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Multiple Settings I want to play *your* story. [OCxOC]

hel sucks

π•žπ•’π•”π•™π•šπ•Ÿπ•– ! 𝕑𝕣𝕒π•ͺ 𝕗𝕠𝕣 π•žπ•– !
Roleplay Availability
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oh man writing an interest check is always so daunting for what is essentially no reason. lemme get into it.

what i'm looking for
a person with a pre-existing starter, who would be happy to basically dm a 1x1 game, keeping me in the dark about the underlying plot
if you have a starter prompt, or a fleshed out world populated by your ocs – something that i can just drop my characters into so they can respond to and react to the world you have created, going in with no expectations regarding tropes that will play out, that's exactly what i'm looking for.

that is not to say that i will leave all the heavy lifting to you. i'm more than happy to plan things out together, and i adore worldbuilding (i'm working on my degree in linguistics right now, so conlangs are my forte). i simply want for the plot to be largely unknown to me.

about the roleplay
i'll play any genre. no preferences there.
as for romance, my approach to it is 'if it happens it happens'. i love a good romance plot but it needs to be organic.
i'll play any pairing but my preference is mxf > mxm > fxf in that order.

any fully original setting, or anything inspired by the universes of mlp, warriors, danganronpa, su– as long as no canon chars are involved in a major role.

also, i have a huge soft spot for settings which lock the characters up in an enclosed space.
prison, work camp, boarding school, spaceship, horror maze a la the cube, desert island, golden-cage type setting where they're 'technically not imprisoned', giant scp ikea, giant apartment building you inexplicably can't leave, you name it. i just adore closed spaces in rp, but it's not a requirement.

i have no preference regarding playing either gender, although most of my characters happen to be female or female-adjacent.
ocxoc only.
doubling up (more like tripling quadrupling up) is a given for me, unless the setting will be an extremely small space. i expect us to play an ensemble cast.
i'm happy to play any kind of character – human, alien, supernatural, feral or anthropomorphic animals, freaking little ponies. etc.
i write quite a bit of alien species and they tend to be very, very divorced from anything humanlike – i'd love to get to play some of my weirder characters if you were fine with that.

i draw all of my own oc sheets. if you're not an artist, use a picrew, but for the love of god do NOT come at me with the face of a random woman from pinterest, i will lose interest IMMEDIATELY.

writing style:
i have no writing length requirements. obviously every scene will need a different post length. i'm fine with one liners if the scene is fast paced. all i ask is that you put in effort.

i tend to mirror style and length though my default writing style is pretty dry (i hate purple prose). apologies if that is a dealbreaker.

i write third person, present tense. i can try writing past tense if it makes a big difference to you, but i also don't mind if we don't match.

i'd like to consider myself pretty literate, but english is not my first language and i type from phone most of the time – so some typos and minor language errors will come up now and again. when it comes to language errors, i will be as lenient with my partner as i expect them to be with me.

partner requirements & ooc stuff:
i'm 22 so i would prefer to only play with people who are 18+.
i can respond several times a day. like, over a hundred times in a day – but i don't expect you to keep up the same pace. i'm also ghost friendly, though a heads up would be nice if you can.

i prefer discord for ooc and rpn dms for the story. i will not do forums.

i have one major trigger that is a complete no-go for me in stories and that is pr*gnancy themes, and i mean it in the widest possible sense. pr*gnancy plots are off limits, and any mention of female mammalian fertility, even off-handed, i will need an ooc heads up for. other than that, everything goes, no matter how disturbing – so long as it does not violate site rules. attention check! if you've read all of this please start your message with telling me your zodiac sign.

i'm extremely detail-oriented when it comes to story writing. especially if we worldbuild, i will be happy to play secretary and singlehandedly manage a giant google doc of everything we came up with.

i'm really chatty ooc and i'd love to make friends but i will preface this by saying i have a bit of a thing where i tend to come across as more hostile than i mean to, so please don't let that intimidate you.

i also dish out insane amounts of art of my characters and if i get invested, i'm happy to do so for yours as well. i'd like to think the art is pretty high quality (feel free to ask for samples), i also animate. i'm more than happy to drown you in free art of your ocs in return for allowing me to play in your world.

about the me

my name is hel, i'm a 22 y/o female specimen.
i'm from poland originally and i live in the netherlands now (so CET timezone– but my sleep schedule is dismal. i tend to go to bed around 5am and wake up around 2pm, so keep that in mind i guess).

i speak polish, english, french (would maybe be fun to find a francophone partner so i could practice chatting french ooc! just a thought lol)

i work near full time and im working on completing my degree in linguistics right now.

worldbuilding and conlangs are my main hobby. i also make art. rest assured i also have other cringe interests you can find out in due time.


i think that about covers it idk. hit me up in dms if this did anything for you.
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Hey there, I read through your whole post. I kinda feel bad that nobody has responded so I hope someone does.
I would RP with you but I'm under the age of 18, so I thought that would be a no go and it was confirmed as soon as I read that part under partner requirements.

Either way, I hope you find what you're looking for!
Hey there, I read through your whole post. I kinda feel bad that nobody has responded so I hope someone does.
I would RP with you but I'm under the age of 18, so I thought that would be a no go and it was confirmed as soon as I read that part under partner requirements.

Either way, I hope you find what you're looking for!
no worries, i've got plenty of responses in DMs haha. thanks for the interest anyway!
I am glad this was bumped where I would see it. I'm happy to see someone would want to see what I would have created that they can roleplay in with a character and learn more about it as they go. This really interests me as that is just how I like to write, with the bonus of having someone to interact with in it. So far I have just tried working with others' ideas, which is alright if I could just introduce things that will happen too.

The light print on lighter background is not the easiest for reading, I found.
I am glad this was bumped where I would see it. I'm happy to see someone would want to see what I would have created that they can roleplay in with a character and learn more about it as they go. This really interests me as that is just how I like to write, with the bonus of having someone to interact with in it. So far I have just tried working with others' ideas, which is alright if I could just introduce things that will happen too.

The light print on lighter background is not the easiest for reading, I found.
sorry, i'm a dark mode user so it never occurs to me lol. if you wanna pitch your prompt to me you can dm me ^-^
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You seem like a cool person to know. I'm a 24-year-old female from the USA so time zones might be a bit wacky but I am a second shift worker from 2 pm to 10 pm Central time (I think that's 9 pm to 5 am your time, but I can try my best to make it work though my job is strict so I can't check my phone often and I once in a while work 7 days but typically Monday through Friday. I can let you know what Saturdays and Sundays I work). Though I have a lot more female characters than male so I don't know if that would bother you or not. I do have a fantasy world I've been working on over the years if that's to your taste. Still slowly working on how the languages work though.
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I have been away trying to get stuff I had going to be continuing, not so successfully. I will message you if you are available now, I can have some good suggestions and maybe something from those can be really appealing.
My characters that come to my mind are mostly ones I have roleplayed for others' roleplay settings that they didn't continue with, though I know I have much more to do with them. The worlds might not have been the same in those settings, but I make worlds and do so for characters too, where I might put them together to work on what they were motivated for previously. You might be interested, and can suggest your own character, when I give you a pitch. But you can suggest things too.

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