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Fantasy I Was Forceably Transferred To A Backwater Branch (Modern Fantasy)



Cuddly enby auntcle
In a nation called the Aelorian Communal Confederation, there exists a large company, a public-private corporation called the "Adventurer's Corporation" which employs "adventurers" in rather precarious contracts to deal with pests in urban and rural environments. Centuries ago, it started out as a run of the mill adventurer's guild, but has since become a soulless corporation. The public instance only ensures that the corporation cant just fire employees and charge customers extraordinary sums.

Plot: You work at the corporation, but you are a thorn in your managers side. Your manager comes one day to tell you that you have been transferred to the branch in the backwater nation of Frezhendara, a "peasants republic" that is almost on the other side of the globe. It is known as a developing nation and one of the poorest on the planet. You hear from colleagues that only delinquent employees and people who damaged corporation asssets, damaged it's reputation or did something illegal that the corporation wants to sweep under the rug, get sent to the Frezhendara branch.

Additionally, you hear that Frezhendara is the definition of backwater and backwards as it is said that corporation fighters and mages have to work like in the middle ages there because lack of modern technologies. The nation is said to lack any attainable valuable resources, making it uninteresting for outside nations and the few valuable resources are found in caves and dungeons brimming with impossible to defeat creatures, at least for modern adventurers and corporate wage slaves.

Frezhendara branch: A small Adventurer's Corporation branch in the peasant republic of Frezhendara. It is somehow not represented on any company maps or pamphlets. It is in a decrepid state and the most recent administrative team quit their jobs. The longest employed employees are locals doing the adventuring work. Communication between the branch office and adventurers are done by carrier hawks. Equipment is low quality and much of the office work is still done with parchment and ink quills. The living situation is precarious and the overall situation feels like the arcane middle ages. The locals may be friendly but they are relatively uncivilized for the employees arriving there. The branch is located in the town and capital of Sasansara.

According to past branch statistics, the branch has a low turnover and a very high death rate, not just for adventurers, but also for administrative tasks. Causes of deaths that are listed are food poisoning, suicide and death during field work, hinting that administrative staff has to go adventuring if there aren't enough adventurers to fulfill duties.

You are told that your job is to replace the administrative staff that quit, fix up the branch and do "community work" to which the description boils down to providing development aid to the local area with little to no resources given by the corporation itself. By now, you know that this transfer is a form of punishment, where you are expected to either quit or lose your sanity. But maybe you are determined enough to turn the place around into a good old classic adventurer's guild or maybe you will even just quit the corporation and make your own adventurer's guild.

The nation of Frezhendara: Considered the least wealthy nation in the world. It is a mostly agrarian society mostly ignored by other nations due to its lack of reachable resources. The most populous area are the lowlands with its fields and villages. The northern portion of the nation is mountainous and beyond the mountains is the northern ocean. In the lowlands, the climate is temperate. In the mountains it is continental, hot in the summer, very cold in the winter. The peasant republic is ruled by a council of village elders and mayors who meet every three months in the capital of Sasansara.

Magic: The magic in this world was originally chanted but centuries ago shifted towards wordless magic. Extensive knowledge of magic isn't as common as it was a few hundred years ago as in most nations people havent had the need to learn beyond basic magics due to the convenience of devices that fulfill the purposes of past magics. Only mages and wizards know a decent amount of magic nowadays. Most of them are salarymen employed by big companies. Magic types are elemental, blood, dark, light/healing, combat magic/buffs, summoning, spatial and illusion.

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