I thought it was a mistake, But it's my life now <3 -Actual RP-

Cat reached for her phone and saw if was from Haru. She quickly texted him back* Cool.. :) get her you are always late when you are with your boyfriend ;) * she texts and lays her phone down, Before. Laying her head down and waiting for Chad -Where is he anyway..- she sighs and closes her eyes.
Michelle saw her daughter walk away and when she was sure that she was gone, she drove back home. She did the dishes and started cleaning up the girls' rooms, afterwards running some errands.
(I know ;.; I'm so torn. How about... you hurry up with both! Then I don't need to be torn?! :D )
Haha!! I have a question! When should we find out about the baby???? :) )) and reply when you can!!!! 
Cat grabbed her phone and decided to text. Her mom *Hey.. mom I dint feel really good.. :( ( Can you pick me up? Please.. I love you* she pit her phone down and decided to walk to class and ask the teacher too go to the nurse " Can I go to the nurse?" She asked Mr. Anderson.
(Sorry, I didn't get the notification!)

Michelle was at the bank depositing some money when she got a message from her daughter. She frowned and got into her car. Seeing her daughter sick was the worst for a mom. It took about 30 minutes, but she arrived at the school. She sat in her car and sent Cat a message. '
Honey, I'm out in the parking lot. Should i go get you?' She pressed send and got out of her car, walking towards the school building.
Cat reached the nurse and got text from her mom *Yea, I'm on the nurses office :) and can we get something to eat on the way? I'm starving * she quickly sends it as she she sits down and the nurse ask her a question "What's wrong dear?" "I'm not feeling well, my stomach hurts and I threw up two times " she feels my forehead and writes me a sick note to go home, "takes this to the office and you can go home" she says with a warm smile. Carter grabs her stuff and walks to class grabing her other stuff showing the note and the teacher dismissing her to the office. 
@October rain. Hey sis you wanna talk to me?
[QUOTE="Ricki/Todd](Sorry was cleaning and stuff, I'm out of clean clothes and I have to find all of my socks xD )
"You're not bad. You're just not as good as your ego thinks you are." The Asian chuckled as he gave up on the food, because the toothpaste was ruining it. "Is that a racial slur?!" He asked with an over dramatic, playful gasp. He picked up the toast and shoved it between his teeth as he dashed out of the room, to pull his things together.

He grabbed his backpack and headed for the door. As he slipped on his shoes, he reached into his pocket, and realized his phone was still on his bed. Putting his backpack by the door he ran back to his room again, and grabbed his phone from the bed, his keys from on top of his dresser, his laptop from on his desk and his gum from his dirty pants from last night.

Shoving the gum in his pocket, and his keys in the other pocket, he moved the laptop to one hand, replying to Cat's text with the other. Yeah, yeah. I'm walking out the door now. Pushing send, he stepped outside locking the bottom lock, got half way down the walk way and realized that he left his backpack inside.

Turning back around he went back to the door put his phone in his pocket, pulled out his keys, unlocked the door, grabbed his back, locked the door again, and finally made his way back down the walk way, sufficiently killing the idea where they would get to school with at least enough time for the end of first period. He stuck the laptop into his book bag and climbed onto the motorcycle behind Austin. "Don't lose my hat. I'll kill you." He warned playfully.


Austin waited for Haru to come out which to four hours in his mind.He pulled out his phone again and played a g me while waiting for him to come.Once he did Austin put away his phone and smirked at the comment"Like you lost my Domo hat last year?Don't worry I won't."he said. "Besides I look better in it."he said and giggled then drove the both of them to school.He turned into the parking lot and parked the bike then grabbed the keys out of it and got off."Well come on."he said to his boyfriend and held out his hand to him.

(@Ricki/Todd )

(Idk how to reply to chad soo...yeah)
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The bell had rung and Chad,with pleasure,jumped up and stormed out of the door.He looked around for Catt and couldn't find her anywhere through the crowd of people.
Hmm....maybe she went to the nurse..Chad thought and walked to the nurses office."Excuse me m'am...?Have you seen a girl named Carter?"he asked."Yes she was just in here.I sent her to the office."the nurse said.Chad nodded and walked out of the nurses office then up to the front.Chad walked into the office and saw Catt"Hey Kitty.What's wrong babe?"he asked and kissed her softly on the lips.The principle came in and looked at Chad"What did you do this time Chad?"she asked."Nothing m'am.Just here for my girlfriend..."he explained.

(Sorry it took so long...)
Cat looked up and saw Chad l she smiled as he kissed her lips softly " Yea.. my stomach.. I thinks it's the time if mounth again.." she trails off her sentence and looks Down " My mom is supposed to pick me up.. Soo you can see me after school or at lunch " she smiled and sat back down. 
@)?? :)
"That was your own fault, and you know it." Haru reminded the other before they left for school. When they finally did arrive second period was already starting. Hopping off the bike Haru took the other's hand and lead the way through the front doors, where unfortunately the principal was watching the stragglers make their way to their classes.

"Haru. I really wish you would stop causing my other students to be as late as you are." Mrs. Stited spoke raising a hand to her forehead to rub her temples. "And please stop leaving your car in the parking lot overnight. I'm going to have it towed if you do it again."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll take it home tonight." He smiled at the older woman and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss, releasing Austin's hand. "I'll see you at lunch." He smiled and turned to head to his own class, stopping to tap on the glass window in front of the office. He went to the door and opened it, "Hey, what's up?" He asked, choosing to ignore Chad's existence for the current moment, unless the prick had gotten her in trouble.

(@Nyankitty!:3 and @ForgottenBlood )
[QUOTE="Nyankitty!:3]Cat looked up and saw Chad l she smiled as he kissed her lips softly " Yea.. my stomach.. I thinks it's the time if mounth again.." she trails off her sentence and looks Down " My mom is supposed to pick me up.. Soo you can see me after school or at lunch " she smiled and sat back down. 
@)?? :)

[QUOTE="Ricki/Todd]"That was your own fault, and you know it." Haru reminded the other before they left for school. When they finally did arrive second period was already starting. Hopping off the bike Haru took the other's hand and lead the way through the front doors, where unfortunately the principal was watching the stragglers make their way to their classes.
"Haru. I really wish you would stop causing my other students to be as late as you are." Mrs. Stited spoke raising a hand to her forehead to rub her temples. "And please stop leaving your car in the parking lot overnight. I'm going to have it towed if you do it again."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll take it home tonight." He smiled at the older woman and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss, releasing Austin's hand. "I'll see you at lunch." He smiled and turned to head to his own class, stopping to tap on the glass window in front of the office. He went to the door and opened it, "Hey, what's up?" He asked, choosing to ignore Chad's existence for the current moment, unless the prick had gotten her in trouble.

(@Nyankitty!:3 and @ForgottenBlood )


Chad looked at Catt"Well then.Didn't need to know that but,i'm glad it's not severe or anything like that."he said."aww can't i go with you?"he asked with a pouty face then quickly wiped it off and made a unpleasing face at Haru"Well well well look what the cat dragged in."he said."Have fun with your boyfriend yesterday?Heard you did an all nighter.."he said and laughed.


Austin followed Haru inside the school but,then they were stopped by the principle.He blinked at her but,didn't say anything and just decided to let the two of them talk.Austin smiled at Haru"Alright babe.See ya.."he said and watched him walk away to the office.Austin looked at the principle"And as for you Austin.I expect more from one of our cheerleaders."she said.Austin nodded"Sorry m'am..it won't happen again.."he said.He skipped pass her and walked to his locker then put a few things inside.He went to his second period,which was gym,and sat down on the bleachers.

Michelle got the text from her daughter and walked over to the nurse's office. Surprisingly, she wasn't there, so she walked over to the office and found her. "Honey, what's wrong?" Michelle asked, worried.
Cat smiled when he wanted to go with her " Why?, why do you wanna go with me?" she teased and looked up at haru and her mom "Hey Haru.. I 'm sick so my moms here to pick me up" she said with a smile and motion to her mom standing in the doorway "Mommy.. Can Chad go with me?" she asked and went up to her mom and gave her a hug. "I think it's that time of month again" she said and grabbed her purse and waited for her moms approval.

Mentions @ForgottenBlood @Ricki/Todd @Lori Williams (I'm using my sis account cuz, mine won't work :) )
Cat smiled and got in the backseat with Chad snuggled next to his warm body and smiled "Mom? Can we go some where to eat? " she ask with a smile and waited for mom to answer.

@ForgottenBlood @Lori Williams

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