Ian MacManus, Cahalith Bone Shadow


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  • Ian MacManus, Cahalith Bone Shadow

    Ian grew up on a farm along with his family of two brothers, mother and father, and his grandmother. The pressure from his parents to partake in the farming work is probably what drove him to follow a different path, but in part it was because he was an idealist. He wanted to make the world a better place and to do that he pursued a career in education. It did not come easy, he had no gift in either being a tutor or his chosen field, but with hard work and sheer stubbornness he succeeded.

    He took a job teaching. Elated, he filled himself with pride and ideals of showing his students that the road to success was through hard work. These ideals were hollow, as Ian's heart was elsewhere. He felt that something was missing, and so he started drinking to feel better for sticking to a job that his heart was just not in. By that time, the dreams began. He dreamt his students dying or already dead, so vividly that he drank even more.

    One time, he drank too much. In an attempt to discredit their teacher, couple of students decided to seduce him and capture the whole thing on tape. Things went horribly wrong as Ian underwent his first change. He woke up, his clothes torn like the two bodies in his room. Ian freaked, then ran, then freaked some more. He knew what he had done, he could feel the taste in his mouth, but he could not comprehend how he had done it.

    The local pack weren't sure what to expect when they found him, but what they found was a man scared out of his mind. It took time to explain it, he refused to understand, but they promised to find him the help he needed. It was his guilt that made him find solace with the Bone Shadows' spiritual nature. He accepted their tutelage, and he finds fulfilment in helping others reach success through hard work. He motivates, and fights alongside his new family. His guilt will never go away, and dropping the bottle is a struggle, but he has fought his way to success before. It is time to do it again.

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