I thought it was a mistake, But it's my life now <3 -Actual RP-

"Dairy Queen" she says and laughs, Carter grabs her phone and decides to text her sister *hey sis! I'm not at school today, just thought you should know. :) * she quickly send it and snuggled up to Chad again.

@Lori Williams @ForgottenBlood
"Let's go." She said, smiling. She drove out of the school gates and drove over to Dairy Queen. when they got there she carefully parked and got out. "Come on guys," She said, opening the door for her daughter.
Cat grabs Chad hand and leads him into Dairy Queen and looks at menu "Mom can I have a cheeseburger with bacon, pickles, ketchup and mustard please?" She asked and smiles with tugging on his arm "What'cha want?" She says 
@Lori Williams. And @ForgottenBlood (when your not busy :) ))

Chad looked at Catt"This is why i call you Kitty.You eat like one."he said then laughed.He looked down at the menu"Just a mint and oreo milkshake m'am."he said with a smile and put his arm around Catt then kissed her cheek.He laid his head on her shoulder and looked at the other people around in the shop."I didn't even know they sold anything other than ice cream related things."he said to Catt.
Michelle smiled at them and ordered their food. She got the tray and sat at a table, giving it to Cat and Chad.

(@october_rain Cat just sent you a text saying that she's leaving school because she's feeling sick and she, Chad, and Michelle (your mom) are at Dairy Queen right now eating because Cat felt hungry. Hope this helps!)
Cat smiles and then laughs "I do love to eat!" She says and giggles then kisses his cheek, Cat walked to the table with Chad and grabs her phone. And starts to play subway suffers and sat back in her chair.

@Lori Williams. And @ForgttenBlood

Thanks Lori!! :)
(c: No problem!)

Michelle ate a scoop of her ice cream and looked at Cat and Chad. She didn't know what to say so she just blurted something random out. "How are you feeling dear?" She asked Cat.
"I 'm feeling better now.. but my stomach still hurts " she says with a weak smile and toke a bite of her cheeseburger. Carter pulls her bright red hair into a messy bun and applies some Eco lip balm and takes another bite. 
@Lori Williams
Michelle managed a smile but still felt worried about her. She searched inside her bag and found some pills to stop the pain. "Here honey. Take two, but with plain water." She said, handing Carter the packet of medicine.
Carter nodded and smiled " Thanks mom" she says and puts the pills in her purse, Cat looks up at Chad and smiles before taking another bite of her chesseburger. Cat looke down at her food and stared into space. Thinking about the possblities.. -I'm i.. pregnant.. that cant be.. i mean yea we did..it, But could i..??.. i dont want my mom to find out..- Cat thinks in her head. She runs a hand through her red hair and sighs, laying her head on Chad shoulder and smiles, But frowns. What is Chad gonna say?or think?. Carter sighs "Mom i need some fun..i'm vored and there is nothing to do and im putting doubt on my self" sh etrail soff her sentence andtears well up in her eyes. 
@Lori Williams @ForgottenBlood
Michelle tried to smile at her daughter. "So, what are you up for?" She asked, putting one hand on Carter's. Michelle took out her phone to see a text from Christopher (the dad). "I heard that Carter's having some stomach issues. If you really need to take her to the hospital." Michelle slowly read it and looked up at her. "Cat, honey, dad suggested we go to the hospital. What's your call?" She asked, putting her phone back in her bag.
(( Hey Guys! This is Nicole's friend. She asked me to tell you that she apologizes for not being online. Nicole has an infection in her mouth, which is causing her face to swell and a lot of pain. She is on a couple medications that make her tired as well, and she tried going on the computer but it was giving her headaches. Once she is feeling better, Nicole will be on and as good as new! Thanks for understanding. She loves you all. <3 ))
Haru watched the couple leave with a roll of his eyes. Why did Chad always feel the need to be stuck up her a**? He turned and headed to class completely unexcited for the day ahead. By the time second period ended he was debating on asking someone if they wanted to skip school with him, because sitting around at home was not as much fun as it seemed when you were on your own. He pulled out his phone texting Catt and Austin.

To Catt: You feeling better? I can't believe you made me come to school just in time for you to leave, you suck. If I didn't love you, I swear. > :P

To Austin: I'm boooored! Uuuugh D:D:D:

(@ForgottenBlood @Nyankitty!:3 )
Cat sighed "I guess should go to the hospital.. " she trailed off her sentence and frowned " I don't know..mom " she toke another bite of her chesseburger and looked Down at her phone as she got a text from Haru *Haha.. I'm sorry.. please do forgive me.. :) you suck to! Love yah! * she text and then looks down. 
@ForgottenBlood @Lori Williams @Ricki/Todd
Michelle sighed. "We better get to it. The hospital at night gives me bad memories." She said, getting up. "Chad, honey, if you wanna go home feel free." She told him, checking the time.\

[QUOTE="Ricki/Todd]Haru watched the couple leave with a roll of his eyes. Why did Chad always feel the need to be stuck up her a**? He turned and headed to class completely unexcited for the day ahead. By the time second period ended he was debating on asking someone if they wanted to skip school with him, because sitting around at home was not as much fun as it seemed when you were on your own. He pulled out his phone texting Catt and Austin.
To Catt: You feeling better? I can't believe you made me come to school just in time for you to leave, you suck. If I didn't love you, I swear. > :P

To Austin: I'm boooored! Uuuugh D:D:D:

(@ForgottenBlood @Nyankitty!:3 )


Austin was at cheer leading practice when his phone rang.He took a gulp of his water from the water bottle then looked at his phone.He smiled when he saw that it was Haru"Well babe i don't know what you want me to do.Couch is already on my a** because i was late so she's making me practice harder.I'll talk to you later though =^-^= Love you hun<3"Austin texted and hit send then put his phone up."Come on Aj!I didn't put you on the team to be on the sidelines all day."the couch said.Austin sighed and sat his bottle down then jogged back onto the field with the other males and females.


"Well."he turned to Catt"Babe do you want me to go with you?I have no problem going with you at all."he added and did a half smile.He drank some more of his drink then got up and threw his trash away and stood up by Catt"I can go with only if Catt wants me to.If she doesn't then i won't go."he said.He looked to Catt again and smiled

(Going to church c: You'll know when i'm back down in my Sigurature [At the top in purple.When it says Forgo Is Here..than i'm back c:])
Carter sighs and grabs her purse "Ok mom." She bags her stuff up and throws her trash in the trash can, " Are you coming Chad?" She says with a smile and adjusts her bag on her shoulder " I would.love for you come babe" cat says and walks to the car and sits in the back laying down, and closing.my eyes " Mom, just tell me when we are there" she says and plugs her earbuds in listening to sleeping with the sirens 
@ForgottenBlood @Lori Williams
Michelle got in the car and looked at Carter, worried. These weren't good signs and as a mom, she definitely SHOULD be worried. It took about 30 minutes, but they soon arrived at the hospital. "Honey we're here." She said. When Catt didn't wake up she bit her lip and looked up at Chad. "Could you wake her up for me?" She asked, getting out of the car.

@Nyankitty!:3 @ForgottenBlood

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