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I Refuse to Let You Die, It Goes Against My Better Interests.

(ummm.... Just go along with me.)

Cain walked back over to where they were and stopped, blinking in surprise. "Why does she have a fire baby?"

Ashryn clammed up, clutching Igni to her chest
"She accidentally created a new species, and she really doesnt want to abandon it. It is just a little baby" She said. "She knows how to care for it and such"
"Please Mr. Cain," Ashryn said passionately. "I can take care of it. All it eats is wood, and I can enchant everything in the camp so it won't catch fire. Please don't make me abandon it."

Cain raised an eyebrow at Dolorosa. This was the most Ashryn had said to him ever
"It'd be a huge dick move if you forced her to leave it, just saying. Do you want to be the one to crush a child's dreams? Or at least deny her this?" She thought Igni would be good for Ashryn. Igni crackled in her arms, looking at Cain as if he was waiting for an answer.
Cain let out a huge dramatic sigh. ".. Alright. But if the little thing hurts anyone, it has to go."

Ashryn ran foward and hugged him with the arm that wasn't holding the baby. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Cain looked shocked. Within the span of twenty four hours this girl has done a one eighty.
Dolorosa smiled at Ashryn hugging Cain. When they first met her she was untrusting, she probably still is, and would hardly talk. Now she has hugged Cain and even has a fire kid to take care of.
Ashryn nestled Igni back in the smoldering embers of the campfire with some wood for him to eat, and grabbed one of the pyromancy books so she could start on fire proofing everything.
"Did something good there, Cain" Dolorosa said, watchin her. "This is going to help her in more ways than one"
"I was serious about the last part though," Cain said firmly. "I don't care how old that thing is, if it hurts anyone, it has to go."
"Well people should have good sense to stay away from it if they dont have some kind of enchantment. Now if you'll excuse me" She walked back over to Ashryn and picked her up and headed back to her tent.
(time skip!)

It was several hours later and Ashryn still slept.

"We need to move," Cain told the others. "Wake her up."
"Better" She walked over to Ashryn and knelt down. She started to lightly shake her, "Ashryn, wake up" She said. Igni brightened up and he whined.

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