to peak out from under her hair as it reached for her cheeks. "I hope we can get along, uh.." She paused a moment once again before perking up, "Oh! I love coffee and um, cats. So if you have interest-- Then.. you can.. uhm.... talk to... me.." She faded off with an embarrassed smile as she sunk into her seat.

 Well that went well. 

mood: Embarrassed

objective: Don't fu-- Nvm

location: English Class W206 - W2
interacting with: Yeah the mood change tho

(Eh I'll add Devin's tomorrow maybe.)

ღ ~ Kyo MinWoo ~ ღ

Taking out the food he had in his bag, Minwoo began eating as the waito- err, teacher, had come in and started class. Class introductions began, and Minwoo was excited; about his food, that is. He simply sat there silently as food- err, students, were introduced, paying great detail to those that went up to his mou- err, those that stood up, detailed what they had to offer, then found their way into his stoma- uhh... sat back down in their seats...

Damn food was on his mind too much right now, and he wasn't even sure why. Though all of a sudden, it was his turn. People were looking in his direction, as the two beside him had already gone, which they were probably kept waiting there for a moment until Minwoo finally realized he needed to stand up and introduce.

"Hello, I'm food- I mean, I'm Kyo Minwoo," He said with what was probably the most uncaring tone toward the fact he had made a mistake in who- no, what he was. "I was born right here in Seoul, and according to people I'm a Sagittarius- whatever the heck that means. Also, I'm JooHyung's one and only rival!"

Taking a short moment to smile toward everyone and wave somewhat excessive in energy, Minwoo found himself disinterested rather quickly at the introduction activity, although not before giving a bit of a challenging and playful glance toward JooHyung.

"Well, back to food!"

Sitting back down, Minwoo returned to his delectable 'breakfast' of sorts, paying no attention to anything else for the remainder of introductions, save for paying attention to the happenings of his fellow F4 members; particularly, JooHyung. That was his rival, after all; what good would it be for Minwoo to have JooHyung upstage him this early in the year, after all?

My cooking's definitely improved since last month, that's for sure. I'm soo glad I asked my cousin to practice cooking with me.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Location: English - W206-B2

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Mood: Food. Is. Life.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Interactions: With classmates (introductions), though mostly with his food.

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]ღ ~ [/COLOR]Tags: @Reminiscent
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