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i think sick like ginger ale [salem & alex]


New Member
Salem had forsaken his usually relaxed demeanor in an attempt to finish his closing tasks swiftly and efficiently. He had plans for the evening - plans that wouldn't wait for the lazy, investigative method he used to reshelf the returned books in the library. He filed the last of the daily paperwork swiftly, but efficiently, before finally gathering his own belongings, fully intent on intercepting Alex outside the Historical center.

He'd met Alexandra Norwood two summers ago when they were both hired at the local Historical center. They shared an interest in history, and Salem appreciated her curiosity. They became quick friends the first summer they worked together, and their list of nightly adventures was quickly becoming too long to count. They got along... well. Well enough that he was chomping at the bit to include her in his plans for the night.

Despite the late summer heat, the sun had set and a light breeze prompted Salem to tug his signature black hoodie on. Despite his complexion and aversion to the sun, the blonde was well accustomed to the heat of southern California. But his sister was in Vermont, and so was Alex. In Salem's book, the pros outweighed the cons.

Once outside, Salem took silent inventory of the supplies he'd brought with him that afternoon. Camera, notebook, spare battery, memory card, flashlight, cigarettes and a lighter, all tucked neatly into his messenger bag and slung over his shoulder. He went for the cigarettes and light first, lighting one up and placing it between his lips while he readjusted. Now, I wait he thought, content with his timing and preparation. Taking a seat on the planter wall just outside the Historical Center, he nursed his cigarette and waited.

When the door opened at last, Salem quickly discarded the remains of his cigarette and jumped up. Falling into step before the brunette, he offered a smooth grin. "I have a proposition for you, Miss Alexandra." the blonde started, bowing dramatically before the girl. Gently, he took Alex's hand, tugging her into step with him as they started down the sidewalk. "What do you say to an evening poking around the long since abandoned tunnel system in the park? 'Cause your boy found an entrance that wasn't blocked off last night, but knows better than to investigate condemned architecture alone."
She had taken the job mostly to be able to spend time drooling over historical artifacts or just sit and read in peace since the museum wasn't the most popular thing in town. Oh, she loved history and was a nut for 'Time Team' and the job at the museum was a dream job really, but still. The last half hour of work always seemed to go too slowly. Hell, sometimes she swore that it went backwards instead of forwards. It just never seemed to pass no matter what she did to keep busy.

She glared at the clock, pointing threateningly at it. "I swear you're doing this to make fun of me!"

The clock simply ticked on.

"Just you wait until I get a ladder and get over there with a hammer, mister! You won't be mocking me then!"

The hand moving in tiny increments.

"That's right! Fear my totally awesome ninja skills! Move!"

Luckily there were no customers around right then otherwise she would have garnered some really weird looks.

"Please! Just please move a little bit more! Have mercy on my soul, dammit!"

And then finally the clock had mercy on her and the hand moved to the correct position. Alex let out a whoop, grabbed her bag and rushed out as if the hounds of hell were on her heels. She almost fell down the stairs in her hurry to get out, and if Salem hadn't stepped up and grabbed her hand Alex would have rushed right past him and off down the street.

"Huh?! Wait, what?!" she automatically followed him and not only because he still held her hand captive. "Well, my boy should then also know that going in unprepared is a bad idea. Has my boy also tried to find any information on said tunnels? Or perhaps even a map? A golden ball of string to magically lead us to the exit in case of an emergency would be preferred, too."

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