IC- Academy

Zaryn moved away, and winced at the kiss of the pregnant woman. "What?" he said confused but begun to note her strange features. Was she a virus? Had she been corrupted? Or was this simply her? Zaryn took a step back. "You can protect yourself then I see, no need for me to be here with y.." he was about to finish before somethinf echoed in his mind. Another of his kind. He turned to face the tree man.

"We are safe, we are home for now," he said with no change of tone and gestured the man over. 

"We shall head to class then," he said to the girl calling heraelf Hitsu. Her feet were awfully annoying.


Crystal nodded. "Yo that's cool! Split Personality! Gemini Syndrome! Interesting, what's your name?" She asked the now different Pocotarius. Crystal was smart, she noticed things like this and boy was she observant.

"Come on then, we can walk and talk, hello plant man," she said waving the man before smiling. Crystal scanned her surroundings and through the walls around her. Some girl right? There were odd groups of students, a few teachers, guards but she couldn't see a girl, perhaps she was too far out of her sight.

"Come on loves!" she chuckled.

@Sgt Gomez @Nenma Takashi @TheHappyPikachu 
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Hitsu giggled at the man's response, staring directly at the rather gruesome injury as it healed, she shrugged a little, "Ah, I see~…. Sorry for interrupting your class, but may I inquire one more thing? If we are to step into the ring with you…. There was no statement or better said- 'rule' that we couldn't simply stand there right? You said give everything you've got but that's simply a suggestion, though I wouldn't say it's advisable since you could still attack us~…. But none the less it would be more than possible not to strike back and simply last out the minuet?…." She asked smugly.

It was then she felt the small tug at her shirt and she turned back around to face the small girl, her eye's regaining their soft disposition, "Um~…. I guess you could put it like that!~…. I mean~" She said, awkwardly glancing sideways for a moment and blushing a little, "As long as you don't tell nobody, I'll let you in on something, K'ay?~" She asked with a giggle, leaning in near the girls ear and whispering softly, "I don't like seeing people get hurt~….." It wasn't something you'd really consider a secret and her words sounded as though it wasn't the complete truth as she leant back she continued, "I guess that sounds pretty weird considering the school I'm at, huh?~" She said.

Soon turning to face the teacher once again, her expression once again shifting back into what it was before at an uncanny speed, "So~…. Am I correct?…. Professor." She said in an almost mocking manner, but keeping up the sweet charm that lingered in her tone, she certainly didn't seem like one to refuse a fight.

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Kozilek acknowledged the request made by his partner and his tentacles wrapped around the unconscious boy, pulling him towards the Titan who then grabbed the boy saying to the class. "Don't worry if you get knocked unconscious. My portion of the class will begin as soon as my partner is finished with you." With that the boy seemingly faded away into nothing, all traces of his existence would be gone and to the boy he would be transported to another portion of Zendikar. Even unconscious the boys mind would not escape Kozileks control. The Titan carefully had the boys limp body placed beside him while he constructed a different part of Zendikar for his mind to be sent to.  It was when Kozilek addressed the class that his portion would begin whether they were conscious or not that he noticed someone had burst through the door rather quickly. Well she would still be considered late and the Eldrazi reached out to her mind specifically, " You are late. Stand off by yourself. We will deal with you shortly." With that Kozilek let his partner know of the late student.

@Infinite @Idea @shadowz1995 @Alstromeria @Battlesheep @TheHappyPikachu


The boy would find himself staring at an underground cavern of some sort. The heat of the area would seem overbearing as if he stood there too long he would be cooked alive. Strange noises would be heard all around the student as it seemed like something would begin stirring. The boy would have to run for his life or die trying. 

What the students didn't know about Kozileks power was just how deep it went. The illusion that he creates tricks the mind so completely that if they weren't careful the subject would die of shock. 

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Saiko's consciousness wakes up, although his body doesn't respond to it. His mind sees the cavern as if he is seeing it with his own eyes. The heat immediately causes his skin to grow moist with sweat. The voices in his head continue to stay silent. Another illusion? he wonders. Either way, the sounds around him do not strike a nerve. They would not scare him. He doesn't get frightened by measly sounds in a dark cavern. But he can't help but wonder how he ended up there. He only barely remembers the fight. Either way, he prepares for a fight. Even though he isn't scared by the sounds, he believes they are real. "Hey, teacher! Where am I??" he asks, curious about the new environment he was transported to.

It really doesn't matter to him. A few noises sounding around him. A dark cavern. Perhaps even a few opponents. They don't matter. However, it's not until he hears the voices speaking again that he begins to grow anxious. Not scared, but anxious. This time, they aren't in his head. They are around him. The voices mix with the sounds of the creatures stirring around him. They are almost real. So real that he felt that if he walked further into the cavern, he would actually see those that the voices belong to: his parents, lost friends, and even his bullies. So he seeks out the voices, wandering deeper into the cavern. Almost as if he's in a trance.

Kozilek doesn't answer the boy and while he waits for Lennex's next fight he managed to find something interesting within Saiko's mind. It seemed that within his consciousness were other elements. Voices that seemed to be of relatives and friends. As Saiko wandered further into the Cavern he would hear the whispers of the voices grow stronger and louder as Kozilek gave them power. Eventually the Cavern would turn into into the student's childhood home. The boy would suddenly be standing in his living room surrounded by his parents and anyone else he's killed. Their bodies still torn to pieces by the glass, still bleeding heavily. Their whispers would turn to shouting as the voices cursed him for killing them. One by one the voices would lung at the boy seemingly vanishing within him. A moment later he would relive all the horrible moments he had spent with them before feeling the impact of his own glass into his body as if he had been shot by a shotgun. The trauma, the pain. This is what the Eldrazi thrived on and even with all that pain and suffering Kozilek was pushing the boys mind even further as he rooted around for the one thing within the Shaiko's broken mind that he still loved. 

Saiko walks down the cavern, slowly. He wants to reach those that the voices belong to, but he is also reluctant. He'd murdered them with his own two hands, after all. But he has to be sure they were nearby. The thought that it could just be an illusion never crosses his mind. After a few moments of walking, he comes across a house: his house. He had lived there with his parents before coming to the academy. Before killing them. The mere thought tugs on his heart. He still felt no sadness, though. Only pain was brought upon him. Hard, cold mental pain.

Saiko's consciousness blinks quickly, and he finds himself in his living room. His parents are lying on the couch. His consciousness blinks again. Suddenly shards of glass are found in their bodies. Another blink. His best friend is now on the floor of the room, blood dripping and soaking into the carpet. His mind blinks several more times, each blink revealing another person he has killed, whether it be a relative, close friend, or a bully. Finally, one last flicker of his mind reveals all of the bodies, staring at him. They begin to chant insults, their voices progressively growing louder. Saiko can't bare it.

He believes the entire illusion is real. "No..." he begins to say to the bodies. "I didn't mean it... You all know that..." It's no use. Out of nowhere, they begin to pounce at him, their bodies disappearing afterward and their voices returning to Saiko's head. It's complete torture. He can't fathom the pain of his past. His past... It comes back to mind as each of the voices pour their thoughts into his head. Death. Murder. Blood. Death. Pain. Cries. Death. All of it comes back to him. And right as he reaches his breaking point, just as he feels like he might die from being overwhelmed with such harsh thoughts and memories, the blood on the floor, carpet, and walls around him turns to glass. But the glass is red and stained. At once, all of the bloody glass around surrounding him fires into Saiko's body, the pain from it feeling as real as it would in real life.

It didn't end there. The glass makes its way through his body and to his brain as if looking for something. Saiko cries and laughs at the same time. He cries because of those he has lost. He laughs because he remembers how good it felt to kill them all. But he also screams in the most painful agony known to man.

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Kazuichi nodded his head quickly as the woman asked if he wanted help. "Yes please thank you. She has short white hair, and red eyes um she a little shorter than you and has an air of confidence to her. Is uh is that good enough?" He asked not sure of how well of a description she needed in order to find Kiyoko. "Oh she'll also be looking for me, no doubt so be on the look out for someone well looking out." 


Felicia Bernard

"White hair eh...? Can't say I'd complain about that."

With that information supplied to her, the insects that were once on the tree abandoned their previous goal, and set out to find this Kiyoko. The search didn't instantly yield results, to Felicia's surprise. White hair should've been easy enough to find... Oh, never mind. Within 3 minutes, one of the wasps had found someone to fit the description, at least it was worth a try. The boy had given an accurate description, if this was the correct individual. Well, she'd found her way into a gathering it seemed... Possibly an awkward one. Either way, it was time to move.

"I think I've found her. Not sure if those are her friends or what... Just follow me." With a slight smile, she began to head in the direction her wasp had discovered the crowd in. She briefly looked back every now and then, to be sure that Kazuichi had been following as he was told.

@Nenma Takashi




(I know it could've been better.)
Kazuichi nodded his head as he followed after her seeing the crowd he didn't recognize anyone in the group. Until one moved out of the way and he saw Kiyoko and began running towards her. "Kiyo!" Kiyoko was fed up with this group they would be no help in finding Kazuichi and her worrying only increased by the minute until she heard someone shout for her. She then saw Kazuichi and likewise ran towards him. "Kazu!" The two ran to each other until Kazu jumped at her and she caught him spinning they hugged each other tightly. "Oh Kazu I thought I lost you I was so worried about you are you ok are you hurt anywhere did someone try to touch you!?" Kazuichi shook his head and then pointed to Felicia. "No Kiyo I was fine that nice lady over there helped me find you." Kiyoko looked at the woman and smiled clearing her throat she remarked. "Thank you commoner uh I mean Miss I will be sure to repay this debt in the future to come." 

Rose began to walk towards the gym while the robot girl passed her. Rose was in no hurry and did not care if she was late. She could crush anyone in her way if she wanted to, or so she thought. She walks into the gym and immediately bows out of respect for the teachers. She could feel the mental tendrils of the titan creep into her mind. She smiles and allows them through. She was always up for a challenge. Rose's main form of defense were her vines since her other self was weak and refused to fight people. Why must Amber always make the decisions? She asked herself. Why did Amber decide to plant this seed? We are barely 20 and she thinks she can raise a sapling? Rose scoffs. Rose glances towards the ring where the teacher and some students were fighting. She makes her way over to Kitsu or whatever the robot girls name was. She could sense that the robot could fight and she would need allies to get by at this school.

@LaDyGrEy @TheHappyPikachu @SleepyBuddha @anyoneelse

Irina Kitora 

She narrowed her eyes as Distman responded to her. She did not like his attitude at all. He truly believed he was untouchable. And while that might be so Irina was certain that someday someone was going to bring him to his knees - it probably wouldn't be anyone in this class or even in the school at the moment but she hoped when that day came she would be there to see it. Smug prick. She did not bother responding to his comments having already decided she thoroughly did not like either of the instructors. They were nothing like her beloved mentor. Moments like these made her miss Kenshin all the more.

He commented on the look she had on her face, saying she had dirty little secrets. "I have nothing to hide."  She probably didn't sound as confident saying that as she would have liked. He didn't no squat about her and if it were to remain up to her he never would. Nothing these people could teach her would ever make her stop hating Argonians, she was sure of that. 

The match had begun though with the student hurling beautiful glass creations at the teacher. Irina was surprised when they shattered in mid air, hundreds of sharp shards flying at top speed. Distman had not bothered to dodge them or even react at all really. She winced as the shards sliced through his body and great gouts of blood poured all over the ring. Anyone else would have died from those wounds but he simply dug the glass out without much care. Her eyes widened as he began to visibly and rapidly heal from his wounds. Then he seemed to blink from one spot to the next, flicking the student aside with incredible force. He was rendered unconscious, dragged away by those disgusting tentacles.

No wonder he was so damn cocky. He couldn't be killed by any normal means. And on top of that he was incredibly quick and strong. Irina guessed that was what he meant by fighting with the intent to kill. Everyone could go all out without worrying about accidentally killing him. But he obviously didn't care for the students safety either judging by how hard he had hit that kid. Irina found it incredibly distateful but there was nothing she could do.

Her gaze shifted over to the door as more students began to enter the classroom. She wondered what the penalty would be for being late was when Hitsumori spoke up asking what would happen if they simply chose to stand in the ring and do nothing. It seemed kind of pointless but she supposed it was a plausible strategy if one didn't want to be hurt. "Considering he doesn't seem to care for our safety, I suppose that's not a horrible idea." She remarked, the lifeless looking form of the student who had fought first vivid in her mind. @TheHappyPikachu
Jacob got up from the floor deciding that waiting won't help. "How long have I waited for?" questioned Jacob. He looked around for a clock and found out that there's a slim chance of him being late for his class. "This isn't how I originally planned things," he groaned. "Oh well, might as well go to... gym class?" Jacob jogged around searching for the gymnasium. "Found it!" He exclaimed with a smile. He felt the adrenaline flowing through his veins, even though he could be late.

Jacob opened the doors to the gym and immediately greeted the teachers. His mind was blown with the discovery of his classmates and the possibility of making friends! "Cool!" he blurted out with a huge grin on his face. Yet, he didn't know what the class was doing. The answer was in his face, but he really needed some clarification of the objectives. "Um... hello? Excuse me, can you tell me what the class is doing?" He asked the plant woman looking at the ring.

(Finally back!)

@Sgt Gomez
"So, who's next?" The instructor bellowed throughout the canyon walls. The first student was brave and now all of the others knew what they were going up against. They were going to have to bring their A game or get knocked into next week, much like initial challenger. This assured that no one was going to pull any punches and Lennex would be able to gauge their individual stengths better, especially if they held nothing back. 

He chose not to respond to neither Hitsu's question nor Irina's remark on how he didnt care for their safety. Hitsu because the look he gave her when she asked was more than likely answer enough. He was basically begging her to just stand there so he could make an example out of her. Irina because if she couldn't tell that Lennex was holding back an incredible amount than she was just a hopeless idiot. He could easily kill a normal man with a flick. To gauge the power on it and simply render a teenager unconscious took a considerable amount of control, no matter what kind of ability they may have. 

"Let's go people, we dont have all day."
The first fighter should've killed him, twice even.

Eegez was no fool, he knew that he was still weak and had no interest in repeating the same actions as the first guy.

Then it begged the question; how do you kill someone like him, if you even can? Or, should you try to beat him, or purposely play the first round weak?

It gave two advantages; being underestimated and less chance of failing the other days of testing. Both seeming relatively appealing.

He'd been hoping for someone who could help him master his abilities, was there much point if you get obliterated on the first day without learning a thing?

Zaryn followed everyone else towards what was called a gym. He shuffled in at the back and away from others as he watched the instructor and winced. "I'll kill them, all except the people with toxic resistance," he sighed before crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, a now thick acid on his plant skin. 


Crystal skipped along, her eyes scanning people and making predictions. "Die of cancer, tumour in the brain, his bone marrow is going to be fatal," she mutteree uner her breath but a small smile on her face. With a shrug she also joined the group, intrigued with Amber's gemini disorder, being pregnant to, she admired the plant woman.

"Hitsu-chan, good luck when you fight!" she clapped and looked around at her new to be peers.

"What powers have you guys got?" she asked to anyone who would listen, Crystal cocked her hip and held her weight on her right leg.


Sorry it's bad, I got ignored and don't really understand what's happening.
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"Huh? Who?... Me?" the little teen questioned the brown-haired girl. "Well, I have the abilities of an Alternian, my jump is above average and I repair technology!" Jacob was smiling shyly, pretty much thinking that he might be a show off. Please don't say that I'm just a kid, I'm a teen, hoped Jacob. This thought was pretty much a veteran when it comes to meeting new people. He's short and really gets bother when people may tease him about. Of course, he kinda loves his nickname that he was given by many others. Small Guy. "Anyway, why're you asking? Not being nosy or anything," commented the curious, small teenager.

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After a few awkward moments of no one volunteering, Eegez steps forward and climbs into the ring.

"It'll have to be done anyway, might as well not drag it out."

Confirming he was ready, Eegez suddenly jumps sideways, forming a sniper out of a plume of black smoke. He quickly aims up to the head of his opponent, and fires multiple times, constantly moving as he does so.

"This'll barely scratch the guy, seeing as that giant spike of glass didn't work, but you gotta look like you're trying."

@shadowz1995 (since no one else is fighting XD)
"Oh hiiii! Another Alteranian! You guys are everywhere? Where'd you get your parts from?"  Crystal scanned the girl, switching from x-ray to MRI, and whatever else she found useful. "Why are there so many of you?" she questioned but then shrugged and nodded.

"Wait how old are you guys?" she questioned with  chuckle, unfamiliar of the ages they could survive to. With a wince she looked at the fighting ring and made a face.

"I don't have weapons," she said flatly wanting to keep her guns on the down-low and inconspicuous.  "My power does not allow me to fight either unless I am paired up as a support," Crystal sighed, she could see things people couldn't, she could literally die right now if someone wanted to stab her. She'd ba happy to do hand to hand, she was army trained in that aspect and boy was she good with a sniper and her eyesight, well any weapon.

"I'd rather be support," she smiled.

"I'm Crystal by the way, what's your name hon?" her accent said with joy and a hand shake extended

"That's the spirit." Lennex nodded with a grin as he took a few steps back and allowed his new opponent to enter the ring. After the student confirmed his readiness, he hopped to one side without hesitation. At first, Lennex didnt react to the action. Wisps of smoke were gathering around his hands and torso and Lennex simply watched in curiosity. It wasnt until the barrel of a firearm was visible that his eyes widened slightly and he shifted to the left, catching a sniper round in the right shoulder. 

Sniper rounds were normally devastating but they needed travel time to truly do damage. They were only a few feet from each other and instead of blasting his whole damn arm off, the bullet instead punched a clean, bullet sized hole through his shoulder. 

The game wasnt over there, as more rounds were fired off and Lennex didnt want to take the chance of having his motor functions shut down by a headshot. In the confusion, a bullet did graze his the side of his face before Lennex closed the distance. When bullets grazed somebody, it wasnt like in the movies or shows. They didnt leave a nice little line. They carved a ruinous, bloody path through whatever flesh the bullet came into contact with. In this case, it carved through the cheek and blew off the joint of the mandible, essentially unhinging the professor's jaw. The bullet continued onwards and completely blew his right ear off before Lennex grabbed the long barrel of the rifle. 

He pulled the sniper up high into the air with one hand and made sure to account for any shifts in movement. The teacher would then shoot a hand for the student's throat and start to slowly choke the life out of the boy. Ths strength would start out at human and slowly increase to super human and then super natural until the student either passed out, found a way to escape, or his neck broke. Again, the clinic here was better than any hospital in the world. The students would be fine even if they died.
His wind was shut off, at first it was only slightly and he could still slightly breathe, then the grasp increased and the air stopped completely.

Darkness grew around the edges of his vision of the sky, seeing as the professor was holding his head up and all, but his bloodshot eyes moved to the weapon he still had.

Don't do it.

The thought grew and grew, mentally debating over the pros and cons.

Don't do it.

The shine of the barrel grew fainter as the darkness crept in.

Don't do it. 

The sniper disappeared into a puff of smoke, just as it had appeared, since the teacher had grabbed it with his immense strength and Eegez was suspended purely by the choke hold. His eyes looked over the hand around his neck, and he flashed a smile.

He had put up a good show, and prevented his trump card from kicking in, so using the last of his breath, he repeated "No matter how badly you mop the floor with me today. As long as I do better next time, I'll pass."

And with that, he ended the fight without dragging it on.

That, as well as making a quiet but horrid choking noise as the breath he currently had was no longer enough to stay conscious with.

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The Phoenix couldnt help but raise an amused eyebrow at the student as hr used his final breath to throw Lennex's words back in his face. When his eyes finally rolled back into his head and his feet stopped twitching, Lennex tossed his limp body over to Kozilek for the second phase of their training. "Hey Kozilek." Lennex called out as he reattached his jaw, "Be sure to tell that boy I said that is a very potent ability but he needs to learn how to use it. He actually could have given me a hard time there."

Hitsu nodded at the man's look, she needed no more reply, the expression on his face was more than enough to reply to her question. She began to take a step away before hearing her roommates accent call out through the crowd, turning curiously to face her before settling into her usual soft smile and waving, "Ello!~ And thanks!" She giggled out in reply. Hitsu's glance returned to the small girl beside her, "Thanks for having a chat with me! Cya around kid, K?~" She finished.

She moved forward a few paces, tapping her foot on the ground twice causing a clinking sound before raising her hand once again, "I'll go." She said softly, slowly hopping up and into the ring by the way of a backflip before slowly pacing over to a corner with her hands clasped behind her back as she gave an innocent smile, her white bangs covering her eyes. She grabbed the steam-punk style glasses hanging around her neck and fastened them over her face, standing there quietly in seeming compliance to her early statement.

@shadowz1995 @LaDyGrEy
Rose smiled at the fights and was just about to offer herself to the ring to show her strength, but then the robot girl flipped into the ring. She decided to watch and swore she would get the next fight. She wanted to show that she was strong and that no one should mess with her. She just worried that Amber would come back in the middle of the fight. That would be nothing but bad news! Rose decided to find Zaryn since she knew he could be a valuable ally. She spotted him in a corner and walked over to him. "Hello again. I was wondering if you would...like to..." She let her words drift off. Rose may be strong, but she was not good with interactions.

@TheHappyPikachu @LaDyGrEy
As Kozilek rooted around inside of Saiko's mind for any more attachments he could exploit he was not really surprised to find that there were none left. It appeared that he had killed them all. Well then Kozilek had already broken the boy's mind and found the aspects of his mentality that would need to be overwritten before he could handle any sort of combat. With his assessment of the first student complete he put on the finishing touches. The glass that was now embedded within his psyche would liquify and harden again to fill the 'injuries'. He had sustained. Of course the molten glass would be extremely painful but it was the home stretch. If the boy went into shock and died then he would be shipped to the clinic for revival. Kozileks voice rang out inside Saiko's mind, " Allowing the past to rule over the present will only lead to pain, suffering, and loss of connection to reality. Those voices that serve only to harm you must be defeated before you can move to the next stage." Kozilek said basically telling the kid he would need to work through his past so that it didn't consume him by the next test or he failed. The glass of memories would be a permanent illusion Kozilek set up within Saiko's mind that blocks to voices in one manner, but also worsens it by having the boy almost constantly hallucinating that all those people are out to get him and they would be. The spirits of the past would haunt him until either he broke free or he died trying. 


Kozileks caught Eegez with his massive hand and told his partner that he would relay the message. Just as with Saiko if anyone cared enough to be watching Eegez in the hands of the titan he would seemingly disappear into nothing as the next fight began. Kozilek quickly rooted around inside Eegez's mind as he set up the world for the student to run around in.


Eegez would wake up at the mouth of a boiling river, the smell of sulfur hangs in the air and geysers erupt randomly. Behind him he would see... creatures. These were the Progeny not of Kozilek but if his sibling Ulamog and they like their father had a ravenous need to devour life.



@shadowz1995 @Zamice
Kazuichi nodded his head as he followed after her seeing the crowd he didn't recognize anyone in the group. Until one moved out of the way and he saw Kiyoko and began running towards her. "Kiyo!" Kiyoko was fed up with this group they would be no help in finding Kazuichi and her worrying only increased by the minute until she heard someone shout for her. She then saw Kazuichi and likewise ran towards him. "Kazu!" The two ran to each other until Kazu jumped at her and she caught him spinning they hugged each other tightly. "Oh Kazu I thought I lost you I was so worried about you are you ok are you hurt anywhere did someone try to touch you!?" Kazuichi shook his head and then pointed to Felicia. "No Kiyo I was fine that nice lady over there helped me find you." Kiyoko looked at the woman and smiled clearing her throat she remarked. "Thank you commoner uh I mean Miss I will be sure to repay this debt in the future to come." 


Felicia Bernard

'Com- Oh, she checked herself. Is she one of those types...?' Figuring that thinking to herself would get her nowhere, Felicia decided to introduce herself. "Hi, I'm Felicia. I assume you're the Kiyo girl he's been talking about? Well, can't say he was wrong with his description." She returned with a smile of her own, taking time to observe the girl. Well, her brother was right about the height, she was rather tall for a human... Supposing she was at all. Human females rarely reached the height Kiyoko did. 

"Where do you think all these people are headed? Maybe I miscounted the time..." 

@Nenma Takashi
"My name is Jacob," he replied with a friendly smile and shook Crystal's hand. "But, I'm not full Atlernian, I'm a hybrid of Alternian AND human." His vision shifted towards the ring as he saw the student representative enter the ring. No flipping way! thought the boy in disbelief. He analyzed the situation and found out that it was her turn to fight. Cool! I can't wait to see her battle! At this time, he was still shaking Crystal's hand. Jacob fixed his glance on the brown-haired girl. "Uh-Anyway, what species are you?"

"Oh yeah, I'm 14 years old," Jacob answered one of her questions. "And I don't think I would know where to get the parts you were asking about."


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