IC- Academy


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧crying over fictional lesbians (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
(Monday, 10:30AM.)

The smell of cherry blossoms, freshly laid concrete, smoke, oil- and something else…. The scents were faint in the background of the massive school, it was practically a city in its own right and towered above anyone stepping through the tightly guarded gate. The gate that only opened twice a year, once for the students to enter, and once for them to leave. And yet- None of the returning students were ever seen leaving by the small town nearby, some say they went off to join the army, others say more suspicious things…. And yet on this day the metal and brick facility seemed strangely peaceful.


All the new students were gathered together in the courtyard, an area that came at the end of a pathway of sakura trees in full bloom, their scent was sweet and lingered even once having passed them, the group was in front of a small wooden stage with simply a microphone on it. No breeze could be felt through the tall walls surrounding the place, once inside it was evident there was no way out except the gate, but that was a challenge in its own right. A figure slowly took a step onto the stage, it was a tall and thin woman with a pale complexion and faded red hair tied up tightly in a neat bun upon her head, she wore a black business suit with a white shirt beneath, her eyes were staring in a cold manner through a pair of rectangular glasses and were a cat-like green. Glancing around in a judgemental manner over her audience, an eyebrow raised in an almost disappointed manner, she held a tablet underneath her arm and as her feet finally met behind the microphone she brought it out in front of her. 


She coughed twice in order to gather any straying students minds attention to herself before beginning to read from it, her voice was shrill and sounded similar to fingernails scrapping across a blackboard. "The head mistress is unfortunately unable to attend this ceremony due to certain- reasons, but would like to inform you she welcomes you all to our prestigious academy and has given me a short set of instructions to inform you all of." She started, you could almost feel the forced cheerfulness and sarcasm dripping from each word she spoke, "You are all here for many reasons some to gain citizenship, others power, respect, training, the ability to change things or maybe even to discover more about who you are. No matter what your reason for attending you have been chosen as the select few to attend our high-class facility, those who have been deemed above their peers and will be trained to utilise your unique gifts to the best of their ability. We have only three rules at this school and they are as follows, one, no one is to be out of their dorms past eleven thirty on the dot. Two, anyone unable to keep up with our level of standards and expectations will be expelled without hesitation. Three, though combat and use of your powers is both encouraged and embraced around school grounds if anyone is to seriously injure our kill another student they will be sent to the head mistress and dealt with accordingly." She finished, adjusting her glasses with her pinky as they'd slipped down her face slightly during the course of her speech. 


"Now for a word from your student representative for this year, the one of you who scored highest in the written entrance exams. Would Ms Hitsomuri Tarakido please take the stage?….." She called out, scanning the area after glancing down at her tablet once again.


A rather average statured girl shoved her hand eagerly in the air before taking a few steps out of the crowd, her hair was as white as freshly fallen snow and fell down to her mid-back, her eyes were a light shade of crystal blue and carried the innocence of a small child. She wore a loosely fitted belt around her plain and slightly frilly dress with goggles hanging around her neck, a smug expression settling on her face as she took what she seemed to claim her rightful place with the microphone, you'd almost mistake her for a human if it weren't for the robotic joints of her fingers and metallic areas around her ears. "Hello all!~" She said with a bright smile, "So- um~…. I guess I'm your student whatever it is for this year? Please call me Hitsu-Chan! If you have any questions feel free to ask me…. Oh! And I hope we can all become really great friends!~" She finished up with a giggle, bowing to the crowd and subsequently hitting her head against the microphone stand, quickly placing the device back as she straightened up and held the spot on her forehead with one hand, a light blush covering her cheeks as an awkward smile creeped its way onto her face. However as she turned to leave the stage, even if just for a second a mischievous and malevolent smirk appeared and her ever so happy eyes turned instead to an intense and unforgiving glare, though as she walked back it had all but disappeared.


The woman from before took centre-stage once again with a small sigh, "Thank you, Ms Tarakido for that- unique, statement." She said before regaining her composure and moving on, "Now then, You were all handed a plastic card upon entering, this will be both your ID and your most important item whilst here, if it is to be lost it will not be replaced under any circumstances. If you turn it over you'll see both a dorm number and who your partner is, you'll be placed into classes according to your room number, once dismissed please head there imminently to unload you handheld belongs. Your baggage, if you had any, has already been transported there for you, classes will start at midday as today is a half day, please be sure to check your schedules on what you have first off. That is all- and the head misttress does hope you all have an 'interesting' experience here, Welcome to Helios academy students~ It's time for you all to evolve…. or die trying…." She said before turning to leave, giving a gesture of dismissal to the group.




@LaDyGrEy @Sgt Gomez @Lava @Nenma Takashi @Crimrose @Kira Times @Idea @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Shmivian @Blue Jay @Alstromeria @Infinite @Barred @Tafari12345 @NextGenRolePlayer @Jefferson @SleepyBuddha @shadowz1995 @Ender The Spider King @Battlesheep 

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Mira, a very normal human, was extremely confused as to why she wasn't in a very normal school and instead in a school for... strange people. The girl frowned a bit. She had wanted that highest score in the written entrance exams, but instead this cyborg type girl with an odd anime-girl feel took that from her. Typical robot people- always extremely good at something. Mira internally shrugged. She would just have to work harder to be smarter and better. The girl watched as the girl skipped off stage. And then the look. Oh, Mira saw that alright. She knew people very well, and she knew when people were being jerks and faking cuteness. Mira watched her, not dissembling her suspicious, then turn her head back to the woman. The substitute. She said a few words that seemed more important than what she said before Hitsomuri, something about IDs and classes and partners and whatever. Interesting experiences, classes starting midday... Every now and then this woman talked about powers. Evolving. Dying. Mira had no idea what any of those meant. After all, she was a very normal human. Her blue eye were like the sky, and they were filled deep thoughtfulness. Well, classes would be pretty interesting. Mira guessed she would just focus on her studies. After all, she was getting Bs in science. 

Julie was fired up. She had listened to the woman's every word, and was extremely ready to use her powers. Hitsomuri had gone on stage. Julie figured she was most certainly an Alternian due to her somewhat robotic parts. She certainly seemed oddly human compared to other Alternians. After some more words and skipping off the stage, the woman spoke once again. Julie listened to the woman, of course, but the words "Evolve... or die trying...." hit her the most. Julie wanted to evolve. She wanted to fight and become more powerful. 

"Alright!" Julie cheered, ready to get to her dorm. 

She looked around with shining magenta eyes to see if anyone wanted to share in her joy.
Dante, who was on his his back while listening to the whole announcement, looked up quickly when he heard the words "Evolve....or die trying" and thought quickly in his mind "Of course i will evolve I'm not rather fond of dying and besides their isn't anyone close to my power or strength here in the first place so I wont even have to worry about it" he thought egotistically in his head. He then got up and started to look around noticing a lot more Poctarians then he had expected, although, he didn't mind. There wasn't a race he truly hated with a dying passion. He grabbed out his I.D card and looked at the back of it noticing he was paired with some guy called Markov and he muttered to himself,"Hmm so this is an interesting name, I'm guessing its either a Human or Alterian.I guess it doesn't matter in the end." he then looked at the dorm room he was in and said"Dorm room number one? I guess these people really do know who the best of the best are, and that's me, right on top number one."
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Lennex wasn't sure if someone could feel more secure and threatened at the same time in any other place in existence. Helios Academy seemed to have that incredibly unique effect that made you feel like there was no other safer place in the world, yet it also felt like there was no escape from this place. It was subtle but old veterans like himself could feel that sort of thing in the air.

The Phoenix was seated just behind stand, along with the other teachers and with his 8 year old daughter in a chair besides him. The headmistress had allowed her to sit with her old man and Lennex was incredibly grateful for it. The boxer looked out amongst the crowd of fresh additions to the school and gave a silent sigh at the sight. As always, some of the students looked like far more trouble than they were worth. Particularly the supposed "Class Representative" who came and spoke to the student body....well.....sort of. If felt more like a basic introduction than an formal greeting but it didn't really phase the man. What bothered him was that he didn't need to see the smile as she turned on his direction and walked off the stage to rejoin Her classmates to know there was something off about that girl. He didn't know what but he was sure he would find out eventually. 

As the entrance ceremony came to a close, Lennex stood, as was custom to see the students off. It was a gesture more out of respect than anything else but it went widely unnoticed every year. It was a shame but understandable. The students were more preoccupied with trying to decide how they were going to personally handle everything than watching a few instructors stand out of respect. A couple of the students were being a bit overzealous and it drew a raised eyebrow from the teacher but it also put a small smile on his face. The smile which widened when he felt a small hand slip into his and grip it tightly. Lennex looked down to see his offspring staring up at him with wide, happy eyes. He couldn't count the amount of times he had gotten lost in those exact same eyes in the past, while his wife his was still alive. Alyx had the same eyes as her mother. It pained him and couldn't make him prouder to be her father as well. He also noticed that she barely brushed her hair this morning and it was sticking up in weird angles at some places. It was comical to see the waist length, raven black locks in a tangled mess and the dad couldn't help but laugh as he picked up his little girl and put her atop his broad, muscular shoulders. "Well, let's go get ready baby girl."


Alyxandra couldn't help but feel like she was about to bounce off the walls with how excited she was. It didn't matter how many times she had been here! Every single time it was breathtaking to see how many unique and special people came to learn and become big and strong in their own right. She kept sneaking glances at her dad to see how he was feeling about everything but she already knew what she was gonna see. Her dad's brow furrowed in thought as he looked out into the crowd, his gaze pausing every once in awhile on specific people. 

While the whole thing was exciting, Alyx could never stand all the talking and sitting down. She quickly became bored and stated playing with her knee length sapphire blue dress. It was one of her favorite dresses since it matched her pretty eyes. There were few things that Alyx was smug about but her eye color was one of them. Especially with her father constantly mentioning how gorgeous they were, it made the little girl cocky about it but her dad never reprimanded her for it like he normally did when she got that way. She could safely say that her dad felt she had every right to brag.

Things picked up a bit when the strange class president Came along and give her little piece. She seemed so energetic! After her very short shpeal was done, Alyx waved with enthusiasm as she walked off the stage. She was the only one who did so but so what? The lady looked like fun! 

After the students were dismissed, Alyx mimicked her father and stood as they all began to get up and leave. She never understood why papa did this but he seemed to like it when she did, so she did it. The young phoenix noticed the older one seemed to be troubled as he looked out onto the crowd and she didn't hesitate to slip her small hand into his big, rough ones. She had loved those hands that were so rough yet so gentle. When Lennex looked down at her, Alyxandra smiled in return and she saw the strange mix of love and pain that her father sometimes had when he looked at her for a little while. The little girl always wondered why he had that look on his face sometimes. 

"Well, let's go get ready baby girl."

She was now atop her father's shoulders and she felt like the Queen of the world up there! "Yes! Let's go daddy! We got lots of cool people to meet!"
Kiyoko and Kazuichi looked out at the academy Kazuichi held onto Kiyoko's hand to calm his nerves. Kiyoko meanwhile was bursting with confidence as she pointed to the school shouting. "Look out world here comes the Magnificent Kiyoko!" Kazuichi felt a bit calmer seeing Kiyoko being brave it gave him a bit of confidence himself. Kiyoko turned to him smiling. "Listen Kazu stay close to me since this place is huge." She began walking continuing to explain. Since it could be easy to get lost you have to stick close with me. We don't want you getting lost and me not being able to find you." She turned to see if he was listening but he wasn't because he wasn't even there. She began to look around worried. "Kazu!? Kazu!? Kazu!?" She called looking around meanwhile Kazuichi had stopped to watch the cherry blossoms fall when he snapped back to reality he saw Kiyoko was gone. "Kiyo? Kiyo? Kiyo?" He called looking around scared he quickly ran to hide behind one of the cherry blossom trees.

Kiyoko and Kazuichi looked out at the academy Kazuichi held onto Kiyoko's hand to calm his nerves. Kiyoko meanwhile was bursting with confidence as she pointed to the school shouting. "Look out world here comes the Magnificent Kiyoko!" Kazuichi felt a bit calmer seeing Kiyoko being brave it gave him a bit of confidence himself. Kiyoko turned to him smiling. "Listen Kazu stay close to me since this place is huge." She began walking continuing to explain. Since it could be easy to get lost you have to stick close with me. We don't want you getting lost and me not being able to find you." She turned to see if he was listening but he wasn't because he wasn't even there. She began to look around worried. "Kazu!? Kazu!? Kazu!?" She called looking around meanwhile Kazuichi had stopped to watch the cherry blossoms fall when he snapped back to reality he saw Kiyoko was gone. "Kiyo? Kiyo? Kiyo?" He called looking around scared he quickly ran to hide behind one of the cherry blossom trees.
"WOOOHOOO!" Nik sang as she giddily ran towards the courtyard, her hooves clopping against the pavement rapidly. She was on time, of course, and very excited. Her grin was ear to ear and her eye's wider than ever. her mess of pink hair blew every which way with the wind. She was forced to slow down when she filed into the courtyard with the rest of the students. How exciting! There were so many new and interesting people to meet here! She couldn't wait to meet them. Nik took her place in the crowd, pushing her way towards the front. A few of the humans stared at her odd appearance, but there were surely plenty odder around here. At the front of the yard stood a woman that looked a bit like a pale spider to her. She was tall and thin, and in her opinion kind of creepy. Nik didn't let that discourage her though. She stood patiently and listened to the woman as she began to speak. The introduction was extremely formal, but it did make her feel a rush of pride in having gotten into this school. The test had been hard. She was sure she'd be rejected once she'd finished taking it, but she must have just scraped by. Whatever happened, it was enough.

As the woman continued to speak her eyes drifted around to the others in the crowd. This was so cool! Everyone looked so unique! She wanted to talk to someone. Her mind was consumed with ideas for the future. What brought her back to the stage was the vice's parting words. "Evolve or die" Mik looked confused. Was a staff member supposed to say something like that? It sounded kind of threatening. For a moment she stared intently at the woman. She wanted so desperately to try and read her mind, but that would be rude and invasive. She only did that to people who agreed to it or in self defence! That was her rule. 

The woman left the stage and Mik looked down at the card she had mentioned in her hands. "Dorm number 2..." She said to herself, already excited to meet her new roomie. She'd never had a roomie before!!  "Amber Twisted Root?" She grinned. That sounded like the name of one of those plant people! Humans didn't have names like that! She moved through the crowds towards the direction all the girls were going. As she clip-clopped her way along the path to the school dorms her shoulder accidentally hit a girl with blonde hair who looked excited like her "Woah, hey there! Sorry!" She said with a giggle. What a pretty human! "You okay? How clumsy of me!" @Shmivian

o - o

Next to Mik had stood another female with flowers and creeping plants for hair. Melora was very nervous about this whole school thing. Her stupid brother wasn't next to her. She'd lost him in the crowd and that made her even more nervous. The speech came and went and then she she was left half unable to move. She looked down at the card in her hands and read her number. Oh gosh, I'm so nervous. "L-Lee??" She called out weakly, looking for that mess of black hair in the faces. "Boo!" Melora let out a screech as he jumped out behind her. She turned round and slapped him on the shoulder softly "Hey! Don't scare me!" He grinned "Don't be so easily scared then!" Lora pouted "E v o l v e or d i e" Lee then said in a creepy voice near her ear and burst into laughter at her worried face. "Go on, you should go bring your stuff to your dorm." Lora nodded and pulled him into a quick hug before scampering off. 

She walked towards Dorm seven giving herself a little pep talk as she went.
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Aston looks at the woman that's making the speech, yet he only listens to portions of it, he's actually looking at the students there."What an odd bunch"Ash whispered to himself while looking at his I.D. card. "Hmm apparently I'm in room 2 and with 2 more people, I mean 2 people is a partnership, but 3 is a crowd, but whatever. I can't be choosy it gives me a place to stay besides the streets." Ash looks up just in time to see a smoking hot beauty bang her head on the stand." Wow a place with weird aliens smoking, hot babes, and most of them have cool powers...seems likes my kind of place"Ash walks through through the the crowd to get to the front to see if anything else is gonna happen. When Ash is satisfied and everyone else is walking towards their dorms, he pulls out his lighter and says "Man i really hope I don't have to burn down another school." With that he walks to dorm 2 ready to make friend or enemies.
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Hitsu took her place within the crowd with a cheerful grin on her face, sliding in easily amongst the group and barely noticing a small wave that came from a young girl sat next to who she could presume to be the teachers, she stood on her tip-toes and waved back eagerly but was unsure wether the girl actually noticed through the group around her. She didn't pay much attention to what the woman was saying, her forehead still slightly pink and stinging from the head bash, she'd honestly hit her head pretty hard up there despite acting her best to play it off and was such much more concerned with that until the lady mentioned something about the card they'd received which she'd earlier slipped into her backpack placed on the ground at her feet. She quickly grabbed it out and flipped it over as instructed, "Dorm 1…. Crystal?~" She muttered quietly to herself with an inquisitive stare at the name, "I guess it's a human, how interesting!~" She giggled, though her voice was still kept at a whisper as the woman spoke.


She her innocent smile once again turned into a slight smirk at everyones expressions at the woman's parting words, she really did enjoy being able to study so many unique specimens all in one place~ This certainly was going to be a fun year. Her thoughts were soon brought back to reality as people began to depart from the area and her expression quickly shifted back into that of her prior, rather innocent smile as she skipped along with the rest of the people group, on close observation one might notice the girl wasn't actually wearing any shoes and yet the sound of the metal that covered the bottom of her feet clicked quietly against the ground as she went. The dorms weren't too far from where they'd been gathered, the boys and girls both being in the same 'zone' simply divided by a short gap between the two hotel-like buildings. She glanced around curiously, trying to work out who exactly was her roommate out of the group but couldn't pick up any leads in particular, it was then that a pink blur rushed past her and bumped against a blonde near the front of the walking group, apologising imediently and stating her own clumsiness despite Hitsu thinking it more than obvious to see, the girl seemed amusing, she'd be sure to keep an eye on her, this certainly did seem like it was going to be, in the head mistress own words, an 'interesting' year.

(Mentioned: @LaDyGrEy @Shmivian @Lava )

[SIZE= 14px]The arian 23 year old stood with his arms folded, feet slightly apart, a grim look on his face. His eyes were cold, his expression stoic. Of course, there was risk to attending this school, as there always was, the lady explained that. Marakov wished the headmaster would have shown up, that was the one person in the academy he absolutely needed to gauge. Some intel and info would have been nice. Oh well, there would be time to figure out a game plan on how to make it through the year later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]What Marakov did not like was that the student representitive was chosen by academic evaluation alone. He'd scored relatively well himself, but there was much more than just filling out bubbles on a piece of paper to become placed in a position of power. Once thing certain, this school was absolutely NOT a democracy. The strong would survive, and the weak would be expelled. Or worse. He had to figure out the system before the system figured out him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]After the lady dismissed them, Marakov snorted irritatedly. Accepting his ID, and promptly sticking it in his pocket, Marakov stepped away from the crowd of people. Not bothering to find a map, the younger man headed towards where he believed was the gym. [/SIZE]

It took a bit, but he found the training floor. Marakov was pleased to find copious amounts of exercise machines, weights, some punching bags, even a boxing ring within the vast, open gym. Marakov was the first there, in the lonely expanse of equiptment, as many other students were going to check out their new dorms. Time to get down to business.

Shrugging off his jacket, Marakov revealed a plain, white t-shirt under his blue outerwear. He was also wearing jeans, so while not the most aptly dressed for the occasion, he was comfortable. Picking up a bar, he placed copious amounts of weights on either side. Marakov lay down on the bench, placing his hands equidistant on each side of the bar. "Allrighty," he said to himself, "Can only go up from here."
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"Day hasn't even started and you're already hitting the weights? Can't say I dislike that." Lennex stated as he entered the gym and was going to prepare for the first class of the day. Combat Training. Lennex would take the physical while his partner would take the mental side of it all. The two made a damn near unstoppable duo that no one could deny. Plus, he was quite taken with Alyxandra. At least, Lennex liked to believe so.

The professor kneeled to let his daughter off of his shoulders and she quickly made her way over to her little private play area that she made herself. Phoenix cracked a grin before walking around the young man who had just started his workout and double checking all of the equipment. After being satisfied with the thorough inspection, he turned to the young man, "Class doesn't start for another half hour. But I don't mind you using this for personal effect. Just make sure to turn tail and run if anyone sees you here after hours. I'm pretty sure you heard the lady out there. Her damn voice is like nails on chalkboard so it's hard to ignore." Lennex then removed his leather jacket and laid it beside Alyx, who quickly grabbed it and wrapped herself in it. She liked the way it smelled for some odd reason. 

The near immortal gave a small hop which shot him several feet into the air. He tucked his legs in and oriented his body so when gravity took control, he was falling back to Earth head first. Just before he landed, he put his hands out and caught himself in a perfect handstand. The professor then began to do push ups in this position at a steady pace. He used his own heartbeat for the pace and as the heart increased to compensate for the need of energy in the muscles, so did the speed of his reptitions. Lennex was strong enough to box Titan sized opponents but even he needed to warm up his powerful before a good workout session. These new students may just prove to be a decent warm up for him. Especially the more dedicated ones, such as the young man on the bench press a few feet to his left.


[SIZE= 14px]The arian 23 year old stood with his arms folded, feet slightly apart, a grim look on his face. His eyes were cold, his expression stoic. Of course, there was risk to attending this school, as there always was, the lady explained that. Marakov wished the headmaster would have shown up, that was the one person in the academy he absolutely needed to gauge. Some intel and info would have been nice. Oh well, there would be time to figure out a game plan on how to make it through the year later.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]What Marakov did not like was that the student representitive was chosen by academic evaluation alone. He'd scored relatively well himself, but there was much more than just filling out bubbles on a piece of paper to become placed in a position of power. Once thing certain, this school was absolutely NOT a democracy. The strong would survive, and the weak would be expelled. Or worse. He had to figure out the system before the system figured out him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]After the lady dismissed them, Marakov snorted irritatedly. Accepting his ID, and promptly sticking it in his pocket, Marakov stepped away from the crowd of people. Not bothering to find a map, the younger man headed towards where he believed was the gym. [/SIZE]

It took a bit, but he found the training floor. Marakov was pleased to find copious amounts of exercise machines, weights, some punching bags, even a boxing ring within the vast, open gym. Marakov was the first there, in the lonely expanse of equiptment, as many other students were going to check out their new dorms. Time to get down to business.

Shrugging off his jacket, Marakov revealed a plain, white t-shirt under his blue outerwear. He was also wearing jeans, so while not the most aptly dressed for the occasion, he was comfortable. Picking up a bar, he placed copious amounts of weights on either side. Marakov lay down on the bench, placing his hands equidistant on each side of the bar. "Allrighty," he said to himself, "Can only go up from here."

(Sorry tagging is not working)
[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 255)][SIZE= 20px]MARAKOV[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Marakov raised an eyebrow as the teacher entered, but didn't stop his reps. The teacher warned him of others who weren't as lenient as him in the subject of using the equiptment, but the information was disreguarded. "What's the point of having resources that aren't being used?He asked, setting the bar down on the supports above his shoulders and sitting up. "She did mention we had to be in our dorms at 11:30. Heh, she never said we had to stay there." Marakov gave the teacher a slight smile. He didn't plan on disobeying the rules, but he didn't plan on lifting in the middle of the night either.  "Thank's for the heads up, though. Name's Marakov. You'll probably be seeing me here alot more than you'd like." [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]He delivered the last sentance with a confident smile.[/COLOR]

Marakov then noticed the little girl playing in her own little corner of the gym. She had entered along with the teacher assumably. Nodding his chin in her general direction, he picked up a dumbbell and working with it, adressing the teacher.  "That your kid? She a student here?" Marakov didn't think she was, but hey, you never know. Looks can be deceiving, and the sweet little girl could be a crazy ass fighter or something else entirely.

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Irina Kitora

Irina stood in the courtyard surrounded by a multitude of other students. If you could call all of them that- some of them looked like fiends straight out of her worst nightmare. She was not unused to the different races but remained awed by just how fantastical and different they all were. Her only issue were the obvious Argonians. She had known before coming here that she would likely encounter many members of the disgusting species. As long as none of her instructors were Argonian she could go on pleasantly ignoring them until she graduated. She could not help to feel a little out of place here. Everyone else had been born with their abilities and yet she was only here by chance. Still she would work hard to prove she belonged.


But perhaps even more amazing than the collection of students was the school itself. She had never seen a building quite this large and intricately designed. Whoever had initially built it had spared no expense and it's beauty was not lost on her. So far the place was doing well to meet her expectations, all that remained was to actually begin her education here. It seemed she would not have to wait too much longer as a rather stern looking woman approached the microphone and immediately commanded all of their attention. Irina listened carefully as the woman detailed the rules of the school finding there was nothing she immediately had problems. The rules were simple enough and having previously attended a similarly structured academy in the past, Irina wasn't worried at all. She was curious however about the headmistress who's "certain reasons" had kept her from attending the opening ceremony. She frowned at that as she had heard a lot about the woman in particular and would have liked to have seen her.


The red head on stage continued on, introducing the student who would be their student representative for the year. Irina could not help but to feel a bit disappointed. Obviously she likely was not the most intelligent student here but she was certain she should have scored above the girl that eagerly made her way onto the stage. She could faintly see some robotic qualities meaning the girl was likely Alterian. That would explain the level the of intelligence. "Hitsomuri Tarakido huh?" She murmured to herself, eyeing the girl with a judgmental stare. After her awkward and clumsy introduction Irina only felt more confident that she had definitely scored above this girl and the system was rigged. But still she had to admit that there was something endearing about the girl. Getting to know her might not be a bad idea, she wanted to see for herself what was so special about Hitsomuri. 

The ceremony continued on with the redhead instructing them to turn over the card they had received earlier. It seemed she would be in room number seven and her partner was named Melora. She hadn't counted on having a room mate and internally groaned at the thought. She'd never had to share with anyone before and was not looking forward to the experience but she had no choice in the matter. Following the sea of students, she made her way to the dormitories figuring it would probably be best to go ahead and get this part over with as quickly as possible. Plus she was itching to get her sword back in her possession. They had removed it from her at the entrance, promising it would be returned to her after the ceremony was over. She felt strangely naked without the blade strapped to her back and was eager to have it back.


Irina made her way to the female dormitories and upon seeing how large they were was immediately grateful for having a room with such a low number. She entered room number seven and found it empty except for two sets of luggage and furniture. A quick survey of the room found it rather well furnished. There were two of everything placed neatly on opposite sides of the room. She ended up choosing the bed by the window, opening the curtains and letting in some sunlight. There was a nice view of the sakura blossom trees in the courtyard from there and she couldn't help but to smile a little. It really was a beautiful campus.

Having decided on her half of the room, Irina set about moving all of her stuff over to one side. Her mother had of course overpacked so she had significantly more luggage than she knew she would need and dreaded the idea of unpacking it all. But true to their word, Demonsblade was set aside, the hilt glowing a faint blue as the magic pulsed within it. She picked up the sword, releasing a tense sigh she hadn't known she'd been holding. The sword was the very reason she was here and she hoped this place would help her achieve her ultimate goal.

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@Lava As Mira walked to the dorms, she pulled her card out and read it. Room 5, it said. Juliet had also pulled out her card and had read Room 6. 

"Room 5, eh? Next to my room." Juliet had read Mira's card and was beaming at her, waving her huge dragon claw.

Mira blinked and nodded, smiling warmly. She would never get used to seeing aliens, after all Mira used to like in a predominantly human neighborhood. She walked along when someone pushed her a bit. Letting out a little yelp, Mira stumbled a bit to the side. She looked around, confused, when a girl with pink hair and horns started apologizing. 

"No, no, you're fine!" Mira laughed. "We all have our clumsy moments."

Mira took a closer look at the alien. She had pink skin and lighter pink hair that seemed wild and crazy and went out in all directions. It looked sort of fluffy and reminded Mira of cotton candy. Her horns were actually deer antlers, and the alien had deer hooves instead of feet. Mira blinked, trying to take it all in.

Juliet had wandered her way through the crowd, weaving back and forth trying to find a person to talk to but at the same time being a bit too shy to introduce herself to anyone. So instead she skipped along happily, making sure her huge arm never hit anyone. She'd make a friend once she figured out who her roommate was.
Kozilek hadn't really been paying attention to the speech of the administrator as he was working his way into the young minds of the students. So as not to shell shock new students with his rather... unique appearance even among those of his species Kozilek had made it a habit to quickly prioritize changing how students see him, making him seem ,much like his fellow teacher and partner, human in appearance at least. It was a trifling matter for the Butcher of Truth to worm his way inside the minds of such young, malleable, minds. From what the Eldrazi could see just on the surface this was quite the interesting batch of students for the year. He especially looked forward to the student representative. He could tell she was going to keep the school year interesting.

After the speech had ended Kozilek went straight to his first class of the day, combat trading, which he shared with one Lennex. When he got there he wasn't that surprised to see that his fellow professor had gotten there before him, or even that he had brought his child with him again. No what surprised Kozilek was the fact that there was already a student in the Gym working out. He had figured that they would have all gone to the dorms to get situated but no here was one of them already. Kozilek walked up beside Lennex and asked telepathically, as he doesn't actually have a mouth, "There's already one here huh... How do you want to handle the class today? I'm thinking you introduce them to the physical side first and then I do the same for the mental. Then if we have time we can combine the two." Kozilek said as he gave a small wave to Alyx. He has of course never shown the child what he actually looks like however he doesn't bother hiding his features from the faculty. 

@shadowz1995 @Alstromeria
Spencer was seated in the front row, as usual. He was fond of being up close, knowledge was something he craved for and  being up front was the best way possible to achieve his goal. Spence listened to each and every word uttered by the administrator and even recorded it onto his brain drive for later usage. As the first assembly came to an end, he took this chance to scan the room, his eyes darted around as he noticed the various races that were present. Spencer knew it was rude to stare but he couldn't help it and zipped as quickly as he could through the crowd, taking snapshots of each of them which he'd use to find/locate them later, something he was sure was likely to occur. Seeing so many different specimens intrigued him and so made him eager to learn more about his various classmates. As he turned back to the stage, surprisingly enough, the administrator had finally finished her speech and so he was left to figure out what next to do.

Spencer sighed in relief, looking to his I.D. Card for a moment then to the documents given to him that he'd need for the school year. He was roomed with a boy who's name he couldn't pronounced, he supposed it was japanese and didn't want to disrespect the boy even if not in his presence. Dorm room number two in the male hall was the room his was given, he gave a short nod of approval as he read over the text. He stepped up from his seat, hauling his black duffle bag onto his shoulder, dragging the wheeled bag after himself as he exited the auditorium.

The halls were jampacked, leaving Spencer barely any room to move in as he walked. He'd finally arrive at his dorm room, pulling the key he was given in the document files out before sliding it into the keyhole. The key twisted before he pulled the door, oddly enough, he was first to arrive. Looking to the room, he noticed there was only a bunk bed, a mini fridge and some other things as well as desks and computers prepared for them. He smiled proudly as he placed his luggage on the top bunk, sighing before sitting on the couch set beside the bunk. A piece of metal grew out of his ears and covered the ear it came out of before forming a visor on his face. His vision was immediately tinted with pink as a picture of his mother appeared on the screen. "I've arrived safely, mother." He affirmed to his mom. "Beautiful, now remember dear, knowledge is everything." The female voice replied, he nodded. "You'll do good for your ma, 'kay?" Spencer rolled his eyes before chuckling for a moment. "Yes mom, not sure if my roomie's going to come in soon so.. err.." His mother replied frantically "So what?!" His eyes darted across the screen before he spoke. "Loveyoumom,gottagobye!" He sped talked as the screen blinked shut and the visors immediately returned to his brain.
Ash walked down the halls of the massive building, looking fairly impressed."Damn this place is room after room after room, it could be worse I never did like small spaces" he whispered to himself while admiring a particular painting." I wonder who my roomies are I know their names but not their faces...eh whatever"Ash walked down the corridor leading to the dorms, stopping ever so often to admire a painting or a statue or just to look into a room."Thing is it's a little too dark" Ash said for just wanting to pull out his lighter."Okay here it is dorm #2"

Felicia Bernard

As the students gathered, Felicia took it upon herself to get a general gist of what she'd be dealing with for the next couple of years. Colorful, but unfortunately, no insects. Of course, there may have already been here for a while, and thus wouldn't go through another initiation speech. Regardless, it was one less thing she could try out.

The introduction and information given out by some sort of representative of the Academy was simple and straightforward. While it was obvious that someone had woken up on the wrong side of bed today, all that mattered was that the information was given out, not whether she was happy about it. Felicia didn't feel particularly interested in the woman giving the speech as much as the reactions of the students around her. Most of them were murmuring to each other, before a girl took microphone from the woman.

The girl had a typical Happy-go-lucky vibe to her, and was apparently into befriending the entire Academy? Well, that's one distant goal... Which may never be achieved.  At least Felicia thought her own goal was much easier to achieve. The end of the ceremony wasn't taken as many others might have, considering evolution was pretty much Felicia's specialty.... Right? Either way, it was probably just fear mongering for the ones that were already unsure of their place here. Judging from the rules, death would likely be a rare case around Helios. 

Once the crowd was dismissed, it seemed like the quiet ones had immediately advanced, while the excited let hell break loose... Oh well. At least they had some trees around. Perhaps there were bugs in them? It'd at least be a place to start. Heading over to one of the trees, Felicia had retracted some of the "skin" on the left side of her face, and 4 flying insects resembling ichneumon wasps flew out of the hexagon shaped holes left over. The insects flew to various locations on the cherry blossom tree, and began their search on foot. Even Felicia questioned why they didn't just fly, but it was obvious that the best view of the tree was directly on the surface of it. At least, for finding the camouflaged creatures.

Felicia had taken a few more steps around the tree to search for gaps in between the bark, but she found nothing. Well, no holes that is. What she did find, was a young boy, appearing to be human, though it could've been a disguise. Either way, he seemed like he was in distress, calling out for someone by the name of Kiyo. He seemed to have stopped, but maybe he was just catching his breath for some reason. Regardless, it wouldn't hurt to ask what was going on.

"Is something the matter...?"  She asked, trying to stay monotone.Felicia knew something was up, but the words had already been spoken. Why did people ask that anyway? The holes in her face had closed, as she'd had people complain about them being open in the first place. 'Wait... Is this kid even old enough to be here? He's so small...'

@Nenma Takashi
Kiyoko was losing it she couldn't find Kazuichi as she had gotten sweeped up in the crowd entering the school and now didn't know where to even start looking. She scratched her head trying to think about where to look. She figured she'd cut her losses and just look everywhere till she found him running past people and pushing them out of the way. Earning a fair share of "Hey!" "Watch it!" and "Excuse you!" all she did was keep running every now and again she responded with. "Hey yourself commoner!" "You watch it!" and "Right back at you commoner!" She didn't care who was in her way she just knew that wherever he was Kazuichi was scared there was no doubt in her mind. To her credit she was completely right Kazuichi was hiding behind his tree shaking, when he heard a voice behind him. He turned seeing a girl he tripped backwards over a tree root covering his eyes. "Please don't eat me! I taste horrible honest!" He had heard other beings other than humans with talents where in this school, so he was scared this girl was a monster of some kind that ate people. Moving one of his fingers to look at the girl a bit he saw she seemed older than him and Kiyoko he figured she might be a teacher. "Um Ki-Kiyo I mean uh who are you." He was embarrassed he accident called her Kiyo, it was like a elementary schooler calling a teacher mom. 

@Crimrose @Anyone who wants to interact with Kiyoko
Zaryn wearily stepped through the human gates, they were huge and overwhelming, filling him up with a sense of...fear? Overwhelming desire? His brows furrowed as his red plant hair hung over one shoulder and his gaze scrutinised the scene before him. It was so heavily guarded. Threatening, it was as though they were captives the only hope even there for him was the reminder of the Army. Zaryn was so grateful for them, they saved him and got him into this school, got him noticed and...worthy?

Zaryn's hands twitched as he stood in the crowd, a twitch on his lips as his mouth curled upwards as the woman spoke. She was so crude, so fake...forceful. His gaze soon travelled to the conplete opposite...a girl, most likely of technological decent with a smile and clumsy attitude. Zaryn noticed she had a twinkle in her eye and was clearly good natured. 

Zaryn felt an arm of a random student brush against him and he instinctively pulled back, heading to the edges of the dispersing crowd and by the trees...sakura trees. "Is this place safe?" he whispered and was greeted with a subtle and soft ~yes...

Zaryn only just looked at his tag and scoffed. "Paired with someone other than of my kind...now how do I pronounce  this...Kaz-ooo-ichi?" he shrugged, running his fingers across the bark, feeling a soothing texture, something familiar.


Crystal walked confidently into her new surroundings. "Eyes up soldier, keep on smiling," her brother's words echoed in her swimming mind as her eyes scanned the large crowd, automatically developing into her talent as she focused in the guards. "All healthy...no early signs of cancer, tumours nor problems, hmm," she said to herself and to anyone around her, not caring what people thought of her. 

Crystal looked at the woman, a smile, then a small urge to solute, she seemed very militaristic and confident. How bizarre this academy was!? Evolve or die? Quaint.

The britsh girl turned off her vision and fumbled with her ID card. Oh great...paired with that girl on the stage, delightful she'd be known as the inferior roommate. With a small shrug and a smile, the girl weaved her way throughout the crowds, her eyes scanning methodically as they tried to find her new roomie.

There! Hurry up Crystal! She's heading away! Crystal's legs thumped loudly as her musuclar legs carried her along to the walking  group.  

"Hey! Hitso-chan? I think that's what you said, I'm Crystal, pleasure to room with you!" she smiled her British accent thick with kindness as she dangled her ID card.

Crystal then started to scan the girl, noting her Alteranian physiology and looking at her joints and mechanisms. Her human parts were healthy and she seemed mostly organic, the joints seem ok too.

The girl smiled.

@TheHappyPikachu @Nenma Takashi
Dante started walking in the halls and went to his dorm and unlocked the door. He sat all his stuff down by the bed and started thinking "Hmm i dont think i will have to bring my card with me since my dorm partner should have his,i guess  can leave it here then." He unzipped the suitcase and placed his card inside so that he wouldnt lose it and then started to look around the school. After about ten minutes he went to look for the work out room so he would train his powers while he is waiting for them to start the classes. After finding it he saw two people already inside and noticed there was a little girl running around aimlessly with joy and happiness.


Ash knocks on the dorm door hoping no one will be in there"Heelllllloooooooooooooooooo...anybody in there" Ash starts to walk away from the door on his way to the gym hoping no one is in there either."Gosh such an empty place but hey I kinda like it this way"Ash says as he enters the gym he sees some guys and a little girl."Well look what we have here some muscle heads and a little girl that's playing in the corner, sounds like fun"Ash murmurs just loud enough for them to here.
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Amber watched the introduction with interest. It was the first time she had ever seen such intricate and expensive architecture before. She was born into servant-hood and she thought she was going to die doing the same thing her parents would be doing. She takes a deep breath and watches the small orb-like spirits float around the group. The spirits of those that have passed always did love large groups. Maybe it reminds them of the life they used to have? If only I could hear their stories, she thinks and sighs. "Oh my sweet seedling, only a few more months until you will be in my arms," she chuckles and whispers down to her child. She was probably an odd sight to behold. A 'tree person', she had been called that before and did not take kindly to it, who was pregnant at a school where there was going to be a lot of fighting and maybe a death or two. Amber probably had the more mundane powers of the new students, but she had earned her way into the school fair and square. They were all equals and no one had to know of her past.

When the student representative walked up on stage, Amber stood up and began to walk towards the trees. She spotted another of her kind and gave him a soft smile. "It is such a beautiful day isn't it?" She says quietly. She could tell he was strong and knew how to fight. Maybe he could help me? She thought to herself. She sat down with her back against the tree. She could feel the flow of water underneath her and through the tree's trunk. It was always so soothing to hear water. Amber knew her powers were odd and out of place, but they were hers so she dealt with them. She looks up at the strong man. It was nice to see there were others of her race here as well. "Oh where are my manners!" She says loudly and stands up slowly. "My name is Amber Twisted Root..." She curtsies.

Dante turned around to see some other person in the room "Well im leaving no point in being here if every one is gonna be here i might as well come back later.You there whats your name anyway?" He asked pointing to the strange looking boy that just arrived. He started to walk to him and then stopped at the door

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Kiyoko was losing it she couldn't find Kazuichi as she had gotten sweeped up in the crowd entering the school and now didn't know where to even start looking. She scratched her head trying to think about where to look. She figured she'd cut her losses and just look everywhere till she found him running past people and pushing them out of the way. Earning a fair share of "Hey!" "Watch it!" and "Excuse you!" all she did was keep running every now and again she responded with. "Hey yourself commoner!" "You watch it!" and "Right back at you commoner!" She didn't care who was in her way she just knew that wherever he was Kazuichi was scared there was no doubt in her mind. To her credit she was completely right Kazuichi was hiding behind his tree shaking, when he heard a voice behind him. He turned seeing a girl he tripped backwards over a tree root covering his eyes. "Please don't eat me! I taste horrible honest!" He had heard other beings other than humans with talents where in this school, so he was scared this girl was a monster of some kind that ate people. Moving one of his fingers to look at the girl a bit he saw she seemed older than him and Kiyoko he figured she might be a teacher. "Um Ki-Kiyo I mean uh who are you." He was embarrassed he accident called her Kiyo, it was like a elementary schooler calling a teacher mom. 

@Crimrose @Anyone who wants to interact with Kiyoko

Felicia Bernard

Confused, Felicia knelt down where she was, the pouches and containers on her sides rattling and clinking. She figured that he had at least some brain to avoid putting his trust in appearance, and to an extent, it was a nice trait to have. Caution is step one to survival, at least in most cases. However, Felicia wasn't the creature the boy had assumed she was, based off of his plea. Perhaps she could get another reaction out of him?

"Yeah, I'll totally eat you. I'll even get the marrow out of the bones. Just kidding. I don't eat people, I eat what most people do... With the exception of your insects on occasion. You should really try cricket. Is Kiyo a verbal tick you have? Oh, I don't like my name. They said my name is Felicia... or something like that." It was almost obvious that she didn't like her name, but it might not have been when she mentioned eating the jittery child. "Do you really go here? Pretty young I'd say... It'd be kinda strange to see you in class... No offense to you. Actually, if you got in at this age, congrats."

@Nenma Takashi
"The name's Ash, and why leave the party just got here"he said while pointing to himself"The better question is who are you?" Ash thought this guy was okay maybe okay enough to be a friend?Ash walked towards the guy awaiting an answer, he put on a brave face but then ash saw the guy's eyes and faltered."Seriously who are you"

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